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- By: Linda Lenard
- Fantasy Patterns
- I recently returned from a Science Fiction/Fantasy convention in
- Atlanta, Ga. While at the convention, I ran across the folks from
- Fannish Stitchery selling their cross-stitch patterns. After a little
- chat, I found out why no one could get an answer from them. They've
- moved to another state. They have a new catalog, but he didn't have
- time to get them printed for the convention, so he gave me an old
- catalog and wrote down the new address for me.
- Here's the new address for those that would like to write and inquire
- about their new catalog. I don't know if there'll be a charge for the
- new one. I don't know how much it differs from the old one which is 5
- one-sided pages. I didn't think to ask when I was at the convention.
- Roaring Lion Press
- 2912 4th Street
- Louisville, KY 40208
- Here's a list of the categories of patterns they carry, have in the works
- and have planned for the future (according to the old catalog):
- The Worlds of Mercedes Lackey
- Dragons/Dragonriders
- Sword & Scorcery
- Craft, Pagan & American Indian Themes
- Myrhological Critters
- Horror
- Beauty & the Beast (tv show)
- Star Trek - Classic
- Star Trek - The Next Generation
- Star Trek - The Movies
- Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
- Quantum Leap
- Dark Shadows
- Highlander
- Forever Knight
- Phantom of the Opera
- Horror Films
- "Feel free to give suggestions for characters or scenes
- from show or movie you'd like to see or do."
- Their patterns vary in detail. One of the two patterns that I picked up
- is "Fighting Thread" (Pern dragonrider fans will understand this title),
- and it is basically a picture drawn over graphed paper. You have to put
- in your own colors. The picture is well-drawn, though it shows the
- dragons more as scaled creatures than smooth skinned. But that's a minor
- detail. The chart size is about 300H x 200W. The finished size will be
- depend on what fabric ct you choose to do it on. The price for the chart
- was $3.00.
- The other chart I got is a head shot of Picard. It also is a picture
- drawn on graph paper, but it has the colors graphed for you with symbols
- and the DMC numbers to use. Chart size is 100W x 130H and cost $3.00.
- At the convention, they also had kits, so if you're interested in kits,
- inquire about those too. If they don't have it on hand, they may be able
- to make one up for you. If you have any other questions about the catalog
- that I have, let me know.
- ... Columbus had a fourth ship - it sailed over the edge.
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