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/ No Fragments Archive 9: Jaguar Freeware / nf_archive_nine_v1.0.iso / pics / ironsad.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  2008-02-27  |  1MB  |  1123x1580  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: book | olive | poster | skis | train | windowpane
OCR: M AR HELL unless fyou Wethe dont city youre in 40-Ft. robot you're in. use rocka witl aunc surder level it ithe Gaunt'et helicopterc Tred from vour75mm issat No Japuom pooplo RON hate var You spenc ISOLDIER days stuck trench with notting morc than wimpy riffe and bae haircut. Luckily when you play iron the 64-bit Atari Japuar YOUI'PE not the average arunt You're the most owesome combat machine embled. Your miaston: help resistance annihllate the evit tror Fist Enterprises pud their army mechanical soldiers Your bottlefleld: different cityscapes Your arsenal: The bas stalen 40-ft robot with encugh cityecaoos artillery T wipe out Hew Yark City nd terlur Ust chainsaw sllce through mEDDEC skyecrepare bridges rocket louncher to blo'r away tanks and crulse missle level enttre city blocks Forget ...