144BBSB5.ZIP 46,411 02-01-95 02/01/95 - 14.4k bps BBS List - ASCII Former96LIST, A BBS list with over 1,800 US BBSphone numbers supporting v.32, v.32bis, v.faclass and v.34 CONNECTs, sorted by Area CodeSYSOPS: Read SYSOP.TXT for a very important
175B220A.ZIP 234,419 02-20-95 RBBS-PC 17.5ß-Wide Area BETA Release.Wide-Area-BETA UPDATE to RBBS-PC 17.4This file contains RBBS-PC.EXE optimizedfor AT-Class machines (80286 and better)Officially Authorized by Ken Goosens.*** Best BBS at any prIC
175B220C.ZIP 169,888 02-20-95 RBBS-PC 17.5ß-Wide Area BETA Release.Wide-Area-BETA UPDATE to RBBS-PC 17.4This file contains the new CONFIG.EXEIncludes an editable on-line help file.Officially Authorized by Ken Goosens.*** Best BBS at any prICE -
175B220M.ZIP 232,500 02-20-95 RBBS-PC 17.5ß-Wide Area BETA Release.Wide-Area-BETA UPDATE to RBBS-PC 17.4This file contains RBBS-PC.EXE optimizedfor 80386 or better machines, mathcoprocesser required.Officially Authorized by Ken Goosens.** Best
175B220T.ZIP 66,129 09-17-94 RBBS-PC 17.5ß-Wide Area BETA Release.Wide-Area-BETA UPDATE to RBBS-PC 17.4This file contains the documentation andsample files used in the new features.Officially Authorized by Ken Goosens.*** Best BBS at any prICE
175B220X.ZIP 236,450 02-20-95 RBBS-PC 17.5ß-Wide Area BETA Release.Wide-Area-BETA UPDATE to RBBS-PC 17.4This file contains RBBS-PC.EXE optimizedfor XT-Class machines (8088).Officially Authorized by Ken Goosens.*** Best BBS at any prICE - Still F
175B704E.ZIP 617,541 07-04-94 RBBS-PC 17.5ß-Wide Area BETA Release,Wide-Area-BETA 0704 UPDATE to 0607 Release.175b704E contains new CONFIG and RBBS .EXEsThose running 17.5ß - 0607 do NOT need the175b704T which contains 0607 text files OnlyUpdate
175B704T.ZIP 215,408 07-04-94 RBBS-PC 17.5ß-Wide Area BETA Release,WARNING - This file is ONLY needed if youhave NOT been running 17.5ß 0607 Release.This file is the 175b0607.zip minus theRBBS and CONFIG Executable files.175b704E contains the ne
1WST1.ZIP 130,498 01-23-94 Who Said That? Trivia. Rip Support. Not CrTest your knowledge of famous and not so famyou know who said "I like a woman with a heaI hate necks" ? -- (evetS nitraM) you'll havbackwards to find out the answer!
A WiggleWare 1st release!
301ALANC.ZIP 18,996 02-20-94 An information packet for SysOps who want tojoin the 301 SysOp's Alliance. Dedicated tomaking BBSing better the 301 Alliance isheadquartered at The Dog's HouseBBS...(301)216-0637.
326APAT.ZIP 194,018 02-28-95 -=LORD326 TO LORD326A PATCH!=-If you already have 3.26, this filewill upgrade it to 3.26a. If youdon't, download LORD326A.ZIP.
45RPMSW.ZIP 640,565 01-04-94 The MusicBox Series was createdentirely using Multi-Media AuthoringTools by DareWare, Inc. It is a seriesof jukebox-style programs that allowsthe user to hear, examine, checkrun-time length
608B9502.ZIP 21,547 01-01-95 608 Areacode BBS List from JW-PC for month.Filename includes Year and Month in the nameas 608BYYMM.ZIP, where YY is the year, and Mis the month. Sent out about the 1st of eacmonth, ZIP -AV Stamped by JW-PC Consulting.
920TO921.ZIP 580,912 03-04-95 AdeptXBBS 32-bit OS/2 multi-user, multi-threaded, multi-line, PM BBS for OS/2 v2.x, and v3.
ABBL-62.ZIP 53,030 03-13-95 The Atlanta Bulletin Board List, Revision 62for Feb. 1995, expires - 5/1/95. The LONGand SHORT versions - in PKZIP v2.04G format.Produced by the Online Atlanta Society -404-627-2662 (OAS-COM2) data - Atlanta, GA
ABBL-62D.ZIP 123,980 03-13-95 Atlanta BBS List (ABBL) #62 for Feb. '95in dialing directory formats for mostmajor comm. programs -- plug'n'play withthese instead of trying to type them inby hand -- this version set for 2400 bpsCourtesy of Online
ABBL-62H.ZIP 123,974 03-13-95 Atlanta BBS List (ABBL) #62 for Feb. '95in dialing directory formats for mostmajor comm. programs -- plug'n'play withthese instead of trying to type them inby hand -- this version set for 38400Courtesy of Online Atl
ABN03.ZIP 99,128 02-02-95 De Algemene Bbslijst Nederland van maart 199De ABNlijst bevat meer dan 1000 actuele BBSe
ACD_AP10.ZIP 22,439 12-25-94 Acidic Presents - ASWPacker v1.07 - [REN]┌───────────────────────────────────────────│ Remove all non-existant and deleted user│ entries in your .ASW files. By: Mercury└───────────────────────────────────────────
ACL0395.ZIP 35,535 03-06-95 AC BBS List - March, 1995DC/MD/VA METRO Area.A menu driven, verbose list in .EXEformat of Wildcat! Bulletin Boardsin the 202, 301 and 703 area codes.*HELP! - We need more listings!*Compliments of C'mon Inn BBS
ANTI126.ZIP 47,474 12-20-94 AntiAd version 1.26 - The ultimate BBS addetection and removal utility. Utilizes twomethods to detect BBS ads: a conventionaldatabase algorithm for static BBS ads and akeyword algorithm for ads that are changedfrequ
ASPCB400.ZIP 328,149 01-24-95 @X0EAutoScribe @X0F4.00! @X0ASubscription DoASPCB now offers unlimited lines ofdescription, Intensive Subscriptionand User Database. Allows use ofChecks and Credit Cards! Upgradesinstantly with Sec Level or credits,
AS_101.ZIP 94,542 01-29-95 AS - Active Sessions V 1.01===========================line status display---------------------------semaphore handling---------------------------task summary display---------------------------shows ProBoard-User
AUTO-WEL.ZIP 32,001 03-06-95 AUTO-WEL v1.0 - Auto Welcome allows you tonever have to worry about your BBS welcomescreens again. Run it in your daily eventbatch file and it will copy your pre-madewelcome screens automatically. AUTO-WEL is
fully configurable. Edit one configurationfile and you're ready to go. ** NO NAGS ***** NOT CRIPPLED *** Nick Garcia - $5.00
AUTODIZD.ZIP 51,945 03-21-94 ┌=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=┐║ PEGASUS * AUTODIZ * Version 3.1 ║├=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=-=-=-=-=─=─=─=─=─=┤║ TIRED OF WRITING DESCRIPTIONS??? ║│ GET THIS!!!!! │║ AUTODIZ
AUTOP2_0.ZIP 16,309 11-19-94 AUTOPLUS 2.0 Automessage Utility by Kyle EliGreat little util that gets quite a bit ofattention from the users. Make new messagesor reply to a previous one. Easy to useinterface. The source IS included!
AVDY2_1A.ZIP 30,538 01-25-94 Average Day IIOn An Average Day In America...Here's some trivia you don'tfind every day! Interesting factsthat can be displayed to eachcaller or sent to a Bulletin file!Support BBS: 616-968-7150
AVIEW65B.ZIP 72,078 02-13-94 AViewCom allows BBSers to view archivecontents while online, read ASCII files, anddownload files from within archives. Thedownload feature is useful if a callerwishes to read a document file prior todownloading the
B-DAY100.ZIP 5,538 08-12-94 ╒═════════════════════════════════════╕│ **** Birthday.pex**** ││ v1.00 ││ Allows SysOp to give their users ││ a gift on their BirthDay of extra ││ Time and D/L Kby
BADFL11.ZIP 23,152 10-18-94 Automatically add unde- ∙∙─┐ │sired files into RA 2.xx └───┘BADFILES.CTL stright from ∙∙─┤ :RAMGR, WITHOUT EXITING! │ │Save HOURS of SysOping!!! . │ │. New "*" options NOW, WOW! : │ :┌───┐ ∙∙∙∙·
BANG_RIP.ZIP 54,814 11-24-94 Here are my currect RIPscript screens. If yomy board and see them in action. I like RIPslike your opinions on mine, even hints at im
BASLOGIN.ZIP 4,452 03-06-95 Login mod puts user/BBS info in a box.By Clyde Bassman. Date: 03/02/95
BATSRA11.ZIP 319,044 04-13-94 ▄·····································▄▌ BATSRA - RemoteAccess v1.10 or 2.xx ▐▌ BBS Activity Tracking system! Keep ▐▌ track of all your users' activity ▐▌ with this easy menu driven ▐▌ interface, and▌
BB500.ZIP 325,967 08-24-93 Board Base Pro! On-Line BBS Lister/Data Basefor most BBS Programs. Board Base Pro! is acomplete full featured data base for keepingtrack of up to 999 other Bulletin Board'sinformation. Includes Add, Delete, Edit (use
BBDC0395.ZIP 79,763 07-03-94 ┌──▌ WASHINGTON, DC AREA BBS LIST ▐──┐▐│ Mar 1, 1995 │▌▐├────────────────────────────────────┤▌▐│ 553 │▌▐│ Local BBS Numbers Verified Monthly │▌▐├───────────────
BBFIX511.ZIP 168,736 01-09-95 This is a fix for Board Base Pro! v5.10 ONLY
BBLOCK40.ZIP 20,325 03-01-95 BaudBlock New User Baud Rate Filter Copyrigh(C) 1994-95 Bob Dunnell Release Version 4.0This program filters out new callers with slmodems. ***Installation*** Install this inNEWUSER.BAT and it will run for each newca
BBS-PR18.ZIP 37,568 02-10-95 The Computer Bulletin Board Guide to PublicRelations ver 1.8. The competition for calleis heating up. You need an aggressivemarketing campaign. Here's a handy guide tohelp you conduct your own Public Relationseffor
BBSING.ZIP 402,064 12-31-94 FREE! All about BBSING E-Published book *SYSOPS this will save you a lot of time!Answers most BBSing questions*InteractiveUse this to get friends, co-workers,relatives into computer bulletin boards!Magazine*Very Use
BBSPRC27.ZIP 197,658 02-05-95 BBSPRINT Formats, Sorts, Prints, andExports Mike Focke's BBS Listing.Choose from 16 fields to create up to 3sort keys. Output to ASCII, ANSI COLOR,PRINTER or Export Dialing Directories
to: QModem Pro v1.53, QModem v4.6 TestDrive, QModem v501, Telemate v3.x/4.x,and Telix v3.xx.
