AHP143.ZIP 119,723 12-02-94 AHELP and AHELP5 are distributed exclusivelyby MicroFox Company. AHELP5 is an advancedHelp and Index Library for all Clipper 5.xversions. AHELP is an advanced Help and IndeLibrary for Clipper Summer 87. AHPnnn.ZIPco
AM_CC11.ZIP 187,320 11-18-94 COIN CATALOG for Windows: program for IBM-PC(MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your coincollection in as much detail as you need,including the Country of issue, Description,Catalog Number, Value, Date and Price ofPurchase, a
AM_DN11.ZIP 174,807 11-13-94 DAILY NOTES for Windows: program for IBM-PC(excellent for Laptops) (MS Windows 3.1). Aryou writing a lot of different notes on adaily basis? Do you want to refer to themvery quickly? Do you want to sort them bysubje
AM_HC11.ZIP 188,293 11-18-94 HARDWARE CATALOG for Windows: program forIBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog yourcomputer hardware in as much detail as youneed, including the serial # and phonesupport number. Unlimited number of entries,automatically
AM_SC11.ZIP 189,069 11-18-94 SOFTWARE CATALOG for Windows: program for M-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your software ias much detail as you need, including theserial # and phone support number. Unlimitednumber of entries, automatically sorted.Se
AM_ST11.ZIP 186,854 11-18-94 STAMP CATALOG for Windows: program for IBM-P(MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your stampcollection in as much detail as you need,including the Country of issue, Description,Catalog Number, Value, Date and Price ofPurchase,
APLANR34.ZIP 225,383 12-14-94 A PROJECT/EVENT PLANNER v3.4 <ASP> - Use forquick overall project planning, activityscheduling, resource scheduling. Can assignincome/costs to events/resources to estimateproject income/cost. Can shift all eventsf
APMAO100.ZIP 124,223 11-19-94 APT Mailing Assistant for OS/2 v1.00 <ASP>Print envelopes and labels with POSTNET barcodes on HP compatible laser or Epsoncompatible dot matrix printers. Supportsmultiple address files, import/export, bulkmailing an
ASPBBS52.ZIP 91,847 02-20-95 ASP BBS MEMBERSHIP LISTING - Edition #52 -02/20/95. This is the listing of all 378 ASP approved BBS systems. The ASP recommendsASP Approved BBS systems as one of the best sources of high quality, up-to-date
shareware programs. Contains two files: Afull listing with detailed informationabout each BBS, and a file formatted forprinting mailing labels (for those BBSswanting to receive disks by mail). Thisfile replaces ASPBBS51.ZIP <ASP>
ASPDAT52.ZIP 87,249 02-24-94 ASP MEMBERSHIP LISTS <ASP>ASP Membership Lists. See ASPROG.ZIPASP member lists in dBASE III+ format.Use the program in ASPROG.ZIP to browseand print labels. Can also export tocomma delimited, TXT or CDF data files
for use with other software.
ASW108-1.ZIP 337,239 12-11-94 ASTRO For Windows--The Program ForAstrological Analysis. A Powerful AstrologyProgram For Microsoft Windows 3.1Full Featured. Interprets. Produces TextReports and Graphics Cartwheels.Natal, Compatibility, Transits.V
BAC33.ZIP 332,114 12-02-94 ULTIMATE BACCARAT 3.3 <ASP>INTERACTIVE ANIMATED BACCARAT SIMULATION-Go where no baccarat player has gone before,into the ULTIMATE zone! Enter a fullyanimated casino card game and gamblingschool. Use the TUTOR, see
BARS10.ZIP 756,478 11-15-94 Bars distributed by HomeBrew Software isan action puzzle game. There are four barsmade of various types of stones. The barsgrow and the aim is to keep them down longenough to complete each level. Requires:556K RAM
BASKETJ.ZIP 113,554 11-23-94 BASKETBALL STATS POWER Version 1.10 ASPAnalyze and print out complete individual,team, and oponent basketball statistics.Save data for up to 45 teams, 45 games perteam, and 17 players per team. Spreadsheetstyle e
BBS207.ZIP 178,598 12-02-94 BBS Access from MicroFox Company is a veryeasy-to-use data communications program forcalling BBSs and uploading & downloadingfiles. The protocols included are ASCII,Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Xmodem/1K,Xmodem/G
BCKBK11.ZIP 481,057 12-06-94 BEAM COOKBOOK v1.00 <ASP> is a comprehensive2D beam solver. This is the ultimate "cook-book" instead of having to find the rightrecipe, it only contains the ingredients, yosupply the recipe. The ingredients are:su
BERTAA42.ZIP 314,091 12-18-94 BERT'S AFRICAN ANIMALS, VER. 4.2 <ASP>Children's animal coloring writing program.-Easy enjoyable coloring program, especiallyuseful for introducing young children tocomputers. Designed by educators to be usedwith mi
BERTCA42.ZIP 353,019 12-18-94 BERT'S CHRISTMAS, VER. 4.2 <ASP>Children's Christmas coloring writing prog.-Easy enjoyable coloring program, especiallyuseful for introducing young children tocomputers. Designed by educators to be usedwith minimal
BERTDA42.ZIP 331,888 12-18-94 BERT'S DINOSAURS, VER. 4.2 <ASP>Children's dinosaur coloring writing prog.-Easy enjoyable coloring program, especiallyuseful for introducing young children tocomputers. Designed by educators to be usedwith minimal h
BERTPA42.ZIP 344,150 12-18-94 BERT'S PREHISTORIC ANIMALS, VER. 4.2 <ASP>Children's animal coloring writing program.-Easy enjoyable coloring program, especiallyuseful for introducing young children tocomputers. Designed by educators to be usedwit
