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Text File | 1994-01-25 | 73.3 KB | 1,700 lines |
- (NEWS)(GENERAL)(MSP)(00001)
- Newsbytes 1994 Holiday Publication Schedule 01/24/94
- MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- Following
- several enquiries from our readers, here is a list of holidays in
- 1994 during which Newsbytes will not be published.
- February 21, Monday - President's Day
- May 30, Monday - Memorial Day
- July 4, Monday - Independence Day (US)
- September 5, Monday - Labor Day
- November 24-25, Thursday and Friday - Thanksgiving
- December 23, 1994-Jan 1, 1995 - Year-End Break
- (Wendy Woods/19940124)
- (NEWS)(IBM)(SYD)(00002)
- Australia - Microsoft Claims Office Selling By Jumbo Load 01/24/94
- SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- Australian users of Microsoft
- Office bundle have been so keen to get their hands on the latest
- version 4.0 (according to Microsoft) that the Australian subsidiary
- has had a special run manufactured and air-freighted directly from
- Portland Oregon.
- Microsoft said the demand has outstripped any other Microsoft
- subsidiary in the world, requiring a Boeing 747 Jumbo to air-freight
- the cargo to Australia.
- According to Office product manager Robert Porter, the demand was
- phenomenal, even by international standards.
- "The sheer level of demand has forced the head office into full
- production mode. The Portland facilities were used to cope with our
- unprecedented demand. We now have complete stocks of full product,
- upgrades, updates and license packs for new and existing customers,"
- he said.
- (Katrina Ganin/19940124/PHOTO)
- Editorial - Management Is Preventing Telecommuting 01/24/94
- PENN VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- By Ian Stokell,
- Newsbytes managing editor. Technology is no longer the main factor
- preventing the widespread acceptance of telecommuting in the United
- States -- it is quite clearly outdated management attitudes and
- practices.
- The technology has been around for some time -- computers,
- telephones, fax machines, modems, data compression. Sure you get
- management claiming that videoconferencing and fiber optics will
- jump start the telecommuting trend. But that's just a lot of smoke.
- Management likes the idea of videoconferencing because much of US
- management has been indoctrinated into thinking that a successful
- company, and a successful management policy, revolves around
- reaching out and touching a worker.
- For telecommuting to succeed, there has to be a complete reappraisal
- of management attitudes towards, what I would call, "arms-reach"
- management. If you can't call someone into your office then that
- is perceived as inefficient management. The "old school" views
- videoconferencing as just an extension of the main office. If someone
- is at their desk then they must be working! If a person is working at
- home, they're probably out on the golf course.
- But we have all the technology we need to implement a perfectly
- effective telecommuting policy. You see, technology is not the key.
- Communications is the key to a successful telecommuting program. Not
- communication technology, but communications between individuals.
- Workers within an organization must remain constantly available to
- each other via telephone, fax, or electronic mail. With constant
- communications, workgroup computing on specific projects would be no
- less effective with the personnel dispersed over hundreds of miles,
- than if they were down the hall from each other.
- Now we have Los Angeles crippled by an earthquake that really wasn't
- that big compared to the much-hyped "Big One." The transportation
- infrastructure is decimated, with ten-hour commutes from outlying
- towns not unusual. Where does that leave the companies trying to
- survive, and the workers trying to live a life in the face of
- horrendous traffic problems.
- If management had stopped dragging its feet for the past few years,
- trying to stone-wall a new paradigm in management practices, you
- would have hundreds of thousands of people shaken, but working as
- usual from the safety and comfort of their homes. You would have
- companies In Los Angeles continuing to operate as though nothing had
- happened.
- Telecommuting is not an experiment in sociology. It shouldn't be
- handed out to workers like candy for a job well done. It should be
- part-and-parcel of an effective management policy. Its benefits are
- far-reaching -- from increased productivity to less traffic to cost-
- savings from less office space, from less pollution to happy
- employees (now there's a concept!).
- With so much foot-dragging over the years preventing its
- implementation into the mainstream corporate structure, how tragic
- that its final acceptance may now come as the result of a natural
- disaster, and therefore forced upon management, instead of as the
- result of enlightened management forethought.
- (Ian Stokell/19940124)
- (NEWS)(APPLE)(SFO)(00004)
- Best!Ware ships new version of M.Y.O.B. 01/24/94
- ROCKAWAY, NEW JERSEY, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- Loyal M.Y.O.B.
- (helping you Mind Your Own Business) Accounting users crowded the
- booth at the most recent Macworld to see the new version 4.0.
- Previously known as Teleware, Best!Ware, has developed a payroll
- feature for its successful, cross-platform small business accounting
- package.
- Version 4.0 is available as the standard accounting package or the
- accounting package with Payroll. The M.Y.O.B. Small Business
- Accounting with Payroll version 4.0 comes with a "Smart" tax engine
- for automatic payroll tax calculation, fully integrated payroll,
- unlimited income, deduction, and employer expense categories,
- hourly,salary and non-cash earnings factors, and customized paycheck
- with W-2 forms.
- Commenting to Newsbytes, Laurie Muhlbach, director of marketing,
- said: "We have been shipping for two weeks and we are already back-
- ordered."
- M.Y.O.B. version 4.0, standard and with payroll, supports recurring
- sales and purchase transactions, batch processing, Timeslips
- Accounting Link, and greater mail merge features (Apple Mac
- version). Both products come with 80 reports and a new Getting
- Started manual. A thirty minute video tape is included to assist
- first time users and for the Macintosh version, a CD-ROM (compact
- disc - read only memory) with Quick-Time Video help movie is part of
- the packaged software.
- The suggested retail price for M.Y.O.B. Accounting version 4.0 is
- $99.95 and the version 4.0 with Payroll is $199.95. For more
- information, call Best!Ware at 201-586-2200.
- (Patrick McKenna/19940124)
- (NEWS)(APPLE)(SFO)(00005)
- Floppy Disk Business Cards Debut 01/24/94
- TUCSON, ARIZONA, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- DigiVideo has announced
- the DigiBusiness Card, a floppy disk that presents a business card,
- a short video with sound (10 to 15 sec.), and accompanying text for
- a product list, pricing information, or greater details about
- services and products.
- Speaking with Newsbytes, Langdon Hill, president of DigiVideo, said:
- "We consider ourselves the first digital print shop for businesses
- and for personal use. Our greatest strength is our pricing that is
- affordable to almost any budget. The possibilities are unlimited in
- style and content."
- For a $99 set-up fee and $.99 per floppy disk ($.79 for 500+),
- DigiVideo's questionnaire and the customer's photographs, music,
- text, business card, and company logo provide enough data for their
- computer technicians to create the DigiBusiness Card.
- The size of the disk (1.44 MB) determines the amount of information
- presented and the video may be replaced with a series of photographs
- or drawings to provide more space for text.
- DigiVideo has a large library of images and sounds for the
- creation of the video.
- DigiBusiness Card is currently available for any Apple Mac capable
- of QuickTime movies and a DOS/Windows version for 386 or higher
- computers will be available by March, 1994. A sound card is
- necessary for IBM/clone computers to produce any voice or music from
- the presentation.
- DigiVideo also produces the DigiBrochure, DigiNewsletter, and
- DigiResume on computer disk and on video tape. As an introduction to
- their services, they are making a special promotion called the Video
- Valentine, a videotape to record a personalized message with
- romantic images, sounds and music.
- For further information, call 602-299-1203 or 800-636-3444 or
- write to 5620 North Kolb Rd., Suite 162; Tucson, AZ, 85715.
- (Patrick McKenna/19940124)
- (NEWS)(BUSINESS)(MSP)(00006)
- AmCoEx Index Of Used Computer Prices 01/24/94
- SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- By John Hastings.
- In the computer industry, 1994 may become known as the year of the
- light, powerful, and possibly inexpensive, notebook computer. Compaq
- Computer is expected to announce a new Contura notebook soon. The new
- computer weighs less than 4 pounds and uses a 25 MHz 486SL CPU chip.
- The surprising news is the price. With 4 MB of memory and a 120MB
- hard drive, it is expected to sell for less than $1500. Other
- surprises may be in store from Compaq as the #3 computer maker vows
- to become #1.
- Apple Computer is expected to completely revamp its line of
- PowerBook notebook computers in 1994. Its lowest priced model will
- sell for $1200 with power and capacity comparable to the Compaq
- Contura. Its more powerful models will utilize 68040 CPU chips
- instead of the slower 68030 CPUs.