BBSRPT14.ZIP 107,069 12-14-94 BBS Reporter is a log file processor thatreads your RA 2.xx log files and producesinformative tables and graphs showing manyimportant aspects of your system. Reportsphone-line utilization (each node and wholesystem
BBSTOWN.ZIP 13,184 05-26-94 ┌────────────────────────┐│A command shell to ││convert your BBS to a ││town look. With built ││in help files that all ││users beginners and ││advanced can understand ││Done by Night Falcon ││of
BBS___.ZIP 2,995 08-29-94 -=Murphy's Place and Mega900 Presents=--=Mega900 Personal Services=-This is the best way to increase yourBBS Income available today. Downloadthis file to learn how to increaseyour board income and useage! Its FREEt
----------------------BDchecker will make itpossible to check acaller's birthdate.If they fail, the se-curity will be set to0 and the sysop willreceive a message.Now detects hang-ups!!Now also (OPTIONAL) ifuser is under 18 Years
BFE3100P.ZIP 325,667 03-12-94 ╒═════════════════════════════════════╕│BFE v3.10.0p - The world's premier ││BBS Front End system is back! Offer ││your users information, files, just ││about anything imaginable, all before││they log on to your
BFMAIL21.ZIP 19,519 12-15-94 ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐│ ■ BLUE FORCE MAIL BULLETIN MAKER v2.1 ■ │├─────────────────────────────────────────┤│ The BEST bulletin maker program ever for││ your MAIL RUNS! Creates NICE LOOKING │
BFPAGE21.ZIP 15,806 12-12-94 ┌────────────────────────────────────┐│ The Blue Force Sysop Multi-Utility ││ ---------------------------------- ││ BFPAGE++ Version 2.1 ││ ---------------------------------- ││ This GREAT program will
BGFAX130.ZIP 139,689 07-10-94 BGFAX 1.30 [11-Jun-94] - A non-TSR S/R fax==> SYSOPS: RECEIVE FAX AND DATA CALLS <==program for people with Class 1, 2, 2.0, &ZyXEL fax modems. Can answer the phone byitself or let a Fido Mailer or BBS pass
the fax call to it. Can also SEND faxesfrom the command line. Includes viewing,FAX->PCX, ASCII->FAX, PCX->FAX utilties.FTP from FTP.CSN.NET in the "Computech"or FREQ 'magic' BGFAX from Fido 1:106/400.
BLOTSPIN.ZIP 6,804 04-16-94 Spinning Enter Prompt v1.O Fully configurable
BM0406_A.ZIP 613,706 04-07-94 BusiMod (tm) mod package for RBBS v17.4 date04/06/94. Contains many quality mods for RBby various authors. Gives RBBS many top notfeatures such as batch uploading, bidirectiotransfer capabilities, FILE_ID.DIZ suppo
BM0406_B.ZIP 625,409 04-07-94 BusiMod (tm) mods dated 04/06/94- executables for 80286 machines on up.This archive is file #2 out of 3. Requiresfile #1 (BM0406-A.ZIP) for support files.
BM0406_C.ZIP 399,626 04-07-94 BusiMod (tm) mods dated 04/06/94- executables for 8088 machines on up.This archive is file #3 out of 3. Requiresfile #1 (BM0406-A.ZIP) for support files.
BOP_0295.ZIP 35,939 01-30-95 475 Phoenix BBSes contacted in late January 1995. Check Valley.Txt for newest numbers Check LongForm.Txt for detail listing.
BQUOTE14.ZIP 194,027 08-07-94 BQUOTE:The BIG quote file for BBSs, bootup, orwhenever you'd just like something amusingto brighten your day. Quips, quotes,funnies, and the deeply weird.
BRAINEX.ZIP 290,082 02-06-94 BRAINEX DOOR MANAGERAll Brainex Doors require theDoor Manager. Makes installation ofnew doors easy! Configures your CDROM,comports, nodes, etc. Works with mostBBS types. From The Brainex System.310-275-2344 / 310-2
CALCAT56.ZIP 100,551 11-17-93 JUST IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!!!!!CalCat! v5.5 the ULTIMATE HOLIDAY Screen SwaThis highly rated utility will help reduce ystress and workload during the holiday seasoCalCat! knows 242+ holidays and does other uconf
CALLID.ZIP 18,768 03-06-95 **Caller ID Utility** for Synchronet BBS v2.0 version 1.00
CALLV200.ZIP 61,373 11-27-94 CALLERS v2.00 is a activity fileprocessor that makes any .BBS fileyou want it to make. It is Multi-Node aware. It also allows you topick 2 security levels to havestand out. This is a 30-day trialand is shareware
CAMTIC11.ZIP 147,956 08-18-94 Cam-TIC v1.1. This is a TIC processor thatwe wrote to work with Planet Connect. Veryeasy to setup and works very well. Will workwith anything to process TIC files for thefido filebone.
CARENA10.ZIP 222,119 03-21-94 CRYPTIC ARENA - TIL' DEATH DO US PART!The Ultimate Online Battle! Fight EVILOpponants all over the World! Yourmission? To destroy PEEZ, Keeper of AllUniversal EVIL! Supports RIP / ASCII &
ANSI! Censored or Uncensored! Special/Death Moves, and up to 60 backgrounds!
CAT13.ZIP 9,458 10-23-94 CAT-TRIX 1.3 LOGON MATRIX for Wildcat! 4.0Written by Mike CataldoJust Like a N.U.P found on non-WILDCAT! bbs'An easy, On-line, Security feature for Sysopto all new users, they must know the PASSWORFeatures: -
CBVV12.ZIP 173,672 01-28-95 DSD CBV v1.2 Call Back Verification System────────────────────────────────────────────Tiny, powerful CBV for ANY BBS software! Dupand bad phone num check, allow/disallow Lcalls, allow users to enter number to c
CHAS1201.ZIP 19,636 12-01-94 ░░░░▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓█████████████████████▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒░░░░ This is the monthly release of the░ dialing directories of the Charleston░ area BBSes. Directories included are░ for Qmodem 4/5, Procomm+ 1/2, Telix,░ T
CHEKDATE.ZIP 19,663 01-24-94 CHEKDATE PROGRAM v1.01 <ASP> -This application is designed toassist BBS operators in themanagement of their "FILES.BBS"file. It is currently in severalstages of upgrades.Registration $10.00
CHEKV103.ZIP 20,351 02-13-94 CHEKDATE PROGRAM v1.03This application is designed toassist BBS operators in themanagement of their "FILES.BBS"file. It is currently in severalstages of upgrades.Registration $10.00
CHGMAS20.ZIP 73,281 08-24-94 CHGMAST v2.0Γ. THE OnLine Sales/SubscriptionTotal integration, ease of use, unique featubuck" is what sets Charge Master apart fromcards, Checking/Savings accounts, TABS codesmultiple levels of Security, Detailed log
CHGRATE.ZIP 13,706 03-06-95 Upload Compensation Rate Changer-----------------------------------This is small utilitys for use inbatch files will change the UploadTime Compensation Rate in the SystemConfiguration.
Free ware from S&M Shareware.
CHKPC098.ZIP 67,401 11-04-94 Check PC v 0.98 - Dupe Checker/Mover/Deleterfor Planet Connect Sites. All of your mailfiles are moved for you. Simple installatiowith full file comparisons including CRC-32checks, works on LANs, log reports, passa
CHRACH10.ZIP 45,240 06-10-94 Anonymous Teleconference v1.0The teleconference is one of the busiestparts of most bulletin board systems. Theability to speak without worrying aboutanyone knowing who you are add aninteresting element to Anonymous
CHRCLR22.ZIP 34,259 06-10-94 Cheersoft Colorific v2.2Make your bulletin board lively and colorfulYour users will be able to insert AnsiColor, Flashing Text and Extended Asciialmost anywhere! (Teleconference,Registries, Pages, Line Editor Forum
CIVWAR11.ZIP 5,478 02-06-95 Civil War Menus Version 1.1 - For SyncronetVersion 2.0x Created by L. Alexander Tamasia.k.a. Confederate Gentleman Used on "TheGhosts in Grey BBS". This is my first attempat creating a command shell for Syncronet. I
CLNDIZ20.ZIP 80,548 11-26-94 CleanDiz V2.0 - Strips high ASCII characters& Phrases from FILE_ID.DIZ files. 100%improved! Now supports the most populararchive programs, ZIP/ARJ/PAK/DWC/HYP/ARC/ZODisplays a status screen locally and toremote cal
CNUM195G.ZIP 55,611 01-12-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────┐│ ▒▒ CallNo V1.95Γ ▒▒ ││ ││ NEW! Configuration file support ││ Desqview Support, Bug-Fixes, ││ Message notifying sysop of a│ ce
CPYUSR11.ZIP 34,402 01-25-95 Copy User v1.1 - Copy your user files in anightly event with the name of the file todadate. Or choose to archive the user files(using ZIP, ARJ or PAK) with the name of thearchive file being todays date. Allows you t
CUBE120.ZIP 70,419 02-05-95 The Cube v1.20 By DKS Software. Most BBS'ssupported. The Computer randomly twists a cuand you have to twist it back in its originaposition.When registered features make-upmissed days and bulletin generator.
CVT2152.ZIP 66,284 10-29-94 CVT2152 - Updates CNAMES Long Conf Namesfrom uuPCB's UUPCB.DBF. For PC Board15.2 ONLY!
CW_SL_36.ZIP 15,497 09-14-94 SpeedLim v3.6! Limit callers access based onconnection speed! Block total access or justaccess to specific command!! Exclude by timeor by an exclusion usernames list! An optionto send a message to user about when com
D2A130.ZIP 39,950 03-01-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────────────│░▒▓█ Dir.Lst ─ Ascii v1.30 █▓▒░├───────────────────────────────────────────│ This program will allow a sysop to take a│ DIR.LST and convert it to straight Asci
D2A140.ZIP 39,766 03-04-95 ┌───────────────────────────────────────────│░▒▓█ Dir.Lst ─ Ascii v1.40 █▓▒░├───────────────────────────────────────────│ This program will allow a sysop to take a│ DIR.LST and convert it to straight Asci
D5PRO205.ZIP 533,584 11-25-94 Delta 5 Professional 2.05 The BBS Program Ofthe 21st Century. Take a good deep look intothe Future. Setting new Standards to BBSing.
