No Fragments Archive 4: The Falcon Archive
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316 lines
* Example program on how to use my new vertical hardware scroll technique.
* Written for DBA Magazine in May 1993. Hardwarescroll developed at
* the end of summer 1992.
* Code, Hardwarescroll development and Graphics by
* Robert from The Atari Boys.
* Written with Turbo Assembler V1.7.6 (It's verry fast and easy to use.)
* Music from the game Circus Attractions.
* I think it is converted by Mad Max.
* Read the article on DBA Magazine for more information !!!
pea 0 ; switch to supervisor mode
move.w #$20,-(SP)
trap #1
addq.l #6,SP ; repair stack pointer
move.l D0,oldstack
pea text(PC) ; print some text
move.w #9,-(SP)
trap #1
addq.l #6,SP
waitkey: cmpi.b #$39+128,$FFFFFC02.w ; wait for release of space
bne.s waitkey
move.b $FFFF8260.w,oldres ; store old resolution
move.w #$25,-(SP) ; wait for vbi
trap #14
addq.l #2,SP ; repair stack pointer
move.b #0,$FFFF8260.w ; switch to low resolution
* if you don't switch after a vbi, the screen can get shifted
move #$2700,SR ; interupts off
move.l $70.w,oldvbi ; store old vbi vector
move.l $0120.w,oldtimerb ; store old timer b vector
move.b $FFFFFA07.w,olda07 ; store interupt enable registers
move.b $FFFFFA09.w,olda09
move.b $FFFFFA13.w,olda13 ; store old interupt mask
move.b $FFFFFA1B.w,olda1b ; store timer b control register
move.b $FFFA17,olda17 ; store old EOI mode
move.b $FFFF8201.w,old8201 ; store video base register high
move.b $FFFF8203.w,old8203 ; store video base register mid
move.b $FFFF820A.w,old820a ; store old sync mode register
movem.l $FFFF8240.w,D0-D7 ; store old color palette
movem.l D0-D7,oldcolor
move.l #screen,D0 ; new screen adress
andi.l #$FFFFFF00,D0 ; screen on page boundary
move.l D0,screenadress ; store screen adress
add.l #8*160,D0
move.l D0,store
moveq #1,D0 ; init music
bsr mus
move.b screenadress+1,$FFFF8201.w ; write new screen adress
move.b screenadress+2,$FFFF8203.w
movem.l color(PC),D0-D7 ; new color palette
movem.l D0-D7,$FFFF8240.w
movea.l screenadress,A0 ; copy logo all over the screen
lea logo(PC),A1 ; there must be something on the screen
move.w #13-1,D2 ; 13 rows = 208 lines (for 200 lines )
copy3: move.w #20-1,D1 ; 20 koloms (the routine )
copy2: move.w #16-1,D0 ; 16 lines (would be more )
copy1: move.w (A1),(A0) ; plot plane 0 (complicated )
move.w 32(A1),2(A0) ; plot plane 1
move.w 64(A1),4(A0) ; plot plane 2
move.w 96(A1),6(A0) ; plot plane 3
adda.l #160,A0 ; next line
adda.l #2,A1
dbra D0,copy1
suba.l #32,A1 ; next kolom
suba.l #2552,A0
dbra D1,copy2
adda.l #2400,A0 ; next row
dbra D2,copy3
clr.b $FFFFFA1B.w ; timer b off
bclr #3,$FFFFFA17.w ; auto end of interupt
move.l #vbi,$70.w ; write new vbi vector
move.l #timerb,$0120.w ; write new timer b vector
move.b #1,$FFFFFA07.w ; interupts off exept timer b, else
clr.b $FFFFFA09.w ; the mouse causes trash.
move.b #1,$FFFFFA13.w ; interupts masked exept timer b
move #$2300,SR ; interupts on
comp: move.b $FFFFFC02.w,D0 ; load key in d0
cmpi.b #$39,D0 ; is it space ?
beq.s the_end ; jump if space
cmpi.b #72,D0 ; arrow up pressed ?
beq.s up ; jump if arrow up
cmpi.b #80,D0 ; arrow down pressed ?
bne.s comp ; jump if arrow down
down: cmpi.w #6,addje+2 ; is it 6 already ?
beq.s nokey ; exit if 6
addi.w #1,addje+2 ; shit !! some self modifying code to
addi.w #1,subje+2 ; modify self modifying code. (????)
nokey: cmpi.b #80+128,$FFFFFC02.w ; arrow down released ??
bne.s nokey ; jump if it isn't
bra.s comp ; loop again
up: cmpi.w #-6,addje+2 ; is it -6 already
beq.s nokey2 ; exit if it is -6
subi.w #1,addje+2 ; shit ! more self modifying code
subi.w #1,subje+2 ; to modify self modifying code
nokey2: cmpi.b #72+128,$FFFFFC02.w ; is arrow up released ?
bne.s nokey2 ; jump if it isn't
bra.s comp ; loop again
the_end: move #$2700,SR ; interupts off
moveq #0,D0 ; music off
bsr mus
movem.l oldcolor,D0-D7 ; restore old colors
movem.l D0-D7,$FFFF8240.w
move.l oldvbi,$70.w ; restore old vbi vector
move.l oldtimerb,$0120.w ; restore old timer b vector
move.b olda17,$FFFFFA17.w ; restore old EOI mode
move.b olda07,$FFFFFA07.w ; restore interupt enable registers
move.b olda09,$FFFFFA09.w
move.b olda13,$FFFFFA13.w ; restore interupt mask register
move.b olda1b,$FFFFFA1B.w ; restore timer b mode register
move.b old8201,$FFFF8201.w ; restore old screen adress
move.b old8203,$FFFF8203.w
move.b old820a,$FFFF820A.w ; restore sync mode register
move #$2300,SR ; interupt on
move.w #$25,-(SP) ; wait for vbi
trap #1
addq.l #2,SP ; restore stack pointer
move.b oldres,$FFFF8260.w ; restore old resolution
move.l oldstack,-(SP) ; switch back to user mode
move.w #$20,-(SP)
trap #1
addq.l #6,SP ; restore stack pointer
clr.w -(SP) ; end of program
trap #1
vbi: movem.l D0-A6,-(SP) ; store registers
move.w #52,D0 ; wait
wait: dbra D0,wait
lines: move.w #0,D0 ; no. lines to be scrolled
bra scroll
scroll2: move.b #2,$FFFF8260.w ; switch to 70 Hz (hi res)
REPT 7 ; wait 7*4 clock cycles
move.b #0,$FFFF8260.w ; switch back to low
REPT 110 ; wait till next line
scroll: dbra D0,scroll2 ; another line ?