BERTWA42.ZIP 310,723 12-18-94 BERT'S WHALES AND DOLPHINS, VER. 4.2 <ASP>Children's whale coloring writing program.-Easy enjoyable coloring program, especiallyuseful for introducing young children tocomputers. Designed by educators to be usedwith
BIKE20.ZIP 80,932 11-14-94 BIKE V2.00 <ASP> Bike is a program thatallows the user to develop a database ofbicycle ride data for training. This programis useful for the racer and the casual riderto keep track of statistics in their exercisprog
BOWL101Q.ZIP 323,145 11-30-94 BOWL101q v14.0 <ASP> - A User friendlyBowling League managment program.Configurable to most scoring systems.Easy data entry, a minute a team andthe computer does the rest. 40 Teams1-4 games, Team handicap, ind handi
BSORT201.ZIP 96,607 11-21-94 BigSort Data Sorting Program v2.01 <ASP>A fast and flexable sorting utility formassive amounts of data. Handles fixedlength, variable, dBASE and comma delimiteddelimited file formats. Sorting keys cancontain up to
BSTORM10.ZIP 178,190 11-15-94 BrainStorm distributed by HomeBrewSoftware! BrainStorm is a strategic puzzlegame for one player; concerning tiles,colors and different gravity forces. Yourjob in each of the levels is to make all ofthe tiles disap
CALQCK20.ZIP 375,881 12-08-94 Calendar Quick Scheduling Tool v2.00 A veryfast and feature-rich scheduler for Windowsusers. Allows scheduling for an individual,or an entire enterprise. Create monthly &weekly calendars, time lines, and itinerariew
CATMAN10.ZIP 330,487 11-22-94 CatMan-DO! V1.0 <ASP> - A management tool tohelp you track files on diskette. Use Auto oManual Bulk Load to build your databasequickly. Use File Finder to import text filelike FILE_ID.DIZ. An open text area wherelib
CE318D.ZIP 33,355 11-15-94 CMEditor File Text Editor v3.18d <ASP> --Small, handy text editor loaded withfeatures. Edit or view large files. Markblocks of lines for copy, move, delete,export, print. Search/replace stringoperators, modest mouse
CENVID.ZIP 215,741 11-29-94 CENVI FOR DOS VERSION 1.009 <ASP>C-interpreter/batch-enhancer/macro tool-CEnvi gives the DOS professional a completeC-like environment, including the standardlibrary and interrupt calls, in an easy-to-use form and a
CENVIW.ZIP 281,090 11-29-94 CENVI FOR WINDOWS VERSION 1.009 <ASP>C-interpreter/Windows-batch/macro tool-CEnvi gives the Windows professional acomplete C-like environment, including thestandard library and DLL calls, in aneasy-to-use form and a
CF537.ZIP 184,698 11-15-94 CMFiler v.5.37 <ASP> -- DOS File Manager --Acclaimed by DOS 6 Secrets, PC Mag, NovellDOS 7 Unleashed! Split-screen file managerwith full suite of file and dir services,including tree mode. Built-in file editor,flopp
CHINA130.ZIP 163,907 12-01-94 WRITE CHINESE V1.30 <ASP>Program to teach basic Chinese calligraphy-presents 150 of the most frequently usedcharacters in traditional and simplifiedforms. Students practice drawing charactersin a "nine-square box,"
CLEAN11.ZIP 32,124 12-12-94 CLEANUP 1.0 VBX Design-Mode Tool <ASP>Just drop this custom control into yourproject and automatically minimizethe windows of every non-VB applicationrunning (except VBAssist).This Visual Basic Custom Control append
CLEANER1.ZIP 34,615 11-17-94 Disk Drive Cleaner v1 <ASAD><ASP> - RosenthaEngeering. Cleans floppy disk drive R/W headsafely & effectively, preventing data loss,unreliable performance and errors due tomicroscopic foreign particles, dirt, dust,ox
CLKMTR11.ZIP 87,325 11-29-94 CLICKOMETER(TM) v1.1 <ASP> - Reduce RSI byknowing when to take a break! This programcounts keystrokes, mouse clicks, and tracksmouse movement. It issues warning noticeswhen activity thresholds (that you specify)are
CMFLOP11.ZIP 21,777 11-15-94 CMFLOPPY v1.1 <ASP> -- Floppy disketteutility program from NoVaSoft. Copy, format,view 3.5"/5.25" DSDD/HD diskettes with speedand ease. May be driven by command lineparameters or internal menu. Copier countsdown fro
CROSSP6B.ZIP 236,655 11-25-94 CROSSWORD POWER Version 6.02 (ASP)Create crossword puzzles from your words andclues. Words are manually or automaticallyplaced in the puzzle grid. Auto-search canexamine over 200 different word arrangementsto
CRUSH13.ZIP 66,356 11-27-94 CRUSH v1.3 - <ASP> Super-compressor for DOS.Fed up with limited compression performanceof Stacker, PKZIP (2.04g), ZOO, ARJ and LHA?CRUSH will usually give 5%-50% improvedcompression over any other DOS compressiontoo
CSAM21.ZIP 114,480 12-03-94 CSAMORT version 2.10 <ASP> -Performs loan amortization schedules andautomatic payment calculations.Contains a number of options for specialmortgage loan calculations.Computer Solutions, Inc. $24.50
CSSH.ZIP 421,932 12-12-94 Smart House v1.00 <ASP-U> DOS multimediatreasure hunt game for literate, educatedadults. Get to the prize room and collect aprize! Your ordinary PC plays music andspeech through its own speaker; viewanimations and m
CTSSPU21.ZIP 152,075 11-30-94 CTS SERIAL PORT UTILITIES v2.1: Fix commproblems. Detect multiple com ports at oneaddress, IRQ used, ports that can't generateIRQs, and other conflicts. Detects failedUARTs. NEW "Modem-finder" & BIOS options.Reports
CW1.ZIP 129,860 11-01-94 CrabWise v1.1 <ASP> - Crabwise is a text fillandscape printer. The printing is done withpure BASIC code! Registration gets the BASICcode for royalty-free landscape printing froyour BASIC programs!
