ocr: THE FEUDAL ISLE OF SARK 105 Photagraph irom the Author THE GUERNSEY STEAMER AWAITS HICH TIDE TO ENTER THE HARBOR At the tar corner of the walled haven i5 the: seaward end of the clifi tuumel (see page 103). and on the abore, in the dareground, are some of the. lobster pots uned by Sark tishermen. Pluotograpb by Strs Malet de Carteret FROM THE LANDWARD END, SARK TUNNEL AFFORIS A GLIMISE OF THE SEA Helier de Carteret, first Seittetir, had titis gateway to his snut inland lotain eut through solid rock in the. time of Qucen Elizabeth. Forty familics were his retainers, and attong them he parceled ...