No Fragments Archive 4: The Falcon Archive
Text File
326 lines
Titus the Fox
Some passwords (or, rather, pass numbers): 1 - 2625; 2 - 8425; 3 - 2974; 4 -
4916; 5 - 1933; 6 - 0738; 7 - 2237; 8 - 5648; 9 - 6390; 10 - 8612; 11 - 4187;
12 - 1350; 13 - 9813; 14 - 5052; 15 - 3360; 16 - 2045.
Toki - Ocean
Press ESCAPE during the intro sequence, but before the man turns into a
monkey. You can now go to any level by pressing F1 to F6. Alternatively, enter
"KILLER" to get endless credits - and skip levels by pressing functions keys.
Torvak the Warrior - Core Design
Type "CHEAT...." (with as many periods as you can fit on the entry) in the
hiscore. The hold down fire and press 1 to 5 to be magically transported
between levels.
Total Eclipse - Incentive
Hold down "1" and "9" (not on the numeric keypad) and press FIRE to see the
Total Recall - Ocean
At the start, when gazing at Arnie's head, enter "LISTEN TO THE WHALES SING".
You will have infinite energy. In the cab section, "JIMMY HENDRIX" will do the
same. You can also try entering your hiscore name as "LIFE STILL GOES ON".
Apparently, pausing the game and waiting for about an hour you should get
infinite ammo.
Tower Toppler - Epyx
This is the same as "Nebulus", so please check there.
Toyota Celica Rally - Gremlin
When starting a race, press CONTROL and "C" to stop your time. Also press HELP
when you crash (immediately!). You can now restart your engine without 20
seconds having been deducted.
Trailblazer - Gremlin
Hold down HELP and "l", "1" and "2". Then type "CHEAT". As of then: F3 removes
gravity, F5 changes ball shape, F6 changes other player's ball shape. Press
HELP to hear a laugh.
Trained Assassin
Wait for the demo to appear, then hold down "2", "4", "Y", the left cursor key
and "7" in the numeric keypad. You will get endless lives. Hold "A", "T", ".",
"4" and "Enter" on the numeric keypad presed if you like to be able to change
levels by pressing F1-F5.
The codes for this game are: "COMPUTER", "TERMINAL", "PORTABLE", "SOFTWARE",
Treasure Island Dizzy
Type in "I CAN FLY" at the beginning of the game and you can fly. You may also
try "EGGS ON LEGS" to allow invincibility and screen skip.
Turbo Outrun - U.S. Gold
Whilst the countdown is running, enter "WEARAPEEPEL". This will activate the
following keys: "T" more time, "B" restart level, "N" next level, "G" loses a
credit (?!), "D" gives you new turbo boosters, 1-9 go to the proper level, "F"
goes to the end of the game.
Turrican - Rainbow Arts
In hiscore table, enter name as "BLUESMOBIL". You will get 99 lives and a lot
more. Entering "ANTIDOTE" (or "ANTI-DOTE"?) gives you just the 99 lives.
Turrican II - Rainbow Arts
On the title screen, press SPACE. You will enter the main menu. Now press 1,
4, 2, then ESCAPE. Start the game and you will have limitless lives and power
- U ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Under Pressure
Type "OCCAI THE NOO" at any time. Now, "F1" will skip levels and 1-9 will give
you different weapons.
Type "ORDILOGICUS" on the screen with a dragon in the backdrop. You will have
immunity, and RETURN will proceed one level.
Untouchables - Ocean
Pause the game and type in the following codes for the corresponding levels:
Level 2 "BRIDGE ROLLS", level 3 "MAC N ALLEY", level 4 "KID ZAPPING", level 5
"A NIT IN TIME". Thank you.
- V ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vaxine - U.S. Gold
Type "WILDEBEESTE" while playing. Press F1 to F4 for the levels.
Venus the Flytrap - Gremlin
The world selection screen allows the following codes to be entered:
"JUPITER" (limitless time), "PLUTO" (endless ammo), "MANTIDS" (Frozen Wastes),
"CICADAS" (The Dead City), "PSYLLIDS" (Wood World), "PIERIDS" (The Kaverns),
"SATYRID" (Death Valley) and "LYCAENID" (Creeping Swamp). In another cheat
column I've seen "LYCALID", "PYRALID" and "WOCTUIS". Try and see.
A simple cheat, this one. Just press the HELP key to continue one level.
Vigilante - U.S. Gold
Enter your name as "POOKY IS MY PAL" in the hiscore table. F1 will increase
your lives and F8 will take you to the next level.
