No Fragments Archive 4: The Falcon Archive
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Watch your daughters, SCYNACORE prod. is back!
-THE devkit for the DSP-
# This software may not be sold or published on CDs, via PDL etc without
# written permission of the authors. QDSP-ASM is (c) by Gilles Audoly and
# DSPdit is (c) by Andreas John, Achim Settelmeier.
# The authors must not be made responsible for anything!
# Read the manual carefully and don't misunderstand the jokes, ok?! ;-)
***** ß-Release *****
=> DSPdit is a fast DSP devkit for your ATARI Falcon030, consisting of an
=> assembler and an editor.
1. General informations
1.1 Files needed
2. Getting started
3. The editor
3.1 Cursor movement
3.2 Special functions
3.2.1 PART
3.2.2 (Un-)Splitline
3.2.3 (Un-)rem line
3.3 Mouse
4. The menu
4.1 About DSPdit
4.2 File
4.3 Assembler
4.4 Editor
4.5 Search
4.6 Block
4.7 Options
5. Various
5.1 Addresses
5.2 Thanks
1. General information
This comfortable DSPd(evk)it/DSP(e)dit was written because we had none ;-)
It looks very much like TurboAss because TAss is our beloved Assembler
(believe it or not, DSPdit is completely written with TurboAss).
DSPdit consists of two parts, an assembler (coded by Gilles Audoly) and an
editor (done by TSCC). As QDSP-ASM is originally done to process ASCII-Files
(like Motorola's assembler), it can be used for ASCII-Files as well but then,
you don't have all those nice features of this devkit.
DSPdit is PD. This means, that it is allowed to copy and spread the program as
long as you copy all the files listed in 1.1 (but of course it is allowed to
copy QDSP-ASM separatly, read the DSP_ASM.DOC for more info)!
The files may not be altered!
We don't expect large donations for our work but at least you should say thanks,
if you like DSPdit :-)
1.1 Files needed
DSPDIT.PRG - the program (commandline accepted)
DSPDIT.TXT - this text
DSPDIT.SET - the settings (not really required; see 4.7 Options)
QDSP_ASM.TTP - the assembler (can be used without DSPdit)
DSP_ASM.DOC - the manual for QDSP-ASM
2. Getting started
To install DSPdit, format your harddisk and copy DSPdit to the AUTO-folder of
your boot partition so that is available everytime you boot up. Then install
MutliTos and thousands of accessories to slow down your Falcon 'cause DSPdit
is too fast for you ;-)
Ok, now for the serious part:
Just copy the whole folder to any path on your harddisk you want and run
DSPDIT.PRG. You'll get a message saying, that no settings are available,
meaning, the DSPDIT.SET-file is missing and and default settings will be used.
First, you should locate all the applications you need. Use 'LOCATE
APPLICATIONS' in the Options-menu to do so. Here, you select the path and name
of QDSP-ASM, which may be located in another folder as well as your beloved
debugger and up to 4 'external' applications (you don't really need to use all
four entries, ok?).
Now, you can set up the editor if you want. Try 'Settings' (^S) in menu
Options and see chapter 4.7 Options for further informations.
Don't forget to save your settings using 'Save Settings' in menu Options!
3. The editor
The editor was especally desinged to allow fast and comfortable editing of
DSP-Sources. It features syntaxcheck (ok, still a bit buggy but it gets better
;-)), autoformat (meaning evertime, your HD is full, it is wiped out ;-) Ha!
Just kidding, it's only the autoformatting of the lines entered),
keyboardmacros (to allow fast linedelete everytime you hit return ;-)), direct
support of the great QDSP-ASM and easy call of external programs.
Of course, such simple functions like cursormovement and tabulator jump are
included, too (for the guys, who need that).
3.1 Cursor movement
To control this little box that inverts letters (some call it cursor) use the
four arrowkeys. For special moves try control to jump wordwise left/right or
pagewise up/down and use shift to jump to the begining/end of a line or to
scroll the source and let the cursor stand, where it is. For finishing moves
use ClrHome to access the top line on the current page or Shift ClrHome for
the top line of the source. Hitting ClrHome twice will jump to the bottom
line. Tab will jump to the next and Shift-Tab will jump to the previous
Of course, there're lotsa hidden special moves as well but as no mag will
publish them in the near future (they're too complex to find out), here's a
list (a=alternate, s=shift, ^=control):
^DEL - delete line
^U - undelte line (same as undo but can be used several times)
(^) Insert - insert line
Return - delete source
^Z - jump to last edited line
aZ - jump to line or label
Undo - Guess it! (Yes! It's harddisk quickformatting ;-))
^L - search
aL - continue search
^(1-9) - set bookmark 1-9
a(1-9) - jump to bookmark 1-9
HELP - fold part/macro (see 3.2 Special functions)
^HELP - fold all following parts/macros (see 3.2 Special functions)
sRETURN - split line (see 3.2 Special functions)
sBACKSPACE - unsplit line (see 3.2 Special functions)
^RETURN - rem line (see 3.2 ...)
