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- What's the difference between the United States and Eastern Eupropean
- countries?
- The United States still has a communist party.
- ----------------------------------------------------
- At recent trade talks the American representative offered to sell
- sophisticated American telephone technology to the soviets.
- American : "And in the United States, anyone can pick up any phone
- and dial 9-1-1. This will record the call and connect them
- with the police."
- Soviet : "In the Soviet Union we don't require that you dial anything."
- ----------------------------------------------------
- A Russian walks into a bar and orders a beer. "That will be
- one ruble," says the bartender. "One ruble!" the customer protests,
- "last week it was only fifty kopeks!" "Well," replies the bartender,
- "it's fifty kopeks for the beer and fifty kopecs for the perestroika."
- Reluctantly, the customer gives the bartender a ruble, and is surprised
- when the bartender gives him back fifty kopecs and explains, "We are
- out of beer."
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Following the recent events in Europe, the East-Berliner authorities intend
- to destroy the Wall as soon as possible. In order to let a trace of in in
- front of history, they want to build a commemorative monument. Several
- projects have been proposed by other countries :
- . the French offered to ship them the Eiffel Tower
- . the American said they would give a piece of the Bay Bridge
- . Honecker proposed a hefty concrete monument, about 20 feet high,
- 40 miles long...
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- The world famous gymnast Nadia Comenci(sp ?) was jumping over Romania- Hungary
- fenced border in gymanstic style. The judges were holding 10 pts. banner.
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- There's no Truth in the Light and no Light in the Truth.
- Pravda = Truth, and Isvestia = Light.
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- >From the New York Times, 11/7/89:
- Q. Do you know what prizes the communists are now offering for
- recruiting new party members?
- A. If you get one new member, you don't pay dues. Two new members, you
- can quit the party. And for three, you get a certificate saying you
- were never a member.
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Source: TT (Swedish News Agency)
- Belgrad. The Jugoslavia magazine OSMICA presented in its latest issue
- "socialisms' six miracles", which explained "why everyone is happy in
- countries where socialism is practiced".
- The first miracle is that there is no any unemployment while at the
- same time no one works, the Osmica writes.
- And the second miracle is that no one works but everyone still gets salary.
- "However while everyone gets salary there is nothing to buy", the Osmica
- writes about the third miracle.
- And although there is nothing to buy, everyone still has
- everything that he wants to have.
- Osmica regards the fifth miracle to be that although everyone has all he
- wants, he is still unhappy.
- "The last miracle is that although everyone is unhappy he still votes for
- the communist party in election", the Yogoslavia magazine concludes.
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- 10. Shirt & Shoes no longer necessary for service at 7-11
- 9. Parliament to be replaced by The O'Jays
- 8. Meetings of the Hair Club for Men now held openly
- 7. Country no longer responsible for dry cleaning left after 30
- days
- 6. In event of free elections, Presidency may not be held by guy
- from "Hey, Vern" commercials
- 5. New national anthem to be "Rikki Don't Lose That Number"
- 4. Official government new service to be replaced by Larry
- King's column
- 3. No law enacted without expressed written consent of major
- league baseball
- 2. Nation to be divided into Corn Czechoslovakia & Rice
- Czechoslovakia
- 1. Right to party membership now just right to party!
- 10. Seaport fireworks and car bomb display
- 9. Double frequent flyer mileage on all hijacked planes
- 8. Monster truck rally on rubble of U.S. Embassy
- 7. Blood-of-our-Enemies chug-a-lug
- 6. Radio Tehran organizes wet-veil contest
- 5. Diet Coke sponsors 3-D execution of 1200 petty thieves
- 4. Shah's old palace reopened as world's largest Benetton
- 3. Lackluster prime-time special with a lot of clips from old
- shows
- 2. New tourism slogan: "Throw another hand on the barbie"
- 1. Everybody tries Bermuda shorts for the day
- ----------------------------------------------------
- I was driving through the country, and there were some cows by the side
- of the road. We're all mature adults, so we've all done this: I leaned
- my head out of the car window, and yelled, "Moooooooooo." Like we
- expect that cow to be thinking, "Hey, there's a cow driving that car!
- How can he afford that?"
- ----------------------------------------------------
- The Board of Trustees of (fill in University here) want to find
- out if the profs. really know their stuff. So they decide to ask
- the profs. "What's two plus two?" They go to the Math Dept. and
- the response is "Oh, that's easy, it's four." So they write that
- down and go to the Physics Dept. and the response is "Oh, it's
- 4.00000000 with an uncertainty of another place." Then they go
- to the College of Engineering and the response is "Just a minute
- while I get my handbook." Finally, they go to the School of
- Management and the Accounting Dept. and there the response is
- (said in a low voice) "What do you want it to be?"