DC200.ZIP 295,982 11-04-94 DC Circuits Training System v2.00 <ASP> (ESC13 exercises to help you learn or teachelectricity or electronics. Features randomproblem generation, extensive graphics,context sensitive help, and instant scoring.Suppor
DIARY.ZIP 665,708 11-13-94 DEAR DIARY 2.1 <ASP>Diary/journal program w/password protection.Journal daily thoughts and activities.Powerful text search feature allows you toview all entries pertaining to specificperson, place, event, etc. Inclu
DOLLA22.ZIP 402,109 12-18-94 RACHEL'S FASHION DOLLS, VER. 2.2 <ASP>A virtual paper doll dressup/coloring prog.-A children's paper doll dressup/coloringprogram. Will appeal to a wide age group,easy enough for preschoolers withoutassistance. Imag
DOS220.ZIP 157,537 12-02-94 DOS Menu (Easy PC Menu) by MicroFox Company.Very simple Menu and Security System for allversions of DOS. DOSnnn.ZIP contains DOSMenu, Help System, and User Guide. It hasLotus 1-2-3 style menu system with passwordpro
DOSUTL22.ZIP 66,464 11-06-94 6th Sense DOS 6 Utilities v2.2 <ASP> -"Front-ends" for DOS 6 FORMAT and DIRcommands. Menu-driven, adv. features.Supports environment variables, undocumentedfeatures, more. Supports all features ofthese two commands
DSCHUM14.ZIP 317,748 11-15-94 ▌▌▌▌ Dschump! action/puzzle game ▌▌▌▌Distributed by HomeBrew Software, Dschump!is a fast 'action'/puzzle solving gamefrom South Africa. This version has 20levels, MIDI, and digitized sound.Registered users get
ED15NT.ZIP 202,844 11-13-94 Editeur V1.5 text editor for Windows NT <ASP- All users. A powerful, simple, and fasttext editor. Handles Windows, Dos, and Unixfiles. Multitexts, no size limit. Fontschoice. Tool and status bars. Unlimited undo/red
ELBOW.ZIP 160,306 12-03-94 Elbow Grease for Windows v1.0. The Ultimate,Easy to Use, Program Manager Enhancement.Features 40 launch button toolbar with largebuttons, resource monitors for memory anddisk space, clock, perpetual calendar to they
EM6.ZIP 158,460 11-12-94 EASY MENU 6.0 <ASP> Hard Disk Menu - Thereare many hard disk menu systems but none aseasy to use as Easy Menu. Up to 200 items ona single scrollable menu with alphabeticsearch. Each item can be annotated as openacce
ESP14.ZIP 171,649 11-17-94 YOUR ESP TEST 1.4. Rosemary West <ASP>Find out if you have psychic powers withthree standard tests to evaluate your ESPpotential. You can try your skill at:-Precognition (seeing the future);-Clairvoyance (knowing so
EXZIP110.ZIP 134,311 12-12-94 ExamineZip v1.10 <ASP>. This Windows programsearches for files and text within filesstored in ZIP archives created with PKZIP(v2.0 or below). File searches can use DOSwild-cards while text searches can use eitheordi
EZ555.ZIP 125,156 11-04-94 EZ555 v95 <ASP> (ESC) An easy to use designprogram for the popular 555 timer. Educatorsand engineers can use EZ555 to quicklyexplore many designs in a short time. EZ555instantly displays oscillator circuitparameters
EZT223.ZIP 237,037 12-02-94 EZ-Tree Genealogy from MicroFox Company. AFamily Tree Tracking and Reporting System.EZTnnn.ZIP contains EXE, DOC, and sample trefiles. It has improved pedigree, ancestrial,and descendant print outs with connectingli
EZVIEW94.ZIP 193,367 12-18-94 EZVIEW 94 <ASP>Text File Viewer (Plus)-View, Print, Copy, Edit, Delete text typefiles. Menu driven. On screen prompts. Quick& EZ to learn & fun to use. No mouse needed.Runs from DOS or WINDOWS. Free mailing label&
FCVT303.ZIP 195,877 11-20-94 From Scratch v3.03 <ASP> - Truly easy to useelegant Windows based recipe program. Toolbaand cardfile interface. Uses dBase formatfiles. Print with any combination of Windowsfonts. Search by keyword, ingredient,instr
FFGCU110.ZIP 41,950 12-21-94 Financial Freedom Graphics Conversion v1.10<ASP> Converts Windows icons and metafilesto bitmap format, suitable for use by anyprogram which can display Windows Bitmaps.This program is FREE!! Many graphic images
are now sold and distributed in metafileformat, making it impossible to use theimages in programs that require bitmaps.This program puts and end to all of that!Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
FFLBL100.ZIP 349,153 12-29-94 Financial Freedom Labels v1.00 <ASP> Createmailing labels with a "drag and drop" design interface. Add lines, rectangles, picturesand text. Use all your fonts and bitmaps.Links to Paintbrush for editing/ creating
picture files. Includes sample file layoutsand comprehensive online help.
