NET:Zone (Demo)
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next >
INI File
379 lines
cd =1
World = 0
IniNode = 0
FirstNode = 0
Sound = 0
SoundTrack = 2
Loading = 0 //0-load items from fileman 1-try from fileman,
//if not found, from files. 2-from files
PanLoading =0 //0-load panorams from fileman. 1-from files
video-vol = 63 55
path =dat\
panpath =pan\
cdpath =cdrom\
soundpath =sound\
work_root =
cd_root =
ScreenName =final
name =newton
top_left_corner = 150,70
background_color = 6
background_area = 56:42:244:133
touch_area = 98:6:207:23 96:3:218:40
move_area = -200:0:1040:630 479
font_type = 4
font_color = 208
exit_button = 27:6:72:23 25:5:71:52
text_line_font = 4
text_line_color = 163
newton_area = 43:28:271:158
main = 62:241:57:40,3 =bt_main
map = 180:257:68:20,3 =bt_map
wordpr = 121:256:64:21,3 =bt_word
invent = 183:239:64:19,3 =bt_inv
email = 117:236:59:21,3 =bt_mail
menu = 246:251:56:42,3 =bt_rid
conn = 220:183:0:0,6 =new_conn
icon = 5:370:50:50 , 3 =new_main
gula = 25:183:37:39,3 =
vol pan prio
tool_samp =NEWTTOOL, 53, 0, 0
newt_open_samp =NEWTOPEN, 33, 0, 0
gula_samp =NEWTKEYB, 53, 0, 0
pg_samp =NEWTPG, 53, 0, 0
width : 46:25:25:35:35:17:17:29:46:39:46:36:36:36:36:36:36:17:45:44:52:52:38:38:27:36:39:49:15:49
name =wordpr
font_type = 4
font_color = 163 208
name =wire
close_button = 100,100
font_type = 4
font_color = 147
bmp-name scale*10 point nodes
map0 =map_wt ,240 ,8100:5700 ; 171-179
map1 =map_cen ,2040 ,-41800:47000 ; 0-67 ;261-275 ;277-279
map2 =map_ddd ,700 ,-8120:12390 ; 131-138
map3 =map_fire ,255 ,-4050:5800 ; 191-210 ;276-276
map4 =map_air ,230 ,-3450:5700 ; 68-68 ; 80-110
map5 =map_air1 ,56 ,-1090:1320 ; 69-79 ; 111-113
map6 =map_mon ,415 ,-7950:11700 ; 139-158
map7 =map_test ,120 ,-2200:6300 ; 211-260
map8 =map_tst2 ,120 ,-2200:6300 ; 211-260
map9 =map_ddd ,73 ,-847:4150 ; 121-130 ; 159-170
mapx =map_pipe ,10 ,100:100 ; 126-126 ; 159-168
bmp-name scale*10 point nodes
map0 =map_wt ,200 ,9405:3000 ; 171-179
map1 =map_cen ,1650 ,-28262:29419 ; 0-67 ; 271-279
map2 =map_dock ,110 ,-528:2629 ; 121-130 ; 159-170
map3 =map_fire ,225 ,-3443:3375 ; 191-203
map4 =map_air ,220 ,-3080:3828 ; 80-108
mapx =map_pipe ,10 ,100:100 ; 126-126 ; 159-168
font_type = 4
font_color = 246
main_menu = 22,7,4,77,129,15,98,52,34,63,8,65,79,36,95,81,168,46,40,127,76,58,197,108,39
load_menu = 22,135,102,39,201,111,38
save_menu = 22,135,102,39,201,111,39
quit_menu = 22,89,86,57,193,98,33
new_menu = 22,88,85,60,194,99,32
optn_menu = 22,202,108,40,20,83,150,20,104,150,2,83,20,2,104,20
crdt_menu = 22,202,108
help_menu = 22,19,3,92,152,10,86,64,24,58,17,57,104,124,80,87,23,108,63,198,109,39
hint_menu = 15,10,113,26,40,113,26,198,113,36
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save_slots = 7,8,3
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save_colors = 78,255
font_type = 4
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font_type = 4
font_color = 246
message_rate = 2
cube = 212:81:45
reset = 103:129:96 103:149:93
text = 81:57 62:48
header = 50:46
code = 97:68 97:63
center = 125
bot_y = 67
turn_rate = 2
message_but = 200:121
param_but = 76:158:140
param_back = 25:35
param_slide = 27:40:20:34
patrol = 122:90:11
guard = 155:8
fire_l = 140:-1
fire_r = 140:-3
graph_line = 65:27:17
text_inv = 62:48
select-color = 33 54
scroll-move = 55:0:245:40 , 176
number = 5
