ADS10.ZIP 81,601 12-08-94 The BBS ADVERTISER. Buy, Sell and TradeDoor with built in Message capability.Program the amount of days in eachcategory for ads to remain. Purge utilityremoves expired Ads and Messages.Written by.....Those Two Prog
AUQST154.ZIP 14,806 11-23-94 AUQUEST v1.54AUQUEST is a Automatic User Questionairfor ProBoard.It will ask all the necessary quest-ions to the NewUser as a NewUser-door. Or checks for missing info inthe logon procedure. Lots offeatures!* Send
B&B_ANSI.ZIP 10,380 01-06-95 Here's my latest Beavis & ButtheadANSI Screens for Tribbs Softwarefrom Entropy II BBS 508-937-3856.Use them with a Beavis & Buttheadlanguage file ...enjoy!
BANG_SCR.ZIP 46,825 11-24-94 Here is my current collection of ANSi and BBthe @-variables in the BBS ones as much as Icall my board at (507) 281-0966! Easy, good,TriSysop upgrade door also! Let me know whatcontracted cheaply to make an ANSi or tw
BBLOCK10.ZIP 17,608 01-07-95 BaudBlock 1.0 filters out new callerswith slow modems. Sysop configurableminimum and maximum baud rates.Freeware by Bob Dunnell, 1:100/340.
BBT101B4.ZIP 41,348 03-08-95 Big BBS Tic for TriBBS v1.01ß4. BBTic is oneof the _best_ Tic tossers written for TriBBSIncludes support for downlinks, wildcard aretags, orphan TIC files, automatic extractionof FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI files, and m
BLIZ201.ZIP 11,519 01-22-95 --=≡*> WBS Presents <*≡=--BLiZZaRD Language file v2.01 for TriBBS 5.02A cool lloking ANSi ONLY Language file for te TriBBS Software. New: many color changes,and graphics changes since last version.PcBoard has Viola
BSTATS10.ZIP 85,121 03-06-95 @X0F*** BBS Statistics Trakker v1.0 ****State of the Art BBS STATISTICALprogram for TriBBS. Uses @- variablecolor Codes. Creates Multi-Page Screensshowing info from your Callers log.
Great looking Graphical Screens and BarCharts of your A.M. & P.M. calls.Creates a Data base so Sysops can Trimor Delete that lengthy callers.log fileat will, allowing your between.bat fileprograms run faster. Auto detects all
your nodes up to six. It is faster thanmost other programs like this, and moreaccurate up to 98%. If you want toimprove the looks of your TriBBS Board,and be able to speed up your between.batfile, then you will want this program!
Download it today and give it a Try!@X0F***** @X8ENot Crippled! @X0F*****@X0DFreejack's Software by Gary Price
BSTATS11.ZIP 85,869 02-25-95 @X0F*** BBS Statistics Trakker v1.1 ****State of the Art BBS STATISTICALprogram for TriBBS. Uses @- variablecolor Codes. Creates Multi-Page Screensshowing info from your Callers log.Great looking Grap
CHKITOUT.ZIP 4,457 01-06-95 CHECK IT OUT! ANSI/ASCII screens for theTriBBS Sysop running a subscriptionbased board to remind his callers tosubscribe. CHECK IT OUT! screens looklike bank checks. The ANSI versionactually disp
CLEANIT.ZIP 51,727 02-01-95 Cleanit, the Callers.log file cleaner,will delete the number of calls in thelog by dates, can use either number ofdays, or months, registration is only$10.00, written by Trial By FireSoftware.