FINTRS12.ZIP 386,181 11-15-94 ┌--╥---====≡ FINTRIS V1.2 ≡====----╥--┐│«»║ The father of all tetris-clones ║«»│ ╚═════════════════════════════════╝ █ Fintris includes THREE BLOCKSETS, █▓ THREE GAME MODES, SPECIAL OPERATIONS ▓▒ with MA
FLABEL10.ZIP 39,762 03-14-94 Formatted Label Custom Control (VBX) <ASP>FLabel is a label control that lets youformat the text within it. You can havedifferent fonts, different colors, multipleparagraphs, paragraph formatting, etc.
Using properties, you can print your text.All this and it's bound, too.
FMGUARD.ZIP 118,927 12-12-94 File Manager Guard <ASP> - allows to set up[Restrictions] for File Manager. You canlimit user access to selected drives, preventhem from performing any command of FileManager, changing its configuration, runningprog
FMSTEPUP.ZIP 190,117 12-12-94 File Manager StepUp <ASP> v.3.15 - add-on foWin3.1 & WfWG3.11 - featured in Windows UserMag., FM StepUp makes working with FileManager easier: provides history lists & 3Deffects for dialog boxes, customizableExecute
FMTBAR.ZIP 150,481 12-12-94 File Manager Toolbar <ASP> v.2.18 - featuredin Computer Shopper, Chaosoft Toolbar is anattractive alternative to the native Windowstoolbar. Fully user-customizable, it provideabout twice as many buttons, support for
FNUT303.ZIP 166,152 11-20-94 From Scratch v3.03 <ASP> - Truly easy to useelegant Windows based recipe program. Toolbaand cardfile interface. Uses dBase formatfiles. Print with any combination of Windowsfonts. Search by keyword, ingredient,instr
FSCR303.ZIP 489,068 11-20-94 From Scratch v3.03 <ASP> - Truly easy to useelegant Windows based recipe program. Toolbaand cardfile interface. Uses dBase formatfiles. Print with any combination of Windowsfonts. Search by keyword, ingredient,instr
GATE20.ZIP 763,496 11-15-94 ▌▌▌▌ GateWorld By HomeBrew Software! ▌▌▌▌Captian Klondike meets the G.O.R.G. machinein Part 1: "The Seed Ship". Over 2 Megscompressed graphics. Full Adlib soundtrack.Support for over 12 different sound cards.Stor
GDESK215.ZIP 705,244 12-01-94 THE GORIN DESKTOP V2.15 <ASP>The ULTIMATE Desktop for DOS, even on XT's!Powerful GUI for VGA. Uk Author. Runs anyapp from it's stylish GUI Comes with a widerange of icons/wallpaper & editingfacilities. Uses Windows-
GEOM_AID.ZIP 124,171 11-19-94 THE GEOMETRY AIDE v1.0 <ASP>A graphical geometry plotting system designeto aide a teacher or tutor in instructingnovice to intermediate geometry students.412KB memory, a VGA display and DOS 3.3+is required; best per
GMBK120.ZIP 125,214 12-01-94 GORIN'S MICROBOOK V1.20 <ASP>Microbook is a text presentation tool forcreating easy to navigate on-disk manualsfor DOS. Uses a simple to control graphicaluser interface with full mouse support, upto 20 chapters of
GRADEP4J.ZIP 265,382 11-27-94 GRADE BOOK POWER Version 4.10 ASPUse either two-9 week or 3-6 week terms persemester. Create over 30 different reports.Individual progress reports include assign-ment date, title, points possible, pointsearned,
GUESS10.ZIP 715,770 11-15-94 Second Guess v1.0: solitaire and more!Concentration solitaire game with everyimaginable playing option. Also multi playergames and play versus the computer. SuperVGAgraphics and digitized sound effects forSoundBlas
HAMMER10.ZIP 626,140 11-15-94 STAR HAMMER v1.0 <ASP> Distributed byHomeBrew Software. (286+,VGA 256-col,HD).2268 and still the war rages on. Mankind hasbeen at war for 28 years with the evil raceknown as the Sloboids. Become a Starfighterpilot
HDM48E.ZIP 492,329 12-02-94 HDM (Hard Disk Menu) from MicroFox Company.Menu and Security System for DOS and LANs.Has User Menu, Phone Dialer, Manual, User LoOn/Off, Passwords, Macros, Functions, TimedExecution, Usage Logging and Reporting, Mous
HELLLP24.ZIP 444,531 11-29-94 HELLLP! v2.4b <ASP> Windows Help File Authoraid for Word for Windows 2.0c, 6.0 or betterUser friendly. Automatically sets up toplevel table of contents with jumps to topicssearch keys and browse sequences in place.Y
HOME27.ZIP 162,789 11-01-94 HOME PLAN v2.7 <ASP> - Draw, Save, Edit, andPrint house plans. Fast/Easy; Undo; AutoDimension; Move/Copy/Resize/Reverse/Moveplans; Show studs & joists; Pre-Drawn furn &Appl; Calc. square ft; Print 1/8" per ft;Arc; D
HORSE11.ZIP 342,251 11-04-94 A Day at the Races v1.10 <ASP>. Test yourbetting skills and luck on an excitinganimated horse racing game for up to fourplayers. Choose one of eight horses to win,place or show, based on posted odds whichinfluence t