- The new notebooks are expected to have two bays available. This
- would allow for use of two batteries or one battery and a variety of
- expansion options. During the fall, some of the 68040 notebooks may
- be upgraded to the new PowerPC CPU chip. These could easily be the
- most powerful notebook computers on the market. If the PowerPC chip
- lives up to expectations of running both Windows and Macintosh
- software, Apple may have another runaway best seller on its hands.
- The giants of the computer industry, Microsoft and Intel, have both
- experienced lackluster sales with their latest products. Microsoft's
- Windows NT operating system and Intel's Pentium CPU chips may become
- more popular when applications begin to utilize their advanced
- functionality. In the meantime, each company is promoting some older
- technology. Microsoft fears an increasing popularity in IBM's OS/2
- for Windows.
- This inexpensive operating system provides many of the 32-bit
- functions of Windows NT without the larger hardware requirements.
- Consequently, Microsoft is making a major push for Windows for
- Workgroups. It has convinced several vendors to preinstall this
- version of Windows on new machines. These vendors include Dell,
- CompuAdd, Gateway, Digital Equipment, and Toshiba. Some fear
- Microsoft is promoting this version to stem OS/2 sales due to
- incompatibilities between the two products.
- Meanwhile, Intel is expected to introduce several new versions of
- the 486 CPU chip. These faster version may run as fast as 100 MHz.
- At this speed, the chips may approach the performance of the low-end
- Pentium processors. This may stimulate sales until cheaper, faster
- Pentiums are available.
- Apple Computer can celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Macintosh
- this month with the comforting fact that it is shipping more
- computers than any other manufacturer. Currently, it's shipments are
- 24% greater than IBM's and 62% greater than Compaq's.
- The following prices are for January 14, 1994.
- Average Average
- Buyer's Seller's
- Machine Bid Ask Close Change
- IBM PS/2 Model 30/286 20MB $300 $525 $350 -25
- IBM PS/2 Model 50Z 30MB 300 650 300 -25
- IBM PS/2 Model 70 120MB 450 900 575 -25
- IBM PS/2 Model 80 70MB 450 850 550 **
- IBM ThinkPad 300 1250 1650 1100 -50
- IBM ThinkPad 700 1500 2100 1775 -50
- AST 286/12, 40MB 275 675 300 **
- AST 386/20, 80MB 550 850 575 -25
- Dell 325SX, 50MB 400 800 475 -25
- Dell 386/20, 120MB 600 1000 675 **
- Gateway 286/16, 40MB 250 550 300 **
- Gateway 386SX/20, 80MB 500 950 575 **
- Gateway 386/25, 80MB 500 800 600 -50
- Clone 286 40 MB 250 550 300 **
- Clone Notebook 286, 40 MB 350 750 500 -50
- Clone Notebook 386SX, 40 MB 500 950 675 -25
- Clone 386/SX 40MB, VGA 450 950 500 -25
- Clone 386/25 80MB, VGA 450 950 600 **
- Clone 386/33 80MB, VGA 550 1050 725 **
- Clone 486/25 120MB, VGA 800 1450 900 -50
- Compaq SLT/286 20MB 250 500 300 -25
- Compaq LTE 286 40MB 400 775 475 **
- Compaq Portable III 40MB 250 650 275 **
- Compaq Deskpro 286 40MB 250 650 275 **
- Compaq Deskpro 386/20e 100MB 500 700 625 +50
- Macintosh SE 20MB 300 650 400 **
- Macintosh SE/30 40MB 375 800 500 **
- Macintosh II 40MB 400 750 550 **
- Macintosh IIcx 80MB 500 900 550 -25
- Macintosh IIci 80MB 700 1100 875 -25
- PowerBook 100 4/20 525 900 600 **
- PowerBook 140 4/40 900 1400 1000 **
- PowerBook 170 4/40 1100 1700 1400 -50
- LaserWriter IINT 700 1000 750 -25
- Toshiba 1200XE 300 650 425 -25
- Toshiba 1600 300 600 325 -25
- Toshiba 2200 SX 60MB 600 1100 775 **
- Toshiba T-3100SX 100MB 500 900 625 **
- Toshiba 5200 100MB 850 1250 950 -50
- HP LaserJet II 400 850 600 -25
- HP LaserJet IIP 325 950 475 **
- HP LaserJet III 600 1000 825 -25
- John Hastings is the president of the American Computer Exchange
- Corporation. The American Computer Exchange matches buyers and
- sellers of used microcomputer equipment. For more information
- contact the American Computer Exchange Corporation at (800) 786-
- 0717.
- (AMCOEX/19940124)
- (NEWS)(GENERAL)(HKG)(00007)
- HDS Announces Triple Capacity Disk Array 01/24/94
- CENTRAL, HONG KONG, 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- Hitachi Data Systems has
- announced specifications for its new, triple capacity 7699 Disk
- Array. The 7699 is part of the 7600 Disk Storage Subsystem family,
- which HDS began shipping last June.
- According to HDS, the unit is supported by the 7690 Storage
- Controller and can be used in conjunction with the companion high
- performance 7693 Disk Array.
- "The 7699 complements the 7693 Disk Array by providing a low-cost
- storage alternative to customers seeking more cost-effective
- solutions for less frequently accessed data," explained Hong Kong
- Manager Geoff Kennedy. "Given the performance characteristics of the
- 7699, we expect customers to apply the subsystem to a broader base
- of applications than was possible previously," he said.
- The new 7699, which features magneto-resistive heads, has a base
- capacity of 34.05 Gigabytes (GB). This capacity can be expanded to
- 272.4GB within one frame without disrupting storage/retrieval
- operations. Two frames can be attached to a 7690 to provide a total
- maximum capacity of 544.8GB in a single subsystem.
- The 7699 Disk Array is equivalent to the IBM 3390-9 DASD in track
- size and capacity but features greatly improved average seek time of
- 16.5 milliseconds (ms) and latency of 15.2ms.
- General availability of the 7699 Disk Array is scheduled for the
- third quarter of 1994. A 7690/7699 Disk Array Storage Subsystem is
- expected to range in price from US$460,806 to US$3,754,195,
- with actual pricing depending on the capacity and performance levels
- required.
- (Keith Cameron/19940124/Press Contact: Geoff Kennedy (HDS): +852-
- 521-6275)
- (NEWS)(TELECOM)(WAS)(00008)
- ONE BBSCON Goes To Atlanta 01/24/94
- WASHINGTON, DC, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- ONE BBSCON, the
- conference and exposition for electronic bulletin board (BBS)
- systems operators (sysops), will be hosting interested sysops in
- Atlanta, Georgia this August.
- Although many people have ignored the BBS market until very
- recently, this has changed and the show sponsors expect more than
- 400 exhibitors to display products and offer discounts to attendees
- at this summer's show. Plans call for the conference itself will
- cover everything from basic BBS setup to making money from PCs and
- how to connect to the Internet.
- The three days of technical sessions will show new and experienced
- sysops how to make money with their system, discuss the legal
- aspects of online operation, look at using a BBS for product
- support, and explore how good a job the government does in
- distributing public information through the many public-access
- federal BBS.
- ONE BBSCON is scheduled for August 17-21, 1994 at the Atlanta Market
- Center INFORUM and early registration is only $175 until May 1,
- 1994. For further information contact One Inc. at 303-693-5253 or
- fax 303-693-5518. Online information is available through the BBS
- access number 303-693-5432.
- (John McCormick/19940124)
- (NEWS)(GENERAL)(HKG)(00009)
- Intergraph Pitches Windows NT At Technical Workstation Mkt 01/24/94
- CAUSEWAY BAY, HONG KONG, 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- Intergraph Graphics
- Systems Hong Kong, a local subsidiary of Intergraph Corporation, the
- major supplier of computer-aided design, manufacturing and
- engineering solutions, has signed up as a Microsoft Solution
- Provider. As partners, Intergraph and Microsoft will combine sales
- and marketing support in order to maximise both companies' leverage
- on the technical workstation market.
- Already a high profile integrated system provider in its own right,
- Intergraph has demonstrated its commitment to the Microsoft Solution
- Provider programme by porting hundreds of its established technical
- applications to Microsoft Windows NT -- making it the world's
- largest application development site for the new operating system.
- Intergraph has traditionally provided open and integrated computer
- graphics solutions, including hardware, software and support,
- offering common file formats across different hardware platforms. It
- is now one of the first companies in Hong Kong to focus on technical
- solutions running on PCs with the popular Windows graphical
- interface.
- "Being a Microsoft Solution Provider is highly complementary to our
- business because we provide integrated, open, GUI based solutions.
- Teaming up is indeed an exciting endeavour for both Intergraph and
- Microsoft," said Norman Chan, Applications Support Manager for
- Intergraph in Hong Kong.
