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/ No Fragments Archive 9: Jaguar Freeware / nf_archive_nine_v1.0.iso / games / djamjag / diamlow.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2009-02-15  |  297KB  |  824x558  |  16-bit (34,975 colors)
Labels: crt screen | lodestone | map | monitor | poster | sky | towel | tree | umbrella
OCR: JAKWMRE Diam Jab am vau EENESHED TIME: 00 ONLINE COREHBBPN Playino Diamiag breeze choose the direction of your sphere, watch it rol until hits an obstade repeat collect every on the board Seems simplistic You will soon discover that solving he 28 mind- l-boggling sometimes trickier than looks But completing the game only the beginning. At the end of each level you are given code keep track of how fast you were Bv entering this code on the Diamjag website you can compete against players from all over the for the first place! By the some people claim ha entering an arcane combination on the title screen reveals wil you discover the truth nttp./ diamjag.jagware.org JAGUAR Tout Public Kids to adults http:/ /www.jagware.org JAKURE FINISHED Playing Four Seees levels world frst JAQUARE OJAGUAR TA ...