DBULLET.ZIP 27,443 03-06-95 Domain Bulletins v1.20Logon bulletins for Synchronet BBSsystems. Supports up to 99 bulletinsin .RIP, .ASC and .ANS format.Fully functional, $10 Shareware.
DISPWET1.ZIP 5,412 01-16-95 Howdy boys & girls... Enclosed in this archiis my utilities that I use to offer theweather maps that the Planet Connect serviceoffers. It consists of two parts, one, theevent (that I have running every two hours)tha
DIZED670.ZIP 137,233 02-28-95 ███▓▒░DIZ.EDIT v6.70 - A.R.I. Software░▒▓███Multi-Window Full Mouse Control FILE_ID.DIZEditor for DOS, OS/2, Windows, and Chicagowith DIZ Import/Export directly from ZIPs.Import Text, and Binary Files for Editing,
EVEN FROM WITHIN A ZIP! Cut & Paste anytext with the mouse! Auto-Import featurepulls descriptions right out of your files!
DLCOUNT.ZIP 8,744 10-30-94 DLCOUNT 1.00: Modifies FILES.BBS filelistings, marking off which filesare downloaded and how many timespeople have downloaded them.This is for Powerboard and isa brand new version as of 10-29-94!
DLDCOU22.ZIP 53,432 07-09-94 ┌=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=-=─=─=─=┐║ PEGASUS SOFTWARE'S DLDCOUNT ver 2.2 ║├─────────────────────────────────────┤║ THE ULTIMATE DOWNLOAD COUNTER ║│ NOW Allows you to specify │║ the number of head
DLG_DIZ.ZIP 12,573 04-05-94 DLG_DIZ v.01 - Program That Allows DLG To Se
DLSREF10.ZIP 40,151 11-09-94 Refuse-Baud v1.0 for The Major BBSAllows you to configure a minimum baud rateeach channel group. If a user calls in at arate lower than the one configured, they aredisplayed a text block, and then disconnectefrom t
DO1ST-11.ZIP 12,274 01-27-95 Generate ERRORLEVEL 1 if not 1st day of themonth. Use to make once-per-month programexecutions from batch files. Only runs onceper 1st day. Sample & instructions. v1.1
*******[ Freeware by James Huckabey ]*******
DSIOW2.ZIP 6,417 11-30-94 -=[ DSiOW/2 ]=-Its Finaly Here! Dos SysOps In an OS/2 WorlIssue 2. A MUST for all SysOps Running a DoBased BBS Under OS/2. Download this Today!!
DUPC11B6.ZIP 29,618 03-06-95 ╒═══════════════════════════════════════╕│ DUPCHECK UPLOAD PROCESSOR V1.11ß6 ││ ││ Searches if file is on the bbs or if a││ newer version exists. If it does, the │
│ user isn't allowed to upload it. If it││ doesn't exists the file will be ││ scanned for a virus (THD-PROscan) and ││ the FILE_ID.DIZ will be extracted if ││ exists else it asks for a description ││ and then it'll be added to the file- │
│ base after a good upload. ││ Comes with THD PROscan V9.1 included. ││ (With written permission of author). ││ ││ Another Dutch Quality Pex by: ││ EDDIE VAN LOON && WILLEM WEGHORST │
DUT200.ZIP 86,014 12-20-94 Domain Upload Tester v2.00 (UNREGISTERED)A file upload tester and virus scannerwritten especially for Synchronet BBSsystems. Supports several virusscanners and compression types, as wellas GIF testing and multi-lev
DVSV16.ZIP 74,109 01-12-94 Data/Voice Switch v1.6Program that detects voice and data calls anallows a sysop to run a BBS and voice phonon the same line! Data/Voice Switch wilanswer an incoming call, determine if it'voice or data, a
EDLOG021.ZIP 30,076 11-27-94 EDlog v0.21 - Capture the lines youwant out of your LOG files, edit, thenwrite back out to another file. Searchfor two different strings, with theoption of keeping the log ident(user name) for each captured line.T
EUNION41.ZIP 18,657 08-14-94 Eastern Union Time Transfer V4.1 MAJOR BUGHAS BEEN FIXED FROM 4.0! Designed to allowyour users to transfer time from their ownaccount to another user's! This is the FIRSTand ONLY time transferring system everavailab
EVVIN412.ZIP 6,295 11-24-94 Evansville, IN BBS List for December 94Lists BBS's in Evansville, along withinformation on what each BBS has tooffer along with information on filecapacity and many other things.Created by Gary Barr of the Digicom B
EVVIN502.ZIP 7,491 03-13-95 Evansville, IN BBS List for February 95Lists BBS's in Evansville, along withinformation on what each BBS has tooffer along with information on filecapacity and many other things.Created by Gary Barr of the Digicom B
EZV1BETA.ZIP 111,699 04-17-94 EZVerify 1.0 Beta callback verifierSPECIFICALLY for SEARCHLIGHT(tm) BBS systems100% SL compatible, works on any COM portconfig. including DigiBoard. Seamlesslyintegrates with SL unlike any other CBV.Database mainte
EZWALL10.ZIP 61,651 01-11-95 E-Z Wall v1.0 LlanoWare. Another GraffitiWall for your users to write their mindlessramblings on. E-Z Wall supports most BBSdropfiles. E-Z installation will have you upand running in minutes, even on multi-node
systems! Multi-node playable! Full fossilsupport for com1 thru com99. Allows unlimiteentrys. Direct write and read options. FullLanguage support. Supports locked baud ratesto 115,200.
EZYD2.ZIP 36,451 01-01-95 Nice Cmnd-Line Phone/Dig. Pager DialerEzy-D is a great little dialer for useon the command-line and in batch filesfor making unattended pager calls inresponse to system/application events.Features:- Automatically l
FAN_240.ZIP 198,193 12-20-94 FAN is a comprehensive file announcingprogram for BBS systems running under OS/2or DOS. It incorporates many features notfound in "all in one" file processingpackages. Support for 1600+ file areas,FAN is ideal for
FDIO10.ZIP 22,637 11-01-94 ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐│ ■ FDINOUT v1.0 ■ │├─────────────────────────────────────────┤│ Creates .ANS/ASC file of inbound and ││ outbound calls brought by your FRONT │
FECV151.ZIP 196,700 11-09-94 FeConv 1.51------------converts your fastecho-setup (1.41g)to RA/IM/FD/PB-creates almost freely definabletext-files with information fromfastecho.cfg-writes several reports:passive areas, passive nodes,errors re
FILL30G1.ZIP 34,756 09-21-94 ╒═══════════════════════════════════╕│ Adress filler V3.00Γ1 ││ Now with new-user validate option.││ Possibility to change your answers││ afterwards, sysop attention music,││ display of ansi screen, help
FLSORT10.ZIP 12,756 11-25-94 Allows you to Sort QuickBBS's FILECFG.DATAlphabetically by Area Name. It also SortsUn-used Areas back to the end of the File.FILESORT can only be used on FILECFG.DAT'swith 200 or less File Areas. * FREEWARE *by Bruc
FMAST210.ZIP 116,760 07-10-94 FileMaster v2.10 Triple-S-WareA Simple Software Solutions Program+------------------------------------------+| Manage files & FILES.BBS listings for || ProBoard v2.00+ or any BBS using the || FI
FNET105.ZIP 79,413 07-16-94 (v1.05) NetMail Packer/Scanner/Tracker forSystems using Binkley-like MailersSupports Type 2+ Packets. Scans forF'Attaches - Pack NetMails VIA otherSystems - Track and BOUNCE NetMailsfor UNLISTED Systems - Archive Se
FPBT22R1.ZIP 109,954 01-01-95 FPBLT v2.21 - Fido Traffic Summary BulletinGenerator utility designed for use with theFidoPCB Mail Tosser. Produces ready to useformatted bulletins. Easy to set up and runRequires FidoPCB v1.4 or later. Rebuild the
FREE310.ZIP 114,338 12-24-94 Free Speech: An utterly DIFFERENT type of BBwhich uses artificial intelligence procedureto make it possible for anybody to express aopinion openly. Why run just another BBS wheyou can run a system that will be the ta
FRL100.ZIP 6,965 01-05-95 Frlist is a quick and dirty utility that wilcreate a standard ASCII file containing FileRequestable Directories directly fromFILES.RA. In addition, it can list ONLY thedirectories you specify by maximum download
security for each file area.
FS_20.ZIP 19,321 10-13-94 FILESTAT v2.0 SFFILES.BBS Utility forSF 3.5+. Appends File Descriptions WithNumber of Files Inside Each ZIP/ARJ File,Oldest & Newest File Dates Based On DateOf Actual Files Inside the Archive. DoesNOT Use the Archi
FTREE_MM.ZIP 14,229 11-23-94 FTTREE is a remote file manager for ProBoardBBS. If alllows file viewing, tagging,listing of directories, and more. Great forco-sysops that cannot always access thesystem console.
FULLPACK.ZIP 254,374 12-18-94 Revision 1.00. Want to set up your BBS underOS/2 but not sure where to begin?FULLPACK.ZIP contains everything you'll needfrom start to finish to get your DOS-Based Bup and running under OS/2 with minimaldowntime. FU
FWKLZ200.ZIP 10,282 01-25-95 FWKLZ200.ZIP remote lookup_zipfile kit for uwith FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System, Ve2.00, 1995 Jan 16. This helps you save timeand money: Use it to find zipfiles on giantBBS's running FWKCS(TM) Version 2.00 or la
GAPEVENT.ZIP 3,607 11-16-94 Nice colorful 'EVENT' screen for anyBBS. B&W, Color, and xcode versionis included. From your nice fellowsysop in Guelph, ON Canada <grin>.