- "It is an integral part of Intergraph's overall strategy in
- fulfilling our commitments to customers and developing new markets
- through pioneering a new product," he said.
- The Solution Provider programme is seen by Microsoft as an essential
- marketing and distribution platform for Windows NT - if users, and
- the technology industry as a whole, are to tap the operating
- system's full potential.
- Fan Look, Solutions Marketing Manager at Microsoft Hong Kong Ltd,
- said: "Windows NT will affect the whole industry worldwide and not
- just various markets here and there. Getting the best out of the
- system is a team effort for suppliers, users and applications
- alike."
- "Our Solution Provider partners are well placed to meet customer
- demand for open, integrated systems. That is why we are encouraging
- influential companies like Intergraph to bring their expertise and
- products to the Windows NT platform," he said.
- "Microsoft provides them with technical support, training, and
- information through the Microsoft Developers Network and TechNet
- services. The Solution Provider programme is a major distribution
- channel for Microsoft solution products, so there will naturally be
- significant joint sales and marketing activities," he added.
- (Keith Cameron/19940124/Press & Public Cobtact: Norman Chan
- (Intergraph): +852-593-1600)
- (NEWS)(BUSINESS)(TYO)(00010)
- Matsushita Links With Kodak Japan On Multimedia Player 01/24/94
- TOKYO, JAPAN, 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- Matsushita Electric and Kodak
- Japan have announced plans to cooperate on the sales of Matsushita's
- multimedia player and Kodak's Photo CD (compact disc). Newsbytes
- understands that, in cooperation with Kodak Japan, Matsushita wants
- to take the initiative in the multimedia player market in Japan.
- Newsbytes also understands that Matsushita Electric and Kodak Japan
- are preparing to push the sales of Matsushita's new multimedia
- player called the Real. Plans call for Matsushita to bundle Kodak's
- Photo CD with the Real, which will be released in this March in
- Japan. The Photo CD will be offered to the first 100,000 customers
- of the Real for free of charge.
- Matsushita said that the firm is thinking of expanding this free
- offer to additional 100,000 customers if the campaign is successful.
- So, a total of 200,000 customers will be able to get the Photo CD
- free of charge.
- With Matsushita's Real, the user will be able to play not only games
- and the Photo CD, but music CDs, CD-Graphics and Video CDs as well.
- The Real was jointly developed with 3DO in the US. Matsushita began
- selling this multimedia player in the US last fall.
- Kodak's Photo CD technology was released in Japan in 1992. It has
- gradually been becoming popular among the printing firms and book
- publishers. However, it is still unknown among regular consumers.
- Kodak Japan is clearly, therefore, hoping to be recognized in the
- regular consumer market through tie up with Matsushita.
- (Masayuki "Massey" Miyazawa/19940124/Press Contact: Matsushita
- Electric, +81-3-3578-1237, Fax, +81-3-3437-2776)
- (NEWS)(GENERAL)(TYO)(00011)
- ****Sony To Be Divided Into Eight Divisional Companies 01/24/94
- TOKYO, JAPAN, 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- Sony Corporation, one of the most
- well-known electronics companies outside of Japan, is to undergo a
- major reorganization, effectively splitting the company into eight
- divisions, each of which will be a company in its own right.
- This "compartmentalization" of Sony will not be as radical as its
- sounds, Newsbytes notes. Currently, Sony has no less than 27 major
- departments. In the split, these 27 departments will be divided
- into three group and five divisional companies.
- The three group companies will include Sony's consumer audio visual
- department, the hardware parts department and the tapes and the
- batteries department. Each of these departments are currently
- earning over 250,000 million yen ($2,300 million) annually. The
- audio visual department is doing extremely well, earning about 1.50
- trillion yen ($13,500 million) per annum.
- The five Divisional Companies include the audio visual equipment
- department, the system department handling products such as
- workstations, and the semiconductor operation. Each of these
- departments are earning around 100,000 million yen ($910 million) a
- year.
- Sony's President Norio Ohga has mentioned in the past that Sony has
- become too large, and it has been taking a long time for the firm to
- make various business decisions due to the complicated decision
- making process.
- With the division of the firm, Sony claims it will be able to make
- decisions much faster. The changes will not happen overnight,
- however, Sony's major re-organization will, Newsbytes notes, take
- the company almost 10 years to complete.
- (Masayuki "Massey" Miyazawa/19940124/Press Contact: Sony, +81-3-
- 5448-2200, Fax, +81-3-5448-3061)
- (NEWS)(TELECOM)(ATL)(00012)
- Bell Earnings Continue Strong 01/24/94
- Atlantic and Ameritech both posted strong operating results, buoyed
- by profits from wireless operations.
- Bell Atlantic said that its fourth quarter profit was $333.1
- million, up 5 percent from a year ago, as its cellular subscriber
- base grew 49 percent. The company denied it has any plans to cut its
- dividend to conserve cash as it prepares to buy TCI, the nation's
- largest cable operator.
- On that front, the company's lawyers are fighting hard, asking the
- Justice Department to let it take TCI's programming assets, waiving
- that element of the Bell break-up decree which would keep it from
- moving signals between local areas.
- The company is also trying to back-up on a promise to sell-off TCI's
- assets within the Bell Atlantic service territory, in particular a
- major operation in Pittsburgh which also bypasses Bell Atlantic's
- local network for long distance services.
- Ameritech profits rose nearly 19 percent, to $398.2 million, as
- the economy recovery in its Upper Midwest service territory
- continued. The company even announced a two-for-one stock split
- in December.
- Results were also aided by job cuts. Ameritech said its cellular
- subscriber base grew 47 percent for the year, and it had 3 percent
- growth in regular phone lines, but employment fell 6.6 percent.
- (Dana Blankenhorn/19940124)
- (NEWS)(TELECOM)(ATL)(00013)
- General Datacomm Releases New Fast Modem 01/24/94
- MIDDLEBURY, CONNECTICUT, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- In another
- press statement released first through the Internet, General
- DataComm has announced the FastPro, a new line of V.Fast modems at
- just $675.
- The V.Fast standard, a modulation standard for 28,800 bits per
- second (bps) products to be known as V.34, has yet to be formally
- approved, but the company said it would upgrade its chip-sets to
- V.34 free once the standard is approved. The upgrades will be done
- through the company's own bulletin board system, with owners simply
- calling to download new software.
- The price point is important, because V.32bis modems at 14,400 bps
- sold at about $1,000 when they were introduced a few years ago.
- While those prices have since fallen to the $300 range, many modem
- makers complained at the time they were having a tough time making a
- profit under fierce price pressure. By introducing its first V.Fast
- products at $675, General DataComm is indicating things may be even
- fiercer in the new arena.
- (Dana Blankenhorn/19940124/Press Contact: General DataComm, fax,
- 203/758-9129; Customer Contact: General DataComm, 1579 Straits
- Turnpike, Middlebury, CT 06762-1299; 1-800-523-1737)
- (NEWS)(TELECOM)(DEN)(00014)
- US West Tests Satellite Service For Rural Customers 01/24/94
- DENVER, COLORADO, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- US West Communications
- has announced that it has started a six month test to see if it can
- use a satellite orbiting 23,000 miles above the earth to provide
- better phone service to some of its rural customers.
- The company said that the test involves about 40 families in two
- suburban areas outside Jackson, Wyoming. It is reportedly the first
- US trial to use a Hughes Galaxy VII communications satellite and
- earth stations to relay local calls.
- Stan Bader, Wyoming vice president of US West Communications, told
- The Denver Post newspaper if the test is successful it could
- ultimately lead to cheaper, better phone service in other rural
- areas. "One day, we may be able to use satellite communications to
- bring video and other multimedia services to rural America," Bader
- told the paper.
- Rural residents would probably settle for being able to send and
- receive data from their personal computers via modem and receive
- faxes. Those services, which most of us take for granted, are not
- available to many rural communities particularly if they rely on
- party lines for their phone service.
- US West says that the satellite system for earthbound phone service
- is a potential solution to the cost of bringing service to remote
- users, which can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars if lines have
- to be run over rough terrain such as that found around Jackson.
- Microwave and cellular communications are also difficult in
- mountainous areas because that technology relies on line-of-sight
- communication.
- US West spokesperson Steve Hammack told Newsbytes the Jackson
- customers participating in the test will be tied into the system via
- earth stations, six-foot satellite dishes called very small aperture
- terminals (VSAT).
- Like their urban cousins, satellite-serviced rural users will not
- have to pay for local calls, will have access to the long distance
- carrier of their choice, and can have services such as speed dialing
- and call forwarding as well as fax and modem communication. Hammack
- said they will not have access to call waiting and three-way
- calling.
