123BIBLE.ZIP 741,941 01-21-95 Bible 123 By ELECTRO-BOOK PublishingInstructions: This program is Microsoft (R)mouse compatable. Mouse use is straightforward just click any button with the rightbutton. Keyboard input is also supported. Es- - - Exi
ACTS400.ZIP 244,139 03-06-95 ACTS OF APOSTLES Bible EGA atlas/quiz/textA graphic interactive Bible atlas and quizbased on the New Testament book of Acts.Visually follow the journeys of the firstcentury apostles as you read each chapter
on your screen. Maps can be printed out.Quizzes are available to test one'sknowledge as you progress. An excellentlearning tool for serious Bible students.Version 4.0
ANECDOT2.ZIP 40,204 01-17-95 Anecdotes of Sayagyi U Ba Khin, II (U Chit T
ANECDOTE.ZIP 42,870 01-17-95 The Anecdotes of Sayagyi U Ba Khin (U Chit T
ANGELQ.ZIP 9,598 11-08-94 THE ANGEL QUIZ by Lou Whitworth - Origin anBackground of the Angels and Demons. Thesubject of this pamphlet is angels. Thematerial is presented in a quiz formatbecause we have learned that many people
enjoy testing their biblical knowledge inthis way.
AOT_V15.ZIP 686,483 01-24-95 Adventures in the Old Testament v1.5 Aninteractive story with over 100 animationhot spots. VGA Shareware version. A SoundBlaster is recommended to hear the .vocfiles however the story is fun without
one. This story was conceived using theStorymaker+ Vga program.
BBESSAYS.ZIP 94,821 01-20-95 Cover Essays from the Buddhist PublicationSociety Newsletter, 1985-1993 (BhikkhuBodhi). 25 reflections on TheravadaBuddhist practice, from the uniqueperspective of this American-born scholar
monk living in the forests of Sri Lanka.Highly recommended.
BBLMR10A.ZIP 331,726 11-10-94 BIBLE MARATHON 1.0 <ASP>Bible Learning Program-Bible Learning Program which makes Biblestudy fun and profitable. Uses menu-driven,game board environment (for up to 4players). Features: complete KJV Bible,
BCOMP501.ZIP 191,379 03-06-95 A BIBLE COMPANION - Electronic handbookA handy and informative Bible studytool containing: 1) daily Bible readingplan, 2) Charts, 3) Maps (with city/region word search), 4) Dictionary,
5) Poetry & riddles, 6) Many articleson Bible study, translations, andhermeneutics. Plus more. Version 5.01
BIBHELP.ZIP 58,642 12-30-94 TSR Bible Help v1.0 - Answers to most oflife's troubles according to the bible.Also, teaches Christian virtues andcharacter, and supplies biblical helpfor many specific problems you may
encounter. Pops up whenever you wantit, even while running other programs!Updated: 12/21/94
BODHI068.ZIP 13,610 02-01-95 The Elimination of Anger by Ven. K.Piyatissa Thera (Buddhist PublicationSociety Bodhi Leaves No. 68)
BODHI093.ZIP 16,857 01-25-95 The Heart Awakened, by Eileen Siriwardhana(Buddhist Publication Society Bodhi LeavesNo. 93)
BUDDHO.ZIP 19,102 01-17-95 Buddho, by Phra Ajaan Thate Desaransi. Ameditation master of the Thai foresttradition offers instructions on using themeditation word "Buddho".
BURMAMED.ZIP 13,080 01-17-95 Buddhist Meditation in Burma (Nottingham)
BXWORD11.ZIP 194,626 11-26-94 Bible Crossword Puzzles - AttractiveVGA game. Solve electronic crosswordpuzzles on your computer. Answer peek,save work options featured. Requiresmouse, VGA & hard disk.
DOCTRINE.ZIP 23,253 01-16-95 Bible Doctrines Affected by Modern Versions by Paul L. Freeman - Key doctrinal New Testament verses of modern Bibletranslations (NASV, NIV, TLB, TEV, etc) are compared to the AV 1611 (aka KJV) to show
how modern translations destroy or weaken vital Christian doctrines. This is a must read for any honest professing Christianwho believes that the Bible is the Word of God, and wants to know the OTHER side of the Bible version controversy.
!Please distribute this archive!
ELEMENTS.ZIP 10,511 01-17-95 Meditation on the Elements (Sayagyi U Chit T
ESSAY_26.ZIP 7,780 01-17-95 Association with the Wise, by Bhikkhu Bodhi(Buddhist Publication Society NewsletterCover Essay, No. 26, 1st Mailing 1994)
FAITH_IN.ZIP 75,959 01-17-95 Faith in Mind: A Guide to Ch'an Practice, byMaster Sheng-Yen
FRONT301.ZIP 152,695 03-06-95 FRONTLETS - VGA Bible verse screen saverAn attractive VGA screen saver with aBible theme. A different verse appearsevery 10 seconds in LARGE hi-resolutiongraphics. Sure to draw attention.
Includes setup/configuration utility.Version 3.01
GOODFRND.ZIP 15,582 01-17-95 The Good Friend (Sayagyi U Chit Tin)
GOSPEL21.ZIP 210,313 03-06-95 GOSPEL PARALLELS-Side by side NT BibleAll 4 gospels appear on screen side byside for reading, scrolling, wordsearch and studying. Includes notepad,chronological index & instant parallel
passage displays. Maps. Version 2.1
HOPE_OF.ZIP 15,580 02-23-95 Inevitable Suffering and the Hope of Nibbana(Sayagyi U Chit Tin)
KJV110.ZIP 188,994 03-06-95 KJVocabulary 1.10 King James Bible quizIs the King James Version full of hardarchaic words? Through a quiz interfacelearn the meaning of all those toughBible words, like "concupiscence",
"anon", "wist", "besom" and "untoward".Also features a handy dictionary, andprintouts. An enjoyable way toincrease one's knowledge of the Bible.