GO4NEWS2.ZIP 8,353 12-07-94 GO/4 Software News Creator! V1.1A simple to install, and snapto use NEW file creator.Creates a stunning news filewith a computer printout look.Completely free for you.*Bug Fix Release*
GOLDFADE.ZIP 32,275 10-30-92 ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐│ GoldFade v1.00 (c)Copyright GoldSOFT. ││ ·------------------------------------· ││ This New Text Fader is the best fader ││ around the BBS world, with TWO simple ││ com
GSBBS026.ZIP 223,254 02-01-95 The Garden State BBS List, NJ's Best Listing┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐│The ┌┐┌┐┬┐┬┐┌┐ ┬ ┬┌┐┌┬┐ NJ's Most Accurate││ │┬└┐├┤├┤└┐ │ │└┐ │ BBS Listing │
│ └┘└┘┴┘┴┘└┘ └┘┴└┘ ┴ Feb. 1995 ││ Listed in Boardwatch Magazine │├──────────────────────────────────────────┤│New Jersey's Largest and Most Accurate BBS││Listing of Bulletin Boards throughout the│
│201, 609 & 908 Area Codes! GSBBS has Over││900 Verified Numbers, more than any other││NJ BBS List that is Available. Our Listing││includes the BBS Phone Number, System Name││Sysop, Town, Max Baud Rate and Software. │
├──────────────────────────────────────────┤│ GSBBS is the Only New Jersey BBS Listing ││ that comes in 3 Formats, Ascii/Ansi and ││ OS/2, We even Supply a GSBBS List Viewer │└──────────────────────────────────────────┘
GSBBS027.ZIP 255,477 03-01-95 The Garden State BBS List, NJ's Best Listing┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐│The ┌┐┌┐┬┐┬┐┌┐ ┬ ┬┌┐┌┬┐ NJ's Most Accurate││ │┬└┐├┤├┤└┐ │ │└┐ │ BBS Listing ││ └┘└┘┴┘┴┘└┘ └┘┴└┘ ┴ March 1995
GVT042.ZIP 16,438 03-28-94 GrapeVine Tool v0.42 by Norman YenUtility to import FILES.BBS to GV andextract the FILE_ID.DIZ. Plus editand refresh files.
GWPEX107.ZIP 6,984 08-01-94 ╔══════════════════════════════════════╗║ G-Wall, The ULTIMATE Graffiti Wall!! ║║ A KiloBit PEX for ProBoard 2.x ║║ Choose the color for your messages!! ║╠══════════════════════════════════════╣║ G-Wall ver 1.
HANG100.ZIP 20,782 09-26-94 HANGUP v1.00 - a usefull ProBoard <PEX>to log users out simply by creating asemaphore file. In addition you can useit to display fast notes to the user!---------------------------------------HANGUP is written and (c
HC200.ZIP 345,168 02-18-94 HYPERCHAT V2.00 Multi-Node ActionChatTeleconferencing System with personalrooms, ANSI color, definable screens,whispering, paging, unlimited actions,online editing of users and actions,support for most multi-port CO
HEADLN20.ZIP 53,647 01-01-95 HEADLINE v2.00 is used for buildingpromotional messages such as BBS Ads,and announcements. V2.00 replacesVersion 1.00. A helpfile, along withon screen prompts, help to make theprogram user friendly. This FREEWAREp
HIDE_OUT.ZIP 6,992 12-10-94 The Hide-Out BBSWoodstock,IlThese are a collection of files I have throwtogether to tell you what I offer and what ycan find online. Rime network is also here 1confrences. So d/l Hide_Out.zip to get moreof what is
HM950214.ZIP 1,719 03-13-95 Hartford/Manchester Area BBS List 02-14-95from Spacedock, 666-4999 (203), 1:142/499.
HVFC0494.ZIP 13,816 03-31-94 Hayes Sysop Program Information Kit --Features Hayes OPTIMA 288 V.FC + FAX28,800 bps modem for only $288!Offer extended thru 6/30/94.
ICHATV38.ZIP 161,770 11-21-94 ┌═╦═════════════════════════════════╦═┐│▓║ IceChat v3.80 ║▓││▓║ Deluxe SysOp-User Chat Utility ║▓││▓║ For RA 2.0x/Dorinfo1.Def Compat ║▓││▒╠════─────────────────────────════╣▒││▒║ Split/Vertical C
IDFILE23.ZIP 151,088 11-25-94 IDENTI-FILER v2.03 Creates a FILES.BBScatalog of your .ZIP and .ARJ archivecollections by extracting theFILE_ID.DIZ. Useful for importinginto BBS file databases, CD-ROMdoors, or to catalog entiredirectories of .ZIP
IDFON13.ZIP 627,018 11-12-94 IdentaFone 1.3: Caller ID software for:Supra, Practical Peripherals, Vive Synergiesplus any Rockwell based CID modem. Database,Dialer, Logs and times incoming/outgoingcalls and large popup of caller name.Incoming nu
IDXUTIL6.ZIP 115,717 11-01-94 IDX-Util v6.0 (11-01-94) PCB 15.0 UtilitiesList files in .IDX File using wildcards. LisDuplicate files in an .IDX File. Also cancross-reference two .IDX files and list Dupsor create a 3rd Index containing Dups or you
IEDITV11.ZIP 109,196 11-21-94 ┌═╦═════════════════════════════════╦═┐│▓║ IceEdit v1.10 ║▓││▓║ Deluxe FS ANSi Message Editor ║▓││▓║ For Use With RemoteAccess 2.0x ║▓││▒╠════─────────────────────────════╣▒││▒║Features include:
IEDITV12.ZIP 120,445 11-15-94 IceEdit v1.20 ■ Deluxe FullScreen ANSiMessage Editor ■ For Use With RemoteAccess2.0x ■ Features include: Random Taglineaddition, character color config, LeftColumn Justification, Line-Centering,
Textfile exporting, Message Censoring, MacroConfig, Configurable Function Key Macros,Completely Color Configurable UserInterface, Replacement Codes Color ControlStrings, efficient built-in Spell CheckingRoutines, and more! Should work with other
QuickBBS compatible BBS packages. This fileshould be accompanied by IDICTV07.ZIP(Dictionary).
IM229JAN.ZIP 694,328 01-01-95 InterMail 2.29b/demo. Free trial versionof the most professional Fido style frontend mailer around. Includes message editor,nodelist manager and setup program. Workswell with most BBS software. Fast and easyto insta
INFOC102.ZIP 65,033 10-09-94 ▒▒▒Information Centre▒▒▒▒▒▒version 1.02 ▒▒▒Information centre is thealmost-perfect way to give yourusers, old and new, informationabout your bulletin board andwhat's happening in it.Author:David Hudson
INQUIS21.ZIP 43,522 10-22-94 Bug fix: 2.0 was SUPPOSED to be an evaluatioversion! The Inquisitor! v2.10 RetrievesFILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI from all majorarchive types plus finds size info ingraphics and sound files. In addition, infocan be retrie
IUTIL161.ZIP 153,631 12-19-94 IUTIL 1.61Released December 1994.Copyright (C) 1991-1994 by Andreas KleinIUTIL is a utility for IMAIL whichconversion functions to differentBBS configurations and some otheruseful functions.
JAMPACK5.ZIP 57,536 12-04-94 JAMPACK - JAM Message base maintenanceprogram for T.A.G. BBS. Uses a backupof your MBOARDS.DAT for information.Has a configuration editor to editnumber of days and max amount ofmessages to keep in each area.
JAMPACK9.ZIP 98,267 02-04-95 JAMPACK - JAM Message base maintenance progrfor T.A.G. BBS. Uses a backup of your MBOARDAT for information. Has a configurationeditor to edit number of days and max amountof messages to keep in each area.
JCKPT100.ZIP 50,605 04-08-94 JACKPOT v1.0 - The complete Lottoprogram for Synchronet BBS. A musthave for every SBBS SysOp. To re-gister you only need to e-mail theauthor!! Features:■ Two kinds of lottery:o JackPot 4/19.o Instant draw.■ Full
JCONF101.ZIP 7,941 01-22-95 Fully featured [J]oin Conference replacementWill *NOT* display any advertizments at alland it supports RIP. The REGISTERED versionsupports up to 20 different groups. TheUNREGISTERED version supports only 2.Registra
JDRBBS09.ZIP 868,889 02-15-94 JDR_BBS: Juggernaut r.09 [Rohner's BBS]Awesome.....Incredible......DOES IT ALL!Features that go on forever. A completeBBS program, it is the most powerful andtechnically advanced. ---------SharewareAn American ori
JDREXA09.ZIP 926,061 02-15-94 Juggernaut release .09 --John Rohner(JDR_BBS) Extra stuff. 15-Feb-94Juggernaut is an outrageously featuredBBS program--it does it all! Shareware.
JDRSRC09.ZIP 952,591 02-15-94 Juggernaut release .09 --John Rohner(JDR_BBS) Source code. 15-Feb-94Juggernaut is an outrageously featuredBBS program--it does it all! Shareware.
JFSCALLB.ZIP 44,610 11-28-94 JFSCALL.WCX! A Callback Verifier for WildcaThis is a minor update - This is version # 4This callback verifier will request a Data pcall the user at that phone number, update tlevel of your desire, and update their d
JM_CO_10.ZIP 18,868 03-17-95 System Operator Commentor v1.0 Copyright (C)1994, by Cutting Edge Online All rightsreserved. Programming and Documentation byJohn Marx Cutting Edge Online (318) 537-7089Voice 6372-B Kucinski Street (318) 537-7746BBS
JOIN100.ZIP 25,882 01-15-94 Yet another network oriented JOINcommand. Supplements, rather thansupplants the built in Join command.Freeware. PPS included, as well assample menu's from the Viking's CoveBBS. Requires latest version ofPPLC V2.0 d
JOKE200.ZIP 35,743 10-11-93 ▓Today's Joke v2.0▓ Ultimate Joke displayerThis utility will display a random drawn joktime it is executed, this Shareware versionREGISTERED users can add and delete there owthe registered version will hold thousands
LABBS-B5.ZIP 51,271 02-01-95 Los Angeles Area BBS List - February, 1995 Amenu driven, verbose list in .EXE format ofBulletin Boards in the 213, 310 and 818 areacodes. New Format & Policy - Read IMPORTANTNEWS on the Main Menu. *HELP! - We need mo
LBM14.ZIP 16,347 12-31-94 ──────────────[ LBM v1.4 ]────────────────Lottery Bulletin Maker. Utility to Make Ansi/Ascii/Rip Display File Of Your Lucky LottoNumbers For Display On BBS's. Run As AnEvent. Configurable.
