AUTONT23.ZIP 301,455 11-10-94 Auto-Net 2.3THE first automated Internet program. PerfoARCHIE, FTP, MAIL, FINGER, WHO-IS, UPLOADS,FAXing, Yanoff's list, get new files, LEECH,download TERABYTES of great programs fromthe Internet... without even be
AUTOS119.ZIP 152,046 03-17-95 AutoSend v1.19 - A WWIV Net Sub Host Utility - Sends old posts to new subscribers - Posts sub rules and subscription lists - Post sub ads, rules, etc. on any sub - Send e-mail to sub subscribers
- Removes unknown systems from N*.NET files - Scans DEAD.NET for dead posts and e-mail - Configuration program for easy setup - Graphical packet scanning - And much, much more!
COBRIEN5.ZIP 28,148 04-25-94 Internet FAQ (ans. to freq. askedquestions) re: TV personality ConanO'Brien [5-94 ver. replaces previous.]
COFFEEDR.ZIP 7,141 12-06-94 Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)re: coffee beverages
COUNT10.ZIP 33,981 04-17-94 Let's you set # of dialing attempts for UUCICyour Host! FREEWARE from ON-CALL Software.use and could be ENTIRELY useless to you butcheck it out anyway. Keeps my Internet hostmy board seem busy all darn night if I can't
CRYPTO5.ZIP 54,947 03-06-95 Internet FAQ (ans. to freq. askedquestions) re: cryptography[5-94 ver. replaces previous.]
CUSEE060.ZIP 127,536 03-06-95 Videoconferencing on the Internet!This amazing Windows/Winsock based clientprogram will allow you to log into specialreflector sites to view on-goingvideoteleconferencing! And if you have a
video digitizing card in your PC, you canjoin in! Have face to face conversationswith people from around the world. WorkingWinsock or other Windows TCP/IP interfacerequired. Welcome to the 21st century!
DBPERL11.ZIP 510,503 01-12-95 The Internet Pearls Database - HUGE databaseof valuable Internet information: hundreds osites, hundreds of pointers to What's Best othe Internet. Full-fledged Database - Add,Delete, Sort, Query, Find, Import, Export,
DO_IT01.ZIP 7,986 03-11-95 DO-IT Guide to Disability Resources on theInternet This publication lists Internetresources of potential interest to peoplewho have disabilities or are interested indisability-related issues. The creation and
maintenance of this publication is partiallyfunded by a grant from the National ScienceFoundation in support of project DO- IT(Disabilities, Opportunities,Internetworking, and Technology) at theUniversity of Washington. Resources listed
include listserv and listproc discussionlists, electronic newsletters, newsgroupdiscussion groups, www homepages, and gopherservers. The most current copy of thisresource list can be found on the
DUMMY22.ZIP 137,238 03-06-95 The Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet waswritten to help open some doors to the vastamounts of information available on theworld's largest network, the Internet. Thisis version 2.2, Feb. 1994. Over 200 pages.
EASYADD2.ZIP 60,343 03-06-95 EASY ADDRESS V2.0 - An internet and fidonetaddress book for Synchronet BBS's. Allowsusers to keep a list of addresses on theBBS and assign a note to each address ifdesired. Users may choose the number of the
address and their message is automaticallyaddressed. Supports Fidonet, GUUCP gates,NetXpress and file attaches. Simply, amust for every BBS running Internet, QWK orfidonet NetMail! Registration only $20.00US
EUDOR144.ZIP 277,115 12-07-94 Eudora for Windows-v1.4.4 (Freeware)Internet Mail Handler for TCP/IP.Requires Win-3.1, WinSock v1.1 compliantTCP/IP stack, MS-Mouse, 750KB of free diskspace (more depending on mailbox sizes), &an account on a comput
EZARCH1D.ZIP 10,214 06-13-94 EZ-ARCHIE V1.0d July 19, 1994 Copyright 1994Russ Adams EZ-ARCHIE includes the followingfiles: adams.dll, arch1_c.wax, ncftp.wax,archie.lst, readme1c.txt This macro set isdesigned to run under Procomm+ for Windowsver
FIBSW121.ZIP 191,723 04-22-94 FIBS/W v1.21 -- Now providing support forTCP/IP, SLIP and PPP Connections. Copyright(c) 1994 Robin Davies. All Rights Reserved.FIBS/W is a Microsoft Windows(TM) based cliefor the First International Backgammon Serve
FLEET101.ZIP 722,403 01-25-95 FleetStreet 1.01 for OS/2 2.x/3.x PMis a flexible and powerful FTN messagereader for Squish & *.MSG areas,multithreaded, 32 bit, CUA'91, Rexx,drag'n'drop, highly configurable,engl., german and italian version.