- This one is for all you engineers out there:
- The Board of Trustees, not convinced by the performance in the
- previous joke, decides to test the profs. again. First they
- take a Math prof. and put him in a room. Now, the room contains
- a table and three metal spheres about the size of softballs. They
- tell him to do whatever he want with the balls and the table in
- one hour. After an hour, he comes out and the Trustees look in
- and the balls are arranges in a triangle at the center of the table.
- Next, they give the sme test to a physics prof. After an hour,
- they look in, and the balls are stacked one on top of the other
- in the center of the table. Finally, the give the test to an
- Engineering prof. After an hour, they look in and one of the balls
- is broken, one is missing, and he's carrying the third out in
- his lunchbox.
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Andy wants a job as a signalman on the railways. He is told to meet the
- inspector at the signal box. The inspector puts this question to him:
- "What would you do if you realised that 2 trains were heading for each
- other on the same track?"
- Andy says,"I would switch the points for one of the trains."
- "What if the lever broke?" asked the inspector.
- "Then I'd dash down out of the signal box," said Andy,"and I'd use the manual
- lever over there."
- "What if that had been struck by lightning?"
- "Then," Andy continues,"I'd run back into the signal box and phone the next
- signal box."
- "What if the phone was engaged?"
- "Well in that case," persevered Andy,"I'd rush down out of the box and use
- the public emergency phone at the level crossing up there."
- "What if that was vandalised?"
- "Oh well then I'd run into the village and get my uncle Silas."
- This puzzles the inspector, so he asks, "Why would you do that?"
- Came the answer, "Because he's never seen a train crash."
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Hind's Law #6:
- Make it possible to write programs in English and you will quickly discover
- that programmers do not know how to write in English.
- Steinbach's Rule:
- Never test for an error condition you don't know how to handle.
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Ok, so I don't mind Canada's new Shiny Gold (coloured) $1 coins,
- but some of our government officials are having a hard time with them.
- They are spending hours trying to take the foil wrapper off
- to get at the chocolate inside!
- ----------------------------------------------------
- One day God was idle, and he decided to check up on his favourite
- forms of life on Earth. After observing the Huns for a while, he visits
- their leadership, and offers to give them a commandment, they ask him what
- the commandment is, and God says "Thou shalt not kill your fellow humans",
- the Huns politely tell God that if they observed his commandment they would
- be hard pressed to find other means of earning a living and they decline.
- God then visits the Romans, and confers with their leadership, he offers
- them the commandment "Thou shalt not commit adultery", the Romans also decline,
- citing that they are mere mortals and that they intend to enjoy life to its
- fullest during their stay on Earth.
- God is fairly frustrated by now, and in a dejected mood approaches the
- Hebrews and offers them a commandment, the Hebrew leadership asks "How much
- will it cost ?" God replies "Why, it is absolutely free".
- "Then give us ten" says the Hebrew chief.
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- This Ham sandwich walks into a bar and orders a drink
- The bartender says "Sorry we don't serve food here"
- ----------------------------------------------------
- A Boy Scout was walking along the waterfront one day, looking at the
- ships and trying to idenitfy the knots. However, he soon came across one
- which he couldn't identify, holding a shipping crate to the dock. He
- went up and peered at it, but couldn't figure it out. Finally he burst out,
- "What is this thing??? It looks like a random tangle to me!" And the
- ropes spoke: "No, I'm a freight knot!"
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Your man Murphy applied for an engineering position at an Irish firm based
- in Dublin. An American applied for the same job and both applicants having
- the same qualifications were asked to take a test by the Department manager.
- Upon completion of the test both men only missed one of the questions. The
- manager went to Murphy and said.
- Manager: "Thankyou for your interest, but we've decided to give the American
- the job"
- Murphy: "And why would you be doing that? We both got 9 questions correct.
- This being Ireland and me being Irish I should get the job!"
- Manager: "We have made our decisions not on the correct answers, but on the
- question you missed."
- Murphy: "And just how would one incorrect answer be better than the other?"
