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Text File  |  1994-01-01  |  13KB  |  371 lines

  3. \EOS16\*.WAV - 16-bit sound files in Windows .WAV format.
  5. \EOS8\*.WAV - 8-bit sound files in Windows .WAV format.
  7. \MENU\MAIN.EXE - DOS main menu.  You can browse a list of files
  8. on the CD or get more information about the CD from this menu.
  10. \WINMENU\EOS2.EXE - Windows front end program.  You can play the 
  11. sound files from this menu.
  13. \MENU\WAVS.TXT - List of files on this disc.
  14. \MENU\README.TXT - Information about this disc.
  15. \MENU\RESTRICT.TXT - Usage restrictions for the sound files.
  16. \MENU\WHATIS.TXT - This file.
  19. \MENU\WHATIS.COM - Same as the above files, but in self-
  20. displaying format.
  22. ****************
  23. 8-bit .WAV files
  24. ****************
  26. 2MIN#08.WAV   Jazz score
  27. 30SEC#18.WAV  Jazz clip
  28. 30SEC#68.WAV  POP clip
  29. 3MIN#48.WAV   POP score
  30. 4MIN#28.WAV   POP score
  31. 4MIN#38.WAV   New Age score
  32. 4MIN#58.WAV   Country score
  33. 4MIN#68.WAV   Country score
  34. AC8.WAV       Air conditioner sounds
  35. ADC8.WAV      Logan Airport departure contl.
  36. ANNOUNC8.WAV  "Announcing!"
  37. APLAUSE8.WAV  Applause
  38. APPOINT8.WAV  "I have an appointment"
  39. APU8.WAV      Jet engine APU start (B737)
  40. ARCADE18.WAV  Arcade sounds
  41. ARYANA8.WAV   Fetal heart beat
  42. ATIS8.WAV     ATIS airport terminal info.
  43. BACH18.WAV    Classical clip
  44. BACH28.WAV    Classical clip
  45. BACH38.WAV    Classical clip
  46. BAL8.WAV      "Break a leg"
  47. BARSUNS8.WAV  Crowd sounds in a bar
  48. BARTOK18.WAV  Classical clip
  49. BELLS18.WAV   Echoing Bell Sounds
  50. BELVTHS8.WAV  "You're not gonna believe this!"
  51. BETOVN18.WAV  Classical clip
  52. BETOVN28.WAV  Classical clip
  53. BLIZ8.WAV     Blizzard Broadcast
  54. BOSSIN8.WAV   "Is the boss in"
  55. BROOK8.WAV    Running brook sounds
  56. BUBBLER8.WAV  Water Bubbler
  57. BUY8.WAV      "You can't buy a better product!"
  58. BYPRODT8.WAV  "You can buy our products at your local computer store!"
  59. CALCLR8.WAV   Calculator sounds
  60. CARWASH8.WAV  Car Wash
  61. CAS8.WAV      Several different car alarms
  62. CCS8.WAV      Cuckoo Clock Sounds
  63. CFW8.WAV      Cockpit fire warning (B737)
  64. CFWB8.WAV     Cockpit fire warning (B757)
  65. CGW8.WAV      Cockpit ground warning (B737)
  66. CHECIT8.WAV   "Check this out!"
  67. CHREG8.WAV    Supermarket Checkout
  68. CLOSE8.WAV    "Close"
  69. COMEHR8.WAV   "Come here"
  70. COMING8.WAV   "Coming soon to you!"
  71. COMREF8.WAV   Commercial refrigerator motor sounds
  72. CONCLSN8.WAV  "In conclusion"
  73. COOL!8.WAV    " That was cool!"
  74. COPIER8.WAV   Copier Sounds
  75. COPTER8.WAV   Helicopter sounds
  76. COSW8.WAV     Cockpit over speed warning (MD80)
  77. CRKF8.WAV     Creaking floor
  78. CRKPOP8.WAV   Cork Popping
  79. CRSECL8.WAV   Reading of cockpit start engine check list