FREEDATA.ZIP 30,703 12-06-94 Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)re: free databases on the net
FTPSRV10.ZIP 173,756 02-04-95 This is Serv-U version 1.00, a FTP server (oDaemon) for MS-Windows and its variants thatuse WinSock for TCP/IP network access. Serv-comes with the following files: SERV-U.EXE -The FTP-server executable itself SERV-U.
FYI_QA.ZIP 31,283 10-13-93 Answers to commonly asked "New Internet User"questions. Introductory material to theInternet.
GOPH0794.ZIP 27,482 07-03-94 Worldwide List of Gophers From: The WorldSoftware Tool & Die Brookline, MA (617) 739-9753 (8N1; VT-102) Date: July1994 1. Search Gopherspace using Veronica/ 2AARNET/ 3. ACADEME THIS WEEK (Chronicle ofH
GOPHERN.ZIP 85,923 03-04-94 Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1993 21:05:01 -0400 (EDT)From: DOROSZ@PL9000.PLH.AF.MIL Subject: gophcourse- free To: netug@mh.PLH.AF.MILNAVIGATING THE INTERNET: LET'S GO GOPHERIN'Richard J. Smith and Jim Gerland "Navigatingthe I
IBBS1293.ZIP 1,725 12-02-93 List of Internet/Usenet capable BBS's.
IDTEL17.ZIP 120,261 05-06-94 Internet TELNET and FINGER door
INET1194.ZIP 88,863 01-23-95 Some commercial 1-800 Internet providers witdetails of what they provide and what theycost. Includes a summary and recommendationfor those not in top-100 metro markets.Prepared at the Freeware Hall of Fame.
INET12.ZIP 78,575 12-06-94 The Internet Connection! Version 1.2By Mark Williamson, Omega Software.Inet will allow your users to write anInternet message from your system, withup to 70 characters in the address line,and adjusting the netmail m
INET13.ZIP 80,104 11-10-94 The Internet Connection! V1.3 By MarkWilliamson, Omega Software. Inet will allowyour users to write an Internet message fromyour system, with up to 70 characters in theaddress line, and adjusting the netmailmessage
INET16.ZIP 271,411 02-27-95 The Internet Connection! Version 1.6 By MarkWilliamson, Omega Software. Allow your usersto write an Internet message from yoursystem! Don't bother them with 'how toformat the message'. Let Inet do it forthem! Men
INET16A.ZIP 79,643 03-04-95 The Internet Connection! Version 1.6a.By Mark Williamson, Omega Software.Allow your users to write an Internetmessage from your system! Don't botherthem with 'how to format the message'.Let Inet do it for them! Men
INETTIME.ZIP 4,170 02-12-95 This small REXX program searches for theInternet connect log on all available drivesand reads thru all the entries in the log(\tcpip\etc\CONNECT.LOG) and SUMMARIZES the'connect' time by month.
INFPOP24.ZIP 291,227 10-22-92 InfoPop 2.4 is a TSR guide to the internet,compuserve, bitnet, bbs systems and more. Aswappable TSR, InfoPop shrinks to 9K when notactive yet provides access on pop-up to a280K hypertext help database. Also included
INTERTY.ZIP 48,404 11-22-94 SysOps! - Do you want to give YOUR usersan Internet Email Address? InternetUsenet? International Fido Messageechoes? 4-15 megs of files a DAY?Starting at 5$ a month!!!