- Two of the participants in the test have their own individual
- satellite dish, while the remainder of the customers are divided
- between two cluster dishes. Presently the customers don't pay for
- the satellite dish. Hammack said he doesn't know if they will have
- to buy the dish to receive the service if the six month test is
- successful.
- US West reported a loss of $2,800 million for 1993, the second in as
- many years. However, the results didn't seem to bother investors. US
- West shares rose 50 cents on the day of the announcement, closing at
- $43.625. The loss represented a $6.69 per share loss to investors.
- The company said the 1993 loss was largely related to one-time
- charges relating to the introduction and expansion of several
- services and for accounting charges.
- US West bought 25 percent of Time Warner Entertainment in late 1993.
- The partners say they will launch a network of cable, telephone and
- data service carried over a single cable for the Orlando, Florida
- market.
- (Jim Mallory/19940124/Press contact: Steve Hammack, US West
- Communications, 307-771-6305)
- (NEWS)(BUSINESS)(DEN)(00015)
- ****Cyrix Wins Another Case With Intel 01/24/94
- RICHARDSON, TEXAS, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- Cyrix Corporation,
- the fledgeling computer microprocessor design company that dared to
- challenge Intel Corporation, has won another court battle against
- its rival.
- The US District court in Sherman, Texas has ruled that two claims of
- an Intel patent are covered by a cross licensing agreement, and
- Intel cannot charge Cyrix customers a licensing fee for using Cyrix
- chips. The court had previously ruled that the cross licensing
- agreement between Intel and SGS-Thomson was valid and enforceable.
- Cyrix spokesperson Jodi Shelton told Newsbytes that Intel has told
- customers they would have to pay a fee as high as 15 percent if they
- used Cyrix chips. Shelton said this was an attempt on the part of
- Intel to circumvent the earlier ruling. She called the attempt by
- Intel to collect a fee from Cyrix customers "an extortion tactic on
- the part of Intel."
- In July 1992 the US District Court ruled that Cyrix products
- manufactured by SGS-Thomson were licensed products, making those
- chips immune from Intel's patent infringement claims. Intel
- responded by claiming that a combination of two claims of the
- Crawford patent covering the combination of the CPU with external
- memory were not covered under the cross licensing agreement. Such a
- combination is necessary for a commercially viable, software
- compatible PC.
- The two companies are back in court again this week to battle over
- related issues, including Cyrix's claim that Intel has violated the
- antitrust laws and misused its patents. That trial is expected to
- test whether or not Cyrix's microprocessors made by non-licensed
- sources infringe claims 2 and 6 of the Crawford patent. Shelton said
- that, currently Cyrix obtains its chips from SGS-Thomson and one
- unnamed licensed source.
- "Cyrix's right to participate in the market has been earned through
- design innovation and has been confirmed by a string of legal
- victories. Intel's Crawford licensing scheme was an abuse of the
- patent law and the legal system," said Jerry Rogers, Cyrix president
- and chief executive officer.
- (Jim Mallory/19940124/Press contact: Jodi Shelton, Cyrix
- Corporation, 214-994-8238; Reader contact: Cyrix Corporation,
- 214-994-8388 or 800-402-9749)
- (NEWS)(GENERAL)(SFO)(00016)
- NewsPix Images For Newsbytes Publishers 01/24/94
- MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- These are the
- photos that have been digitized and correspond to stories Newsbytes
- has reported recently.
- These photos are not available to the general public, but are
- designed for use by licensed Newsbytes publishers who log into our
- private bulletin board system in Minneapolis. For information on how
- to become a licensed Newsbytes publisher in any medium call
- Newsbytes at 612-430-1100.
- Newspix weekly summaries will appear Mondays on the Newsbytes wire.
- All photos are in JPEG format. Photo file names correspond to year-
- month-day-story number-brief name of picture contents.
- ---------------------------
- Week of January 24-28, 1994
- ---------------------------
- 94011423gore - Head and shoulders portrait vice president
- Al Gore, (b&w).
- 94010708sumer - Color from slide. Wide shot of Sumerian
- ziggurat courtesy Sumeria, producers of the CD-ROM
- Ancient Cities images of historical sites.
- 94011019nagel - David Nagel, senior vice president and general
- manager of Apple's AppleSoft Div. Color from slide.
- 94011310gryph - Gryphon software in action, Mona Lisa morphs
- into wacky grin. Color from slide.
- 93111611spindl - Michael Spindler, Apple's president and chief
- executive officer (CEO). Color from slide.
- 94011207mosc - Very wide angle, almost fish eye, shot of
- Moscone center, site of recent Macworld Expo. Color from slide.
- 94010428Eworld - View of E-world, Apple's coming online service,
- screen.
- 94011423LaTime - Color group shot of Pacific Telesis and Times
- Mirror execs signing agreement for the creation of "the home-
- shopping lane of the communications superhighway."
- Includes Richard T. Schlosberg III, publisher & CEO of the LA Times;
- Hal Logan, general manager of the Pacific Telesis Electronic
- Publishing Services; Robert F. Erburu, chairman, president and CEO
- of Times Mirror; Lee Camp, president of Pacific Telesis Electronic
- Publishing Services and VP of Pacific Bell.
- 93111613bastien - B&W portrait of Gaston Bastiaens, general manager
- for the P.I.E. division of Apple Computer.
- 94010608SirSp - B&W shot of Sir Speedy franchisee at workstation
- with Team CD.
- 94011321philip - B&W of fullmotion video cartridge and box.
- Cartridge is being inserted in back of CDI unit with Maganavox
- monitor in background.
- 9401008citiz - B&W product shot of new lighweight Citizen printer.
- 94011015photoCD - Basic product shot of PhotoCD.
- 94011817qms - Color (from slide) view of QMS desktop office system:
- monitor, keyboard, and printer.
- 94011317Ident - Color (from slide) view of Identity Systems
- Technology Select notebook computer.
- 94011912Dbeam - Color view (from slide) of Farsite screen which
- allows a virtual "electronic whiteboard" to be shared on computers.
- 94010723whisp - Color view (from photo) of Brother Whisperwriter,
- two-piece inkjet word processor.
- 94010724Ptouch - Color view (from transparency) of the Brother P-
- Touch PC, dedicated label printer for Mac & IBM.
- 94011212kapor - B&W portrait of Mitch Kapor, chairman of the
- Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).
- 94011126malone - B&W portrait of John Malone, President of
- Telecommunications.
- (Newsbytes/19940124)
- (NEWS)(GENERAL)(SFO)(00017)
- SynOptics Partners Xylogics, Intros Optivity 4.0 For HP 01/24/94
- SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- Just a few days
- after posting revenue of $704,493,000 for its fiscal year ended
- December 31, 1993, SynOptics Communications, says it has signed a
- partnership with Xylogics that calls for the integration of the
- Xylogics Annex Three communications server into the SynOptics Lattis
- System 5000 intelligent hub. The company has also introduced
- Optivity 4.0 for HP's Unix-based OpenView platform.
- According to Synoptics, the resulting product from the deal with
- Xylogics is a "low-cost 24-port module that utilizes public
- switching services to give mobile users, telecommuters and
- individuals in branch offices access to the network center from
- virtually anywhere."
- The new module is called the Model 5390, and combines remote dial
- access, IP routing and terminal server connectivity. The company
- says that integrating those features into a "central point of the
- network" with the System 5000 cuts down on the cost of operation,
- increases network performance, and enables "easy management" using
- the SynOptics Optivity network management system.
- Bruce Sachs, president of Xylogics, said: "The increased need for
- remote and local network access is driving the centralization of
- network access resources into the logical point of concentration,
- the wiring hub,"
- "This trend has become a major opportunity for Xylogics, embedding
- our technology into hubs. We offer the ability to meet all three
- requirements: dial-up routing, host access, and remote access, on a
- single platform that provides a very high level of security and
- common network management," he added.
- According to the company, the Model 5390 can use the public switched
- telephone networks (PSTN), integrated services digital network
- (ISDN) or the switched 56 kilobits per second service network, to
- extend corporate LANs (local area networks) across the wide area
- network (WAN) for a number of applications.
- The product was jointly developed by the two companies and is based
- on Xylogics' Annex Three communications server, and attaches to any
- of the 12 Ethernet segments on the System 5000 backplane. It offers
- 24 asynchronous ports.
- The companies claim that the Model 5390 is the first OEM (original
- equipment manufacturer) module to be integrated into the System 5000
- and gives users increased control with the Optivity network
- management system. It is priced at $5,395 and will be available in
- the second quarter of, 1994. The price includes Unix access server
- software, TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
- terminal server software, and TCP/IP routing software.