  80. CS8.WAV       Bucket crane lifting sounds
  81. CST8.WAV      Cockpit stabilizer trim sounds (B737)
  82. CSTMD8.WAV    Cockpit stabilizer trim sounds (MD80)
  83. CSW8.WAV      Cockpit stall warning (B737)
  84. CSWMD8.WAV    Cockpit stall warning (MD80)
  85. CSWR8.WAV     Country sounds with rain
  86. CYMBLS78.WAV  Cymbal Sounds
  87. DIFFRNT8.WAV  "And now for something completely different!"
  88. DINBELL8.WAV  Dinner Bell
  89. DJ18.WAV      Disk jockey sounds
  90. DRUM38.WAV    Echoing Drum Sounds
  91. DRUMBT18.WAV  Drum sounds
  92. DRUMBT28.WAV  Drum sounds
  93. DRUMBT48.WAV  Drum sounds
  94. DRUMBT58.WAV  Drum sounds
  95. DRUMROL8.WAV  Drum Roll
  96. DUB8.WAV      Motor boat dubbing
  97. EATING8.WAV   Eating sounds
  98. ECHL8.WAV     Echoing laughter
  99. EDIT8.WAV     "Edit"
  100. EFW8.WAV      External APU fire warning (B737)
  101. EXPIRES8.WAV  "Please act soon because this offer expires soon!"
  102. F48.WAV       Fourth of July, 1993
  103. FAROUT8.WAV   "Far out!"
  104. FAXSOND8.WAV  FAX Machine Sounds
  105. FFX18.WAV     Modulated cymbals
  106. FFX28.WAV     Whistling Cow Bell
  107. FFX38.WAV     Modulated Cow Bell
  108. FILEDOR8.WAV  File drawer sounds
  109. FILGHTY8.WAV  "Don't forget your flight to New York"
  110. FIRE8.WAV     Crackling fire
  111. FISH8.WAV     Latin percussion instrument
  112. FL8.WAV       Forklift moving materials
  113. FLK18.WAV     Folk dancing with crowd sounds1
  114. FLK28.WAV     Folk dancing with crowd sounds2
  115. FLK38.WAV     Folk dancing with crowd sounds3
  116. FRG8.WAV      Frightened girl
  117. FRST8.WAV     Forest Sounds
  118. FUN8.WAV      "It was real, it was fun, but it wasn't real fun"
  119. GARBCSH8.WAV  Sounds of garbage being crushed
  120. GEESE8.WAV    Real geese sounds
  121. GHA8.WAV      "Go home already"
  122. GIGGLES8.WAV  Giggles
  123. GMC8.WAV      "Good morning campers"
  124. GRDF8.WAV     Grandfather Clock Sounds
  125. HANDEL8.WAV   Classical clip
  126. HD8.WAV       "Thank you for erasing your hard drive, have a nice day"
  127. HEBUSY8.WAV   "He's busy"
  128. HECKLS18.WAV  Night Club Sounds
  129. HECKLS28.WAV  Night Club Crowd Sounds
  130. HELPYU8.WAV   "May I help you?"
  131. HERALD8.WAV   Heralding
  132. HIHATS8.WAV   Hihats (cymbal type sounds)
  133. IHE8.WAV      "I've had enough"
  134. INMAIL8.WAV   "It's in the mail"
  135. KEYBRD8.WAV   Computer keyboard sounds
  136. LABO18.WAV    Construction sounds
  137. LABO28.WAV    Construction sounds
  138. LGCRWD18.WAV  Large crowd  sounds1
  139. LGCRWD28.WAV  Large crowd sounds2
  140. LOGOUT8.WAV   "Log out"
  141. LTRK8.WAV     Large truck sounds
  142. LTTRUCK8.WAV  Light truck revving motor
  143. MACH28.WAV    Cockpit MACH1 speed warning (B737)
  144. MAKEAPP8.WAV  "I'd like to make an appointment"
  145. MBO28.WAV     Motor boat in ocean2
  146. MBO8.WAV      Motor boat in ocean1
  147. MBTA18.WAV    MBTA train sounds in tunnel