move.b #0,$FFFFFA1B.w ; timer b off
raster: move.b #8,$FFFFFA21.w ; interupt after (8-no. lines) lines
move.b #8,$FFFFFA1B.w ; timer b on
* Rasters are needed to make a visible window of the screen. Else you see
* the screen flipping. Change 8 into 0 in the instruction above and you
* see what I mean.
subje: subi.w #1,raster+2 ; shit !! some self modifying code to
addje: addi.w #1,lines+2 ; change no. lines to be scrolled
cmpi.w #-1,lines+2 ; is lines greater than -1
bgt.s not ; jump if yes
addi.w #8,lines+2 ; add 8 lines ; scroll up
subi.w #8,raster+2 ; sub 8 raster lines
bra.s changescreen ; change screen
not: cmpi.w #8,lines+2 ; is lines less than 8
blo.s einde ; jump if yes
subi.w #8,lines+2 ; sub 8 lines ; scroll down
addi.w #8,raster+2 ; add 8 raster lines
changescreen: move.l store,-(SP) ; scroll 8 lines up or down
move.l screenadress,store
move.l (SP)+,screenadress
move.b screenadress+1,$FFFF8201.w ; write new screen
move.b screenadress+2,$FFFF8203.w
bsr mus+8 ; play music
movem.l (SP)+,D0-A6 ; restore registers
rte ; end of interupt
move.l D0,-(SP) ; store d0
clr.b $FFFFFA1B.w ; timer b off
move.b #191,$FFFFFA21.w ; interupt after 192 lines
move.l #timerb2,$0120.w ; new timer b vector
move.b #8,$FFFFFA1B.w ; timer b on
move.w #27,D0 ; wait till end of line
wait2: dbra D0,wait2 ; for invisible color change
move.l #$010002,$FFFF8244.w ; make screen visible
move.l #$030004,$FFFF8248.w
move.l #$050006,$FFFF824C.w
move.l #$070770,$FFFF8250.w
move.l #$06600550,$FFFF8254.w
move.l #$04400330,$FFFF8258.w
move.l #$02200110,$FFFF825C.w
move.l (SP)+,D0 ; restore d0
rte ; end of interupt
move.l D0,-(SP) ; store d0
clr.b $FFFFFA1B.w ; timer b off
move.l #timerb,$0120.w ; new timer b vector
move.w #30,D0 ; wait till end of line
wait3: dbra D0,wait3 ; for invisible color change
clr.l $FFFF8244.w ; switch all colors to black
clr.l $FFFF8248.w ; so you can't see the screen bounceing
clr.l $FFFF824C.w
clr.l $FFFF8250.w
clr.l $FFFF8254.w
clr.l $FFFF8258.w
clr.l $FFFF825C.w
move.l (SP)+,D0 ; restore d0
rte ; end of interupt
logo: DC.W $AA55,$2A54,$C203,$7EFC,$984F,$6270,$9E4F,$7C30 ; plane 1
DC.W $3E30,$F84F,$0670,$904F,$7E70,$C247,$2A54,$AA55
DC.W $6666,$E667,$FEFF,$00,$40,$FE7F,$FE7F,$00 ; plane 2
DC.W $00,$FE7F,$FE7F,$0840,$40,$FE77,$E667,$6666
DC.W $1E78,$1E78,$3EFC,$FEFF,$FE7F,$9E4F,$9E4F,0 ; plane 3
DC.W $00,$F84F,$F84F,$FE7F,$FE7F,$3E78,$1E78,$1E78
DC.W $0180,$0180,$3DFC,$7FFC,$67B0,$61B0,$61B0,$FFFF ; plane 4
DC.W $FFFF,$07B0,$07B0,$67B0,$7FB0,$3DB0,$0180,$0180
color: DC.W $00,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07
DC.W $0770,$0660,$0550,$0440,$0330,$0220,$0111
mus: incbin 'A:\GFA_ASM\*.MUS'
DC.B 27,'EExample program which shows my new ',10,13
DC.B 'vertical hardware scroll technique.',10,13
DC.B 'Written by Robert from The Atari Boys',10,13
DC.B 'for DBA magazine.',10,13
DC.B 'Press arrow up and down to change speed',10,13
DC.B 'and direction.',10,13,10,13
DC.B 'Press space to continue',10,13
DC.B 0
DS.B 256 ; extra space for screen boundary
screen: DS.B 32000+8*160 ; screen space +8 extra lines (16*13=208)
screenadress: DS.L 1
oldcolor: DS.W 16
store: DS.L 1
oldstack: DS.L 1
oldvbi: DS.L 1
oldtimerb: DS.L 1
olda07: DS.B 1
olda09: DS.B 1
olda13: DS.B 1
olda1b: DS.B 1
olda17: DS.B 1
oldres: DS.B 1
old8201: DS.B 1
old8203: DS.B 1
old820a: DS.B 1