Virus - Firebird
Hold down ENTER on the numeric keypad, press "P" to pause. Keep ENTER pressed
and press "O" to unpause. Now you can use "C" to toggle special effects on/off,
"L" to add a missile, "F" to add fuel, "D" for demo on/off and "N" for cheat
Viz - Virgin Games
In the selection screen, type "WHAT A LOAD OF BOLLOCKS". 1-5 will now go to
the proper level. This may not work. You should then try "WHAT A LARGE SET OF
Enter "WHEN THE SWEET SHOWERS OF APRIL FALL" to create a fourth option in the
option screen. Use this option to ease the game.
- W ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Warhawk - Silverbird
Press F3 once the game has loaded. A blue thingy will appear that you'll have
to collect to be awarded with infinite power.
Warlock's Quest
Press F1 when the programs asks whether you're ready. You'll get more health
Warp - Thalion
Press the LEFT SHIFT and keep it pressed. Now do the same with RIGHT SHIFT.
Now press the "H" button. Then release the "H" and the RIGHT SHIFT, the LEFT
SHIFT being released last. Press the HELP key for endless energy. There are
also keys for warping, end of game, game-completed sequence, etc.
Press F1, F2 then F3 on the title screen for infinite lives. Accidentally, you
will also find an extra life in the sea at the beginning of level 1.
Weird Dreams - Firebird
Weird Dreams. Weird Game. Weird Cheat.
When in the hallway with mirrors, walk half way through a mirror. When you
have done this, you have to send the morse code for "SOS" on your HELP key -
Wings of Death - Thalion
Enter "ST FOREVER" in the main menu. You can now select levels. Use function
keys and 1-5 for weapon systems and additional bits.
Wings of Fury - Domark
When on the carrier (after selecting rank), type "COLIN WAS HERE". As of then,
"C" will change weapons in flight, "M" gives you endless ammo, "P" will award
you an extra life, "D" immunizes you. "F" fills you up with fuel.
Wizball - Ocean
Enter "RAINBOW" during the game. Pause, press "C" to fill the pot, "S" to
complete the level, "T" to complete the game.
Type "THE PERFECT KISS" on the option screen and you'll get everlasting
WWF Wrestlemania
During a game, pause it and attempt to type the entire sentence
- X ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Xenon II - Imageworks
Kill the mid-level monster on level 2. Get killed immediately. All aliens will
have vanished. Alternatively, try typing "RUSSIAN AIR" to see most of the game
in pause mode. Press "N" to skip a level and continue play.
X-Out - Rainbow Arts
Get the most expensive ship and place it on the grid. Now select the cheapest
satellite and place it on the money indicator. You will now have half a million
creds. Pressing ESCAPE will take you to a next level.
Xybots - Domark
Enter "ALF" in the hiscore table for infinite energy.
- Y ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Unfortunately, no software company got the bright idea to release a game
starting with the fabled letter "Y". Off the top of my head I can only think of
one title that starts with a "Y", and that's "Your Second Manual to the Atari
ST" (which is no game).
What a shame.
- Z ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Zany Golf - Electronic Arts
Level 9 has a hidden level, called Mystery. To the left of the screen you will
see a mouse hole with two glowing eyes. When they glow red, putt the ball in
the hole. The mystery level will load.
On the title screen, enter "PANDA". You can now enter the following key
combinations during the game: [SPACE] and "1" to maker you invincible, [SPACE]
and "2" to move to the next stage, and [SPACE] and "3" to go to the next level.
Z-Out - Rainbow Arts
Press "J" and "K" at the same time for infy energy. Then press "J" and any
number between 1 and 6 to skip levels - or "1" and "3" on the numeric thing to
jump sections.
- LYNX CHEATS -----------------------------------------------------------------
If you complete the level holding down option one and option 2 while
accelerating into the car park space you will be taken to day 99.
The level codes are: 1-1 AAAA, 1-2 BBBB, 1-3 CCCC, 2-1 DDDD, etc. up to 5-3
OOOO. Alternatively you can try the following codes to go to the appropriate
levels but with maximum power-ups:
Level 1-1: 999Q Level 2-1: PP9T Level 3-1: 9PPW
Level 1-2: P99R Level 2-2: 99PU Level 3-2: PPPX
Level 1-3: 9P9S Level 2-3: P9PV Level 3-3: 999I
Level 4-1: P99J Level 5-1: 99PM
Level 4-2: 9P9K Level 5-2: P9PN
Level 4-3: PP9L Level 5-3: 9PPO
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
To get seven time periods, try the following password: DADS JADE JIJ8 6AZ9.