CONVERT.ZIP 20,449 01-06-95 =====*CONVERT*=====This is a program that will reada SFFILES.BBS in the Spitfire 3.5format and create a FILES.LST inTRIBBS 5.11 format OR vice versa.It will automatically truncate theheaders accepted by SF but not
DATARIP1.ZIP 7,189 02-01-95 First in a long line of RIP screens fromDataTek BBS, these are complete forTriBBS. (DONE IN RIP PAINT)810-541-2775
DATARIP4.ZIP 4,637 02-01-95 Number 4 of the famous DataTek RIPscreens made for TriBBS systems.MAINALL, FILEALL, MESSALL and POSTRIP.DatatEK BBS 810-541-2775
DBHELP3.ZIP 10,994 01-06-95 Another help file for D'Bridge. This containthe RUNDB.BAT & EXEBBS.BAT that I used hereto setup D'Bridge 158. This is the Setup forTriBBS.It worked well here, This is last oneunless a new D'Bridge has alot of changes
DIRLST31.ZIP 40,928 01-25-95 CUSTOM FILE AREA SCREEN GENERATOR V3.1 FiScreen maker of your File Directoriefor TriBBS's "Change File Area Screens."Features are: 15 different colorselections(File area numbers can be one colwhile th
DUSER1.ZIP 31,530 02-01-95 DELUSER will scan your TriBBS userbase and mark all users that havenot logged on for a specifiednumber of days for deletion andprint a report to disk containingthe user number, name, days sincelast log on, and dele
DUSER12.ZIP 27,040 03-03-95 DELUSER will scan your TriBBS userbase and mark all users that havenot logged on for a specifiednumber of days, number of calls,and security level, for deletion andprint a report to disk containingthe user number,
EMNET.ZIP 6,437 01-30-95 @X04[|| -=-=-=-=- eMNeT -=-=-=-=- ||]@X03-=a TriBBS Based NetWork, that =-@X03-=supports fido, and qwk style =-@X03-=message handling.. Now has a =-@X03-=whole new outlook.. Different=-@X05-=new, and better conferen
FDTRI211.ZIP 12,586 02-11-95 FD ==>> TriBBS log converter (2.11) FD2TRI is a simple FD TriBBS utility that puts FD mail caller log file entries into your TriBBS callers log file. This version works for Front Door version 2.
GRAPH.ZIP 3,519 02-02-95 GRAPH is a set of freeware screens forthose sysops taking donations. Thesesimple screens show the progress of yourdonation drive in an effective bar graphmode. ANSI and ASCII versions areincluded.
HICK.ZIP 6,255 01-12-95 This is a language file for Tribbsver 5.1+ called HICK. This is how ussouthernors talk. Try it out.FREEWARE. Provided byJacob's House BBS 512-664-7570
HOTDL30.ZIP 168,962 01-02-95 Hottest Downloads 3.0 - This is hottestdownloads bulletin generator for TriBBS. Thinew version uses a new database format tosupport boards with enormous numbers ofdownloads, creates a 2-column bulletin, anduses @X c
HOTDL301.ZIP 169,198 01-06-95 Hottest Downloads 3.01 - This is hottestdownloads bulletin generator for TriBBS. Thinew version uses a new database format tosupport boards with enormous numbers ofdownloads, creates a 2-column bulletin, anduses @X
HTDOOR10.ZIP 61,674 02-02-95 @X0FHottest Doors Trakker v1.0This program will create a bulletin orLogon Screen for TriBBS showing yourHottest Doors being used. Supports up to 999times used in the doors counter for each dooSysops can track up to
HTFILE10.ZIP 52,027 02-01-95 Hottest Download Files Trakker v1.0This program will create a bulletin orLogon Screen for TriBBS showing yourHottest Downloads. Supports up to 999files in the files counter for each file.Makes a 2 column Bulletin wi
HTFILE20.ZIP 57,329 02-01-95 @X0FHottest Download Files Trakker v2.0This program will create a bulletin orLogon Screen for TriBBS showing yourHottest Downloads. Supports up to 999files in the files counter for each file.Makes a 2 column Bulleti
HTFILE21.ZIP 60,582 02-01-95 @X0FHottest Download Files Trakker v2.1This program will create a bulletin orLogon Screen for TriBBS showing yourHottest Downloads. Supports up to 999files in the files counter for eachfile. Makes a
KVFILS13.ZIP 50,278 01-12-95 kvFiles! v1.3 -The _FINAL_ allfiles compilerfor TriBBS! Setup in less than 30 secs, longor short file descs, total count of files &areas, excludes private areas by default,multiple archive/self-exractor support,opti
LANG.ZIP 5,458 01-26-95 Lang is a TriBBS language I created inMy own Time to see what I could do witha language. I call it Slang, but you maycall it what you like. Created in theDOS Editor. If You like it, call WolfPack For more info on so
LORDTRI.ZIP 1,428 02-14-95 The new version of LORD (320b) changes it'ssystem. This file includes the batch file whTriBBS and your LORD.BAT file in order for L
MENU.ZIP 44,751 01-18-95 TriBBS! Here is a file thatI (Riker) have written to helpyou set up a door program torun of a TriBBS menu. It'seasy to set one up! Just download this little zip and yourhalf way there!