INT_GLOS.ZIP 35,330 10-13-93 Internet Glossary. Decode those arcaneinsider terms from Internet and Usenet.
INX10A.ZIP 854,740 03-12-95 InterNexus 1.0 - RCCO Research DISK 1 OF 4InterNexus for Windows, Internet mailbase /log (with binary objects storage). Long-termstorage & logging for up to one gigabyte ofinformation. Related binary objects
(images, graphs, spreadsheets, documents,sound & video objects) may be added, viewed,played, updated/edited. Report writer. Req.Win 3.1+ in Enhanced Mode; 4.5MB disk space;80386SX+. Regis.: $29.95.
IP-HOOK.ZIP 34,570 03-27-91 Info for having home PC (BBS?) on Internet.
IPERLS23.ZIP 66,865 11-21-94 Internet Usenet newsgroups list in TSR formaAnother Internet Pearl (tm) by SoloTechSoftware. Look for other Internet Pearls tomake your travel through the Internet easierand more worthwhile. The Internet Pearls are
IPOST122.ZIP 108,193 03-12-94 ╒═════════════════════════════════════╕│IPOST 1.22 - The Internet Mail Post ││Door. Generates fido style UUCP ││gateway messages, or WAFFLE/UUCP type││messages. Why bother with exporting,││do it directly! $15
IRC4WIN.ZIP 91,172 03-12-95 IRC4WIN v1.10BETA MS-Windows (WINSOCKcompliant) version of the IRC client. TheIRC (Internet Relay Chat) is the Multi-UserChatting system which became very popularand widely used by UNIX users.
ISR100A.ZIP 60,508 02-17-95 iSERVER, a great FIDO-UUCP tosser. Can tossmail from your Internet "JAM" areas directlyinto the netmail directories. No need forspecial editors. Looks just like a regularinternet area on your BBS! Can prevent u
ITERM120.ZIP 186,963 01-24-95 Pre-release for I-Term,Cyberworks Software ver. 1.20------------------------------------I-Term is a program that was made tobe a HUMAN FRIENDLY way to access andnavigate the Internet. Just follow themenus and you'l
IWCIUN01.ZIP 67,254 01-01-94 Add Your BBS..To The INTERNET Community! Saveyour time, money and energy because IWC/LCLcan now provide you with qualityInternet/Usenet services. No hassel, nononsence, we'll have you, up and running in
JUNKMAIL.ZIP 8,635 12-06-94 Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)re: how to stop receiving junkmail
KEYWEST_.ZIP 12,718 12-06-94 Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)re: that funspot in the sun
LIST212.ZIP 12,177 01-30-95 Listserv v2.12 - lets you run multipleInternet mailing lists from your Wildcat v4.BBS. FREE wcCODE program! Compiled forWildcat v4.01 Added the following: -2.12:Added support for a registration key file.-2.12: LIST
LORAUTIL.ZIP 19,358 02-24-94 LORAUTIL.ZIP - REXX Utilitiesto help manage LoraBBS/2.Manage Lora's logfile, compilenodelists, move Internet mail,and more.
MFUUD367.ZIP 46,066 01-03-95 UuFTL: version 3.6.7 of MFUUD (Multiple FileUUDecoder) for DOS systems. If you don't knoanything about MFUUD, let me briefly describthe program. MFUUD is a smart uudecoderdesigned to decode binary posts found on the
MODER44.ZIP 23,086 01-01-95 A list of MsDos FTP sites, their moderatorsand other useful information for downloading;by Prof. Timo Salmi, Finland, and RhysWeatherley, Australia.
MODER46.ZIP 34,078 09-04-93 A list of MsDos FTP sites, theirmoderators and other useful informationfor downloading; by Prof. Timo Salmi,Finland, and Rhys Weatherley, Australia.
MUD100.ZIP 16,776 11-04-94 ZippyMUD - Run an Internet-style MUD on yourWildcat v4.x BBS. Includes source code forWildcat v4.01. FREE!