- Meanwhile, Optivity 4.0 for HP OpenView is designed to "leverage the
- soft configuration capabilities of the Lattis System 5000
- intelligent hub to enable customers to logically create and manage
- virtual LANs.
- Optivity 4.0 is intended to cut down on the time it takes to perform
- daily network administrative tasks. The virtual LANs are users
- geographically separated, but needing a logical connection to each
- other.
- SynOptics has been working together since 1990, when SynOptics
- provided network management applications for HP OpenView for Windows
- with its LattisNet Manager for DOS. In 1992, SynOptics introduced
- LattisViews software, which let users manage SynOptics Ethernet and
- Token Ring intelligent hubs from the HP OpenView Network Node
- Manager.
- Optivity 4.0 for the HP OpenView platform is set for availability in
- February, and will be sold separately for $5,995, and bundled with
- HP OpenView Unix for $21,745.
- Synoptics' revenue of $704,493,000 for its fiscal year represents an
- increase of 81 percent as compared to 1992 revenue of $388,846,000.
- Fourth quarter revenue was $188,345,000, a gain of 44 percent over
- $130,467,000 for the like quarter a year ago.
- Net income for the year was $75,897,000, or $1.09 per share, an
- increase in earnings per share of 65 percent versus the $42,437,000
- or 66 cents per share, reported for 1992.
- The company also reported 1993 fourth quarter net income of
- $23,753,000, or 34 cents per share, up 41 percent from $16,889,000,
- or 25 cents per share, for the prior year quarter.
- SynOptics recently expanded its relationship with IBM by signing an
- OEM agreement that will enable enterprise customers to integrate
- their existing SNA (Systes Network Architecture) equipment and
- applications with Token Ring intelligent hubs.
- In November, SynOptics received ISO 9002 (International Standards
- Organization) certification for its stackable hub line.
- (Ian Stokell/19940124/Press Contact: Amanda Jaramillo, 408-764-1180,
- SynOptics Communications; or Susan Ice, 415-325-6236, Thomas
- Associates)
- (NEWS)(IBM)(DEN)(00018)
- Control Data Systems Announces Remote Mgmt Service 01/24/94
- ARDEN HILLS, MINNESOTA, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- Control Data
- Systems (CDS) has announced a new service that provides remote
- management, monitoring, and outsourcing for computer networks and
- systems.
- Following a trend in the industry to provide more support for
- customers, CDS says its Enterprise Management Center (EMC) provides
- remote management support worldwide around the clock. The center is
- staffed by senior engineers who can monitor, control and
- troubleshoot a computer network. A help desk provides answers to
- questions on operating systems, network, connectivity issues, and
- general problems. EMC also provides network and node configuration,
- technology upgrades, and fault management.
- "A simple phone call to a toll-free number will put a user in touch
- with a highly-trained EMC engineer who will either solve the problem
- or dispatch on-site support," says EMC manager Ron Swan.
- EMC also provides network monitoring and management, an alternative
- method of monitoring, controlling and troubleshooting network
- problems. It provides fault detection, development of an operational
- baseline for trend analysis, security support and detection, an
- optional traffic analysis feature, and monthly operational reports.
- (Jim Mallory/19940124/Press contact: Pat Kelly, Control Data
- Systems, 612-482-4857)
- (NEWS)(TELECOM)(ATL)(00019)
- ****Ziff Announces Interchange, A Windows-Based Service 01/24/94
- CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- Ziff-Davis has
- announced Interchange, a Windows-based online service set to debut
- in the fall, and renamed its online division Ziff-Davis Interactive.
- The announcements were made at a trade show in Indian Wells,
- California.
- Newsbytes will be a featured part of Interchange, Ziff-Davis
- Interactive president Michael Kolowich said during an interview, and
- the company will continue to maintain its text-based operations on
- both CompuServe and Prodigy.
- "We're on CompuServe for the long run," he said. "We're on Prodigy
- for the long run. We're not going to pull them. We like them. What
- Interchange is about is taking advantage of new platforms and new
- communication methods that CompuServe and Prodigy haven't yet
- approached."
- He added it will be relatively simple for Ziff to create its own
- stand-alone service, since it already has the computers and packet
- network arrangements necessary to go into the business.
- "The big work right here is in the client software that resides on
- peoples' PCs," he continued, "and building an engine that can
- present rich graphical information that is flexible enough to
- accommodate multimedia elements over time. The really big advance
- here is that at the heart of Interchange are compound multimedia
- documents, as opposed to text," he said.
- "That enables us to provide a much richer experience for the user.
- The other thing is that because we're based on modern host
- technology and we're able to design for a world of more powerful
- computers, we're able to employ techniques like object-oriented
- architecture and we can assume multi-tasking personal computers at
- the other end. That lets us aim much much higher than traditional
- services have in terms of functionality," he added.
- The minimum configuration for accessing Interchange will be a PC
- with Windows 3.1, or eventually a Macintosh with System 7) software,
- based on a 386 or 486 chip with 4 megabytes of memory and a VGA
- screen. A 9600 baud modem is also recommended.
- "That is a more stringent requirement than most systems installed
- today, but it comprises the vast majority of systems sold in the
- last 18 months. We already have services that are accessible to
- people with less capable machines -- they can get our information
- through CompuServe and Prodigy. It's incumbent on us, with the
- markets we serve, to aim much higher and not compromise the
- service," he said.
- Kolowich also described how Interchange interactions will feel to
- the user. "Windows does multi-task, but the real trick is to build
- client software that opens multiple virtual channels to the host, so
- that things are able to go on in background, like downloads,
- updating mail, and updating other information on your PC, at the
- same time requests are being served instantly in the foreground. As
- soon as you click on a mouse to open a document, the software has to
- be able to respond, stop the download, serve that request, then go
- on with what it's doing," he said.
- Pricing is still being determined, Kolowich added, although the
- company has settled on a monthly fee, with a generous bundle of free
- hours, and a price point slightly higher than America OnLine, which
- pioneered that type of pricing. Early tests start in roughly a
- month, which should grow to a 50,000 person beta test by mid-year,
- with full commercial operation this fall. Kolowich added that Ziff
- is looking at TeleScript, from General Magic, although "We'd like to
- see it more real before we make a commitment to it. But certainly
- we're capable of accommodating that technology in both our messaging
- and in our agent approaches, if it makes sense."
- Finally, Kolowich addressed the question of the Internet. "It's a
- nice four-lane highway, but everyone's driving brown Volkswagens on
- it," he said. "We will support Internet mail right away. One of the
- interesting challenges is for us to figure out how to use highly-
- graphical approaches" to Internet data.
- (Dana Blankenhorn/19940124/Press Contact: Lisa Landa, Ziff-Davis
- Interactive, 617-252-5211)
- (NEWS)(GENERAL)(TOR)(00020)
- Canada To Get New Technology In Government Magazine 01/24/94
- TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA, 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- A second national
- publication will address the Canadian government computer market
- starting next month. Plesman Publications in Toronto plans to launch
- Technology in Government, a tabloid aimed at technology buyers in
- federal, provincial, and municipal governments.
- The new title arose out of a one-time special supplement to
- Plesman's flagship publication, the bi-weekly newspaper Computing
- Canada, that appeared last fall in conjunction with a government-
- oriented trade show in Ottawa. "It was very well received," said
- George Soltys, associate publisher at Plesman, so the company
- decided to turn it into a regular publication.
- Technology in Government will publish five issues in 1994, Soltys
- said, and "depending on how well it does we hope to go monthly next
- year." The magazine will begin with a controlled circulation of
- 25,000, he said.
- The magazine will have a tabloid format, but will be printed on
- book-quality paper rather than newsprint. Editorially, it will
- contain some news but will focus on more in-depth features, Soltys
- said. Jerry Zeidenberg, who currently edits Plesman's SI Business
- monthly magazine for systems integrators and value-added resellers,
- will also edit Technology in Government.
- Last October, Ottawa-based Hum Magazine announced it will expand
- from serving the local market in the capital city to reach
- government computer buyers across Canada. Hum's publishers said they
- would aim for qualified circulation of about 11,500. The two-year-
- old magazine is published monthly.
- (Grant Buckler/19940124/Press Contact: George Soltys, Plesman
- Publications, 416-497-9562, fax 416-497-9427)
- (NEWS)(IBM)(LON)(00021)
- New Versions of Unvirus, V-Analyst 01/24/94
- TEL AVIV, ISRAEL, 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- PF1 Systems has begun
- distributing the 32nd version of its anti-virus software -- Unvirus
- and V-Analyst 3. The software, developed by BRM Technologies of
- Jerusalem, comes with a completely rewritten version of the Immune
- program, including new options to protect computers against known
- and unknown viruses.