- Manager: "Simple, the American put down on question #5, "I don't know.", You
- put down "Neither do I." :~)
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Dave Barry on School Projects:
- A lot of children have trouble remembering instructions, which is why we
- parents often find out about school projects at the very last minute, usually
- from other parents. "Didn't you hear?" they'll say. "Each child is supposed
- to come in tomorrow with a model of a medieval village made entirely from
- typewriter parts." School projects generally contain an element of inexplicable
- weirdness. I think this is a form or revenge on the part of the teachers,
- getting even with us parents for spending our day in adult company while
- they're stuck in crowded rooms trying to get our children to stop writing
- their 5's backward. I bet they have fun at teachers' meetings, thinking up
- projects to inflict on us. ("I've got it! We have them make a cement
- volcano that erupts real ketchup!" "No, we had them do that last year.")
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Murphy's Law and related sayings:
- Leakproof seals... will.
- Self starters... will not.
- If you're feeling good, don't worry, you'll get over it.
- All warranties expire upon payment of invoice.
- If you try to please everyone, no one will like it.
- A pipe gives a wise man time to think and a fool something to put in his
- mouth.
- There's never time to do it right, but there's always time to do it over.
- Everything east of the San Andreas fault will eventually plunge into the
- Atlantic ocean.
- If everything seems to be going well, then you obviously don't know what the
- hell is going on.
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Why is there a "pair" of panties and "one" bra?
- You don't get on an airplane, you get in one.
- Does a car actually make a corner?
- Have you ever really turned a computer on?
- And why do they call them apartments if they are all stuck together?
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Willie the Wino walked into Joe's Liquor Store one wet and windy November
- evening. "I'd like a fifth of port," he said.
- "Any particular brand?" said Joe.
- "Got any Almaden?" Willie asked.
- "Nope," said Joe. "Will you take Gallo instead?"
- "Sure," replied Willie. "Any port in a storm."
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- (Here's a philosophy I can relate to!)
- Rick Reynolds on PBS's "Comedy Tonight":
- "Eat every cookie as if it's the LAST cookie!"
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- An only-in-California Bumper Sticker:
- "The Weather is Here ... Wish You Were Beautiful!"
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- Bumper Sticker:
- UFO'S are REAL.
- The Air Force doesn't exist.
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- A friend of mine told me about an experience of his after getting into
- a serious car accident. He's a very sarcastic fellow, and when he awoke
- in the hospital he was a bit miffed at an orderly who was making this
- inane conversation while he was trying to read... "Guess that was a
- pretty bad accident? Huh? Guess you really got hurt bad? Huh? Guess
- your car is really totalled? Huh? Guess you really lost control of the
- car? Huh? Guess.... "
- My friend finally said, "No, I intentionally went off the road at 75 miles
- an hour, through the guiderail, over a culvert trench, ricocheted off two
- rocks and smacked into a tree after rolling the car over." Then the orderly
- finally left, and my friend took his pills and went to sleep.
- My friend couldn't figure out why he woke up restrained in a hospital bed in the
- psycho ward.... Guess they don't train orderlies in sarcasm.
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Unanswered Questions:
- How can people ignore the petitioners in front of the supermarket, then
- complain about the sorry state of our government?
- How can a book print explicit instructions for manufacturing illegal drugs and
- get away with it because of a disclaimer about the book being for
- entertainment purposes only?
- Whatever happened to the manned Mars mission that President Bush promised us?
- How could a backwards nation like the Soviet Union become our main rival?
- Why do smokers think they have the right to litter the world with cigarette
- butts?
- Why is Tia Molly's, a Mexican restaurant, run by Chinese people?
- If time stopped, would we notice it?
- Why doesn't any businesses want to take a MINOR credit card?
- Does anyone NOT speed on Eastgate Mall between Genesee and Miramar Rd.?
- Why didn't they design compact discs to hold ninety minutes?
- ----------------------------------------------------
- A couple sat in their living room, watching TV. The
- phone rang. The husband picked it up, listened for a
- moment, said "Yes, it certainly is!" and hung up.
- A few minutes later the phone rang again. Again the
- man answered it, listened, said "Yes, you're right, it
- certainly is!" and hung up. A third time this happened.
- His wife turned to him and asked, "What was that all
- about?" He replied, "Oh, some idiot is calling me up
- just to tell me it's a long distance from Cleveland."
- ----------------------------------------------------
- I was driving to work this morning when all of a sudden, a little
- elf appeared on the seat next to me.
- "I'll grant you any wish you like," he said.
- "Why don't I get three wishes?" I asked.
- "Because I'm an elf, not a genie!" he said.
- "Ok," I said, "I'd like to have $1000 for every day of the rest
- of my life."
- The elf thought a minute, then gave me a $50.