4CAT140.ZIP 385,562 11-20-94 *FDSK* 4CAT v1.40 Disk and file catalog. Quick, easy way to keep track of files stored on disks. 4DOS descriptions, up to 512 characters long, are utilized, if present.
Search your database by filename, disk label, or 4DOS file description. Tracks free disk space. 4DOS is NOT required. Shareware, only $10.
BL200.ZIP 251,567 02-12-95 Book Librarian 2.0. Powerful feature packedeasy-to-use program to organize and manage apersonal, club, school, church or corporatelibrary. Has mouse support,context sensitivehelp,pop-up Browse and Find windows.Includes
a 60 line memo field for notes. Prints num-erous reports to the screen,printer or disk.ASP Shareware by TurboSystemsCo. Fields areTitle, author, subject, edition, catalog#,ISBN, publisher and more.
CDSKA800.ZIP 453,681 10-26-94 Disk Catalog System/CATDISK V8.00 1/3From Rick Hillier. The most significantupgrade in CATDISK's long history! Trackswhat's on each disk in your file collection.New interface w/pull down menus, pop-up
windows, online help, mouse support, more!Now supports file categories, multi-line filcomments, archives and FILE_ID.DIZ comments.CDSKB800.ZIP and CDSKC800.ZIP also required.Shareware. Base Registration Fee = $29.00
CDSKB800.ZIP 135,246 10-26-94 Disk Catalog System/CATDISK V8.00 2/3From Rick Hillier. Bonus utilities automateoffloading files to floppies, eliminatingduplicate files/redundant versions ofprograms, general file cleanup operations an
retrieval of offloaded files back to "live"storage. These utilities are built rightinto the main program for total integration.CDSKA800.ZIP and CDSKC800.ZIP also required.Shareware. Base Registration Fee = $29.00
CDSKC800.ZIP 377,060 10-26-94 Disk Catalog System/CATDISK V8.00 3/3From Rick Hillier. Easy to use installationprogram automates and simplifies the CATDISKinstallation process. The standard versionruns within the 640K DOS limitations. The
protected mode (DPMI-compliant) version usesall available extended memory to supporthigher capacities.CDSKA800.ZIP and CDSKB800.ZIP also required.Shareware. Base Registration Fee = $29.00
CDU_V501.ZIP 395,369 10-21-94 CDU Catdisk Utilities V 5.01 Major release*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*DISP software: CDU -- Catdisk UtilitiesVersion/Date : V 5.01 / October 21th, 1994*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
CDU is a package of utilities that comple-ment on the most popular disk catalogprogram CATDISK <tm> by Rick Hillier.CDU includes utilities that are not foundin the original CATDISK package such as autility to add your Colorado Jumbo/Trakker
<tm> tapes to a CATDISK-compatible databaseand much more.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*This release will support the new CATDISK8.0 databases and structures. Also a numberoptions and fixes have been added.
CLUG1294.ZIP 46,213 02-12-95 ╓──────────────────────────────────────────╖║ Clipper/VO User Group Directory ║║ Date: 12/30/94 Expires: 01/29/95 ║╟──────────────────────────────────────────╢
║ Listing of CA-Clipper and CA-Visual ║║ Objects User Group Directory in .NG ║║ [Norton Guides] format. ║║ Provided by Computer Associates, Int. ║╙──────────────────────────────────────────╜
DDFILE70.ZIP 451,771 02-21-95 ddFile 7.0a is a powerful and flexibledatabase manager for both the professionaland the beginner alike. Do bulk mailings,mail merge, dupe checking, import/export,sort, filter, and more. ddFile was written
especially for mailing list management butcan be used to manage any dBase III file forjust about any purpose. Shareware fromDoctor Data Software.
EB5.ZIP 1,179,928 02-12-95 EASY BASE V5.0 <ASP> - Rapid ApplicationDeveloper (RAD) for data management. - EasyBase is the first true RAD system to beavailable on shareware. Create sophisticatedmenu driven apps in record time.