- According to PF1, a sister package to the initial two versions,
- Multi-server, will be released this next month. Multi-server is a
- network anti-virus software.
- The company, which is part of the Pilat Group, claims more than
- 40,000 users of its anti-viral software. Yossi Kawan, PF1's managing
- director, said that the company had a successful year in 1993,
- thanks to its expansion into the networking marketplace.
- During 1994, the company plans to increase its already strong
- position in the networking market, expanding its product range to
- support more network and operating system environments.
- (Steve Gold/19940124/Press & Public Contact: PF1 Software - Tel:
- +972-3-561-0617)
- (NEWS)(IBM)(LON)(00022)
- UK - PPCP Unveil Internal Fax/Ring Units For Compaq PCs 01/24/94
- LONDON, ENGLAND, 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- PPCP, the portable connectivity
- distributor, has announced it is now selling a high-performance
- internal token ring adapter that can be used alone or in combination
- with an internal V.32bis fax modem. The company claims that this
- overcomes the limitations of single-function internal devices.
- According to PPCP, the 16-bit adapter includes 32K of random access
- memory (RAM) for network data support and buffers the STP and UTP
- cabling. The card fits into the internal modem slot of Compaq
- notebooks and laptops.
- In use, the network speed is detected by supplied driver software
- which configures the adapter accordingly. The company claims that
- the TokenTALK adapter can be installed alone or in the company of
- any Ositech LapTALK Plus fax modem. When both devices are plugged
- together using the connectors supplied with the modem, they can be
- used simultaneously, Newsbytes understands.
- "Portable users demand the same connectivity and functions as
- desktop users. This means making laptop and notebook peripherals
- work harder. I believe innovative solutions which double up on the
- functions, such as the Ositech products are the way forward for both
- proprietary and PCMCIA peripherals," explained John Nolan, PPCP
- managing director.
- According to Nolan, the LapTALK Plus 14.4K modem supplies V.32bis
- data, V.17 Group 3 fax and 14.4Kbps. In addition to this,
- the modem and Token Ring adapter also features intelligent power
- management facilities to extend PC battery life are designed in both
- Token Ring adapter and fax modem. When either modem is powered off,
- they only use 2 milliwatts of power, Newsbytes understands.
- The TokenTALK adapter costs UKP 599, while the LapTALK Plus 14.4K
- modem is sold for UKP 549.
- (Sylvia Dennis/19940124/Press & Public Contact: PPCP - Tel: +44-81-
- 893-2277)
- (NEWS)(GENERAL)(TOR)(00023)
- Canadian Product Launch Update 01/24/94
- TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA, 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- This regular feature,
- appearing every Monday or Tuesday, provides further details for the
- Canadian market on announcements by international companies that
- Newsbytes has already covered. This week: Digital's new PCs,
- Microsoft's multimedia titles for the Macintosh, and Silicon
- Graphics' Indy R4400 workstations.
- Digital Equipment of Canada, located in Toronto, unveiled its DECpc
- LPv+ energy-saving desktop personal computers and its DECpc 425 SE
- notebooks (Newsbytes, Jan. 18). Prices for the LPv+ machines in
- Canada range from C$1,375 up to C$3,025. The DECpc 425 SE notebooks
- start at C$2,959. All are available right away, DEC said.
- Microsoft Canada, of Mississauga, Ontario, announced versions of
- three multimedia titles for the Apple Computer Macintosh (Newsbytes,
- Jan. 14). The 1994 edition of the Encarta multimedia encyclopedia,
- the Cinemania interactive movie guide and the Microsoft Bookshelf
- 1994 compact disk read-only memory (CD-ROM) reference library are to
- be available in Canada in March, officials said.
- The new Canadian suggested retail price for the 1994 Encarta is
- C$189, and qualified educational institutions and libraries will be
- able to buy it for C$129.95. Cinemania lists for C$99.95. The price
- of Bookshelf for the Mac is to be announced in March, Microsoft
- Canada said.
- Silicon Graphics Canada, of Mississauga, Ontario, recently unveiled
- the Indy R4400, a new top-of-the-line model in its line of reduced
- instruction set computing (RISC) workstations (Newsbytes, Jan. 4).
- With prices starting at C$22,560, the Indy R4400 workstations will
- be available in Canada in March, company officials said.
- (Grant Buckler/19940124/Press Contact: Martin O'Brien, DEC
- Canada, 416-597-3162; Linda Carnell, Microsoft Canada,
- 905-568-0434 ext. 4238, fax 905-568-1527; Pamela White, Silicon
- Graphics Canada, 905-625-4747, fax 905-625-4476)
- (NEWS)(GOVT)(WAS)(00024)
- ****Intel Loses Two Court Cases 01/24/94
- WASHINGTON, DC, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- The US Supreme Court has
- refused to hear an Intel suit against USLI System Technology (not
- VLSI) over math coprocessors. A lower court (a US Court of Appeals)
- had earlier decided that Intel was not likely to win an ongoing
- patent infringement suit against USLI and therefore was not entitled
- to an injunction preventing the company from marketing its products.
- ULSI's defense on the patent infringement question is based on
- the claim that the microchips USLI sold had been supplied to the
- company by Hewlett-Packard, a legitimate licensee of Intel and
- therefore were not subject to intellectual property violation
- claims. Today's decision did not directly relate to the merits of
- the patent infringement case - the top court only declined to
- decide whether Intel could gain an injunction against ULSI.
- This refusal to reverse a lower court ruling (actually a refusal
- to even consider doing so) follows closely on another blow last
- week against Intel. The earlier ruling involved another court's
- decision that Cyrix (an 80X86 clone maker) was correct in
- claiming that Intel could not charge computer makers a licensing
- fee for its technology when they actually use Cyrix chips.
- The US District Court in Sherman, Texas, found that claims 2
- and 6 of Intel's Crawford 338 patent are covered by the valid
- Intel/SGS-Thomson cross-license agreement. Because of this
- agreement the court has decided that Intel has no right to charge
- fees for the use of Cyrix chips.
- Jerry Rogers, president and CEO (chief executive officer) of
- Cyrix has called Intel's Crawford licensing scheme "an abuse of
- the patent law and the legal system."
- Back in July, 1992, the U.S. District Court in Texas ruled that
- because Cyrix products were licensed through SGS-Thomson, they
- were immune from patent infringement claims by Intel.
- Claims 2 and 6 of the Crawford licensing patent claim refer to
- the combination of the CPU (central processing unit) with
- external memory to make a software compatible PC.
- Intel, which once had a monopoly on the microprocessors used to
- power the vast majority of the world's microcomputers (the MS-DOS
- and Windows-compatible PCs), has seen strong challenges to its
- dominance over the past 6 or 7 years.
- One of the first problems faced by Intel was the challenge to its
- expensive math coprocessors which were improved upon by several
- small companies which also sold their 80x87-equivalent chips at
- lower prices than Intel's math coprocessors.
- Intel's newer 80486 line of microprocessors come with a built-in
- math coprocessor (except for the SX line).
- Next came clones of the 80386 and 80486 microprocessors - new
- chips which did not infringe on Intel's design but still offered
- 100-percent compatibility at higher speeds and lower prices.
- Intel tried to protect its market share by blocking competitors
- from using any of the Intel microprocessor designation numbers in
- the names of their products, but the company found that it was
- unable to copyright numbers.
- This is what led Intel to name its next generation microprocessor
- the Pentium instead of the 80586 (which most journalists had
- already dubbed the chip before its actual introduction).
- Intel has also initiated a major advertising campaign focusing on
- the "Intel Inside" catch phrase.
- Despite these challenges, Intel still maintains a dominant
- position in the microprocessor design and manufacturing field.
- (John McCormick/19940124/Jodi Shelton, Cyrix Corporation, 214-
- 994-8238)
- (NEWS)(TELECOM)(TOR)(00025)
- Canadian Government Commits To Information Highway 01/24/94
- OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA, 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- The recent Speech From
- the Throne, in which the new Canadian government laid out in broad
- terms its plans for the next few years, made brief mention of
- something dear to the hearts of many in the information technology
- industry: the so-called information highway.
- As is usual in a Throne Speech, there were no details. The speech
- only said that the new Liberal government plans to lay out a
- Canadian strategy for the information highway.
- In doing so, incoming Prime Minister Jean Chretien echoed the
- position taken by his counterpart south of the border, US President
- Bill Clinton, when he took office last year.