HTMAN_13.ZIP 281,026 11-08-94 HORTMAN V1.3 <ASP> - Horticultural Manager,software management tool developed for thehorticultural profession. The wise gardenerkeeps an up-to-date notebook for all seasonsHortMan will retain your notes for each plan
IMSTR22.ZIP 1,186,388 12-06-94 IMAGE MASTER VERSION 2.2 <ASP>MULTI FEATURED CUSTOM SCREEN SAVER-Use BMP, PCX or GIF files as ascreen saver. Listen to MIDI or CD-ROMmusic. Add password protection, leave amessage, adjust picture screen time andmo
I_M231C.ZIP 333,781 11-22-94 INTEGRITY MASTER(tm) V2.31c Virus scanner anand data Integrity! Easy to use but protectagainst much more than just viruses!Hardware glitches, software bugs, evendeliberate sabotage are detected. If a virustrikes,
LAN205.ZIP 161,798 12-02-94 LAN Menu (Network Menu) by MicroFox Company.Menu and Security System for DOS Networks.LANnnn.ZIP contains the Network Menu, HelpSystem, and User Guide. It has Lotus 1-2-3style menu system with password protection,te
LED11.ZIP 36,526 05-17-94 LED Custom Control (VBX) <ASP>Visual Basic custom control that behaveslike an LED. 3-D effects and colors areall user-definable.
LEDDSP12.ZIP 49,663 12-08-94 LEDDISP 1.2 VBX Digital LED Display <ASP>Instantiate the Microwave Metaphor!This Visual Basic Custom Control simulatesa multi-digit seven-segment LED display.Colors, number of digits and otherattributes are all user
LPRSP260.ZIP 465,243 01-15-95 LINGUAPRO/SPANISH v2.60 <ASP> - Large-scaleprogram for serious students. Rqrs PC, DOS,Hard Disk & 640K mem. EGA/VGA recommended.19,000 word graded vocabulary with sophisti-cated Flashcarding. Has Latin-American an
MAND52A.ZIP 351,074 12-18-94 MANDELBROT/JULIA SET GENERATOR, VER 5.2 <ASPFractal (Mandelbrot/Julia) Set Generator-A Fractal generator that is easy to use andallows the image to be colored in many waysusing color masks. Images can be printed onB
MASTER20.ZIP 68,393 11-17-94 Master Disk v2.0 <ASAD><ASP>- Rosenthal EngrPrepares disk duplication masters. Anti-virusecurity code fills unused sectors and boottracks. Diskettes and drives are examined foflaws and errors, then quality and integr
MBINGO11.ZIP 357,547 11-04-94 Math Bingo v1.10 <ASP>. Your child willeasily learn math facts while having funplaying bingo in an easy-to-use program whicteaches math in a non-drill way. It is geareto kids; they learn without realizing thatthey a
ME412.ZIP 439,068 11-07-94 MUSICEASE v4.12 <ASP> - A music score editorwhich lets you create, edit, print, and playmusic notation. Includes a WYSIWYG screenoriented editor which allows you to see themusical score exactly as it will be printed.
MENUEV32.ZIP 35,003 03-14-94 Menu Event Notification Control (VBX) <ASP>MenuEv provides menu selectionnotification. In other words, it tells youwhen the user has selected a menu item.This is really useful for status bar-style
help. MenuEv is really easy to use. Allyou need to do is place it on your form.Events start coming in automatically.MenuEv will even automatically updateanother control with the selected menuitem's text.
MSLOT12.ZIP 42,358 03-14-94 W4Wg Mailslot Control (VBX) <ASP>Visual Basic custom control that makesmailslot use simple. No Windows API callsrequired. Requires Windows for Workgroups.
MTDOS11.ZIP 200,251 02-11-95 A MUSICAL TUTORIAL v1.1 <ASP> - An excellentway to promote and encourage musical studyusing a graphically oriented environment.Treble / Bass note & chord sight reading.Associate notes to piano keys. Chord dict.Music
MUSIC102.ZIP 117,627 11-11-94 MERLIN'S MUSIC V1.02 <ASP>Fun activities teach basic musical notation-Childen use mouse to enter notes on musicalstaff and can hear their compositions playedon the PC speaker. Children can save theirmasterpieces to
N3W13.ZIP 1,394,688 12-14-94 NITEMARE-3D for Windows v1.3 <ASP>-VGA 256 color 3D scrolling adventure game.Continuing the theme of the original HUGOgames, this Win 3.1 game features firstperson perspective scrolling in 256 colorVGA. Supports mo
NMFW141E.ZIP 535,193 12-08-94 New Menus for Windows v1.4 <ASP> - a Win-shell similar to the UNIX X-Windows MangerOpenLook, Motif and the 'Chicago' GUI. Withgraph. popup menu for a quick access to appsdocs, directories, tasks and more. Enhanceswi
NMFW141G.ZIP 556,915 12-08-94 Neue Menues fuer Windows v1.4 <ASP> - Shellaehnlich zu UNIX X-Windows Manager OpenLook,Motif und der 'Chicago' GUI. Mit einem graphPopupmenue fuer einen schnellen Zugriff aufProg's, Doc's, Verzeichnisse, Task und meh
NMFW143.ZIP 632,481 06-20-94 New Menus for Windows v1.43 <ASP> - a Win-shell similar to the UNIX X-Windows MangerOpenLook, Motif and the 'Chicago' GUI. Witha graph. popup menu for a quick access toapps docs, directories, tasks and more.