  148. MBTA28.WAV    MBTA train sounds outside
  149. MBTA38.WAV    MBTA train ride from inside with crowd sounds
  150. MODEM8.WAV    Modem Sounds
  151. MORE!8.WAV    "And there's more!"
  152. MOTOR8.WAV    Gas motor sounds
  153. MOZART18.WAV  Classical clip
  154. MOZART28.WAV  Classical clip
  155. MOZART38.WAV  Classical clip
  156. NEAT!8.WAV    "That was neat'o!"
  157. NWSF8.WAV     "News flash!
  158. ODCS18.WAV    Out door crowd sounds1
  159. ODCS28.WAV    Out door crowd sounds2
  160. ODCS38.WAV    Out door crowd sounds3
  161. OFFICE_8.WAV  Office Sounds1
  162. OPEN8.WAV     "Open"
  163. ORDER8.WAV    "Where the heck is my order?"
  164. PASST8.WAV    Truck passing (stereo effect)
  165. PCAR8.WAV     Car passing (stereo effect)
  166. PEEPERS8.WAV  Small frog sounds
  167. PENCIL8.WAV   Pencil scribbling
  168. PENCSR8.WAV   Electric pencil sharpener
  169. PHAT!8.WAV    "Man that was phat!"
  170. PIG8.WAV      Real pig sounds
  171. POLCRSH8.WAV  Police Chase & Crash
  172. POLR8.WAV     Police radio sounds
  173. PORWAT8.WAV   Pouring Water
  174. RAD!8.WAV     "And rad!"
  175. RAP8.WAV      Rapids sounds
  176. RB8.WAV       Runway background sounds
  177. READY8.WAV    "What do you mean it's not ready yet?"
  178. REASONS8.WAV  "There are countless reasons to choose our products!"
  179. REST8.WAV     Restaurant sounds
  180. RIPPING8.WAV  Ripping material sounds
  181. ROCK18.WAV    Rock mining
  182. ROCK28.WAV    Rock mining
  183. SAY8.WAV      "Say!"
  184. SCAFTRA8.WAV  Cafeteria
  185. SCANNER8.WAV  Emergency Scanner
  186. SHEBUSY8.WAV  "She's busy can you call back later?"
  187. SIZZORS8.WAV  Scissor sounds
  188. SLASHED8.WAV  "The price has been slashed!"
  189. SMJE8.WAV     Start of main jet engine (B737)
  190. SQD18.WAV     Squeaking door
  191. SQD28.WAV     Squeaking door
  192. STAPLER8.WAV  Stapler sounds
  193. STORM8.WAV    Wind & Water
  194. SY8.WAV       "See ya!"
  195. SZZ8.WAV      Sizzling sound
  196. TAKELT8.WAV   "Take a letter"
  197. TAKEMES8.WAV  "May I take a message?"
  198. TBA8.WAV      Truck backup alarm
  199. TELETYP8.WAV  Teletype sounds
  200. THNDCLK8.WAV  Thunder & clock sounds
  201. THUND18.WAV   Thunder sounds
  202. THUND28.WAV   Thunder sounds
  203. THUND38.WAV   Thunder sounds
  204. TKWHECH8.WAV  Oil Delivery to Home
  205. TOOLS18.WAV   Various Tools
  206. TOOLS28.WAV   Various Tools
  207. TOOLS38.WAV   Various Tools
  208. TOOLS48.WAV   Various Tools
  209. TOOLS58.WAV   Various Tools
  210. TOOLS68.WAV   Various Tools
  211. TOUCH8.WAV    "Don't touch that!"
  212. TOW8.WAV      Take warning (B737)
  213. TRAF8.WAV     Traffic sounds
  214. TS8.WAV       Logan Airport tower sounds
  215. TSP8.WAV      Train passing sounds (stereo effect)
  216. TSS8.WAV      "This software stinks"
  217. UNLOAD8.WAV   "Okay, let's get this truck unloaded!"
  218. VIVALDI8.WAV  Classical clip
  219. WATER8.WAV    Waterfall sounds
  220. WHOCALL8.WAV  "May I ask who's calling?"