- A veteran politician, Chretien does not have quite the young
- technocrat image of Clinton and his running mate, Vice-President Al
- Gore, who has spearheaded the information highway concept in the
- US But his campaign, and his government so far, emphasized
- infrastructure. Part of that is traditional infrastructure such as
- roads, but the Liberals seem to want to extend the idea into the
- electronic realm as well.
- Though details are too sketchy for detailed comment, the initial
- reaction from the high-technology industry seems positive.
- The Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC), a
- Toronto-based industry association, praised the government's
- promise, saying in a statement that: "the economic impact of the
- information superhighway in the twenty-first century will be as
- beneficial to Canadians as the national railroad system was to
- the 19th century."
- ITAC took advantage of the occasion to promote a conference on the
- information highway that it is co-sponsoring in Toronto February 1
- and 2, along with the Ottawa-based Canadian Advanced Technology
- Association (CATA).
- CATA has been a strong supporter of the information highway
- concept, said Shirley-Ann George, director of federal relations
- for the group of Canadian high-tech companies. "Infrastructure is
- not just pavement," she noted.
- (Grant Buckler/19940124/Press Contact: Dave Paolini, ITAC, 905-602-
- 8510 ext. 235; Shirley-Ann George, CATA, 613-236-6550)
- (NEWS)(IBM)(TOR)(00026)
- ****Good News Expected In IBM Financials 01/24/94
- NEW YORK, NEW YORK, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- It won't be quite
- like the good old days, but the financial news due from IBM
- Tuesday is expected to be better than it has been in the last few
- quarters.
- Financial analyst William Milton, who follows the firm for Brown
- Brothers Harriman in New York, said he is forecasting a
- fourth-quarter profit of 75 cents per share for the battered
- computer maker, and expects a small profit for the year.
- That would be a welcome change from several quarters of losses,
- something unprecedented in IBM's history up to the past couple of
- years.
- However, Milton warned against getting too excited about the
- figures. He noted that the fourth quarter has always been IBM's
- strongest -- the firm sometimes earns more than 40 percent of its
- annual revenue in the last three months of the year. That means
- it would be a mistake to multiply the fourth-quarter results by
- four and take them as a guide to what can be expected from IBM in
- the coming year.
- Milton said he does expect IBM to be in the black in 1994. He is
- forecasting a $2.15-per-share profit, but he added that this is
- less than IBM made even in 1992, and pales in comparison to
- annual profits of better than $10 per share in 1984, 1985, and
- 1990.
- In the usually weak first quarter, Milton added, it will be a
- challenge for IBM to make any profit at all.
- Milton said he expects the IBM Personal Computer Co. will be a
- strong contributor to IBM's revenues, which over-all he forecasts
- will be up about two percent year over year. Most of the profits
- will come from the cost-cutting IBM has gone through over the
- past couple of years.
- That cost-cutting may not be entirely at an end, Milton said, but
- he does not expect a further restructuring charge at present,
- since the company has already set aside large sums to cover the
- costs of cutting staff and closing facilities as it struggles to
- get back in the black.
- (Grant Buckler/19940124/Press Contact: William Milton, Brown
- Brothers Harriman, 212-483-1818)
- (NEWS)(GENERAL)(TOR)(00027)
- ****AMD Offers SCSI And Ethernet On One Chip 01/24/94
- SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- In the drive to
- squeeze computing functions into smaller spaces, putting all the
- circuitry for a single interface on one microprocessor apparently
- isn't good enough any more. Now chipmaker Advanced Micro Devices
- (AMD) has gone one step farther and put two common interfaces
- together on one chip.
- AMD has announced PCnet-SCSI, a chip that combines an Ethernet
- local-area network interface with Small Computer Systems Interface
- (SCSI) circuitry. The chip is designed to connect directly to the
- Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) local bus.
- AMD, which also makes central processor chips in competition with
- Intel will sell the chips to PC manufacturers, claiming the vendors
- can save money by using PCnet-SCSI to replace separate SCSI and
- Ethernet interface cards.
- Putting both SCSI and Ethernet connections on a PC using traditional
- adapter boards would cost at least $500, said Jim Lochmiller, a
- spokesman for AMD. In quantities of 1,000, the AMD chips will cost
- $39.95. The chip will go straight on the PC's motherboard.
- Aside from the possibility of having cost savings passed on by PC
- vendors, another potential gain for PC buyers is the PCI slot saved
- by putting SCSI and Ethernet functions on a single chip.
- The PCI bus is limited to two or three slots, except with the use of
- currently rare bridging technology such as that recently introduced
- by Digital Equipment Corp. While SCSI and Ethernet cards would
- typically each use two of the 10 "loads" permissible on a single PCI
- bus, the AMD chip uses just one.
- PCI is a 32-bit local bus, primarily promoted by Intel, meant to
- eliminate the traditional bottleneck between a computer's central
- processor and peripheral devices.
- The SCSI interface, which has been common on Apple Computer Inc.
- Macintosh computers for some time, is now seeing wider use on IBM
- and compatible PCs. It allows as many as seven devices to be
- attached to a single interface, and is often used with compact
- disk read-only memory (CD-ROM) drives.
- Lochmiller said that AMD expects its chip and the PCI bus will help
- to make SCSI as much a standard feature on Intel-based PCs as it has
- been on the Macintosh. The Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) bus
- most used in PCs keeps users from getting the full benefit of the
- fast SCSI connector, he said.
- AMD also offers SCSI-only and Ethernet-only chips that fit the
- same socket as the PCnet-SCSI chip, Lochmiller added, so PC
- makers will be able to design a single machine that can be
- configured with any combination of Ethernet and SCSI connections
- just by changing one chip.
- The chip is listed in the company's parts catalog as part number
- Am79C974, samples are available now, and volume shipments are due
- to start in the second quarter of this year, officials said.
- (Grant Buckler/19940124/Press Contact: Jim Lochmiller, AMD,
- 408-982-7880)
- (NEWS)(IBM)(ATL)(00028)
- Educational Software For $10 01/24/94
- TINTON FALLS, NEW JERSEY, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- Camelot
- Entertainment has released a new line of products called Professor
- Nozall's Kids University, for IBM PC ATs and higher, at a suggested
- retail price of just $9.99. The products are designed around the
- curriculum guidelines now being mandated by state and national
- governments the company said. In addition to the 14 software
- products, there's a line of 12 video titles being introduced at
- $7.99 each.
- Danny Wettrich, chairman of the parent Camelot Corp.,
- acknowledged that his company's aim is to gain market share in a
- market estimated to be worth $775 million last year, but
- dominated by titles selling at from $30-60.
- The series title character, Professor Nozall, pronounced knows-all,
- was designed by an unnamed Los Angeles-based animation studio, and
- designed to appeal to a young audience. While the software should
- not be classed as a game, Camerlot said learning is faster and
- retention is higher when students enjoy the learning process. Each
- title consists of 10 or more lessons, divided like most academic
- subjects into Study Material, Practice Tests and Final Tests. The
- highlight is a final test called the Letter Lighting game, which
- lets kids solve word puzzles for "prizes."
- Both MS-DOS and Windows versions of the software are available.
- The DOS version requires 1 megabyte of internal memory, with 2
- megabytes recommended, VGA graphics, and 2.5 megabytes of hard
- disk space per program. The Windows programs require Windows 3.0
- or higher, with the same hardware requirements.
- (Dana Blankenhorn/19940124/Press Contact: Len Stein, for Camelot,
- 212-777-4350; Customer Contact: Camelot Entertainment, 31 Park Road,
- Tinton Falls, New Jersey, 07724, 908-935-1075; FAX: 908-935-1086)
- (NEWS)(GENERAL)(SFO)(00029)
- Epson Intros $299 Dot-Matrix; Cannon A $1,839 Laser 01/24/94
- TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- In an interesting
- study of contrasts, Epson has introduced a $299 color upgradable
- dot-matrix printer, while Canon has gone for the other end of the
- market with the $1,839 600 dots-per-inch LBP-860 Business Laser
- Printer.
- Epson's small footprint ActionPrinter 3260 is a color upgradable,
- 24-pin impact printer, complete with front-loading 50-sheet
- paper tray, and two-button control panel.
- According to the company, the ActionPrinter 3260 offers sharp,
- letter-quality output. It also includes 10 built-in fonts, with
- four of them scalable. The device prints at 216 characters-per-
- second (cps) at 12 characters-per-inch (cpi), and has a quiet
- operation.
- The optional color upgrade kit for the new dot matrix printer
- features a color ribbon, motor and ribbon bracket, that can be
- installed by users. Up to seven colors are available with the kit.
- The color package costs an additional $49.
- The printer uses the company's ESC/P2 printer language and is
- covered a standard two-year limited warranty. The company also
- offers a toll-free customer support and technical assistance line.