──── Latin Connection BBS (318) 535-1863 ───
LBTST322.ZIP 388,170 10-21-94 Labtest 3.22 - The First Line of Defense!Possibly the most complete uploadprocessing system available. Performsfile conversion, scanning, date testing,duplicate checking, BBS advertisementsearch/removal and more! T
LCD100G2.ZIP 41,893 10-13-94 LoraCD 1.00g2 Evaluation - TRY ME---------------------------------[] Add CD-ROM areas to Lora conf.[] Import area descriptions.[] Hide areas on offline CD-ROM.[] Lot of cfg for new added areas[] Support up to relea
LGLT142A.ZIP 44,238 11-19-94 Logoff Lottery V1.42a for Synchronet V1&2Allow: Now configurable as Logon or Logoff.Fixed problem where Logon didn't work unlesslast option given - Jackpot/Last winner showbefore user says YES to play - Multiple play
LISTMSTR.ZIP 16,672 01-04-95 List Master 1.0 <PEX> for ProBoard 2.01- The List Master Group is a collection- of four PEX's to handle changing File- and Message Areas and Groups with- Full RIP Support, and support for- both Access Levels and Fla
LOGGER12.ZIP 55,448 03-06-95 LOGGER 1.2 A Product of theMORONIHAH BBS. LOGGER will runany desired event on the day youchoose. Can be configured for day,month and day, or year, month andday. Possiblities are endless to what
this utility can do for your BBS.Give it a TRY!
LORDBU10.ZIP 11,886 12-04-94 LordBull v1.0! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Create 4 exciting new bulletinsfor LORD! Includes an exclusive"Ultimate" Bull. By SOS!
LORDCV11.ZIP 9,656 12-02-94 LordConvert v1.1! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Convert all of those Lord color-codedfiles in ANS/ASC/Any type of BBScolor code format! Freeware by SOS!
LORDMON.ZIP 21,790 12-04-94 LORD Monster Expansion, v1.0-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Add custom monsters to Legend of theRed Dragon, version 3.20a! This isnot just another monster editor, thisallows you to increase the number ofmonste
LOSTV02.ZIP 217,008 03-20-94 -=* The Lost Temple V0.2 *=--=*The Newest On-Line RPG*=-Advance Through 30 LevelsExplore Hundreds Of RoomsAnd Fight Evil CreaturesOf All Kinds On Your QuestTo Free The Lost Temple!
LSETDESC.ZIP 34,151 10-25-94 LSetDesc v1.00 - LORA-BBS utility tomake global changes to the messageareas datafile. Also will read adescriptions file like FIDONET.NA anduse the descriptions found therein forthe description field in each message
LWDUPE10.ZIP 9,955 01-23-94 LWDUPE v1.0 ** LlanoWare **LWDupe is a FREE utility that will help youlocate duplicate files in your RA2.0x filedatabase. It will search up to 1000 fileareas comparing up to 65000 files perarea with all other area
MASTR20.ZIP 51,948 01-07-95 ┌───────[ NEWS MASTER v2.0 ]──────────┐│ News Bulletin generator for Spitfire, RA,││ Wildcat and others. Creates ANSI/ASCII ││ news bulletins. 9 formats to choose from ││ Fast and easy to use and setup. Uses y
MBBS0295.ZIP 51,865 01-16-95 MetroDetroit BBS List for February 1995.Contains all participating BBS's withinthe 313 & 810 area codes.
MBRPT200.ZIP 7,402 11-28-94 ▒▒░░ MessageBase Reporter v2.00 ░░▒▒** MAJOR UPDATE! **Now written in Pascal, instead ofQuickBasic. It's _much_ smaller,and the archive is tiny! MessageBaseReporter sends a list of all activemessage base names to
MCBEST10.ZIP 50,550 11-07-94 McBest v1.0 - McSoft Corp.McBest is a Statistics BulletinGenerator for RemoteAccess 2.xxYou configure the number of elementsto show in the bulletins from 1 to theTop 100 of each catagory.
MCF33094.ZIP 143,615 03-31-94 Modem Control Files [MCF's] for D'Bridge rel
MECWORK1.ZIP 11,759 04-06-94 Mecca WorkShop v1.0 - SysOp utilityfor writing MECCA files. HotKey entryof tokens. Default switches for Oracletests. Mecca without redating. Datedbulletin headers, view, rename, run,delete, etc! Runs under Maximus
MERGS1B3.ZIP 153,311 12-05-94 MERGESYS v1.00ß3 - BBS file list manager!Eliminate ALL the duplicate file entries onyour PCBoard or other BBS, even between filelists, automatically; keep\replace entries,merge lists, more! MANDATORY with multipleC
MGSFS110.ZIP 21,149 11-19-94 MGSFSR v1.10. Telegard Global FileScan Reset by Mt. Glacier Software.Handy utility for Telegard 2.7 systemsto globally set File Scan indicators ONor OFF for all users. Version 1.10 addsoptions to flag ALL file bas
MHST230.ZIP 632,927 01-05-94 MEGAHOST v2.30 <ASP> - "The EASY BBS"Full featured multiuser BBS designed for easof use. Includes btrieve indexed databases,support for networks, RIP, NAPLPS, BIG, & COgraphics, FOSSIL, DigiBoard, NS16550A FIFO,16.
MKDIZ133.ZIP 56,394 03-29-94 MKDIZ Version 1.33S - A Menu driven programwhich allows you to create and insertFILE_ID.DIZ and/or DESC.SDI descriptionfiles into archive files created by PKZip.These description files contain a shortinformative des
MKPCBD11.ZIP 9,918 11-14-94 MKPCBDIR.EXE V1.1 will convert a regularDOS directory listing stored in a file byusing "dir/o > dirname.raw" to a PCBoarddirectory list. This was designed to createdirectory lists for CD-ROMs which are notBBS ready.
MM-003.ZIP 2,736 03-06-95 Adds Time Bank Edit Within User EditorBy Carolina Cowboy #1 @6041. Date: 03/02/95
MODEMSAV.ZIP 111,696 04-06-94 Awesome Sysop Modem Deals and Discounts.For AT&T, Hayes, Intel, Supra, US Robotics,Ven-Tel, Zoom, Zyxel, and tons of others!!!The very best offers. Information directfrom suppliers.
MPM1_25.ZIP 271,100 12-27-94 MaxFile/PM v1.25 - A FILES.BBS manager forPresentation Manager under OS/2. Drag andDrop, FILE_ID.DIZ import, archiver andviewer functions, and much much more!MaxFile/PM is in a class by itself formanaging FILES.BBS
MSGTMP.ZIP 17,061 11-10-94 Use QuickBBS-style ExternalEditors with Synchronet!!!Includes setups for GEditand ICEEdit that work PERFECTLY!by: Gregory CampbellRegistration only $5.00
MSGTMP02.ZIP 17,182 03-06-95 V1.02 - Use ICEEdit and Gedit w/Synchby Gregory CampbellUse QuickBBS-style External Editors withSynchronet!!! Includes setups for GEditand ICEEdit that work PERFECTLY!Even Multinode use.Registration only $5.00
MSGWLL31.ZIP 168,040 12-15-94 A BBS Utility that will let your userspost messages at logon. This works forall types of BBS software. Shareware $5.00!
MTHMODE1.ZIP 5,571 04-17-94 MODE COMMAND REPLACEMENT V1.0 BY [EDDIE/BB]Let you choose between RIP, Graph, Ansi, andNo Graphic modes with a menu interface usingHotkeys. Great PC-Style look /User friendly.
MTI0011.ZIP 2,860 03-06-95 Prompts for desc of files not in batchupload queue. By Michael Elliot. Date:03/03/95
MUED102.ZIP 91,966 12-22-94 MUEd/PM Professional 1.02 Copyright 1994,Craig Morrison. A powerful PM based usereditor for Maximus v2.xx. Context sensitiveonline help, REXX Macros, Tool Bar andpoint'n'click access to your user file!
MWIZ3G1.ZIP 112,896 11-16-94 (v3.00G1) This public Gamma is a completerewrite of MenuWiz - the Best menu editorfor RemoteAccess 2.0X. This will make thesysop's life much easier while designingand modifying menus.
MYNEWS20.ZIP 67,445 11-30-94 MYNEWS.ZIP v2.00RBBS NEWS Generator. Now Supports all4 flavors (Plain, Ascii, ANSI, and RIP)!!!Configurable for all your conferences andsubboards. Supports 999 conferences - eachwith upto 99999 NEWS ITEMS! Let Da
NB22.ZIP 219,405 03-09-94 NOTICE BOARD V2.2 <ASP> - Provides all ofthe facilities of an office notice board onyour LAN, and a (no memory overhead) menusystem, rolled into one. As well as the keynotices, which appear automatically wheneverthe
NCALL100.ZIP 60,879 11-01-94 NetCall! v1.00 Automated Network Caller forCall from a batch file to do callouts tosystems. Great utility for Fido front end uExtremely configurable!Shareware fee $15
NEWFI213.ZIP 34,292 10-30-94 NEWFILES 2.13: Generates bulletinsshowing uploaded files "nnn" days old.Supports different nodes andconferences. Will now display alllines in FILES.BBS files for theuploaded files. For Powerboard 1.25aThis versio
NEWPWRD.ZIP 2,197 03-06-95 rhNEWUSER.SRC n- New User Shell--------------------------------------------Limits the new user to a few commands andallows the user to automaticly upgrade hisaccess via a password, Configurable by the
sysop. -- Synchronet v2.10+
NEWSCAN.ZIP 2,051 03-06-95 rhNEWSCAN.SRC n- FORCE USERS TO USEFILE_ID.DIZ--------------------------------------------Also Disables the question "bhSearch ForNew Messagesn" Loadable Module Synchronetv2.10+
NOCRASH.ZIP 0,884 10-04-94 NOCRASH - BBS utility. Reboots the computerwhen the BBS hangs. Tiny TSR does cold bootif there is no disk activity in n minutes.n=1 to 999. Freeware.
NOTFY14D.ZIP 44,139 01-09-95 ┌──────────────────────────┐┌┤ Synchronet Notifier 1.4d├┐││ Scrabble(tm) USER ││││ Notification program ││││For Versions of Synchronet││└┤ 1c and Higher. ├┘└──────────────────────────┘
NPCLOR26.ZIP 75,530 11-07-94 -= NPCLord v2.6! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ =-NPCs can now do EVERYTHING thatHumans can do! EVERYTHING!AI Mail, up to 150 NPCs, NPCLordis 100% configurable! By SOS!
NSTAT14.ZIP 26,711 12-31-94 NETSTAT v1.4 Network Mail BulletinGenerator. Reports Last 'Good' RunDate/Time/Imports/Exports. SupportsPOSTLINK, PCRELAY, TNET, JNET, and nowSHILOH! Can also be used with othernetwork software as well. Support for
other network software and tossers willbe added as requested.