Level codes are: B7WA, 7VO3, 50LY, 0DYO, AA33, 7LDK, 5HTR, 0A4H, 2000, 00DH,
J457, 6CTS, T8QP, RFDH, EKL1, 6GPP, 69GS, CX06, WKKU, 6FCH, 4AC9, 7CDH, EXL1,
6G4T, RAFB, 79DI, LLU2, 6BSO, 9AGT, 8FO6, 2DEQ, 27P3, PAFB, DN06, 6DHO, C4RE.
Blue Lightning
Don't fire for 30 seconds to get a point bonus on level four. The level codes
When you die, press up and A simultaneously. You can now restart from where
you died instead of returning to the begining of the level.
California Games
BMX RACER: Try a super jump by pressing both A and B as your front wheel takes
off from the edge of a ditch.
SURFING: For a surprise, try this: Lose two of your lives, then just stay on
your board, wait for the time to run down to about three, and steer yourself
off the bottom of the screen to lose your last life. I've tried this myself and
I couldn't succeed in making it work, though.
Chips Challenge
All the passwords are the following: 1:BDHP, 2:JXMJ, 3:ECBQ, 4:YMCJ, 5:TQKB,
6:WNCP, 7: FXQO, 8:NHAG, 9:KCRE, 10:VUWS, 11:CNPE, 12:WVHI, 13:OCKS (tip: Go
down only), 14:BTDY, 15:COZQ, 16:SKKK, 17:AJMG, 18:HMJL, 19:MRHR, 20:KGFP,
21:UGRW, 22:WZIN, 23:HOVE, 24:UNIZ, 25: PQGV, 26:YVYJ, 27:IGGZ, 28:UJDO,
29:QGOL, 30:BQZP, 31:RYMS, 32:PEFS, 33:BQSN, 34:NQFI, 35:VDTM, 36:NXIS,
37:VQNK, 38:BIFA, 39:ICXY, 40:YWFH, 41:GKWD, 42:LMFU, 43:UJDP, 44:TXHL,
45:OVPZ, 46:HDQJ, 47:LXPP, 48:JYSF, 49:PPXI, 50:QBDH, 51:IGGJ, 52:PPHT,
53:CGNX, 54:ZMGC, 55:SJES, 56:FCJE, 57:UBXU, 58:YBLT, 59:BLDM, 60:ZYVI,
61:RMOW, 62:TIGW, 63:GOHX, 64:IJPQ, 65:UPUN, 66:ZIKZ, 67:GGJA, 68:RTDI,
69:NLLY, 70:GCCG, 71:LAJM, 72:EKFT, 73:QCCR, 74:MKNH, 75:MJDV, 76:NMRH,
77:FHIC, 78:GRMO, 79:JINU, 80:EVUG, 81:SCWF, 82:LLIO, 83:OVPJ, 84:UVEO,
85:LEBX, 86:FLHH, 87:YJYS, 88:WZYV, 89:VCZO, 90:OLLM, 91:JPQG, 92:DTMI,
93:REKF, 94:EWCS, 95:BIFQ, 96:WVHY, 97:IOCS, 98:TKWD, 99:XUVU, 100:QJXR,
101:RPIR, 102:VDDU, 103:PTAC, 104:KWNL, 105:YNEG, 106:NXYB, 107:ECRE, 108:LIOC,
109:KZQR, 110:XBAO, 111:KRQJ, 112:NJLA, 113:PTAS, 114:JWNL, 115:EGRW, 116:HXMF,
117:FPZT, 118:OSCW, 119:PHTY, 120:FLXP, 121:BPYS, 122:SJUM, 123:YKZE, 124:TASX,
125:MYRT, 126:QRLD, 127:JMWZ, 128:FTLA, 129:HEAN, 130:XHIZ, 131:FIRD, 132:ZYFA,
133:TIGG, 134:XPPH, 135:LYWO, 136:LUZL, 137:HPPX, 138:LUJT, 139:VLHH, 140:SJUK,
141:MCJE, 142:UCRY, 143:OKOR and 144:GVXQ.
There are four secret levels: JHEN, COZA, RGSK and DIGW. And then there's the
amazing fractal generator, accessible by entering MAND as password. A brief
fractal generator user manual:
Joypad: zoom window
Button A: zoom in
Button B: zoom out
Option 1: stop/start generation
Option 2: colour cycling
Crystal Mines 2