  221. WIN8.WAV      "Heeerre's Windows!"
  222. WOW!8.WAV     "Wow that was cool!"
  223. WRNB8.WAV     Warning Bell in Car
  224. XX8.WAV       "Extra, Extra!"
  225. ZS8.WAV       Zoo sounds
  228. *****************
  229. 16-bit .WAV files
  230. *****************
  232. 2MIN#0.WAV    Jazz score
  233. 30SEC#1.WAV   Jazz clip
  234. 30SEC#6.WAV   POP clip
  235. 3MIN#4.WAV    POP score
  236. 4MIN#2.WAV    POP score
  237. 4MIN#3.WAV    New Age score
  238. 4MIN#5.WAV    Country score
  239. 4MIN#6.WAV    Country score
  240. ANNOUNC.WAV   "Announcing!"
  241. APPLAUSE.WAV  Applause
  242. APPOINTM.WAV  "I have an appointment"
  243. ATIS.WAV      ATIS airport terminal info.
  244. BACH1.WAV     Classical clip
  245. BACH2.WAV     Classical clip
  246. BACH3.WAV     Classical clip
  247. BAL.WAV       "Break a leg"
  248. BARSUNS.WAV   Crowd sounds in a bar
  249. BARTOK1.WAV   Classical clip
  250. BEETOVEN.WAV  Classical clip
  251. BELIVTHS.WAV  "You're not gonna believe this!"
  252. BELLS1.WAV    Echoing Bell Sounds
  253. BETOVN2.WAV   Classical clip
  254. BOSSIN.WAV    "Is the boss in"
  255. BUBBLER.WAV   Water Bubbler
  256. BUY.WAV       "You can't buy a better product!"
  257. BYPRODCT.WAV  "You can buy our products at your local computer store!"
  258. CCS.WAV       Cuckoo Clock Sounds
  259. CFW.WAV       Cockpit fire warning (B737)
  260. CFWB.WAV      Cockpit fire warning (B757)
  261. CHECIT.WAV    "Check this out!"
  262. CLOSE.WAV     "Close"
  263. COMEHERE.WAV  "Come here"
  264. COMING.WAV    "Coming soon to you!"
  265. COMREF.WAV    Commercial refrigerator motor sounds
  266. CONCLSN.WAV   "In conclusion"
  267. COOL!.WAV     "That was cool!"
  268. COPTER.WAV    Helicopter sounds
  269. COSW.WAV      Cockpit over speed warning (MD80)
  270. CRKF.WAV      Creaking floor
  271. CRKPOP.WAV    Cork Popping
  272. CST.WAV       Cockpit stabilizer trim sounds (B737)
  273. CSTMD.WAV     Cockpit stabilizer trim sounds (MD80)
  274. CSW.WAV       Cockpit stall warning (B737)
  275. CSWMD.WAV     Cockpit stall warning (MD80)
  276. CYMBALS7.WAV  Cymbal Sounds
  277. DIFFRNT.WAV   "And now for something completely different!"
  278. DINBELL.WAV   Dinner Bell
  279. DJ1.WAV       Disk jockey sounds
  280. DRUMBT1.WAV   Drum sounds
  281. DRUMBT2.WAV   Drum sounds
  282. DRUMBT4.WAV   Drum sounds
  283. DRUMBT5.WAV   Drum sounds
  284. DRUMROLL.WAV  Drum Roll
  285. DRUMS3.WAV    Echoing Drum Sounds
  286. DRUMS3.WAV    Drum sounds
  287. DUB.WAV       Motor boat dubbing
  288. EATING.WAV    Eating sounds
  289. EDIT.WAV      "Edit"
  290. EFW.WAV       External APU fire warning (B737)
  291. EXPIRES.WAV   "Please act soon because this offer expires soon!"
  292. FAROUT.WAV    "Far out!"
  293. FFX1.WAV      Modulated cymbals
  294. FFX2.WAV      Whistling Cow Bell
  295. FFX3.WAV      Modulated Cow Bell
  296. FILEDOOR.WAV  File drawer sounds
  297. FISH.WAV      Latin percussion instrument
  298. FLIGHTNY.WAV  "Don't forget your flight to New York"
