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- Cartouche is pleased to list the designers and manufacturers we carry.
- This list grows almost daily. If you know of a good designer or source
- of materials, not listed below, please feel free to call or mail us.
- A & L Designs
- A. Forrest Arts
- A.K. Designs
- Abecedarian
- Actuelle Cnavas Designs
- Alabama Needle Arts
- Alida Industries
- Alli Cat Designs
- Alma Lynne Designs
- Amaryllis Artworks
- Amies Designs (Crewel)
- Anchor
- Ann Lee Designs
- Anne Brinkley Designs
- Anne Powell, Ltd
- Annie and Friends
- Anthony Minieri
- Appleton
- Art by Abby
- Art Ventures
- Artabel Canvases
- Artistic Needle
- Artists Collection
- Ashley Court
- Aspen Needleworks
- Astor Place
- Barbara Popkin Designs
- Barkraft Designs
- Beam n' Read Lamps
- Bella Donna Yarns
- Better Homes & Gardens
- Beverly Merritt
- Bill's Frames
- Bit of Wisdom
- Black Cat Designs
- BlowFish
- Bloomin Critters
- Blue Ribbon Designs
- Blue Whale Designs
- Bluebell Cottage
- Bobbie McIntosh
- Boyd Designs
- Bridgeworks
- Brittany Inspirations
- Brobeck Collections
- Brynwood
- Bucilla
- Bunny Manor
- Bunny Publications
- Burda
- Burdett Publications
- Butternut Road
- Cadle Creek Crossstitch
- Camelot Designs
- Candamar Designs
- Canterbury Designs
- Canyon Crafts
- Carol Ambuter
- Carol Costello
- Carol Mullane
- Carolina Country House
- Carolyn Ambuter
- Carolyn Emery Crossstitch
- Caron Collection
- Carter Echols, Ltd.
- Charles Craft
- Charted Way
- Charter Publishing
- Cherokee County Designs
- Cherry Tree Designs
- Cheryl Schaeffer Designs
- Chien du Bois Farms
- Chottie Alderson
- Christopher Metallic Threads
- Cinnamon Heart needleworks
- City Slicker
- Claire Hatten Designs
- Clarks Crossing
- Claudia Counts
- Clover Needles & Notions
- Color Charts
- Commuter Creations
- Corenes Sketch & Stitch It
- Cornell Collection
- Cornorhouse Designs
- Cottage Fever
- Cotton Boll Creations
- Count & Cross Originals
- Counted Blessings
- Counted Illuminations
- Country Cachet
- Country Crafts
- Country Cross Stitch
- Country Sisters
- Craft Originals
- Crafter's Pride
- Craftsmen's Studio
- Creations by Christine
- Creative Charms
- Creative Designers
- Creative Projects
- Creative Keepsakes
- Creative Moments
- Cricket Collection
- Cross Country Creations
- Cross Eyed Cricket, Inc.
- Cross My Heart
- Cross Patch, Inc.
- Cross Stitch by Caryn
- Cross Stitch Cupboard
- Cross Stitch Sampler
- Cross `N Patch
- Crossed Wing Collection
- Crystal Ball Designs
- Curtis Boheringer Home Col.
