Labels:crt screen | hakham | person | poster | reckoner | sky | tie OCR: The Musical Instruments the Svmphonic Orchestra Musical Instruments Trombone The Trombone 15 a relatively old musical instrument appears that almost no great change has been made during the past 450 years The exception to this are some alterations to the bell and mouthpiece which may reflect on the tastes of the different times regar ding timbre and tone quality. Until the 19th century the Trombone was the only instrunent 1t the brass farnily which could produce the entire chronatic range The reason for this agility is the fact that it is the only hrass instrument which uses slide instead of valves to lengthen its tube This slide 15 made with the finest precision with outer walls almost quarter ofa millimeter thick Section Range of 4 Help Main Menu Glossary Back Exit instnment instrurnent ...