Multimedia Vocabulary
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aurum gold oriole loriot aureole aureate auriferous aurora borealis
ciere to set in motion cite citation excite incite recite recital resuscitate solicit
curare to take care of (to heal) cure curable curative curator curious accurate procure procurator secure insurance
emere to take, especially in exchange for money exempt peremptory preempt prompt impromptu redemption redeem sampler exemplar exemplify
frangere to break fraction fracture fragile fragment fragmentation diffraction infringe refraction suffrage
hemo, hema pertaining to the blood hemorrhage hematoma anemia hemophilia septicemia hematherm hemorrhoids
labor work; effort; toil labor laboratory laborious belabor collaborate elaborate
luere to loose; to detach; to set free loose lose solution absolution dissolution resolution soluble insolvent
mirari to wonder; to wonder at miracle miraculous mirage mirror admire marvel smile
numerus a number nimble nim numb benumb numismatic nemesis number numeral enumerate numerous
pars a part; a section of something part partial particle particular partisan partner party portion participant participle
plenus full plenary plenipotentiary plenty plenitude replenish plethora complete compliment replete supplement
proprius private; particular to oneself proper propriety property proprietary proprietor appropriate expropriate
ripa bank of a river; shore of a sea river rival rivalry rivulet arrive arrival derive derivation derivative
scindere to split; to tear; to separate; to divide scissors rescind rescission schedule schism schizophrenia
sonare to make a noise or cause a noise to be heard sonable sonata sonnet sonic sonorous sound assonance consonant dissonant resonant
techno craft; skill; art technology technical technique polytechnic pyrotechnics technocrat
tractare to draw along; to pull; to work hard at tract tractable traction tractor trace train abstraction extraction contraction intractable
vegere to animate or enliven; to invigorate vigor vigorous invigorate vigilant vigilante surveillance vegetation
vulgus the common people vulgar vulgarity Vulgate divulge promulgate promulgator