Enhances window managment with a VirtualDesktop, layout functions and enhancedsystem menu. Provides customizable contextsenstive menus Every menu, even apps menus,can be stuck onto the desktop. Multi-userconfiguration.
NUM105-1.ZIP 178,135 12-11-94 NUMERO UNO--The Program for Numero-logical Analysis. Version 1.05.This is a powerful full featuredNumerology program. Supports mostprinters and word processors.By Christopher J. Noyes the authorof ASTRO Several Dif
NUMB53.ZIP 250,801 12-12-94 BY THE NUMBERS v5.3. Rosemary West <ASP>Uses the philosophy of Numerology to analyzeyour name and birthdate for a completepersonality profile and forecast for thecoming year. Professional-looking reportscan be edite
ORGWN220.ZIP 427,677 12-01-94 GORIN'S ORGANISER FOR WINDOWS V2.20 <ASP>Wow! A genuine graphical GUI PIM! Icons!A unique icon based Personal Organiser forWindows. Includes Diary, Planner, Notebook,Address Book, To Do, Phone Logging and more.Need
PBDOS100.ZIP 171,342 12-01-94 POWER BALANCE FOR DOS V1.00a <ASP>Synchronize your data on 2 PCs!-If you keep the same files (for example adiary) on two PCs, maybe a Laptop andDesktop, and you update one you'll need tochange the other. Power Bala
PCTRK304.ZIP 565,775 12-07-94 PC-TRACK V 3.0 3D Satellite Tracking <ASP>Track 200 satellites at a time. 3D andmercator projections. VGA graphics. Showfootprints, altitude lines, lines of sight,space & ground points, solar position.Predict visibl
PDEPRIC6.ZIP 285,128 02-11-95 ProDev*EPRICE V6.0 <ASP> Price Serviceinterface program to transfer Trade Serviceprice data to ProDev*QUOTE Material datafiles. Compatible with Trade Service filesUSA, U.K. and Australia. $35 registration.
PDQUOTE6.ZIP 417,453 02-11-95 ProDev*QUOTE V6.0 <ASP> Quote System.Contains program, data & documentation.Extremely full featured Quotation or Biddingsystem for any type or size of business. Poi& Shoot browse allows rapid preparation ofquotes.
PGWIN100.ZIP 163,873 12-01-94 POWER GAMER V1.00 <ASP>Power Gamer - Run ANY DOS game from Windows-Unique method enables even the most resourcehungry DOS game to be run seamlessly fromMicrosoft Windows. Full memory, no soundcard problems, no slow
PIGAS.ZIP 222,945 11-01-94 DATA PROTECTOR Version 2.00 <ASP> \Protect the information in your PC againstunauthorized access. The protected databecomes totally unavailable even when usinga powerful disk utility or booting from adiskette. Unlim
POKER13.ZIP 359,699 12-04-94 ULTIMATE POKER VERSION 1.3 <ASP>ANIMATED INTERACTIVE POKER GAME-Ante up with 3 of 4 animated players for alively session of 5 or 7 card stud. Choosethe tabe stakes and game speed. On screendisplays track bets, cal
POSTIT20.ZIP 61,665 11-13-94 Postit Popup Notepad v1.03 <ASP> Windows 3.1popup note pad. This program is the computerversion of sticky notes posted in and aroundyour computer. Post notes and copy them toother applications with Windows Cut, Copy,
PPWIN100.ZIP 230,554 12-01-94 POWER PROMPTER for WINDOWS v1.00 <ASP>Powerful utility combining theRUN command with file managerand the DOS prompt. Many uses,fast and slick. 386 enh moderecommended for optimal use.Needs 16 colour VGA or better a
PRL146A.ZIP 330,183 12-04-94 PAPER ROUTE LEDGER v1.46a <ASP> - Computerizyour paper route bookkeeping with this uniquprogram. Keeps track of customers, addressesdelivery order, route listing, collections,billings, tips, etc. Print reports on you
PROPHT51.ZIP 316,948 02-11-95 LOTTO PROPHET v5.0 <ASP> Has more HOTstatistical algorithms than any commerciallottery program on the market today. Has ahistory of picking BIG winners. New instantState of the Lottery Report. Holds ALL Pick6 & Keno
PUT341.ZIP 222,551 12-02-94 PUT, GET and INSTALL from MicroFox Company.The file name for bulletin board systems isPUTnnn.ZIP where nnn is the version number.PUT is a command driven and/or menu drivencompression and archiving program. GET is th
PUZ.ZIP 387,546 11-20-94 Stunning images from around the world inSuperVGA color! The ultimate puzzle game.Extremely flexible -- choose any numbers ofpieces from 4 to 2000! Hall of fame for yourbest scores. Save puzzles, solution hints,simpl