NUMSG.ZIP 5,361 10-07-94 Prompt your new users to enter a messageto the sysop on their first call.Another quality *FREE* HomeGrown PEX.(C)1994 G.Smith
NU_V211.ZIP 132,385 09-02-94 NU - Nodelist Updater 2.11.Updates nodelists with the weeklydifference files or a new nodelist.NU automatically detects thedecompression method needed forthe files, can create statistics,automatically compresses ne
NWSMK10.ZIP 92,737 11-25-94 NEWSMAKER v1.0 - From MC² ComputingTechnologies. Makes news files for aBBS. Configurable colors, file names,and file formats. Released in 1994.-= SHAREWARE =-
PBBS0195.ZIP 14,798 11-06-94 The national Police BBS listing for December1994 Comprised of 107 confirmed, &operational Police oriented & operatedBulletin Board Services. Some of which aresponsored by the Sysop's dept., others by a
union, or representative organisation. Mostare run entirely at the expense of theSysop/Officer for use by both the Police aswell as the general public at large. And atotal of 82 UN-confirmed Police BulletinBoard Services. (This group may be
unconfirmed, but that only means that Ihaven't contacted them myself, NOT that theyaren't in operation anymore.)
PBCD0101.ZIP 206,445 10-15-94 PBCD Version 1.01. Import FILES.BBS listfrom CD-ROMs directly to Proboard. Thisversion works with Proboard version 2.0X.PBCD will scan ALL subdirectories on aCD-ROM and setup all subdirectories thathave a FILES.BB
PBDSK20.ZIP 62,939 10-18-94 PBDESK.EXE v1.8a Proboard Desktop - Fullfiles and Message area manager. Move, Movewith sort,Insert,del,Pack Areas !!!Support for Proboard 2.X and above.
PBNEWS01.ZIP 61,581 12-14-94 ┌────────────────────────────────┐│The Official ProBoard Newsletter│├────────────────────────────────┤│ Prototype TEST Edition ││································││ PEX Updates ││ Que
PBSCAN11.ZIP 32,665 04-02-94 PB/Scan 1.1 - PEX for ProBoard 2.0xPB/Scan is a full featured uploadprocessor for ProBoard. It will checkuploaded files for archive integrity andviruses, export FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDIto FILES.BBS, and credit the u
PBSTS33.ZIP 8,330 11-25-94 PBStats 3.3 User Stats <PEX> for ProBoardwith Full RIP Support from ≡NSD≡
PCPN41A1.ZIP 150,385 11-11-94 PCPN BBS V4.1a Fourth generation BulletinBoard System with full-screen colorinteractive menus and intelligent dialogboxes, complete context-sensitive help, andintegrated "hands-off" networking built in!Full UNIX-sty
PCR_D.ZIP 6,574 11-05-94 User must maintain a PCR before entering theOk.. Well, this program is fairly simple.. Iand the number of messages they have posted.messages they won't be allowed to enter thetold thier PCR, and that they should post
PCTRK30A.ZIP 282,757 02-08-94 PC-TRACK V 3.0 <ASP> Disk 1 of 2Track 200 satellites at a time. 3D andmercator projections. VGA graphics. Showfootprints, altitude lines, lines of sight,space & ground points, solar position.Predict visible passes.
PCTRK30B.ZIP 323,898 02-08-94 PC-TRACK V 3.0 <ASP> Disk 2 of 2
PEDIT2_2.ZIP 31,981 04-03-94 [ *******<<< PEdit v2.2 >>>******* ]PEdit is a Full Screen Editor foruse with any system that createsthe MSGINF & MSGTMP files the BBSsoftware imports upon a successfulsave from PEdit. PEdit uses thestandard DORIN
PGPLD12.ZIP 15,673 10-19-94 PGPLoad 1.2-----------PGP interface for Bluewavemail system. Allows encryption,decryption, posting public keys,getting public keys, verifyingsignatures, and more. Makes PGPeasy for Bluewave users.<<SHAREWARE>>
PHRIPKI2.ZIP 149,370 02-01-94 ┌──{ Phantom rip kit V 2.0 )───────────────┐│ Finally a simple way to set up instant ││ RIP MENUS & rip screens for your BBS. ││ This is a Complete screen system for your││bbs. NO rip editing! just edit .CNF fil
PHRK2_2.ZIP 148,337 12-23-94 Phripk2-2 ZIP Error fixed !┌──{ Phantom rip kit V 2.0 )───────────────┐│ Finally a simple way to set up instant ││ RIP MENUS & rip screens for your BBS. ││ This is a Complete screen system for your││bbs. NO rip
PIKV2_1.ZIP 41,688 12-17-94 Pick-One v2.01Random screen selection utility. Simple,easy to install and run. Great forselecting different logo or bulletinscreens. Now automatically supports ASCand AVT. Maintenance release bug fix.FREEWARE by: J
POINT176.ZIP 161,024 01-02-94 PPoint - Professional Point - AutomaticSetup and Maintenance. Automaticallyaccepts and sets up new areas. Simpleto use. Sets up and interfacestransparently with Binkley. 4d orFakeNet addressing. Efficient message
PPSU101.ZIP 6,412 01-07-95 ProPEX User Setup V1.01:A `PEX' file for Proboard BBS systems.Allows users to change their onlinesettings in a full screen environment.
PPTB101.ZIP 22,532 11-01-94 ProPEX Time Bank V1.01:A `PEX' file for Proboard BBS systems.Truly advanced Time Bank with RIP.Supports ASC/ANS/AVT/RIP, hot-keyeduser tagging, sysop editor, loadsof features.
PPUQ101.ZIP 14,726 01-07-95 ProPEX User Questionnaire V1.01:A `PEX' file for Proboard BBS systems.Advanced login procedure with leveland flag upgrading according to age.Visiting Sysop level, auto-messageto sysop, 20 configurable questions,det
PUB1-2.ZIP 36,884 02-16-95 ThePub ][ v1.2 OneLiners - MOST DROPFILESREAD WHATS.NEW!! SysOp Utilities!!!RIP Support - Lock out bad callers..Lock out Security levels. Reg. $7.50CTRL L (Clearscreen)/G (Beep) DisabledHighly configurable & colorf
PUSER.ZIP 4,337 02-12-95 Import or Export user information via ASCIIText files *Info*
QBBSL002.ZIP 38,565 01-04-95 The QuickBBS BBS List ** World Wide Listing┌───────────────────────────────────────────│ The ┌─┐ December 1994│ │ │┐┌°┌┐┬┌ ┬┐┬┐┌┐ ┬┐┬┐┌┐ ┬ ┬┌┐┌┬┐│ │ │││││ ├┴┐├┤├┤└┐ ├┤├┤└┐ │ │└┐ │││ A
QCOM10.ZIP 10,629 03-13-94 FASTEST .ZIP COMMENTER ON EARTH!This comments your .ZIP files, andskips the ones that already haveyour comment! No sense re-commentingall those files. Do it much quickerthan you ever thought.Freeware and source c
RAH9411R.ZIP 51,516 11-01-94 Random Access Humor - November 1994Monthly electronic humor magazine by and forthe online community. READROOM.TOC edition.Free for non-commercial purposes. Contents:Ten Very Forward; Privacy Assured; TheOpraldohue
RASIS13C.ZIP 144,195 02-17-94 *** RASIS 1.03c ***This is the EXE only, a corrected versionthat changes the way RASIS looks for RA fileto report on in a Multi-Node system. Checkscurrent directory, then system directory. Itdoes have a couple of th
RATLC200.ZIP 235,683 11-11-94 RemoteAccess Ultra-Teleconference v2.00.This is a multi-node chat program thatwill allow users on different nodes ofa RemoteAccess BBS to chat back andforth in a comfortable and easy touse environment.
RBROBOT1.ZIP 166,724 01-18-94 RoboROBOT v1.00 by Duke Graphics is an auto-matic message utility for RoboBOARD/FX.RoboROBOT will automatically send a messageto a user of your system using RoboBOARD/FXtemplates. A unique "canned input mess
REDMENU.ZIP 7,294 03-06-95 rhRED MENUS for Synchronet's DEFAULT SHELLn----------------------------------------nSYSOPS!, Break free from those bBluenand gGreen nmenus forever! (TELIXLOOKING)
REQSCN11.ZIP 53,257 02-18-95 REQSCAN 1.01 - File Request ReporterScans File Request logs from RequestProcessor programs, and maintains info onwhat files were sent, and how many times.Currently supports FDRPR and RP.
Maintains compact database, can createdisplay screens, has list and searchfunctions. Can execute another program or DOcommand upon completion. EASY to setup anduse! More "Cowboy Software!" (RaLin)
REQSCN12.ZIP 89,110 02-28-95 REQSCAN 1.02 - File Request ReporterScans File Request logs from RequestProcessor programs, and maintains info onwhat files were sent, and how many times.Currently supports FDRPR and RP.Maintains compact database, c
REXCLD12.ZIP 135,140 04-05-94 REXCLUDE 1.2 Documentation 04/05/94 Copyrigh(c) 1994, Parsons Consulting >>> For use onlwith Robocomm version 4.3 and later <<< WHATIS IT? REXCLUDE is a Robocomm User's Bonusutility. As such, it is available for use
RGD01_02.ZIP 70,756 01-22-94 Renegade Documentation for the 01-02ßeta relFrom the GS Connection BBS - 207/799-9080.Renegade Support Board.
RIPSK110.ZIP 157,033 09-07-94 RIP Sketch v1.10 - Easy to use RIPscripeditor for creating online RIP graphics. Nowith buttons and zoom mode. Requires EGA orbetter and a mouse. Supports Adlib sound.
RNDFILE.ZIP 10,526 10-10-94 ************* RNDFILE ***************Randomly copy any file from a list to agiven target file. Great for BBS greetingor goodbye messages!Only $3.00 to Register!
