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OS/2 REXX Batch file
296 lines
/* ANNOUNCE.CMD - REXX program to generate a File Announcement
with MPBeta for new files. Version 1.31
ver 1.1: Found an error and in the process of cleaning it up, sped up the
program's execution! Moved the file_desc stuff inside the loop.
ver 1.2: Added format description routines, most borrowed from Craig
Morrison (Thanks!)
ver 1.21: Added two lines to add back the space between upload counters:
from ( 0) back to ( 0). It was stripped out in formatting.
ver 1.3: New MPM_FileAreaSort() and MPM_SaveFilesBBS() functions
incorporated. Thanks, Craig!!
ver 1.31: change in the way I call the areas. Attempt to clean up the code
- 18 December, 1994 by Elliott Goodman, 1:102/1319 - 805-264-0200
/* check whether RxFuncs are loaded. If not, load them. */
if RxFuncQuery('SysLoadFuncs') then
call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs'
call SysLoadFuncs
/* Just to let the user know what's going on.... */
say 'Searching thru file areas for new files to announce.'
say 'Please wait....';
say ' ';
/* create a tracking file */
report = 'd:\lora\file\mpbeta\1anounce.txt'
/* delete old tracking file, if present */
call SysFileDelete(report)
m_txt = 'Report of ANNOUNCE.CMD activity'
call lineout report, m_txt
m_txt = date('U')
call lineout report, m_txt
m_txt = ''
call lineout report, m_txt
/* get today's date, create an index from it */
/* set some defaults */
nfile.0 = 0
files.0 = 0 /* will increment */
file_index = 0
lmargin = 16 /* how far from the left margin the ED Marker should be */
llength = 45 /* this is how long each line segment should be */
EDMarker = '>' /* Set EDMarker to your extended description character */
spaces = SubStr(Copies(' ', 80), 1, lmargin)||EDMarker||' '
/* set up the array elements of FILES which will be used by
MPM_AnnounceFiles() at the end of all this processing.
See TANN.CMD included with MPBeta for details. */
files.msgpath = 'D:\LORA\MSG\USERS'
files.msgtype = 'SQUISH'
files.msgflag = 'CRASH'
files.to = 'ALL'
files.toaddr = '1:102/1316.0'
files.header = 'New files online at Miles Enterprises BBS'
files.from = 'Elliott Goodman'
files.fromaddr = '1:102/1319.0'
files.footer = '- Elliott'
/* your origin info */
files.origin = 'Miles Enterprises * 805-264-0200 *'
/* my first 99 areas are on the CD so I start with 99 (and increment it
immediately.) This saves time since the CD is slow. */
mpmarea = 99
rc = MPM_QueryAreaList('arealist')
do impm = mpmarea to arealist.0
mpmarea = MPM_QueryArea(mpmarea) /* look at next area */
if mpmarea = 'ERROR' then do
leave /* this will bail us out */
end /* if an error occurs */
/* get drive/subdir of next file area */
area_path = MPM_QueryAreaInfo(mpmarea, '1')
/* notify user of our progress */
say area_path ;
/* use SysFileTree here to check for new files */
call SysFileTree area_path, stuff, 'F'
/* reset before each file area */
found_new = 0
nfile.0 = 0
/* assume at least one file in the file area */
do i = 1 to stuff.0 /* cycle thru files in one area */
/* get info on each file in the area */
parse var stuff.i,
/* remove trailing space */
file_name = strip( file_name )
/* remove drive/subdir info from filename */
parse var file_name (area_path) file_name
/* convert to caps, just in case */
file_name = translate( file_name )
/* get extention. We don't want to announce FILES.BBS or FILES.BAK! */
parse var file_name junk '.' extn
if extn = 'BAK' then do
if extn = 'BBS' then do
/* test if next file is dated today, hence NEW */
file_test = SPECIFIED_DATE_IN_DAYS( file_date )
if file_test = day_index then do
/* here's where the ver. 1.1 code makes it's major changes. Store the
files that are new and do them all at once for each area */
found_new = 1
nfile.0 = nfile.0 + 1
t_index = nfile.0
nfile.t_index = file_name
end /* if file_test = day_index */
end /* do i = 1 to stuff.0 */
/* now, if we found one or more new files in this area... */
if found_new = 1 then do
/* we have to open the files.bbs file so we can get the
description */
retval = MPM_OpenArea(mpmarea)
/* this just gives the system time to open the file */
Call SysSleep 3
/* ....cycle thru the new files for this area */
do k = 1 to nfile.0
/* continue storing elements in FILES */
file_index = file_index + 1
files.0 = files.0 + 1
files.file_index.path = area_path
files.file_index.file = nfile.k
text = MPM_QueryFileInfo(mpmarea, nfile.k, '3')
/* just in case no description was Tic'd... */
if text = 'ERROR' then do
text = ' No Description!'