KJVNASV.ZIP 12,713 01-16-95 "A Comparison of the NASV with the KJV"Compares many verses of the New AmericanStandard Bible with the King JamesVersion Bible. Read for yourself and besurprised at the absolute perversion and
the total disregard for the Word of Godfound in the NASV. This is a must-readfor any honest professing Christian whowants all sides of the Bible versioncontroversy. Please distribute thistext!
LAYMEN.ZIP 14,401 02-22-95 Leading Virtuous Lives as Laymen (U Chit Tin
LAYPRACT.ZIP 12,338 02-23-95 Practising the Buddha-Dhamma as Laymen (U Ch
LIVING.ZIP 90,591 01-20-95 Living Dhamma: 9 Dhamma talks by VenerableAjahn Chah.
MARRIAGE.ZIP 33,008 02-16-95 A Happy Married Life: A BuddhistPerspective, by Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda
MATANGA.ZIP 8,887 02-22-95 Story of Pacceka Buddha Matanga (U Chit Tin)
MIDLPRAC.ZIP 12,317 02-23-95 The Middle Practice (U Chit Tin)
NIBBANA.ZIP 10,462 01-17-95 Concerning Nibbana-Dhatu (Sayagyi U Chit Tin
PARAMI-5.ZIP 11,849 01-17-95 The Perfection of Effort (IMC-UK)
PATHSTEP.ZIP 17,877 01-17-95 Steps Along the Path, by Phra Ajaan ThateDesaransi. Step-by-step instructions forthe development of insight.
PDMEMB3A.ZIP 331,966 04-08-92 ProDev*MEMBER v3.0e <ASP> ChurchMembership system program anddocumentation. Tracks everything aboutanyone involverd with the church,giving & attendance. Many label runsand reports. Best buy at $55.
PENGLIST.ZIP 8,830 01-17-95 A Compilation of Buddhism Resources (Hsuan P
PROVSO21.ZIP 125,676 03-04-95 PROVERBS OF SOLOMON - Bible game/infoA menu-driven program that tests andincreases one's knowledge of the OldTestament book of Proverbs. Theprogram features interactive quizzesthat challenge your memory, and many
commentary notes and study helps.
QBIBLE10.ZIP 155,185 11-08-94 QUESTIONS FROM THE BIBLE - Q&A quizzesAn in-depth storehouse of questionsgathered from Old & New Testaments.Thousands of interesting facts arepresented as questions in a quiz-likeenvironment, prompting the user for
the correct answers. The questionsare grouped into dozens of categories,from "Word meanings" to "Geography ofthe Bible". Version 1.0
QBIBLE11.ZIP 155,184 03-06-95 QUESTIONS FROM THE BIBLE - Q&A quizzesAn in-depth storehouse of questionsgathered from Old & New Testaments.Thousands of interesting facts arepresented as questions in a quiz-likeenvironment, prompting the user for
the correct answers. The questionsare grouped into dozens of categories,from "Word meanings" to "Geography ofthe Bible". Version 1.0
SITGROUP.ZIP 25,643 01-21-95 Directory of Sitting/Practice Groups -- USA - rev. 1/15/95 (John Bullitt, ed)
SQ503.ZIP 142,217 03-04-95 SCRIPTURE QUEST In-depth Bible Q&A gameTests Bible knowledge with over 1600questions. 1-9 players. Play againstthe clock. Top ten score chart. Greatway to learn about the Bible. Veryattractively done, and challenging.
Version 5.03
TEACHERS.ZIP 11,721 01-17-95 Practising What We Preach (Sayagyi U Chit Ti
TIRATANA.ZIP 41,486 01-17-95 What is the Triple Gem? by Ajaan LeeDhammadharo, translated from the Thai byThanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff).
VINE400.ZIP 97,663 03-04-95 GRAPE VINE 4.0 Colorful EGA Bible gameVery similar in play to "Wheel OfFortune" and "Hangman", but now with anew twist! Bible verses must be solvedto gain scores. Educational, challenging
and fun. EGA/VGA & hard disk required.
WHEEL006.ZIP 20,075 01-17-95 The Four Sublime States: Contemplations onLove, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy andEquanimity, by Nyanaponika Thera. (BuddhistPublication Society "Wheel" PublicationNo. 6).
WHEEL377.ZIP 45,670 01-17-95 The Discourse on Right View: TheSammaditthi Sutta and its Commentary.Translated from the Pali by BhikkhuNanamoli; edited and revised by BhikkhuBodhi. (Buddhist Publication Society"Wheel" Publication No. 377/379).
WHEEL386.ZIP 25,623 01-17-95 The Edicts of King Asoka: An EnglishRendering by Ven. S. Dhammika (BuddhistPublication Society "Wheel" Publication No.386/387).
WHEEL392.ZIP 46,253 01-17-95 Violence and Disruption in Society: A Studyof the Early Buddhist Texts, by Elizabeth J.Harris (Buddhist Publication Society "Wheel"Publication No. 392/393)
WISE1RSV.ZIP 64,367 12-30-94 SOLOMON'S WISDOM v1.0 - Revised StandardVersion. Displays a colorful bible versefrom the book of Proverbs every time youboot-up your computer! Start every dayoff right with an inspiring verse straight
from the wisest man ever to live.
WIZSNOW.ZIP 55,868 12-17-94 ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░ -=Merry Christmas=- ░ ░ Great little Christmas demo coded ░ ░ by WizWare for your enjoyment! ░ ░ 386/25 recommended. Runs with ░