- Dakota Cross Stitch
- DAL Craft
- Daystar Designs
- Dazor Lamps
- Debbie Patrick Designs
- Debra Designs
- Design Connection
- Design Prrr-fections
- Designing Women
- Designs by Dagmara
- Designs by Deb Moffitt
- Designs by Gloria & Pat
- Designs by Judith Lynn
- Designs by Linda Driskell
- Designs by Merry Cox
- Designs by Nanci
- Designs by Randy & Ruth
- Designs by Susan Dickerson
- Designs by Vangie
- Diane Schultz
- Dimensions
- Dinna Gallagher
- Dinny Brones
- Disney
- Dixie Designs
- Donna Gallagher
- Donna Lee Designs
- Door Post Designs
- Doser Designs
- Douglas Designs
- Dove's Eye
- Dover Book Publishing
- Down Under Designs
- E-Z Frames
- E-Z Grapher Computer Program
- Eleanor Jollay
- Ellen Nell Originals
- Essamplaire
- Evelyn MacKay Designs
- Expressive Needlearts
- Faces
- Family Tree
- Fanci That
- Fancywork in Miniature
- Fantasy Factory
- Faye Raye Stitcheries
- Fine Fancywork
- Fleming H. Reveil
- Fleur de Paris
- Floss Away
- Fond Memories
- Fran Baggett Productions
- Frances L. Johnson Designs
- Friendly Greetings
- Fulmer Craft
- Gail's Creations
- Gault
- Gick Beads
- Ginger & Spice
- Gingher Scissors
- Ginny Thompson
- Good Therapy
- Gooseberry Jam
- Graph-It Arts
- Graphs By barbara & Cheryl
- Graphworks International
- Grazyna J. Kozaczka
- Great Big graphs (True Colors)
- Green Apple, Inc
- Grip It
- Grime Stoppers
- Hand Dids
- Hanky Panky
- Harriet N. Segal
- Hazel Hodgson
- Heart in Hand Treasures
- Heart of the Country
- Heart's Content, Inc.
- Hearthside Designs
- Hearts Content
- Heartwarming Samplers
- Heidi Poet
- Heidi Poet Originals
- Helen Brooks
- Helene Halverson Designs
- Helmsford Designs
- Heritage Collection
- Heritage Series
- Hickory Hollow
- Hillside Samplings
- Holbert Cross-Stitch
- Holland Publishing
- Hollie Designs
- Homecrafters
- Homespun Collectibles
- Homespun Elegance, Ltd.
- Homestead Designs
- Hope's Child
- Houston Collection
- Hubby's Hobby
- Humor Us
- Hutspot House
- Ilse Alther
- Imaginary Engineering
- Imaginating
- Impressions
- Interweave Press
- It's The Dickens
- Jacob's ladder
- Jan Messent
- Janelle Mrie Designs
- Janesly Originals
- Janice Love
- Janylnn Corporation
- JBW Designs
- Jean Farrish Needleworks
- Jean Hilton
- Jean Roberts Enterprises
- Jeanette Crew Designs
- Jemini Designs
- Jeremiah Junction
- Jesse James Button Factory
- Jo Ippolito Chrestenson
- Joan Lohr
- Joan Masterson
- Jody Gergens
- John Patterson
- Joni Jones
- Judith Brown Designs
- Judith Kirby
- Judith Sandy's Rooflines
- Judy Counts
- Julie Ann Patterns
- Julie Sackett
- Juliet Designs
- June Griggs Designs, Inc.
- Just CrossStitch
- Just Nan
- Kaffee Fassett
- Kaitlin Marie Designs
- Karen Buell
- Karen's Creations
- Kassel Designs
- Kathy Holicky
- Katydid, Inc.
- Keep'em In Stitches
- Kingsland
- KJ Creations
- Kohl-Lection, Inc.
- Kreative Keepsakes
- Kreinik
- Krys Kohutiak
- La Chatelaine
- La Lame'
- Lagniappe Designs
- Lambs Eat Ivy
- Lamplighter Designs
- Langdale Company
- Lavender & Lace
- Leisure Arts
- Lilac Studio
- Lilija Designs
- Linda Dreiskell
- Liz Turner Diehl
- LJ Originals, Inc.
- Lollipop Designs
- London Doll Company
- LoRan
- Loretta Spears
- Lorri Birmingham Designs
- Love `N Stitches (Janice Love)
- Lucky Duck Designs
- Lyndsey Stewart
- Lynne Tomlinson Designs
- Madeira Marketing
- Margery Williams Designs
- Major Presentations
- Marbek
- Margaret & Margaret, Inc.