pix_diff = 12 9 //pixels between two gens
pix_1gen = 5 //the size in pixels of one gen
black = 1 243 //the entry that contains a bl color
no_mark = 243 //the entry that contains a mrk color
mark = 225 //the entry that contains a not-mrk color
// num-colors plcae color
part0 = 4, 8: 50 -G-M-C-G
part1 = 3, 74: 50 -B-R-R
part2 = 3, 42: 81 -G-M-R
part3 = 2, 8: 81 -C-R
part4 = 2, 87: 81 -Y-B
// place first-col header-place
anti = 131:29 ,32 ,158:16
virus = 131:62 ,64 ,169:50
rslt = 131:95 ,96 ,169:82
vgen = 9, -B-R-G-G-C-B-G-R-M
vgen = 9, -Y-C-C-R-C-M-G-R-M
header =16:6
parts-head =16:28
track1=43 (tFire5) (tFire6)
track2=57 (tFire21) (tFire19)
speed = 20000
track = 4
rate = 7
on-air = 80
size = 1600
target = 6 //guard zeps
speed = 20000
track = 8
rate = 7
on-air = 80
size = 1600
target = 7 //guard zept
speed = 20000
track = 14
rate = 7
on-air = 80
size = 1600
target = 0 //go
speed = 20000
track = 33
rate = 7
on-air = 80
size = 1600
target = 0 //go
speed = 2000
track = 49 (tFire11)
rate = 7
on-air = 0
size = 500
target = 0
speed = 2000
track = 51 (tFire14)
rate = 7
on-air = 0
size = 500
target = 0
speed = 2000
track = 49 (tFire11)
rate = 7
on-air = 0
size = 500
target = 0
speed = 2000
track = 51 (tFire14)
rate = 7
on-air = 0
size = 500
target = 0
speed = -600 -2000
angle = 50
height = 20
rate = 7
dist = 220
hear-angle = 218
speed = 200 1000 500
angle = 200
height = 70
rate = 6
dist = 220
hear-angle = 208
speed = 800 2800
angle = 100
height = 100
rate = 5
dist = 220
hear-angle = 198
speed = 600
angle = 150
height = 120
rate = 7
dist = 220
hear-angle = 203
speed = -600
angle = 10
height = 160
rate = 6
dist = 220
hear-angle = 213
stand =-700:-400:-1890
Ready =-1000:350:-1300 -1150:500:-1300
rate =5
dist =1110
time =240
Ready =-701:-401:-1180
// num-colors plcae color
part0 = 4, 186: 78 -G-M-C-G
part1 = 3, 147: 49 -B-R-R
part2 = 3, 183: 49 -G-M-R
part3 = 2, 217: 49 -C-R
part4 = 2, 159: 78 -Y-B
// place first-col
anti = 26:22 ,32
virus = 26:52 ,64
rslt = 26:82 ,96
vgen = 9, -Y-C-C-R-C-M-G-R-M
vgen = 9, -B-R-G-G-C-B-G-R-M
numofnodes = 7
numofvids = 18
//node vid, Avid, arndvid, BVid, brndvid, Anode, Bnode, Acourage, Ajudgement, Bcourage, Bjudgement
node01= 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 6, 100, -1, 20, -1
node02= 2, 3, 0, 18, 0, 3, 3, 30, 10, 80, 100
node03= 4, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 100, 20, 20, 80
node04= 5, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, -1, 10, -1, 90
node05= 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 0, 0, 20, 10, 80, 80
node06= 12, 0, 17, 0, 0, 0, 7, 80, 10, 20, 80
node07= 14, 15, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 20, -1, 80, -1
1, 0, 1000, 1010, 440, 0, 0,
2, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
3, 6, 425, 0, 0, 0, 0,
18, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
4, 8, 327, 0, 0, 0, 0,
5, 10, 225, 180, 0, 0, 0,
6, 13, 80, 90, 257, 251, 0,
7, 18, 422, 0, 0, 0, 0,
8, 20, 525, 251, 0, 0, 0,
9, 23, 177, 0, 0, 0, 0,
10, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
11, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
12, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
13, 29, 250, 0, 0, 0, 0,
14, 32, 405, 0, 0, 0, 0,
15, 34, 368, 0, 0, 0, 0,
16, 36, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
17, 37, 477, 0, 321, 0, 0,