MM101.ZIP 26,296 02-01-95 MailMan for TriBBS v1.01!=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=This is a automated message generator forTriBBS BBS systems version 5.01 and later.MailMan will automagically post a pre-writenmessage file to a new caller after the
MUSER10.ZIP 11,624 02-06-95 MarkUsers 1.0 - MarkUsers is a TriBBSutility that lets you mark users fordeletion by a specified number of days.One of the nice things about this usermarker is that it lets you unmark allusers as well, so if you goo
NDSEC1.ZIP 19,122 01-12-95 NDSEC1 by Cyber SoftNDSEC1 is a small program that willenable you to change Node 1's seclevel via command line or batch file.Set your node 1's security level toyour mail account's level and noone with less than tha
NEWSYS.ZIP 51,551 02-04-95 NEWSYS.EXE Version 1.0 - (02/94)A door written for TriBBS systems BBS.This is a door for SYSOPs who wish toallow other BBSs to post their BBS namein a bulletin.Donate-ware: $1.00 - ????
PENDING.ZIP 2,908 01-01-95 Two screens in ansi and ascii for TriBBS toalert users of upcoming events in a colorfuland eye-catching manner. Created by ToddFriedenberg.
PGNOTE20.ZIP 25,301 01-01-95 PageNote Version 2.0 - This TriBBSutility lets the users know if the Sysopis available for chat. It checks thestatus of the page bell and quicklygenerates a LOGONn.ANS and a LOGONn.BBSscreen when the caller logs on
PHREQ13B.ZIP 60,570 01-18-95 =========== PHreq! v1.3 ============A TriBBS anonymous file transfer door.Great for sysops who want to have filesavailable for instant download by thegeneral public (e.g. master file lists,compression utilities, pro
RUDMFIDO.ZIP 5,731 01-01-95 FD/IM, TriToss, and TriBBS. From R.U.D.M.
RUSSIAN.ZIP 21,635 01-06-95 Russian language files, menus,screens and other files for TriBBS 5.1Probably one and the best languagefiles in Russian, ANSI/ASCII graphics.Was created by Anton Manuilov,Sysop of @X8CInfinity BBS (508)433-9023!
SFTOTB10.ZIP 25,781 01-01-95 SFTOTB 1.0 - A Spitfire to TriBBS file listconverter.
STBLST43.ZIP 58,975 01-01-95 Stat Blaster is a callers loganalyizer, for TriBBS(c) version4.x to 5.1. It will read yourcallers log and compile statisticsinto easy to read and understandgraphs and charts. Now you cantell, at a glance what is
SYSCHAT1.ZIP 3,910 02-01-95 These are (SYSCHAT.ANS/BBS) screens I made tlet callers know that they must answer whenI bring them into CHAT. If it annoys you thacallers will not respond to you when you getthem into chat this maybe this is what yo
T-DLM100.ZIP 38,202 02-06-95 T-DLM 1.0 *DIRECTORY LIST MAKER* FOR TriBBSThe Directory List Maker creates a two-columDIRSALL.BBS file in your display Directory.User Interface for creating GREAT LOOKING fidirectory listings using TriBBS @X color
TBCMK200.ZIP 27,162 01-25-95 =======================================TriBBS Conference Maker Version 2.00=======================================Enhanced your Message Conference withthis small SHAREWARE Utility! Thisversion creates a MSGALL.BBS f
TBDMK210.ZIP 36,440 01-25-95 =======================================TriBBS Directory Maker Version 2.10=======================================Enhanced your Directories with thissmall SHAREWARE Utility! Shows numberof files and how many bytes ar
TBGM111.ZIP 42,709 12-04-94 TBGM 1.11 for TriBBS.Official Release.Send text files as messagesinto TriBBS Messages Areas.5 operations modes :Direct,By Sec Level,to New User, to Current User,to a list of User,to a User's number.Very configur
TBGMVIEW.ZIP 25,544 01-08-95 ======= TBGMView ==========TBGMView is a graphical shell for usewith TBGM. Through the use of promptsand picklists, it creates the commandline options required to have TBGM senda message to a user and displays it
TBLIST30.ZIP 31,259 11-01-94 TBLISTER VER. 3.0 (c) '94 by Donny Brand-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=********************************************The Ultimate TRIBBS Lister Util!********************************************Sick and tired
TBMG40.ZIP 24,857 02-01-95 TriBBS Modem Guide v4.0 revised 01-03-94Now in HyperText format for easier/fasterfinding of inits! Just type GO after youafter you unzip this archive! FREE forall BBS Sysops. Works with TriBBS andjust about all bb
TB_MST3K.ZIP 11,308 01-22-95 **** Mystery Science Theatre 3000 ********* ---Language For TriBBS---- *****Contains ALL the *.MNU files for TriBBSv5.XX and up. This version also containsthe SysOp menus, all as they are set upon the South Caroli
TFDIR103.ZIP 28,320 01-06-95 TRIFDIR v1.03 - simple file directory displautility for TriBBS v5.x. Creates DIRSx.BBS fany security level passed on the command linFreeware from Lawrence Gordon.