MUD_141.ZIP 616,306 03-17-95 MUD │ INDUSTRIAL PROSE & MAGIC │ DEMO │ 1.41────┴──────────────────────────┴──────┴─────The first MUD (Multi-User-Dungeon) devel-opment kit for MS-DOS, introduced at the1994 ONE BBSCON. Create an online RPG, any
genre! RIP and ANSI graphics, run your MUDas a door or BBS, windowed interface forcallers, easy interactive world-building,Guild-based skill system, Wizard accesslevels, combat system, smart typo-correctingparser, flexible and configurable rules
system, monsters, treasures, spells, etc.
NETBBSES.ZIP 2,925 12-06-94 Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)re: BBSes accessible from the Internt
NETBK05.ZIP 24,544 07-06-94 The Unofficial Internet Book List The mostcomplete bibliography of books about theInternet Version 0.5 - 19 June 1994 -Featuring LOTS of new book information. Thisis an interim release - I still have atowering stack
NETCTR10.ZIP 459,763 02-16-94 NETCENTR.ZIP> VER 1.0. Greatest Tour of thethrough screen captures of Mosaic & the NetcAlso included is a Cello browser similar towhich allows you to set up your Internet Accgraphically view - the World Wide Web. A
NETDEM11.ZIP 63,628 10-23-94 NETDEMO - The Interactive Internet Guide (c)1994 by Rick Hower (Unregistered SharewareVersion) NETDEMO is an easy-to-use full-coloshareware guide to the Internet. It includesguided interactive demos of e- mail, usene
NROVER11.ZIP 56,459 01-25-95 NETROVER 1.1 BETA Netrover is an automatedfile retrieval and storage utility for thefollowing Supported Internet Services:FTP,WWW, Gopher, and Finger. With NetRover you cspecify a wide variety of event typesincludin
NSCAPE09.ZIP 365,389 10-12-94 Mosaic Netscape 0.9 beta (Windows) MosaicNetscape 0.9 (public beta version) is free fyour personal use, subject to the termsdetailed in the license agreement accompanyiit. Subject to the timing and results of thibet
NX10B2.ZIP 109,570 11-23-93 News Xpress Version 1.0 Beta #2 is a WindowsSockets compliant USENET newsreader forMicrosoft Windows that uses the NNTP toaccess newsgroups and articles on a newsserver. Features include:- Use Windows Multiple Docum
PERLFAQ.ZIP 62,338 12-06-94 Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)re: the textprocessing language PERL
POWERPC.ZIP 18,522 12-06-94 Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)re: the new PowerPC chip from IBM,Apple and Motorola, and the machinesthat use it
QGATE092.ZIP 59,784 10-20-94 QWKgate 0.92 QWK-Internet Gateway. Tossesmail between a LAN-based BBS and the InternetProvides a gateway between QWK-formattedmessages and Internet-style (SMTP) messages.Requires a LAN with TCP/IP access to the
QUOTES11.ZIP 34,344 12-06-94 Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)re: quotations from the famous andnot-so-famous
REGGAE11.ZIP 58,220 12-06-94 Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)re: reggae
RESCU11.ZIP 42,644 12-06-94 Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)re: rescue societies for various dogbreeds
ROADMAP.ZIP 105,136 02-24-94 ROADMAP4.ZIP> V.1.0 Lighthouse ProductionsSept. Edition 1994. ROADMAP TO INFO SUPERHWYCompiled in Windows Help File Format(Hypertext) for rapid resources of InterNetUpdated Monthly. Windows required. GETTHE LATEST
SBI0195.ZIP 44,598 11-28-94 == 1/95 Guide to Select BBS's on the InterneThe most comprehensive listing of BBS'saccessible via TELNET or RLOGIN on the Inter51 *NEW* systems since the 12/94 edition ofthe SBI list (123 total systems in 1/95).*SYS
SBI0295.ZIP 47,261 11-28-94 = 2/95 Guide to Select BBS's on Internet =A comprehensive guide to BBS'saccessible via TELNET or RLOGIN onthe Internet. 169 BBS's from aroundthe World!The official "SBI List", featured inWest Coast Online Magazine
SCHAT10.ZIP 67,467 12-10-94 SantaCHAT Door v.1.0 - for PCB or forLOCAL use at home to CHAT with Santa "live"via Internet. Freeware from Polymath One,* * * Try it (609) EWA-LYKE it! * * ** it can recognize User that is not LoginUser (as, t
SKEPTIC.ZIP 50,734 12-06-94 Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)re: skepticism
SMB_120.ZIP 240,544 02-15-95 Synchronet Message Base Specification v1.20Released 02/15/95. Designed for high volume,high speed, multi-network, multimedia e-mailstorage and retrieval. Includes comprehensiv
95 page technical specification, 38 functionroyalty free C library, tons of C source codincluding conversion programs from QWK, Fido(FTSC-1), and Internet (RFC-822) messages.New: Hyper Allocation storage method and LZH
compression/decompression functions.
