ocr: FROII - KENOSHA WI #9 PHONE NO- - 414 857 2814 P10 lengths ot yellow sroegrain ribbon. Cut one end of each length into R point. Position with points up uri fuse the tote. For cori shucke, cut 8 3rr lengths of 5/8" Breen catin ribbon. Cut one end of each tength into a. sharr *" Place one lengrh on each side of sach corn, overiapping cnds at the bottom. Fusc. Tomake strawberrics, cut 8 I" lengths of red dor ribhon To shape berries, cut smail triangles off the camers at one end ofcach length. Stasgcr into two rows and fusc. To make carrots, cut 4 - 3* lengths of orange satin ribbon. Cut one end o ...