s^RETURN - unrem line (yeah, I think, ya know where to find that)
ESC - call menu
^W - changes valuebase or jumps to the label (see also 3.3 Mouse)
3.2 Special functions
3.2.1 PART
To provide a better readability of the sources, it can be devided into parts
indicated by PART and ENDPART. If you're inside a part and press HELP, the
part is folded to one single line. To reopen it, press HELP once again. A
closed part is indicated by >PART. You may even enter a string behind PART to
remember, what's inside it! Yeah, that's comfortable!
Press ^HELP to open all FOLLOWING parts. Of course, you may also fold macros
indicated by MACRO and ENDM.
3.2.2 (un-)split line
From your texteditor you know, that (s)RETURN cuts the line at the
cursorposition and moves the rest into the next line. So far so good. but
does cutting move X0,A into pieces like mov ~ e X0,A make sense to you???
Well, not all guys know it doesn't and that's why DSPdit only splits where
it's possible! You may split the line between label and instruction or
between instruction and remark. To confuse you even more, we also allowed you
to split the line between parallelmoves! DSPdit then automatically adds a
move to the next line where the former parallelmove stands! Of course we
included the other way round, too. This means, you can make a parallelmove
out of a normal move (of course only, if it's allowed).
3.2.3 (un-)rem line
By pressing ^RETURN, the current line can be quickly deactivated (a ;> will
be added to the beginning of the line). s^RETURN removes those two
3.3 Mouse
The mouse (or trackball) is usually used to control the good old mousecursor.
But how can this help me developping a source, you ask? Well, a single click
with the left button will set the normal cursor to this position. This
provides extremly fast access for all three-hand-humanoids (two hands on the
keyboard and one hand on the mouse). A doubleclick on a Symbol will jump to
the line in which this symbol is defined. A doublclick on Label opens the
search box, so by hitting return, you can search for the lines in which this
label is used. A doubleclick on a Number will change it from Hex to Bin to
Deci to Hex etc... This function is also accessable via keyboard. Just press
You can mark a block using the mouse by holding the button for a longer time
and move up'n'down.
For those of you, who think, GEM is great, we also included a nice menu, which
can be accessed using the mouse (of course it's no GEM, because, WE don't like
4. Menu
The menu can be used by two methods: You can select a drop down menu using the
mouse and then click on the submenu. Or you may press ESC and scroll though
the menu with the cursorkeys or numbers. This allows you to have a
keyboardmacro that selects a menu that can't be reached with shortcuts.
4.1 About DSPdit
Click and see (much better than plug'n play on PC ;-) - besides that: It
really is the truth ;-)))
4.2 File
Just those standard save/load-functions...
But to explain some in more detail:
4.2.1 Save ASCII
Saves the source just like it is shown on the screen (except, that all closed
PARTs are saved open.
If a block is marked you are asked if you want to save just the block or the
whole source.
4.2.2 Save ASM
Saves the source as ASCII-Text with all PARTs/ENDPARTs mutated to comments,
so that you can use any assembler (e.g. the one from Motorola) to assemble
your (with DSPdit edited) sources...
4.3 Assembler
4.3.1 Assemble
Look 4.3.2 (silly, but it's a 'forward' declaration ;-)). This one does the
same, but without dialog.
4.3.2 Assemble...
The output-filename can be chosen (with paths and anything that the
MS-DOS-Filesystem features, which is not much). This name is saved with the
source, so don't think, you will always get 'NONAME.P56'.
You can also decide, if you want to select an output-file anytime you
assemble your source or just use the fixed one (in our mind better than to
have an 'OUTPUT'-pseudoop).
And you can suppress the wait-for-a-key-when-assembling-is-finished-function
if you want. This can be done because DSPdit automatically takes over all
errors from QDSP-ASM so there's no real need to see all the messages.
And then it is possible to change the assemble-modes:
Outputfile is a P56-file,
a LOD-file or,
a LOD-file with a yell for the debugger afterwards
(only, if no syntax errors are left over!)
Not to forget that it is possible to choose cancel.