RISSFP1.ZIP 300,580 12-02-94 RISS Font Pak #1 Ver 1.3 - TrueType FontsThe RISS Font Pak #1 contains five (5)scalable TrueType Fonts for Windows 3.1.The fonts are highly ornamental, decoratedtypefaces that are excellent for headlines,newsletters
RISSFP2.ZIP 269,684 12-02-94 RISS Font Pak #2 Ver 1.3 - TrueType FontsThe RISS Font Pak #2 contains five (5)scalable TrueType Fonts for Windows 3.1.The fonts are highly ornamental, decoratedtypefaces that are excellent for headlines,newsletters
RISSFP3.ZIP 267,993 12-02-94 RISS Font Pak #3 Ver 1.3 - TrueType FontsThe RISS Font Pak #3 contains five (5)scalable TrueType Fonts for Windows 3.1.The fonts are highly ornamental, decoratedtypefaces that are excellent for headlines,newsletters
RISSICON.ZIP 541,610 12-02-94 RISS Icon Pak Ver 1.5 - 2001 Windows IconsThe RISS Icon Pak contains over 2001 iconsfor Windows, plus a handy icon Viewer forperusing icon files. The 2001 icons arecompletely categorized and organized intoindividua
RLET13.ZIP 349,424 11-29-94 ULTIMATE ROULETTE VERSION 1.3 <ASP>ANIMATED INTERACTIVE ROULETTE SIMULATION-From 12 animated characters, four memberscan play with your character at a 5 seattable. Choose single 0 or double 0 wheel,all possible bets
ROLO10.ZIP 62,334 11-21-94 ROLODECK FOR WINDOWS v1.0 <ASP> - A Windows3.1 on screen roller of important informatioand addresses. Just like the roller card filon your desk except tree safe. The programhas a maximum of 5000 cards each capable of
SB2US206.ZIP 345,600 12-16-94 SuperBeam 2 USA v2.06 Checks or designssteel, wood or flitch beams to AISC ASD andAF&PA National Design Specification. HandlesUDL's, part UDL's and point loads. Forarchitects, surveyors and engineers. TurboVision pr
SCRLZ210.ZIP 268,582 11-15-94 ScrollZ 2.10 <ASP> A great way to track alof your printed matter; be it MagazinesComics, Books, Graphic Novels, NewspapersANYTHING! Input screens designed witspecific needs in mind. Even a NoteZ se
SHARDS10.ZIP 201,149 11-15-94 Shards distributed by HomeBrew Software!Shards is a strategic puzzle game for oneplayer. Remove duplicate stone tiles usingvarious stratagies to advance to the nextlevel. Your job in each of the levels is tomake a
SKILLSP3.ZIP 235,125 11-27-94 GRADING SKILLS POWER Version 3.00 ASPTeacher developed database designed forOutcome-Based Education (OBE). Printedreports of achieved skills can be used asan alternative or supplement to a regulargradebook pro
SNOOP330.ZIP 166,987 11-24-94 SNOOPER v3.30 <ASP> - System info utility.Shows CPU/NDP, CPU speed, DOS, BIOS, memory,disks, video, CD-ROM, env, kbd, sound cards,ports, IDE model, CMOS info, disk cache,Stacker, FILES & BUFFERS, IRQs, DMA, modems,m
SPANH1.ZIP 278,774 11-26-94 Spanish Helper Level One v1.0 <ASP> ExcellenInteractive program to learn Spanish. LevelsTwo and Three are available by registration.The programs' interactive quizzing systemallows you to learn vocabulary rapidly.Con
SPRWIN10.ZIP 61,738 12-01-94 SPRINTER SETUP FOR WINDOWS V1.00 <ASP>Powerful yet simply installation. Supportsmultiple disks, file compression andexpansion, Program Manager icons, lowregistration. As used by NGS for Gorin'sOrganiser and the Pow
SVGPUZ.ZIP 506,545 11-20-94 Stunning images from around the world inSuperVGA color! The ultimate puzzle game.Extremely flexible -- choose any numbers ofpieces from 4 to 2000! Hall of fame for yourbest scores. Save puzzles, solution hints,simpl
SYSMON30.ZIP 52,403 11-17-94 System Monitor 3.0 <ASAD><ASP> - RosenthalEngineering. Detect and report problems earleach time the computer is used, SystemMonitor re-evaluates the system by testingand extensively monitoring a number ofperformance
TAGDEL.ZIP 40,895 11-15-94 TAGDEL v2.0 <ASP> - TAGDEL (tag-delete) givea scrolling list of all of the files in thecurrent directory, allowing you to 'tag' and'untag' files. When you press enter, all ofthe tagged files are deleted. $10registra
TTKEY110.ZIP 15,699 12-06-94 TTKEY V1.10 Tiny-Tafel to keywords converterThis program reads a standard genealogicalfamily-name information file, and produces acorresponding keyword file containing thefamily names. The keyword file can be used t
TZ.ZIP 45,105 11-18-94 TAGZIP v1.0 <ASP> - TAGZIP is a utility toUNZIP single or multiple files from a ZIParchive, even across multiple disks. PKUNZIPis needed. Shareware - $15 registration.