ROMPR137.ZIP 52,169 01-22-94 ROMProc v1.37 - CD-ROM Download ProcessorPerfect for any BBS system running CD-ROMdrives or LANs! Performs complete downloadprocess of copying files to a specified areacommenting them, transferring with theappropri
RTOOL115.ZIP 136,907 05-01-94 ■■■ Rudy's Place Tools. Release 1.15 ■■■A collection of RA 2.xx Sysop tools thatare used on Rudy's Place BBS. IncludeUsers IDX file rebuilder, USERSXI filerebuilder FILE_ID.DIZ handler, FileTruncator, Glob
RUNE0294.ZIP 46,586 02-01-94 RUNE'S RAG - Your Electric' MagaZine (ASCII)Best Fiction, Non-ficiton, Poetry, and more.We provide a vehicle for delivery of the Besfrom authors across North America. Currentissues are FREQ'd as RUNER @ 1:2601/522 &/
RUNE9402.ZIP 86,374 02-01-94 RUNE'S RAG-Your Electric'MagaZine (READROOM)Best Fiction, Non-ficiton, Poetry, and more.We provide a vehicle for delivery of the Besfrom authors across North America. Currentissues are FREQ'd as RUNER @ 1:2601/522 &/
RUTIL100.ZIP 64,880 12-07-94 R_Utils v1.00 >>---> Sysop Utilities forRemoteAccess 2.0x and other BBS's. Utilsinclude a free disk space util, a flagsetting util, File/Message - Group/Areasetting util, Total Call Count Util, LogGenerator, an R
RXSNOOP.ZIP 1,341 02-13-95 RXSNOOP.CMD Read a named pipe as provided bBinkley or Maximus
RZIP236.ZIP 70,983 01-01-95 ╒ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ╕│ │║ ║│MEGA └╩═══╦┐OFTWARE │| └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ |· ─═ ReZip ═─ Version 2.36.05 ßeta ·· The ULTIMATE Uploads Checker for BBS's ·
S4SYNC01.ZIP 32,928 12-17-94 Republican Success For Synchronet BBS, Ver 1A post November 8, 1994 Election replacementfor the _America_Held_Hostage_For_Synchronetprogram. Kenneth Otto Software, Cocoa, FL.
SBBSLIST.ZIP 71,681 02-13-95 Synchronet BBS List (ASCII Text) List ofSynchronet BBSs sorted by phone number.Exported weekly, entries are auto-deletedafter 90 days if not updated or validated.This is not a complete list of all SynchroneBBSs; onl
SBBS_FV.ZIP 5,139 12-04-94 Synchronet Sysops - Run PCBFV with SBBS!!Save time by allowing users to view, readfiles within, and extract individual filesfrom archive all from the filelist prompt.This text file will walk you through thesetup. Do
SBLPACK.ZIP 9,441 01-03-95 SBLPACK v1.00 - Packs Synchronet BBS ListData file (SBL.DAB) - Removes deletedentries saving disk space and speedingup searches/listing. Includes completeC source code.
SCHANG.ZIP 13,773 03-06-95 Security ChangerThis is small utilitys will help youto change around the security levelsyour users. Simple command operationwith no set up. Free ware from S&M Shareware.
SDEL100.ZIP 30,922 01-02-95 ** User Deleter **** for Synchronet BBS **** version 1.00 **User Deleter reads the SynchronetUSER.DAT user file and will deleteusers based on a certain number ofdays of inactivity. Can use anycombination of user
SETALL.ZIP 4,604 11-26-94 SetAll <PEX> for ProBoard 2.01 allows you tdefine the default Message & File, Areas & Gfor your Users at Login from ≡NSD≡
SETGROUP.ZIP 3,606 11-02-94 Set Group <PEX> for ProBoard 2.01 allows youdefine the default Message & File Groups fro
SFA3B22.ZIP 46,938 11-11-94 SmartFA 3 Beta 22. The automated filedistribution program for GT Power BBS systemfrom Bob Butcher GTPN 050/059. Bug fixes forbatch routines. Bug fix for some routines.
SHOP220B.ZIP 88,492 12-29-94 Domain Shopper v2.20b (UNREGISTERED)An online catalog ordering system forSynchronet BBS systems. Users can orderproducts ONLINE using their major creditcards. Up to 99 catalogs of up to10,000 products each.
SMSG.ZIP 5,940 11-09-94 A replacement for Renegade's Online MessageHas up to 4 node support, seperate data fileand an option to send it once you are finishRelies on Renegade's internal menuing systemfor speed. Requires Renegade v10-05-94!
SQFLT123.ZIP 98,210 04-25-94 SqFilter 1.23. Sqfilter is a messagebase filter, statistics generator, newfiles announcer and Allfix requestprocessor. Works with JAM, Squish, *.MSGand Hudson bases. Allfix processor &file announcer
SRTDSB30.ZIP 345,616 12-11-94 SORTDESC v3.0 beta This utility will findfile descriptions (from FILE_ID.DIZ or TICfiles, captured file listings(s), READMEfiles, etc.), then move files to a differentdirectory based on key words in thatdescription,
SRTDSC28.ZIP 181,650 01-07-94 SORTDESC Ver. 2.8 Find file descriptions froeither FILE_ID.DIZ or captured file listing(& move file to a different directory based okey words in that description, placedescription a separate listing. With optionsto
SRTDSC30.ZIP 502,784 01-01-95 *** SORTDESC Version 3.0 *** This utility wifind file descriptions (from FILE_ID.DIZ orTIC files, captured file listings(s), READMEfiles, etc.), then move files to a differentdirectory based on key words in thatdesc
SRTDSC31.ZIP 421,717 02-01-95 *** SORTDESC Version 3.1 *** This utility wifind file descriptions (from FILE_ID.DIZ orTIC files, captured file listings(s), READMEfiles, etc.), then move files to a differentdirectory based on key words in that
description, and place the description ina separate listing ...with options to add a"FILE_ID.DIZ" to archives that don't havethem, remove graphic characters, match onnames with different extensions, more!
STARDATE.ZIP 2,128 02-23-95 StarDate 1.0 - Display the current stardate!StarDate is intended to be added to one of yWhen a caller runs the program, it will dispstardate as computed in Star Trek: The NextWritten by Bryan C. Laird on stardate 209
STATSC1E.ZIP 33,854 01-11-95 StatusC: Generate Export, Import, LastImport and Monthly Total bulletins usingCam-Mail logs. Multi-Network. Rollovers.ANSI, ASCII and PCB color/mono support.
STATSC2A.ZIP 54,473 03-03-95 StatusC: Generate Export, Import, Last Imporand Monthly Total bulletins with Cam-Mailogs. Multi-Network. Rollovers. ANSI, ASCIIPCB: color or mono. CleanUpC log utility
STATUS3M.ZIP 52,771 01-11-95 Status: Generate Export, Import, Last Importand Monthly Total bulletins with Postlinklogs. Multi-Network. Rollovers. ANSI, ASCII,PCB color/mono support. CleanUp log utility.
STATUS4A.ZIP 56,634 02-04-95 Status: Generate Export, Import, Last Importand Monthly Total bulletins with Postlinklogs. Multi-Network. Rollovers. ANSI, ASCII,PCB: color or mono. CleanUpP log utility.
SUGGEST2.ZIP 21,573 01-24-95 · The Suggestion Box! v2.0 ·This isn't your run of the mill programhere! Full user voting, in additionusers can add their own Suggestions forthe rest of your users to vote on.Sysop maintenance is nil, and i
SUPRT502.ZIP 22,163 03-13-95 Tech Support BBS List for February 95Lists over 550 BBS's that are ran byCommercial & Shareware Hardware/SoftwareManufacturers for the support of theirproducts. Also included is a list ofFaxback services.Created b
SWAPR10.ZIP 41,782 11-26-94 SWAPR 1.0: Flexible program to rotate BBS diFrom Stephens Advanced Systems.
SWLIT110.ZIP 533,682 12-03-94 SWLOGit v1.10. The ONLY programshortwave listeners will EVER need.Options: QSL script writer: writesthe QSL's for you, MUF Mapping,Sun Terminator, Import/Export files,Print, World clock, Many searchoptions, VGA/EGA
SWS5RBBS.ZIP 212,185 07-14-94 Shareware Studio Vol. 5 CD-ROMInstallation for RBBS v17.4, 17.5and RBBS/STUNY/BUSIMOD.
SYEDT110.ZIP 48,766 05-30-94 Fully functioning demo of SyncEdit, the fullscreen text editor designed specifically forSynchronet. The freely distributable versioncontains full Block Editing, File Functions,Preview, Redraw, Online help, and the us
SYNCVIEW.ZIP 56,934 03-06-95 =≡=≡=≡=≡= SYNCVIEW 1.0 =≡=≡=≡=≡= Syncview 1.0 Archive & File ViewerAllows Synchronet BBS to view Archiveformats: Zip, Arc, Lzh, Pak, Arj andfull screen Ansi pictures or files!View any file that can be viewed with
security features. Will automaticallydisplay an internal Dorinfo.def in anice window. Syncview will also viewnested archives within archives, readDoc files within, or show Ansi files.Supports, Multi-Node, Non-Stand-IRQ/
Addresses, and baud rates to 115,200NOT-CRIPPLED! Author: Brad Larned.
SYNC_K12.ZIP 24,195 11-24-94 K12.SRC Script for Baja commands inSynchronet to emulate K12Net Style Commandsalso encludes added Menu screens. Written aneditied by David Neal 1:2613/604
SYNOEB1B.ZIP 165,538 03-06-95 SynOEB 1.00b - Take Checks online formerchandise/services(C)1995 21st CenturyAutomatically Processes and uploadstransactions to the processing center VIAQWK Network Callout Event (NO LONGER
REQUIRES TELIX).Forwards receipt to the userand SYSOP.Archives transactions and createsa FULL Log of all activity.Can be used withBAJA(TM) comes with 2 .SRCs for Donationsand Subscriptions. Checks are processed
within 24-48hrs! UPDATED with the NEW SDK!
SYNOEBUP.ZIP 84,647 03-06-95 SynOEB Upgrade Only. Adds direct calloutsupport (no longer requires TELIX) Drop inreplacement for SynOEB previously installedversions only!!!! Read UPGRADE.TXT forInstructions.
SYSOEB11.ZIP 4,535 12-24-94 Updated SysOp program to automatetaking checks online. TWO types ofaccounts now open to the sysop withfull software support for most ifnot all Online Platforms. Thisis sponsored by AutomatedTransactions Services,
TAGFAM27.ZIP 143,986 01-29-95 TAGFAM27.ZIP - T.A.G. BBS v2.7c FileArea Manager. Full featured file areamanager for T.A.G. BBS.
TAGFAM28.ZIP 197,135 03-06-95 TAGFAM27.ZIP - T.A.G. BBS v2.7c FileArea Manager. Full featured file areamanager for T.A.G. BBS. Now includeslimited FILE_ID.DIZ support.
