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README for ST-Guide Lite
Programmed by Holger Weets (c) 1994. For more details refer to the
ST-Guide HYPertext after installing ST-Guide.
ST-Guide Lite is a cut down version of the full ST-Guide hypertext system
and is ONLY for distribution with other applications which use ST-Guide
format documentation.
The files included in this archive or on the disk comprise the official
English version of ST-Guide Lite and may NOT under any circumstances be
distributed via BBSs, Mailboxes and PD libraries or included on Magazine
Cover disks, Magazine subscriber disks or CD-ROM collections without the
prior written permission of both Holger Weets and Joe Connor.
UK Support and registration
ST-Guide is Fairware and supported in the UK by Joe Connor.
Benefits for registered users:
- Access to the free update service
- Labelled Master disk
- ST-Guide illustrated on-line catalogue of supported software
- ST-Guide on-line help
- Selection of other software (dependent on disk space)
The Shareware/registration fees are set to cover the currency handling,
stationary, media and postage costs incurred in mailing out master disks.
How to register inside the UK
2) Make a cheque payable to at least £6 to Joe Connor.
3) Be sure to include your name and address in a legible format!
4) Send cheque to: 65 Mill Road, Colchester, CO4 5LJ, England
Joe Connor can be contacted by Email at: jconnor@cix.compulink.co.uk
Brief Installation guide (refer to the ST-Guide HYPertext for more info)
To minimise the risk of other software affecting the installation of
ST-Guide perform the installation after a reboot on a 'clean' minimum
Extracting the archives (Skip if your version is already extracted)
Extract the contents of the archives OR copy the contents of the
master disk onto the root directory of your boot partition/disk.
Either method should preserve the directory structure and ensures ST-GUIDE
can locate its files. Double check to ensure ST-GUIDE.ACC and ST-GUIDE.INF
reside in the root directory of the boot partition or disk.
Configuring ST-Guide Lite (Only neccessary if not pre-configured)
Using a text editor (eg Everest) you can edit the example ST-GUIDE.INF
below and save it as ST-GUIDE.INF. Carefully read through the options.
Each option is described in detail followed by the option line itself.
Lines preceded with a '#' character are NOT currently active.
ST-GUIDE should not be renamed as some applications which offer on-line
help may not be able to find it.
Example ST-GUIDE.INF file:
------------------------------ cut here ---------------------------------
# **** Please edit this ST-Guide INF file to your requirements ****
# This file is configured with hard drive users in mind but floppy based
# users can easily set up a RAM disk as drive C: and run ST-Guide from
# there.
# To edit this file load it into any ASCII text editor (for example
# Everest, Tempus etc) and edit the paths as desired.
# By default ST-Guide looks for a 'GUIDES' folder on 'C', which contains
# all your 'HYP and 'REF' files, and a 'STGUIDE' folder also on 'C' which
# contains the utilities.
# Lines beginning with the '#' symbol (like this line) are comments and
# are ignored by ST-Guide.
# Default search path, where ST-Guide looks for 'HYP' hypertexts:
# Default directory ST-Guide opens when calling the File Selector.
# HCP also compiles to this path:
# An external viewer, which must be memory resident can be used to
# display unknown file types:
# A list of file extenders and paths to external viewers may follow:
# The hypertext file to be loaded via the ST-Guide 'Catalog' option or
# when ST-Guide is started without parameters:
# The file used to find references:
# ST-Guide can use GDOS screen fonts if loaded, the code determines the
# font used. Refer to main documentation for syntax details:
# The following two variables are only relevant in colour resolutions and
# are ignored in monochrome resolutions.
# TXTCOLOR displays text in the specified colour.
# REFCOLOR displays references in the specified colour using the
# normal typestyle (NOT bold and underlined).
# Default colours (Note! Your system may change these values!):
# 0=White 1=Black 2=Red 3=Green
# 4=Blue 5=Cyan 6=Yellow 7=Magenta
# 8=Grey 9=Dark grey 10=Dark red 11=Dark green
# 12=Dark blue 13=Dark cyan 14=Dark yellow 15=Dark magenta
# HCP is used to compile STG files into HYP files. STool uses this entry
# to 'compile':
# The number of spaces a tab will be expanded to is set here:
# This variable is provided to install ARROWPATCH. This patch corrects a
# bug in the AES which prevents the scroll bars in windowed accessories
# from working correctly with certain TOS versions.
# If you exerience this behaviour activate this patch ON (by removing
# the preceding #).
# This patch is not needed if you are running WINX, MagiC, MTOS or
# already running ARROWPATCH.
# The first two values set the top left corner of the window. The
# next two values set the bottom right corner for the ST-Guide window:
# This file will be loaded automatically if ST-Guide is started without
# parameters:
# These options are used automatically when HCP is called:
# These options pass parameters from ST-Guide to HypTree:
# Special HypTree options
# Here the default size of the HypTree window can be displayed.
# If these variables are not defined, the size and position of the last
# window will be used, if available.
# Using this switch you can decide whether all pages are included in the
# HypTree structure (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
# This variable sets the position of the triangle in the window
# 0 = With the text, 1 = On the left hand margin of the window.
# The following command line is sent to HypTree from ST-Guide (via
# VA_START) after a double click of the user on the menu bar name of any
# hypertext page. The following strings are replaced with the actual
# values when called:
# %p Pathname of the hypertext file
# %n Name of the hypertext file (without path)
# %s The internen name of the hypertext page
HT_CALLSTG=-s1 %p %s
# The following command line is to ST-Guide from HypTree so that the
# actual hypertext is closed:
# That's it!
------------------------------ cut here ---------------------------------
15th March 1994