TFDIR104.ZIP 27,665 02-01-95 TRIFDIR v1.04 - simple file directory displautility for TriBBS v5.x. Creates DIRSx.BBS fany security level passed on the command linFreeware from Lawrence Gordon.
THELP11.ZIP 57,880 01-06-95 @X0DTriHelp ver 1.1 is a BBS Door that@X0Dwill help your users find their way@X0Daround your BBS. Very configurable!@X0DCallers pick the hotkey they want@X0Dinformation on and TriHelp displays@X0Dthe help file assoc
TICIT2A.ZIP 82,178 01-06-95 An Uncompleted Alpha Releaseof TicIt 2.00. This one supports:Points, Unlimited Areas, A GUIEditor, and some of the faultsTicIt 1.00 had is fixed.
TICRB123.ZIP 107,721 01-06-95 TicToss for RBBS-PC, v1.23 *BETA*
TICRB124.ZIP 122,991 01-06-95 TicToss for RBBS-PC, v1.24 *BETA*
TICTR121.ZIP 65,876 08-14-94 TicToss for TriBBS v1.21 BETA
TICTR122.ZIP 107,153 01-01-95 TicToss for TriBBS, v1.22 *BETA*
TICTR123.ZIP 106,915 01-01-95 TicToss for TriBBS, v1.23 *BETA*
TICTR124.ZIP 122,070 01-06-95 TicToss for TriBBS, v1.24 *BETA*
TICTR125.ZIP 122,304 02-02-95 TicToss for TriBBS, v1.25 *BETA*
TICTR127.ZIP 124,188 03-16-95 TicToss for TriBBS, v1.27 *BETA*
TLOCKV20.ZIP 40,605 11-11-94 TriLock V2.0 By Leon Gray. SFC Brings You ABreakthrough In Dupe Account Checkers ForTriBBS! Everytime A New User Logs On To YourBBS, TriLock Will Check To See If The UserAlready Has An Account. If So The SecondAccou
TLOT17.ZIP 67,651 01-25-95 TriLotto v1.7 [Release Date: 07-03-94]Daily Numbers Game for TriBBS BulletinBoard Systems. Allows users to pick a 3or 2 digit number (straight or boxed,front or back) and awards winners withonline time and opti
TMDEMO11.ZIP 168,804 05-29-94 How to install TriMail properly onTriBBS. Walk through demo.
TMDIR103.ZIP 29,282 01-06-95 TRIMDIR v1.03 - simple message directorydisplay utility for TriBBS v5.x. CreatesMSGx.BBS for any security level passed onthe command line. Freeware from LawrenceGordon.
TMDIR104.ZIP 28,345 02-01-95 TRIMDIR v1.04 - simple message directorydisplay utility for TriBBS v5.x. CreatesMSGx.BBS for any security level passed onthe command line. Freeware from LawrenceGordon.
TOL20.ZIP 57,177 03-06-95 TABS Online 2.0 - Let userssubscribe to your BBS using theTABS 900 Service by True Media!Features include $10 and $25support, subscription expirationdate support, hacker detectionand lockout, private file & msg
area support, and more! This isthe BEST TRIBBS-BASED 900 DOORyou will find! Req. TriBBS 5.x.