Applications created in Easy Base can besold as stand alone programs with the EasyBase Runtime Module (not Included). DatabaseApplications Reg. $25 EASY SOFTWARE
FIRE_153.ZIP 148,491 02-21-95 FIREFIGHTER for "DOS".Fire Dept. record tracking database.Tracks incident, training, maintenanceand roster records along with wageand/or honourarium records.Many other features.
FONEFL60.ZIP 429,990 02-12-95 FoneFile: (TSR) PopUp Address and Phone Book for DOS. Instantly access your addresslist without leaving your currentapplication! Exceptionally fast databaseengine. Autmatically sort by Company or
Contact name. Unlimited number of names andfiles. Graphic "Look and Feel" for easy use.Prints phone lists, detail reports, andcreates 'Mail-Merge' files. Complete Mousesupport. Low 6k memory usage. <ASP>
IDEX213.ZIP 473,657 02-14-95 Infodex v2.13 <ASP> Multipurpose Database!Infodex is a versatile database manager usedto keep track of names and addresses,equipment, computer software, books, andmore! Includes a FREE-FORM layout. Add,
delete, or rearrange fields EASILY! Searchfor text in any field. Import and export to delimited text file. Quickly browse through list of records. Easy push button interfacew/mouse support!
LBB.ZIP 719,643 02-12-95 LITTLE BLACK BOOK 3.0<ASP> Address book / auto-dialer withreporting. - Stores names, addresses, andphone numbers along with about 64K of notesper entry. Search on any field (wildcards
too), bring up your entry and click to dialthe number. (Modem required for dialing).Print and Print Preview all records.Requires VBRUN300 Windows - Other ***COMPANY NAME NOT IN LIST ***
LLIST24.ZIP 180,591 02-12-95 LITTLE LISTS 2.4 Rosemary West <ASP>Simple database program. Create,view, print, import, export DBF orcomma-delimited files. Add andSubtract math fields. Print labelsor columnar reports. Reg. $15.00
MPLUS13.ZIP 267,844 02-12-95 MPLUS 1.3 Mailing List System <ASP> <ESC>Simple yet full-featured mailing system hasuser-configurable features, supportsinternational mailing needs, duplicatechecking, phone dialing, record tagging,
import and export, form letters, and more!Perfect for home or business.Author: Rosemary West. See VENDINFO.DIZfor more information.
PHBOOK12.ZIP 34,491 03-04-95 PH_BOOK.EXE v1.2- SME Phone BookThe SME Phone Book maintains a list ofnames, addresses, phone numbers andnotes. Its database management issimple and very thorough. The SMEPhone Book will also dial your phone.
FREEWARE, and my gift to you!by Sagerquist Micro Engineering
SWITCH60.ZIP 23,105 02-12-95 Switch.CH v6.0 C switch() and pascalCase Of structure emulator for Clipper5.2d. Allows transparent use ofSWITCH/CASE/DEFAULT/ENDSWITCH/SWBREAKcommands implemented in Clipper. Choice
of exclusive SWITCH (clipper do case)or C_LIKE fall-through (case 1: case 2:do_this()). Simple to use. Added supportfor RETURN, LOOP and EXIT from withinSWITCH control structure. Bugfix in modulesupport. Public domain by Shamim Islam,
December 1994.
TICKLE11.ZIP 61,694 01-21-95 "TICKLE FILE" Ver 1.10 - 01/21/95 - (PPL 3.0"Tickle File" is a program that maintains apersonal database which can contain up to 24filenames with a 15 character description.Users "Tickle" their memory by viewing thei
ZTREE19.ZIP 245,570 02-12-95 THE CALLING TREE CONTACT MANAGER v1.96 <ASP> {DOS}. Maintain information on people in ahierarchially related group. MLM, Emergencycontact networks, Political Party matrixes,etc. I call 5, they each call 5, the each
call 5, etc. Tracks 7 phone numbers, 5dates, and a comments field. Fullysearchable with several printout options.