- Margery Williams Designs
- Margoy Canvas Designs
- Marie's Frames
- Marion Schooler
- Marion Scoular
- Marnie Ritter
- Marnie Ritter
- Mary Beale
- Mary Dick Diggs
- Mary Fry
- Mary Lou Hegelsen
- Mary Lou Helgesen
- Master Saito
- Maureen Appleton
- Meier/Watnemo
- Midnight Needles
- Mill Hill Publications
- Mill Pond Designs
- Mirabilia Designs
- Missy And Company
- Mosey `N Me
- Mother & Daughter Designs
- MVZ Design Studio
- Nancy Cucci
- Nancy Spruance Designs
- Ned Adams Originals
- Need'l Love Company
- Needle And I
- Needle Ease Frames
- Needle Maid Designs
- Needle Necessities
- Needle's Prayse
- Needle's Work
- Needlepoint Studio
- Needles Excellence
- Needle-tique Jewelry
- Needleworks Northwest
- Nomis Yarn
- Northern Pine Designs
- Nutmeg Needle
- Offray Ribbons
- Old Lakewood
- Oiska
- Ondori
- OOE Publications
- OOE Silk
- Orient Cross
- Oxmoor House
- Pacific Collection
- Pamela Laba
- Paper A New
- Pat And Pam, Inc.
- Pat Berman
- Pat Rogers' Counted Collection
- Pat Waters
- Paternayan Yarns
- Patricia D. Cope Designs
- Patricia Gaskin Designs
- Patrick's Woods
- PBS Originals
- Pegasus Originals, Inc.
- Permin Graphs
- Phoenix Designs
- Pitter Patterns
- Plaid Enterprises
- Pocket Full of Dreams
- Pollywoggs & Pettycoats
- Porcupine Collection
- Prairie Schooler
- Primrose Path
- Puckerbush, Inc.
- Quiet Moments
- R & R Reproductions
- Rainbow Gallery
- Raindrop Designs
- Randariginals
- Reba's Creations
- Rico Pre-worked Canvas Designs
- Robin Payton
- Ronnie Rowe Designs
- Ross Originals
- Ruth Diltz
- S. Meier & RK Watnemo
- Sally Ann Designs
- Sam-Cloth Designs
- Sampler
- Sampler House
- Samplers Plus
- Sandi Ragan
- Sandy Rogers
- Sara Murray Designs
- Satin Royal Fabric
- Scarlet Thread
- Schoolroom Samplings
- Seaside Designs
- Seebo's Creations, Inc.
- S.E.G Canvas Designs
- SeldenCRAFT Englarger Lights
- Sellers 0f Purple
- Serendipity Designs
- Sew Fine Designs
- Sew Fun
- Sew Many Stitches
- Shay Pendray
- Sheepish Designs
- Shepherd's Bush
- Silver Lining Creations
- Simple Pleasures
- Simply Samplers
- S.J. Designs
- Sit N Stitch
- SLQ Designs
- Snitktaw Charts
- Solingen Scissors
- Sophisticated Stitchery
- Sourpuss Designs
- Spare Time Originals
- Spildo Designs
- Sporting Masters
- Stancil Stitches
- Steel Needle Stitchery
- Stitches From The Heartland
- Stitchin Time, Inc.
- Stoney Creek
- Studio M
- Studio Seven
- Stylex
- Sudberry House
- Sue Hillis Designs
- Sue Lentz Needlework
- Sugarplum Express
- Sular Designs
- Susan Portra Designs
- Susan Ryder
- Sweetheart Tree
- Sylvan Artisan
- T & N Designs
- Tamaris Designs
- Taunton Press
- Taylored Designs
- Temple Treasures
- Theresa Wentzler
- Theron Traditions
- Thimb-Elena
- Thistledown Threads
- Threads Of Gold
- Tice Bohanan Creations
- Tidewater Originals
- Told In A Garden
- Tomorrow's Treasures
- True Colors
- Twisted Threads
- Under The Rainbow
- Unity Station Originals
- Vera K. Enterprises
- Victoria's Garden
- Victoria's Needle
- Victorian Art Guild
- Vikki Clayton
- Vima Micheli
- Vintage Designs
- Vintage Needleworks
- Virginia Chapman
- Virginia Dubenetzky
- Walden Wood's Designs
- Watson Designs
- Westrim
- Wichelt
- Willmaur Crafts Corporation
- Willow Ridge Designs
- Winchester Designs
- Words Of praise
- X-It Designs
- Young Designs
- Zeann Aguilar & C. Frankoa
- Zepher Fibers
- Zig Textile Markers
- Zweigart
- Zwicky