TOSS103C.ZIP 179,906 01-01-95 TriToss 1.03c - A FidoNet tosser/scannerwritten specifically for TriBBS. Besidestossing and scanning Fido PKTs, TriToss alsohas built-in AreaFix compatibility. Thisis a fully functional shareware program.Low $25 r
TRIBNF12.ZIP 48,521 12-02-94 TriBulletinBoardNewsFlash v1.2 For use withTriBBS Bulletin Board Systems. TriBNF allowsyou to enter from 1 to 24 lines of text,which you consider to be a "News Flash!", abit of important news and/or information,whic
TRICBS15.ZIP 44,581 01-31-95 TriCallersByState v1.5 - TriCBS willgenerate a bulletin showing the numberof users that call your BBS from each ofthe 50 states and 10 Canadian provinces,and a separate total for callers fromother countries
TRICBT12.ZIP 45,516 10-01-94 TriCallersByTown v1.2 - TriCBT analyzesyour USERS.DAT file and ranks townsbased on the number of your users thatcall from each town. The bulletindisplays rank, name of each town, thenumber of user
TRIDIE31.ZIP 93,350 01-18-95 ************ TRI-DIE v3.1 ************TRIbbs DIrectory Enhancer. TRI-DIEcreates custom MSGx.ANS andDIRSx.ANS screens in full ANSIcolor for each caller! When acaller "changes file area", TRI-DIEwill not only show
TRIDLS10.ZIP 35,273 01-10-95 TriDeleteLocalSysop v1.0; TriDLS is a TriBBS4.x utility designed to check the callers lowhen a user logs off. If the last caller isthe Sysop, TriDLS will delete the Sysop'sentry in the callers log and will also delet
TRIFDS10.ZIP 40,238 01-06-95 TriFilesDatabaseStatistics v1.0 - TriFDSgenerates a bulletin that displaysarea number, area description, filecount, and byte count for each filedirectory on your BBS and then a totalfile count and
TRIGRH25.ZIP 54,135 02-19-95 ╔══════════════════════════════════════════╗║ >>>>> TriGraph Ver.2.5 <<<<< ║║Caller bar graph display generator that ║║reads TRIBBS CALLERS.LOG & builds display ║║files from calls received by Number per
TRIHBD10.ZIP 61,956 01-06-95 TriHappyBirthday (v 1.0) - A program foruse with TriBBS Bulletin Board Systems,which creates both ANSI and MONO screenswhich contain the name or alias of up to150 users of your BBS that do have theirbirthday during
TRIHBD11.ZIP 55,376 02-01-95 TriHappyBirthday (v 1.1) - A program foruse with TriBBS Bulletin Board Systems,which creates both ANSI and MONO screenswhich contain the name or alias of up to175 users of your BBS that do have theirbirthday during
TRILCV10.ZIP 34,734 01-18-95 @X0F<@X02TriLastCall V1.0@X0F>@X0BHere's Another Incredible UtilityFrom SFC! TriLastCall Is One Of TheBest Last Caller Bulletin MakersEver Made. Just Execute TriLastCallIn Your BETWEEN.BAT File Everytime A
TRILOL10.ZIP 85,089 02-10-95 TriLogonLotto (v 1.0) A program for usewith TriBBS Bulletin Board Systems. TheTriLogonLotto, (TriLOL), program createsANSI & MONO screens, which contain threenumbers,( 0 thru 9), as selected by theSysOp, and the
TRIMRS10.ZIP 51,794 01-02-95 TriMRS - TriBBS Mail Run Summary v1.00----------------------------------------Reads TRINET.LOG and creates a logon orbulletin screen showing the total numberof imports and exports in each mail run.Now you can see th
TRIMS22A.ZIP 56,174 07-09-94 TriMS V2.02A Exclusively for TriBBSsystems. This what you've been lookingfor! A Message Subject Scanner. Itwill show the message number, who themessage is from and what it's about.GREAT for Echoed Message Bases.
TRIPCH10.ZIP 54,842 12-03-94 TriPCH - TriBBS Previous Caller History ReadCALLERS.LOG and creates a logon or bulletinscreen showing the last few callers, and whathey did. It can also create a "new user"bulletin, and trim the callers log. Extremel
TRIPROT.ZIP 56,692 05-29-94 Tri-Prot = Tri-Prot is a utility forTriBBs that install's 17 externalprotocols! They are: Ymodem Ymodem-GXmodem Xmodem (CRC) Xmodem 1k Xmodem(Relaxed) Kermit Super Zmodem Zmodem(Moby-Turb
TRIRD10.ZIP 27,629 09-05-94 TriRD V1.0 Exclusively for TriBBS/RomBrain systems. This is what you'vebeen looking for in a downloadbulletin generator! TriRD has theability to exclude certain CD's fromyour download bulletin. TriRD alsoinclud
TRIRUM13.ZIP 35,097 02-01-95 --=*>WBS Presents<*=--TriRumors v1.3 OneLiners door programsupporting almost any bbs. Greatgraphics! Full logging of what the userenters. Added Random Headers in thisrelease! New Reg. routines as well!!!!!!Sh
TRIS0106.ZIP 30,499 01-06-95 List of registered TriBBS boards as of01/06/95. Now with 2123 registered systems.