  299. FRG.WAV       Frightened girl
  300. FUN.WAV       "It was real, it was fun, but it wasn't real fun"
  301. GHA.WAV       "Go home already"
  302. GIGGLES.WAV   Giggles
  303. GMC.WAV       "Good morning campers"
  304. HANDEL.WAV    Classical clip
  305. HD.WAV        "Thank you for erasing your hard drive, have a nice day"
  306. HEARLD.WAV    Heralding
  307. HEBUSY.WAV    "He's busy"
  308. HECKLES1.WAV  Night Club Sounds
  309. HELPYOU.WAV   "May I help you?"
  310. HIHATS.WAV    Hihats (cymbal type sounds)
  311. HORSE.WAV     Real horse sounds
  312. HORSE.WAV     Real horse sounds
  313. IHE.WAV       "I've had enough"
  314. INMAIL.WAV    "It's in the mail"
  315. LABO1.WAV     Construction sounds
  316. LGCRWD2.WAV   Large crowd sounds2
  317. LOGOUT.WAV    "Log out"
  318. LTTRUCK.WAV   Light truck revving motor
  319. MACH1.WAV     Cockpit MACH1 speed warning (B737)
  320. MAKEAPPO.WAV  "I'd like to make an appointment"
  321. MORE!.WAV     "And there's more!"
  322. MOZART1.WAV   Classical music clip
  323. MOZART2.WAV   Classical clip
  324. MOZART3.WAV   Classical clip
  325. NEAT!.WAV     "That was neat'o!"
  326. NWSF.WAV      "News flash!
  327. ODCS3.WAV     Out door crowd sounds3
  328. OPEN.WAV      "Open"
  329. ORDER.WAV     "Where the heck is my order?"
  330. PEEPERS.WAV   Small frog sounds
  331. PENCILSR.WAV  Electric pencil sharpener
  332. PHAT!.WAV     "Man that was phat!"
  333. POLR.WAV      Police radio sounds
  334. POWERWAT.WAV  Pouring Water
  335. RAD!.WAV      "And rad!"
  336. READY.WAV     "What do you mean its not ready yet?"
  337. REASONS.WAV   "There are countless reasons to choose our products!"
  338. SAY.WAV       "Say!"
  339. SCANNER.WAV   Emergency Scanner
  340. SHEBUSY.WAV   "She's busy can you call back later?"
  341. SIZZORS.WAV   Scissor sounds
  342. SLASHED.WAV   "The price has been slashed!"
  343. SQD1.WAV      Squeaking door
  344. SQD2.WAV      Squeaking door
  345. STAPLER.WAV   Stapler sounds
  346. SY.WAV        "See ya!"
  347. SYMBOLS.WAV   Echoing Cymbals Sounds
  348. SYMBOLS.WAV   Echoing Cymbals Sounds
  349. SZZ.WAV       Sizzling sound
  350. TAKELETT.WAV  "Take a letter"
  351. TAKEMESS.WAV  "May I take a message?"
  352. TELETYP.WAV   Teletype sounds
  353. THUNDER1.WAV  Thunder sounds
  354. THUNDER2.WAV  Thunder sounds
  355. TOOLS2.WAV    Various Tools
  356. TOOLS4.WAV    Various Tools
  357. TOOLS5.WAV    Various Tools
  358. TOOLS6.WAV    Various Tools
  359. TOUCH.WAV     "Don't touch that!"
  360. TOW.WAV       Take warning (B737)
  361. TRKWENCH.WAV  Oil Delivery to Home
  362. TSS.WAV       "This software stinks"
  363. UNLOAD.WAV    "Okay, let's get this truck unloaded!"
  364. VIVALDI.WAV   Classical clip
  365. WHOSCALL.WAV  "May I ask who's calling?"
  366. WIN.WAV       "Heeerre's Windows!"
  367. WOW!.WAV      "Wow that was cool!"
  368. WRNB.WAV      Warning Bell in Car
  369. XX.WAV        "Extra, Extra!"