UBJ35.ZIP 355,417 12-02-94 ULTIMATE BLACKJACK 3.5 <ASP>INTERACTIVE ANIMATED BLACKJACK SIMULATION-Go where no blackjack player has gonebefore, into the ULTIMATE zone! Enter afully animated casino card game and gamblingschool. Set the number o
UNSTAL03.ZIP 52,485 11-17-94 Rosenthal UnInstall v3 <ASP> - Safely removeunwanted Windows & DOS programs. Files,directories and system changes may be keptor automatically removed with system cleanedup and restored. An absolute must-havenecessit
UTL112.ZIP 174,900 12-02-94 Utilites with File Viewer and Printer supporprograms. From MicroFox Company, member of<ASP>, {STAR}, and [ASAD]. There are a numbeof printer utilites for specific printers ancommands that can be used in batch files t
VARG60.ZIP 647,826 12-11-94 VAR Grade Grading program v6.03 <ASP>Extremely flexible grading and attendanceprogram. Plots, statistics, seating charts,numerous printouts, database items, sectionsunlimited students and tasks. You can weightaverag
VGW10.ZIP 1,010,637 12-11-94 VAR Grade for Windows Grade prgm v1.00B <ASPExtremely flexible grading and attendanceprogram. Plots, statistics, seating charts,numerous printouts, database items, sectionsunlimited students and tasks. You can weight
VIRSIM2C.ZIP 66,949 11-17-94 Virus Simulator Ver 2C <ASAD><ASP> -Audit andemonstrate anti-virus protection. RosenthalEngineering's absolute necessity for anyoneserious about virus defense, security andtraining. "Unreservedly recommended!" byCom
VOCABP2E.ZIP 146,331 11-22-94 VOCABULARY POWER Version 2.15 (ASP)Automatically create matching and multiplechoice quizzes, word searches, cryptolists,vocabulary bingo cards, flash cards, andword juggles from your words and clues.Supports fore
WASP12.ZIP 134,436 12-06-94 Water and Steam Properties v1.2 <ASP>Physical properties of ice, water and steamin many popular units. Data for 15 fixed and17 variable properties from -100 to 800 degand up to 1000 bar. Replaces printed SteamTables
WGUID16.ZIP 159,388 11-16-94 Wynter Stone's Quick Guide to MysticalExperiences 1.6: <ASP> If you wonder what"New Age" really stands for, this could helpAn on-disk mini-encyclopedia of subjectsrelated to mystical experiences of variouskinds. DOS
WINLITE1.ZIP 230,591 11-17-94 Rosenthal WinLite v1 <ASAD><ASP> - CompressWindows programs to shrink them dramaticallyPrograms are functionally the same asoriginal, only smaller. For example, the 180"Solitaire" game bundled with MS-Windows 3.1shr
WINPAK1.ZIP 271,485 12-02-94 WinPak#1 Version 1.3 <ASP> - This is aa package containing 4 original Win3.1 ScreeSavers, 2 TrueType fonts, and 100+ icons!Comes complete with a quick & easy "setup"program. Simply run "setup" then activatethese Wi
WINPAK2.ZIP 295,653 12-02-94 WinPak#2 Version 1.3 <ASP> - This is aa package containing 4 original Win3.1 ScreeSavers, 2 TrueType fonts, and 100+ icons!Comes complete with a quick & easy "setup"program. Simply run "setup" then activatethese Wi
WINPAK3.ZIP 314,751 12-02-94 WinPak#3 Version 1.3 <ASP> - This is aa package containing 4 original Win3.1 ScreeSavers, 2 TrueType fonts, and 100+ icons!Comes complete with a quick & easy "setup"program. Simply run "setup" then activatethese Wi
WINZLE.ZIP 536,643 11-20-94 Stunning images from around the world inSuperVGA color! The ultimate Windows puzzlegame. Extremely flexible -- choose anynumbers of pieces from 4 to 2000! Hall offame for your best scores. Save puzzles,solution hint
WNMAIL.ZIP 642,610 11-30-94 WinNET Mail (tm) v2.30 <ASP> - Direct accessto the world-wide Internet and Usenetnetworks with powerful Windows MDI E-MailSystem. Toolbar, Mail Folders, MessageSearch, Binary Transfer, Scheduling,Background Communi
WQ20.ZIP 275,190 11-15-94 World Quest v2.0b Distributed by HomeBrewSoftware is a fast action shoot-em up arcadegame with realistic graphics and digitizedsound effects. Rescue hostages and attackthe alien defense bases in this defender-likwo
YLWSTK40.ZIP 73,211 11-14-94 YELLOW STICKY v3.09 <ASP> - A "To Do" managefor Windows 3.1. This is not a day planner,or scheduler but provides the user with aneasy method for displaying tasks that need tbe done and taking them from the list when
ZIPCT215.ZIP 373,589 12-03-94 RPF ZIP CONTROL(TM) v2.1.5 <ASP> - Easy OS/2PM "point and click" interface to UNZIP.EXEand ZIP.EXE. Many features. Zip Control isan easy to use OS/2 PM program which shieldsyou from the command line when using thefr
ZPLR410.ZIP 371,458 01-01-95 Zpeller 4.10 <ASP> Spelling & VocabularTeacher. Handles up to 19 students, studenenters correct spelling & defintions for uto 32000 words. Performs 7 different typeof tests, and tracks wrong answer
ZP_ARC10.ZIP 336,468 11-22-94 ZIP PRO V1.0 <ASP> - Zip & UnZip for WindowsFULL Zip / UnZip support for windows. WithBUILT-IN: Zip/UnZip, encryption support,multivolume support, Drive windows with treeand file views, Zip Lists, Zip Views andUNIQU