TRIS0203.ZIP 31,577 02-03-95 List of registered TriBBS boards as of02/03/95. Now with 2236 registered systems.
TRIS0210.ZIP 42,559 04-25-94 List of registered TriBBS boards as of02/10/95. Now with 2260 registered systems.
TRIS0217.ZIP 32,116 02-17-95 List of registered TriBBS boards as of02/17/95. Now with 2285 registered systems.
TRIS0303.ZIP 33,345 03-16-95 List of registered TriBBS boards as of03/03/95. Now with 2334 registered systems.
TRITUS10.ZIP 50,614 01-06-95 TriTopUsersStats (v 1.0) - A program foruse with TriBBS Bulletin Board Systems,which creates both ANSI and MONO screenswhich contain a listing of the "Top 10"users of your BBS in the Total of Calls,Total Messages,
TRIUSR8.ZIP 2,496 02-26-95 @X0E Usurper Version 8 & TriBBS 5.11=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=This is a set of batch files torun Usurper Version 8 with Tri-BBS 5.X and above....Node 1is pretty easy, Node 2 is alittle tricky....But thi
TRIWNU22.ZIP 64,553 12-11-94 TriWelcomeNewUsers v2.2 For use with theTriBBS Bulletin Board Systems. Creates bothANSI and MONO screens which list the newusers of your BBS. It will list up to 125 neusers. Can be used as Logon screens, or asBullet
TRIWOW10.ZIP 59,308 02-10-95 TriWordsOfWisdom (v 1.0) - For use withTriBBS Bulletin Board Systems only. TheTriWordsOfWisdom (TriWOW), creates MONOand ANSI screens, containing "Words ofWisdom". TriWOW randomly selects, anddisplays a pi
TRIYO41.ZIP 34,602 01-06-95 TriYo! Paging Door version 4.1.An extremely functional pagedoor for TriBBS. Allows apassword, external page toneproduction, and more!
TRI_BOOT.ZIP 3,424 03-05-95 A pair of batch files to helpavoid TSR & IRQ conflicts withTriBBS.
TSECUR44.ZIP 26,007 01-06-95 TriSecure--Logon Verification for BBSsystems version 4.4. Randomly askscallers for phone number and birthdate.Reduce illegal logons! Now works withany system that can generate DOOR.SYS.
TSORT20.ZIP 59,377 12-07-94 TriSort v2.0 Sort TriBBS's User Records inAccending Order. The Sysop can select eitherFirst, or Last Name of User to Sort by. Willnot affect User Record number 1 which shouldbe the sysop's Record Number. Will renumbe
TSORT30.ZIP 228,194 01-17-95 ************* TriSort v3.0 *************A Sorting Utility for TriBBS 5.x. TriSortwill Sort Users Data Records, File AreasData Records, and New in this version, TriSowill Now Sort Message Conference Data RecordTriSor
TSORT31.ZIP 238,881 01-25-95 ************* TriSort v3.1 *************A Sorting Utility for TriBBS 5.x. TriSortwill Sort Users Data Records, File AreasData Records, and New in this version, TriSowill Now Sort Message Conference Data RecordTriSor
TTOP1520.ZIP 30,528 02-01-95 TriTop15 v2.0 is a Top 15 user bulletinmaker for TriBBS 5.x systems. TriTop15shows the top fifteen callers, messageposters, downloaders, and uploaders.Custom configurable. You can showa user's alias or real name i
TTOP6031.ZIP 55,241 12-01-94 TriTop60 v3.1 Is for use with TriBBS BulletiBoard Systems. TriTop60 will create both ANSand MONO bulletins, which list the "Top 60"files on your BBS based upon the number oftimes the files were downloaded. Please REA
TTOP6032.ZIP 55,437 02-16-95 TriTop60 (v 3.2) Is for use with TriBBSBulletin Board Systems. TriTop60 willcreate both ANSI & MONO bulletins, whichlist the Top 60 files on your BBS, basedupon the number of times the files weredownloaded. Th
TTP10B01.ZIP 535,540 02-06-95 TriToss Professional 1.0 - Beta 1 - Here isthe long awaited upgrade to TriToss 1.x. Youmust have a 386SX or better to runTriToss/Pro. You must be a REGISTEREDTriBBS sysop to run this beta version.
