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- The 1st issue of "CARTOUCHE", a hyptext format, crafting magazine,
- on disk released it's premiere issue October 15th, 1995.
- The issue runs the gamut of the crafting field, with instructions
- from beading and cross stitch, to soap making and home decorating,
- to quilting and crochet. Lists of seminars, shows, exhibits, and
- tours. New product listings. Freebies. The On-Line Community. It's
- approximately 4 megabytes of information and instruction per issue,
- uncompressed.
- Subscription and advertising information listed below.
- Cartouche Publications is using the OHREADER hyptext engine. This
- format allows us the use of ANSI, PCX graphics and music in the
- magazine.
- NOTE: "Cartouche" is only available in IBM PC format. Minimum requir-
- ments, 4 MB HD space, EGA/VGA/Hercules video graphics, mouse
- optional, optional Sound Blaster compatiblity.
- Cartouche Subscription Information
- Yearly subscription, 6 issues per year, mailed on disk.. $ 14.00
- Yearly subscription, 6 issues per year, downloaded...... $ 8.00
- Individual Issue, mailed on disk........................ $ 3.50
- Individual Issue, downloaded............................ $ 2.50
- BBS subscription, 6 issues, uploaded to your BBS
- in READROOM.TOC format (READROOM Door Req'd. not Inc.)$ 28.00
- Special Issues Mailed Downloaded
- Current Subscriber........ $3.95 $3.00
- Non-Subscriber............ $4.95 $4.00
- All rates payable in US FUNDS only.
- Subscription Form
- Canadian residents, please add $3.00for yearly subscription or
- $0.50 cents per individual issue mialed on disk. Not applicable
- for issues to be downloaded.
- Unauthorized duplication and distribution is copyright infringement.
- YES, I'd like to subscribe to "Cartouche". Please enter
- my subscription or single issue, to begin with the next issue.
- Name: _________________________________________
- Address: _____________________________________
- City: _______________ State: __ Zip: _____-____
- Home Phone Number: ___-___-____
- All issues are password protected.
- Password Desired: _______
- If mailed, disk size, 3.5 or 5.25 : ____
- Amount Enclosed in US Funds $ ________ See rate schedule.
- Send to: Cartouche Publications
- Subscriptions
- 6648 Freeman
- Byron, NY 14422
- Check or Money Order in US FUNDS made payable to: Cartouche Publications
- Advertising in "Cartouche" magazine is extremely inexpensive. A commer-
- cial advertisment is currently $18 for the first 2 issues, each concur-
- rent issue thereafter is available for the low price of $7 per issue.
- Ads are full screen and are available in ASCII text, ANSI Text/graphics,
- and PCX graphics (640x480, 64 color, 160K limitations).
- A one time $10 layout fee applies to accounts whom require ANSI graphic
- set up. Other copy must be scanner ready. Cartouche Publication does
- not provide photographing of items. Scanner ready copy incurs _no_
- set up fee.
- Classified Ads (ASCII text only) are avaialble for non-commercial sub-
- scribers at 5 cents per word, no minimum. Non-subscribers, 10 cents
- per word, $3 minimum charge.
- Businesses and Individuals interested in advertising, please submit hard
- copy or ad on disk to:
- Cartouche Publications or call voice for more information at:
- Advertising Dept. 1-800-716-6430
- 19 Arlington Pk.
- Buffalo, NY 14201-1318