4.4 Editor
4.4.1 Calculator
Just to look like TAss ;-))
No, it really calcs formulas! But no symbols allowed to calc with (in a deep
mood of being bored this will maybe change but it's hard to do).
Please remember that this calculator can not calc fractionals.
4.5 Search
The standard search/replace-functions (and even more ;-))
4.5.1 Replace
Ok, you surely know, how replacling works, so we won't bore you with that.
But this replacefunction can do more than just replace explicit words! To
completely confuse you, we included not one of those simple allquantors, no!
We have multiquantors, yeah!
Ok, what the fuck is a multiquantor?
You can define which letters can be used instead of the multiquantor. This
allows you to replace only what you really want to replace. Let's have an
example: Multiquantors are k and d, the string to search for is mo*e.
This will replace mode or smoke but not move!
If you select exclude multiquantor, all letters except the ones you entered
will be used instead of the multiquantor.
The multiquantor has no effect on the replacestring.
4.5.2 Jump to line
Set cursor to the line you entered, or jumps to the label you want to jump
to. Just that easy.
4.5.3 Next error
Moves cursor to the line with the next error. The warnig is cleared after
the line is changed.
4.5.4 Underline errors
This flag forces DSPdit to underline the lines with errors in them.
Errors are updated everytime you assemble the source.
4.6 Block
I think, this doesn't need any explainations, except perhaps, that this
blockfunctions don't work like cut'n insert via clipboard but always copy or
move the currently marked block (to be honest: I hate clipboards, you never
know, what will be inserted).
4.7 Options
4.7.1 Source Settings
Click on Act.src will choose the actual source to be automatically loaded
after entering DSPdit. Of course, this can be turned off (guess which button
to use ;-)).
There's also a button to allow saving the source packed (with a damn fast
lzwpack-routine supplied by G. Audoly :-)). It should be on as packing takes
no time but safes some discspace.
We also included the possibility to save your source automatically after a
while. It may be saved under the current source's name (Act.Src) or under the
name of a temporary file (SaveSrc). The temporary file can be choosen using
Sel. This setting also affects minimum RAM mode savings.
The changed settings may be saved under the actual settingsname using the
Save Set button.
4.7.2 Settings
In this very big box you can choose your preferred settings. Some words about
Show HEX: all hexvalues can be cut, expanded or cut bytewise.
Capitalizing is provide, too, in order to increase the readability of your
You may even choose if an immediate value or adress should be short or long
as default.
The settings will be saved together with the source AND with the other
settings. This means, you're using the default settings until you load a
source. Then you use the source' settings. Clever, ne?
4.7.3 Screen Save
Hmm, nothing special about this, I think...
4.7.4 Tabulators
No need to explain, or is it to simple for your brain?
4.7.5 Locate Applications
This nice function helps you to recover all your lost applications ;-)
Naa, it just provides to enter path and name of your beloved programs
(including QDSP-ASM), which can be called by a single click on start
application. You don't need to enter all for programs but at least QDSP-ASM
and a debugger (eg the one by Brainstorm) should be entered.
4.7.6 Memory
You may enter the maximum amount of free memory which may be used by DSPdit.
4.7.7 Minimum RAM Mode
This mode forces DSPdit to save the actual source, deallocate the memory
before calling an external program. Afterwards, the memory is allocated again
and the source loaded. This allows you to use nearly the full memory for your
external application. The source may be saved under the actual source's name
or under the name of a temporary file. See 4.7.1 Source settings for more.
4.7.8 Load/Save Settings
After you've changed your settings and located all applications you should
save them. Here's a list of what will be saved:
-autoload file
-applications' names
-applications' command line
-screensaver time
-autosave time and flags
-some other settings
This will be saved together with the source:
-time and date of last change
-time and date of creation
-block start and end
-output filename
-show hex setting
-capitalizing settings
5. Various
5.1 Addresses
For bugreports, suggestions, updates etc write to:
Settelmeier Achim (SCY) or John Andreas (Dynacore)
Ruelzheimer Str. 39 Schulzestraße 36
76756 Bellheim 76771 Hoerdt
Email: achim_settelmeier@ka2.maus.de andreas_john@ka.maus.de
(due to the limits of the Mausnet no mails >16kBytes!!!)
Do NOT FORGET to include a DISK for an update as well as a STAMP and an
envelope for a quick reply.
Remember that PD-Soft just lives from feedback! WRITE US!!!
5.2 Thanks
We just want to say thanks to CRAC for fixing bugs and including many features.
Thanks also go to Rebelsoft (Hi Björn&Michael!) for massiv betatesing and long
bugreports :-)
ok, this should do.
Andreas (Dynacore) and Achim (SCY)