/* here's where we format the file description! */
/* Translate all CRs, LFs and Extended Description Markers into spaces */
ntext = Translate(text, ' ', x2c('0d')||x2c('0a')||EDMarker)
text = GetOneLine(llength, ntext)
ntext = Space(DelWord(ntext, 1, Words(text)), 1)
Do While Length(ntext) \= 0
wText = GetOneLine(llength, ntext)
text = text||x2c('0d')||x2c('0a')||spaces||wText
ntext = Space(DelWord(ntext, 1, Words(wText)), 1)
/* the following two lines replace the extra space between
parentesis that was removed: ( 0) */
text = overlay(' ',text,1,1)
text = '('||text
retval = MPM_SetFileInfo(mpmarea, nfile.k, '2', text)
text = Space(Translate(text, ' ', '>'), 1)
files.file_index.desc = text
end /* do k to nfile.0 */
/* New Sort Function!!! New Save files.bbs function! */
retval = MPM_FileAreaSort(mpmarea, 'Name', 'Asc', 'All')
retval = MPM_SaveFilesBBS(mpmarea)
/* close the files.bbs file to avoid problems */
retval = MPM_CloseArea(mpmarea)
end /* if found = 1 */
end /* do impm */
/* if no new files: exit */
if files.0 = 0 then do
m_txt = 'No new files found'
call lineout report, m_txt
/* there are new files. Save the info so we can play
with the descriptions when we wake up <g> */
m_txt = 'List of New Files'
call lineout report, m_txt
m_txt = ' '
call lineout report, m_txt
do j = 1 to files.0
m_txt = 'File Path = ' files.j.path
call lineout report, m_txt
m_txt = 'File Name = ' files.j.file
call lineout report, m_txt
m_txt = 'File Description = ' files.j.desc
call lineout report, m_txt
m_txt = ' '
call lineout report, m_txt
/* actually make the announcement */
retval = MPM_AnnounceFiles('files')
m_txt = files.0 'new files announced!'
call lineout report, m_txt
/* close the report file */
call lineout report
/* and we're done */
/* Convert calendar date to consistent date index */
parse arg,
mm '/',
dd '/',
days_by_month = '31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31'
current_number_of_days = (yy * 365) + dd
do m = 1 while m < mm
current_number_of_days = current_number_of_days +,
WORD( days_by_month, m )
return current_number_of_days
/* This subroutine and all format description routines written by
Craig Morrison, author of MaxFilePM.
GetOneLine takes a variable length string and returns a blank delimited
string that is a substring of inText and is no longer than llen
A single word that is longer than llen is simply truncated at llen when it
would be the only word in a line segment and not wrappable. Its cheesy and
cheap, but hey, it works.. ;-)
Parse Arg llen, inText
cText = ''
Do While Length(cText' 'Word(inText, 1)) < llen
cText = cText' 'Word(inText, 1)
inText = DelWord(inText, 1, 1)
If inText = '' Then Leave
if cText = '' Then Do
cText = Left(inText, llen)
Return Space(cText, 1)