- The ActionPrinter 3260 carries a suggested retail price of $299.
- Meanwhile, Canon Computer Systems (CCSI) has introduced the new,
- high-end LBP-860 Business Laser Printer, which offers 600 dots per
- inch (dpi) output, eight page-per-minute (ppm) speed and PCL5e
- compatibility.
- The LBP-860 uses 32-bit RISC (reduced instruction-set computer)
- processing and memory reduction technologies, which, according to
- the company, makes it one of the first 600 dpi laser printers
- capable of printing "most Adobe PostScript Level 2 documents
- with only two megabytes (MB) of standard memory. The LBP-860
- is already shipping priced at $1,839.
- Announcing the printer, Carolyn Perrier, director of peripherals
- marketing at CCSI, said: "CCSI has redefined the standard for high
- productivity laser printer performance in the small office
- market. Our approach to providing a big business printing solution
- is exactly what our customers have told us they need -- affordable
- industry-standard performance today with the option to expand
- features and capabilities tomorrow as their business grows."
- The LBP-860 also offers an 850-sheet total input capacity with
- Canon's LBP-EX laser engine, and comes standard with 35
- Intellifont and 10 TrueType scalable fonts.
- The company also says that total memory of the LBP-860 can be
- expanded to 34 megabytes (MB) using single in-line memory modules
- (SIMMs). Paper handling capabilities include a 250 letter-sized
- sheet paper cassette and a 100-sheet multipurpose tray that holds a
- variety of different sizes of paper and up to 10 envelopes.
- The company also says that the LBP-860 uses its own "super fine
- toner for more refined text and graphics." The EP-E toner cartridge
- life is approximately 6,000 pages and costs $155.
- The laser printer uses Intel's i960 32-bit RISC-based microprocessor
- and 82961KD printer coprocessor, and automatic interface switching
- allows both PC-based and Macintosh computer users to share a single
- printer without a network. Standard options include a serial and
- parallel port and a PCMCIA type II (Personal Computer memory Card
- International Association) expansion slot. The LBP-860 measures 17-
- inches by 16-inches by 12-inches.
- (Ian Stokell/19940124/Press Contact: Jan Marciano, 310-782-5161,
- Epson America Inc; Karen Lippe, 714-438-3075, Canon Computer
- Systems)
- (NEWS)(BUSINESS)(DEN)(00030)
- Compaq Expands Euro Manufacturing Facilities 01/24/94
- HOUSTON, TEXAS, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- Compaq Computer
- Corporation has announced that it will invest $10.5 million to
- expand its manufacturing operations in Erskine, Scotland.
- Compaq spokesperson John Sweney told Newsbytes that the expansion is
- expected to be completed during the third quarter, and will include
- the opening of two manufacturing lines to build printed circuit
- boards.
- The 540,000 square foot Erskine plant builds Compaq desktop
- computer and server products for distribution in Europe, the
- Middle East, and Africa. The facility opened in November 1987 and
- currently employs about 800 people. When the expansion is
- complete it is expected to add about 250 more jobs.
- (Jim Mallory/19940124/Press contact: John Sweney, Compaq
- Computer Corporation, 713-374-1564)
- (NEWS)(TRENDS)(BOS)(00031)
- ****Consumer PC Sales To Approach Six Million By 1997 01/24/94
- NORWELL, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- Consumer PC
- sales will soar from last year's figure of 2.7 million US shipments
- to a whopping 5.9 million in 1997, rising from a one-fifth to a one-
- third share of total US industry shipments in the process, according
- to a new study by BIS Strategic Decisions.
- The home PC market will continue to account for the majority of PCs
- sold to home users, but not by quite as high a margin, the BIS
- statistics show. In 1993, total US shipments amounted to 13.6
- million, the researchers found. Of this number, 1.6 million PCs
- were for home office use, or about 59 percent of the 2.7 million
- consumer PCs shipped last year.
- For 1997, BIS is forecasting 17.4 million in total PC shipments,
- with 3.2 million of the machines expected to be used in home
- offices, or about 53 percent of the projected 5.9 million in
- consumer PC shipments for that year. Other home uses mentioned by
- the researchers include education and entertainment.
- The consumer market reached record levels in 1993, yet the
- "overnight success" of consumer PCs has actually taken five years
- to develop, according to Raymond Boggs, who directs Home Office
- research for BIS.
- "It took quite an effort to rebuild retailer interest in PCs after
- the home computer turmoil of the mid-1980s, but that's only part of
- the story. Not only are today's products significantly better than
- models of two or three years ago, but the customer is much more
- sophisticated as well," Boggs explained.
- The factors of retailer support and more knowledgeable consumers
- also assure that consumer interest in PCs will expand in the
- future, and so does improved ease of use, the study discovered.
- In addition to being sold by computer superstores, PCs are now
- available from consumer electronics stores and even from mass
- merchants, the researchers observed. Computer manufacturers are
- learning the art of consumer merchandising, and their growing
- willingness to adjust computer dealer terms and conditions to suit
- the needs of consumer channels has helped them to move into new
- retail accounts.
- Moreover, increasing numbers of consumers are using PCs at work on
- a daily basis, and are therefore aware of the benefits of PC
- ownership. Most of these users would not be considered PC experts,
- cautioned BIS. But "as business use of PCs continues to grow, the
- number of home users familiar with PCs will grow as well."
- Ease-of-use features cited in the report included Windows and
- Macintosh graphical user interfaces (GUIs), as well as such model-
- specific capabilities as the built-in telephone answering machine
- in Compaq's Presario PCs and a "Resume" feature in IBM's PS/1
- models that lets the user restart the PC and return to the same
- place in an application where work has ended.
- (Jacqueline Emigh/19940124/Reader contact: BIS Strategic
- Decisions, tel 617-982-9500; Press contacts: Raymond Boggs, BIS,
- tel 617-982-9500; Jon Hulak, BIS, tel 617-982-9500)
- (NEWS)(GENERAL)(SFO)(00032)
- Borland Updates C++ 4.0 To Support Microsoft Chicago Prgms 01/24/94
- SCOTTS VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A., 1994 JAN 24 (NB) -- The PC market
- is waiting expectantly for the introduction of Microsoft's much-
- hyped, and by all accounts, far more user-friendly, version of
- Windows 4.0, or Chicago, operating system and graphical user
- interface. Hoping to get a jump on the competition, Borland
- International has updated its Borland C++ 4.0 programming language
- to allow software developers to write programs that run under
- Chicago.
- According to Borland, the company has become the first to offer 16-
- and 32-bit development capabilities in a single box, for all
- versions of Microsoft Windows, including Chicago.
- Chicago is currently being beta tested. Newsbytes notes that,
- judging by the enormous success of Windows 3.0 and 3.1, Chicago is
- set to become a powerhouse in the graphical user interface/operating
- system market for the PC platform. Unlike Windows 3.0/3.1, which run
- under the archaic MS-DOS operating system, Chicago, like the high-
- end 32-bit Windows NT, will feature a new operating system.
- One of the biggest initial benefits to less technical users of
- Chicago, notes Newsbytes, will be the use of graphical icons,
- or Macintosh-like folders, in place of the laborious directory
- listings in Windows' existing Program Manager file management
- utility.
- Announcing the upgrade, Paul H. Gross, vice president of languages
- at Borland, said: "With the introduction of C++ for Chicago, we are
- simply continuing to help our customers through critical
- transitions. With the introduction of Chicago, we'll see rapid
- growth in demand for 32-bit development, and Borland C++ users will
- be the ones who are ready for it."
- Borland says that Chicago's new operating system presents
- portability and compatibility problems for developers. The company
- claims that its C++ tools "smooth the transition to Chicago by
- enabling software developers to write reusable, expandable code that
- works in 16- and 32-bit environments simultaneously."
- Borland says it is also announcing an Early Experience Program (EEP)
- designed for Borland C++ developers participating in Chicago beta
- tests. Under terms of the program, participants will receive the
- current C++ upgrade and subsequent versions of C++ throughout the
- Chicago beta test cycle. The EEP C++ will allow for the creation of
- applications that run under Chicago, include Chicago-specific
- "features and functionality," and is designed to give Borland early
- access to new development environments.
- Borland C++ 4.0 usually carries a suggested retail price of $499.
- However, the C++ 4.0 update that runs under Chicago is available
- to registered Borland C++ 4.0 users on compact disk for just $10,
- to cover shipping and handling.
- (Ian Stokell/19940124/Press Contact: Susan Zorb, 408-431-1341,
- or Gillian Webster, 408-431-5862, Borland International)