TTP10B05.ZIP 536,062 03-06-95 TriToss Professional 1.0 - Beta 5 - Here isthe long awaited upgrade to TriToss 1.x. Youmust have a 386SX or better to runTriToss/Pro. You must be a REGISTEREDTriBBS sysop to run this beta version. This
fixes a couple of areafix related bugs.
TTP10B06.ZIP 536,160 02-06-95 TriToss Professional 1.0 - Beta 6 - Here isthe long awaited upgrade to TriToss 1.x. Youmust have a 386SX or better to runTriToss/Pro. You must be a REGISTEREDTriBBS sysop to run this beta version. Thisfixes a bug r
TTPINFO2.ZIP 1,561 03-06-95 This is an information file that describeshow TriBBS and TriMail call TTPROT.EXE.Useful for third-party programmers who wantto use TTPROT.EXE with their TriBBS-relatedprograms. It now includes info about passingnons
TULV221.ZIP 35,582 01-25-95 TriULV 2.21 -=- TriULV is a replacement forthe internal user list viewer in TriBBS thatadds the ability to search for a user by NAMCITY, or by a sound alike name called aSOUNDEX. -=- TriULV is FREEWARE from PowerSoT
TULV222.ZIP 25,646 01-21-95 TriULV 2.22 -=- TriULV is a replacement forthe internal user list viewer in TriBBS thatadds the ability to search for a user by NAMCITY, or by a sound alike name called aSOUNDEX. -=- TriULV is FREEWARE from PowerSoF
TWITDEF.ZIP 11,339 01-17-95 TWITDEF is a hilarious Sysop definitionof the TWITS and LAMERS that call BBSes.It provides a bit of humor for the readerand makes him stop to reflect and see ifhe may be the one being described! Thesetwo color
T_IT2A2.ZIP 83,725 01-18-95 TicIt 2.00! Alpha Version 2An Uncompleted Alpha Releaseof TicIt 2.00. This one supports:Points, Unlimited Areas, A GUIEditor, and some of the faultsTicIt 1.00 had is fixed.Now Includes: Deleting of AreasFix for OS
T_IT2A4.ZIP 97,623 01-25-95 TicIt Version 2.00 Alpha 4The BEST Tic Processor forTriBBS. Includes: Virus Scanning,Archive Converting, Multinode SupportALLFIX Hub commands, and much more!Version 2.00 series is practicallya complete rewrite of 1
T_IT2A6.ZIP 87,375 02-01-95 TicIt Version 2.00 Alpha 6The BEST Tic Processor forTriBBS. Includes: Virus Scanning,Archive Converting, Multinode SupportALLFIX Hub commands, and much more!Version 2.00 series is practicallya complete rewrite of 1
T_ITA9.ZIP 87,649 01-22-95 TicIt Version 2.00 Alpha 9The BEST Tic Processor forTriBBS. Includes: Virus Scanning,Archive Converting, Multinode SupportALLFIX Hub commands, and much more!Version 2.00 series is practicallya complete rewrite of 1
UPLOAD1.ZIP 15,627 03-06-95 UPLOAD is a quick and dirtyprogram that will allow youto change the Upload TimeCompensation Ratio on a TriBBSBBS via the command line or anevent. Free to all registeredTriBBS Sysops. From Cyber Soft
USRDMP11.ZIP 42,927 12-13-94 USERDUMP 1.1 - Dumps entire TriBBS5.x user data to printer, file, orscreen. Written by Steve Harmon
USRDMP12.ZIP 38,967 02-10-95 USERDUMP 1.2 - Dumps entire TriBBS 5.x user data to printer, file, or screen. Bug fix. Postcardware - no registration!By Steve Harmon
WC2TRI10.ZIP 24,406 02-01-95 WC2TRI v1.00 - Allows you to run TriBBS as adoor off of any bulletin board system thatcan create a DOOR.SYS drop file. Supportsthe "/V" switch for use with McAfee'sSCAN.EXE version 2.x series. Freeware fromLawrence
ZSCREENS.ZIP 3,785 01-18-95 Some screens to advertise you have a ZOOM 2.VFC modem online. 3 screens are in this ZIP1-ansi/1-bbs and 1 using the @variables@...Use as you wish, change anything you want...T.J.Jones The Forgotten Realms BBS, Chgo.I