SPORTCAR.ZIP 104,272 12-06-94 Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)re: driving sporty cars (fast!)
TC14_400.ZIP 14,453 12-06-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 400
TC14_401.ZIP 14,443 12-06-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 401
TC14_402.ZIP 16,150 12-06-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 402
TC14_403.ZIP 15,261 03-17-95 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 403
TC14_404.ZIP 12,334 12-06-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 404
TC14_405.ZIP 19,809 12-06-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 405
TC14_432.ZIP 17,147 12-06-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 432
TH_M2C15.ZIP 10,352 11-28-94 Pre-processor that scans your incomingInternet email for messages to specifiedconferences on your BBS. Saves youtransfer time because it lets you receivemessages for Internet mailings lists onceinstead once for eac
TRI_INET.ZIP 41,984 12-20-94 A collection of help-files thatmight be of interest to TriBBSSysops who are wanting to bringInternet email and newsgroupsinto their boards. Prepared byBen Askew as a way of saying"Thanks" to several people whohel
TYMENET.ZIP 33,844 11-13-94 SysOps! - Do you wish to recieve4-15 megs a day of new files?Over 600 INTERNATIONAL Messageareas? UUCP Internet Email foryou users? Download this then!
USBUP100.ZIP 72,223 10-01-94 USBBSUP: The USBBS National BBS listremote update program. Allows updatesvia Internet Mail. If this program ismore that 3 months old, check foradditional script update programs.
USBUP103.ZIP 72,727 09-16-94 USBBSUP: The USBBS National BBS listremote update program. Allows updatesvia Internet Mail. If this program ismore that 3 months old, check foradditional script update programs.
UUCPHOST.TXT 3,995 04-02-94 List of some UUCP host sites for Internet anUsenet feeds.
WAFGT110.ZIP 110,850 11-23-94 WAFTOGT 1.10 INTERNET/USENET for GT Power.Bring e-mail and Usenet newsgroups to your GPower BBS! This lets you offer a feature manusers are looking for!
WE2XMOS.ZIP 13,770 02-08-95 Web Explorer to XMosaic Hotlist converter byMike Kopack version 1.0 This program will taa hotlist from Web Explorer Version 1.0 andnewer (possibly older versions too) and ahotlist from Xmosaic from a Unix machine and
WHATIS_I.ZIP 11,310 10-13-93 What Is the Internet?
WNMAI240.ZIP 649,745 01-16-95 WinNET Mail (tm) v2.40 <ASP> - Direct accessto the world-wide Internet and Usenet networwith powerful Windows MDI E-Mail System.Toolbar, Mail Folders, Message Search, BinarTransfer, Scheduling, BackgroundCommunicati
WWDOS_02.ZIP 91,778 01-25-95 WWDOS_02.ZIP vVol1 No.2-WindoWatch (in theReadRoom *.toc format.) Internet Access forWindows,Doing Help;askSam,Acrobat & Approachreviews,ASPECT tutorial #2, Doing Windows,Alice and The ShareWare Plug of the Month.
WWWFAQ11.ZIP 56,108 03-17-95 Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns) rethe World Wide Web
WWWINDEX.ZIP 5,329 03-17-95 the Nov. edition of the WorldWide Webindex
YANOFF11.ZIP 28,784 12-06-94 11-94 version of the Internet services listby Scott Yanoff