TCE11L.ZIP 54,597 01-04-95 TCEDIT - T.A.G. Congigurable Editor v1.1lFull-screen Editor for the T.A.G. BBS systemversions 2.6 and up. Can also be used as astandalone text editor.Supports user-defined TAG color codes, usesTAG's own TAGLINE.MSG
TCEDIT15.ZIP 54,250 02-06-95 TCEDIT - T.A.G. Configurable Editor v1.5 Fulscreen Editor for the T.A.G. BBS system,versions 2.6 and up. Easy to use. Easy to sup. Supports user-defined TAG color codes,uses TAG's own TAGLINE.MSG file, and more. -T
TECH1294.ZIP 14,025 11-29-94 ░▒▓▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀·TECH-NET·▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▓▒░▒▓ Need help with a system, program or ▓▒░▒▓ just want the latest industry scoop? ▓▒░▒▓ If you answered Yes to the above, ▓▒░▒▓ then download this Info Packet now!
TH30B03.ZIP 93,068 11-01-94 TriHub 3.0 - Beta 3 - This version hopefullyfixes the delay before display "SuccessfulTransfer" problem.
TICFN121.ZIP 66,080 08-14-94 TicToss for FeathetNet Pro v1.21 BETA
TICFN124.ZIP 120,853 01-01-95 TicToss for FeathetNet Pro, v1.24 *BETA*
TICK210.ZIP 94,138 03-28-92 Tick v2.10 is a Program which does for fileswhat EchoMail does for Messages. This is anOldy but Goody if your wondering how to geta File Feed to start processing Files intoyour BBS Barry Gellers TICK has been the Sta
TLC235.ZIP 14,162 10-04-94 ╒════════════════════════════════╕│ TODAYS LAST CALLERS v2.35 ││ ││ shows todays callers and also ││ from 1, 2 or 3 days ago. For ││ each single node or all nodes ││ together
TLCOLOR.ZIP 38,568 11-20-94 ====================================≡=≡=≡=≡= TLCOLOR V1.0 =≡=≡=≡=≡====================================Utility to convert a normal ASCIItext file to an ANSI color file.Quick, easy, and inexpensive!Great for sysops
TM_PEX17.ZIP 73,798 11-01-94 ┌────══════════════════════════────┐│ ─∞─ TheMin 1.7 ─∞─ ││ ══════════────────────══════════ ││ ProBoard 2.01 Chat PEX with up ││ to 99 ANSi's with different ││ colors and windows.│ Abbreviatio
TRIWCR23.ZIP 65,239 12-11-94 TriWhoCalledRecently v2.3 For use with TriBBBulletin Board Systems which creates ANSI anMONO screens that list the recent callers ofyour BBS. Screens list up to 50 differentcallers, where each call is from, the numbe
TURBO15.ZIP 80,757 12-19-94 TURBO-LIST Version 1.5. BUG FIX version!!!!New features for Version 1.5 are a file xfeoption that allows your users to download thnumbers in a custom list they scan. Still hathe Event manager, SysOp options, com
TXT2DIR.ZIP 9,273 01-13-95 TXT2DIR converts text listings of files whichave filenames and descriptions on each linebut no file dates or sizes. An example ofthis format can be seen on the Phoenix 5 CDin the various *.LST files. By supplying
this program with the name of the *.LST fileto be converted, the DIR file to create, thepath to locate the actual files in thelisting, and the column for the description,it will convert the *.LST file to a DIR file
TXT2PPR1.ZIP 37,227 03-05-95 ┌───┬──────────────────────────────┬───┐│ | | ││ o | ╔══════════╗ | o ││ | ║ ⌠ ║ Txt2Papr | ││ o | ║ │cotsman ║ Ver: 03/05/95 | o ││ | ║ │oftwar
ULP3_110.ZIP 116,571 01-24-95 UpLoadProcessor/386 1.10 - This archivecontains the 80386+ executables ONLY and isnot a complete package. You MUST alsodownload ULP_110.ZIP to get the entire 1.10package! You must be a registered user of UL
and have your registration key for theseexecutables to operate.
UNDER-04.ZIP 2,123 03-06-95 Makes Your BBS 9600+ Baud OnlyBy Big Daddy Kain #17 @12128. Date: 03/02/95
UNI118CD.ZIP 18,016 11-30-94 Conference descriptions for U'NI-net,including host information. Updatedmonthly. Latest: Accurate to 11/30/94.
UNI121CD.ZIP 17,953 02-28-95 Conference descriptions for U'NI-net,including host information. Updatedmonthly. Latest: Accurate to 02/28/95.
USAREAD1.ZIP 33,720 09-15-94 USAReader v1.0.5 Complete Synchronet specifiUSA Today news reader. Fully functional demowith a 30 day time limit. Maintenance releasto correct an unfortunate bug which allowedthe reader to "hang" on certain systemsd
USBBS122.ZIP 129,805 07-09-94 USBBS National BBS Listing for July 1994.Listing of IBM-based BBS systems. Thelisting contains 3,658 entries with 158 newor modified entries this month. Editor: BobBreedlove. Send new entries, updates to
BOBsBBS 916-929-7511.
USBBS129.ZIP 140,084 01-24-95 USBBS National BBS Listing for February, 199Listing of IBM-based BBS systems. Thelisting contains 4,126 entries with 245 newor modified entries this month. Editor: BobBreedlove. Send new entries, updates toBOBsBBS
USERINFO.ZIP 5,073 02-14-95 USER INFORMATION EDITOR Baja v1.10 Module FoSynchronet BBS v2.x PURPOSE: The UserInformation Editor (UIE) was created to allousers to edit their personal information frowithin any Synchronet command shell. UIEutiliz
VBFILE11.ZIP 45,399 09-30-94 VBFile v1.1VBFile exports the VBBSFile database to a formatsimilar to the files.bbsformat automatically andeasily.
VBOX201.ZIP 45,987 01-23-94 ((((((( VOTEBOX Version 2.01 )))))))Can have to 10,000 topics to vote onHas command line options to displaynumber of unanswered booths. Can setsecurity needed to create a booth.A renumber booth command also added.
Now also shows results graphically!!No longer requires a fossil driver!!Sets up in seconds and looks great!!Registration is VERY CHEAP!! - $5.00
VISMM101.ZIP 812,930 03-06-95 Take checks On-Line with Viscom's Mini-MallVer 1.01 for Synchronet 2.x Viscom Mini-Mallis a complete online shopping system forSynchronet BBS's. Viscom Mini-Mall supportssales of products, services, downloadable
software and text files, BBS subscriptions,and software reg- isteration keys. ABS'sOnline Checks Direct(tm) is included withViscom Mini-Mall. With ABS's Online ChecksDirect(tm) service, you can offer yourcallers the convenience of subscribing or
making a purchase by filling out a checkon-line! You can have your checks within 24to 48 hours, hassle-free, no wait! KeyFeatures: ============= * Automated onlinesales * You can run multiple copies to allow an unlimited number of malls,
stores, departments and products. *Multiple copies can be integratedthrough the use of BAJA bin files andcustom menus. * Sell downloadable softwareproducts * Create and sell softwareregistration keys * Sell multiple BBS
subscription plans with automaticupdating of the users levels and flags via a MODUSER.DAT file. * Tax rate andState to be taxed * E-Mail's receipts tousers * E-Mail's purchase orders andactivity reports to the sysop or any
user you designate. This is done byindividual product so you can havedifferent users responsible fordifferent products or stores.Multi-Merchant capability. * E-Mailpurchased documents to users. * Allow
access to different malls and/or storesfrom different locations within yourBBS! * Automatic city and state lookupsfor zip codes * 99% Sysopconfigurable for look and operation. No two systems will look alike! * And
W10DEMO.ZIP 121,596 02-28-95 Rip 2.0 Wheather Watch....Display weatherrealtime while online..Excellent!
WCPOST0.ZIP 16,231 11-10-94 wcPOST v1.40, Auto-Message posting, w/SourceFeatures: There are two different programsrun from a Menu operated system, the other mprograms are Multi-Node aware! You can havesend YOU (SysOp) up to 10 different text
WCSUB201.ZIP 15,748 11-15-94 WCC Subscription Script for WC v4.01, fullySubscription Script is a seamless menuing syyour users to painlessly purchase subscriptiBBS using Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX,checks using BBSDD103.ZIP. Extensive secu
WIZ13D.ZIP 384,287 10-05-94 File Wizard V1.3d FULL RELEASE--= Areamanager for BBS-SysOp's =--┌─────────────────────────────────┐│ * Supports SuperBBS, QuickBBS, ││ RA 1.11, RA 2.0x, LoraBBS, WME, ││ ProBoard, Maximus, FLSEARCH.CTL ││ * Lot
WWDOS_01.ZIP 65,112 12-03-94 WWDOS#01.ZIP v1. Written in the *.TOC formatWindoWatch Premiere Issue featuring HerbChong;Paul Williamson; Peter Neuendorffer;Gregg Hommel;Paul Kinnaly,Ben Schorr & DerekBuchler! Good people-a great issue!
WWPURG11.ZIP 27,028 01-21-95 WWCP Purge v1.1 - Utility for WWCP that markaddresses as being deleted once the addressebecome inactive for a specific number of dayso that your WWCP address files do not becomhuge. A must for any sysop using WWCP w
XMASHELL.ZIP 12,474 11-28-94 Christmas command shell for Synchronet
YOURMAG2.ZIP 143,636 11-04-94 YOUR OWN BBS MAGAZINE v2.0 A unique BBSmarketing tool and INCOME generator for yourBBS. Your very own Customized BBS NEWSElectronic magazine, with your name, yourbbs, your city's news, etc. A completemenu-driven, c
ZC0108D.ZIP 252,275 01-05-95 ZChat Advanced Teleconference System v01.08The ULTIMATE chat system! Impressive windowinterface. Billing support. 300 users canat one time! Highly optimized for OS/2,DV,WDirect & FOSSIL support, full screen cfg.
_AUTODIZ.ZIP 56,561 11-20-94 PEGASUS * AUTODIZ * Version 3.1TIRED OF WRITING DESCRIPTIONS???GET THIS!!!!!AUTODIZ will search directory listsdownloaded or captured, and addFILE_ID.DIZ files to all your filesFULLY FUNCTIONAL UNCRIPPLED SHAREWAR
_DLCONT.ZIP 57,362 11-20-94 PEGASUS SOFTWARE'S DLDCOUNT ver 2.3aFASTER THEN EVER!!!!NOW Allows you to specifythe number of header lines to skip!Download Counter updates you PCBDIRs with: Downloaded xx Time(s)COLORFUL BULLETIN DISPLAYIncredib
_EZDIZIT.ZIP 54,088 11-20-94 ┌=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=┐║ PEGASUS SOFTWARE'S * EZDIZIT * v3.0 ║├=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=-=-=-=-=─=─=─=─=─=┤║ A COLORFUL and EASY way to create ║│ and automatically add a FILE_ID.DIZ │║ Desc