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The Revenge Document Display System
Written by The Hitchhiker
Release 2.27 - 21st June 1992
Document Displayer Manual - The Hitchhiker's Guide
Welcome to the Revenge Document Display System. This document
also covers the custom versions of this system:
The Atari User Group (Scotland) Text Displayer.
The Teddystacker Document Displayer.
Merlin's Document Displayer.
The Floppyshop Document Displayer.
The SOFTViLLE Document Displayer.
The Public Dominator Document Displayer.
The STUG Norway Document Displayer.
The PVK Document Displayer.
The Crown Software International Doc Displayer.
Arrow PD Document Displayer.
The South West Software Library Doc Displayer.
The Tumblevane Document Displayer
The Dazzz Displayer
The GL-PD Document Displayer
The Revenge Document Displayer will load, display and print out
any ASCII document. So what..?, you may ask... so does the ST's
desktop, but what makes the RDD so special is the little (well,
quite extensive) extras. You can scroll documents up and down at
amazing speeds, search for special characters, words, or phrases,
print out parts of a document, and much much more....read on for
more info....!
How to load a document...
1.. There are many ways to load a document into the RDD.
Probably the easiest is to just load the displayer and use the
built-in file-selector.
2.. The second way is to install it as an application on the
desktop, so that when you double-click on a document the RDD will
be loaded and the appropriate document auto-loaded. There are
some problems with this method on TOS 1.0 machines, if you have
this version of TOS then the RDD must be on the same disk, and
probably the same directory (folder). This is a TOS problem and
not one of my many...!
3.. Yet Another Way (YAW - sounds like a unix program...!) to
load a document is to rename the RDD to DISPLAY.TTP and enter a
document name on the command line.
4.. (PROGRAMMERS ONLY)...Launch the RDD from another program
using the GEMDOS Pexec() function. The command line should
contain the name of the document that you want to load, or
nothing if you want to use the built-in file-selector. The RDD
will return a value of 0 (ok) on exit. All colours and screen
resolution will be restored.
5.. If you own a copy of NeoDesk3 then you can install the RDD as
the default text displayer. This way any document will be shown
using the RDD. Consult the NeoDesk3 manual on how to do this.
The File Selector...
The file selector is used to select which file that you wish
to load. You are presented with a list of files (in alphabetical
order) with any directories at the top. You may scroll the list
up and down using the arrow keys or the mouse. To select a file
simply highlight it in the centre of the screen and press RETURN,
ENTER, SPACE or the LEFT BUTTON on the mouse. To exit from the
file selector without selecting a file press UNDO or the RIGHT
BUTTON on the mouse. All active disk drives / hard disk
partitions are listed at the bottom of the screen. To select a
different partition simply press the corresponding letter, for
example 'C' for drive C. The 'special directory' <parent> will
take you to the directory above the current one.
Document Formatting...
Once a document has been loaded it will be formatted. During
this process the RDD will count the number of lines in the
file, wrap any lines that are greater than 80 characters in
length, expand tabs, and calculate the number of pages.
When a document is printed the RDD paginates it automatically to
fit the selected page size (11 or 12 inch). If you want to force
a page break in a document then place the characters @# at the
beginning of a blank line. The RDD will interpret these
characters as a page break and will not display or print them.
For example:
Welcome to Automation Disk 2000.
But the Pompey Pirates are the best by far....!
will be split over 2 different pages.
Special Documents...
Special documents are files that have been treated in a special
way. Currently two sorts of special documents are supported,
Encripted documents and Packed documents.
Encripted documents are used to enable you to distribute your
text files without worrying about other people altering them,
because they won't be able to make any sense of it... Only the
RDD will be able to de-cript the text...! The encription program
'CRIPT.TOS' is supplied with the RDD.
Packed documents are supported to allow you to put as many
documents on a disk as possible. To pack a document, use the
brilliant 'Pack Ice v2.40'. Select the 'data' and 'no picture
compression' in the packer. If you want to pack AND encript a
document then encript it first.
Displayer Controls...
Arrow Keys - Scroll Up / Down a line
Shift Arrow Keys - Scroll Up / Down a screen.
Enter / Return - Scroll down a line.
Space Bar - Scroll down a screen of text.
Alternate T - Goto the top of the document.
Alternate B - Goto the bottom of the document.
Alternate G - Goto a line.
You are asked to enter a line number to goto. If you want
to go forward 10 lines then enter +10, to go back 20 lines
enter -20. To goto the start of a marked block (if any)
then enter *.
Alternate F - Search the document for a phrase.
You are asked to enter the phrase that you wish to search
for. You will then be asked if you want the search to be
case sensitive. A case sensitive search is about twice as
fast as a non-sensitive one. The search for the phrase is
started from the top of the document.
Alternate N - Find Next Occurrence of a phrase.
Searches the document for the next occurrence of the phrase
that you originally searched for using ALT-F.
Shift Function Key - Set Bookmark.
Allows you to remember the current position in the document.
Function Key - Goto Bookmark.
Goes to a previously set bookmark.
Control T - Set TAB width.
Allows you to set the size of the TAB control code. Normal
values are 4 or 8. (default setting = 4).
Alternate S - Start Block.
Sets the start of a block at the top of the screen. See
'End Block' for more details.
Alternate E - End Block.
Sets the end of a block at the bottom of the screen. After
you have marked the start and the end of a block, and it is
valid, the block will be shown in reverse text. If you hold
down one of the SHIFT keys while selecting ALT E or ALT S,
you will be asked to enter a line number at which to start
or end a block. If you enter +10 the marker will be moved
forward 10 lines, -3 will go back 3 lines. If you enter an
invalid number the markers will remain unchanged.
WARNING: If you use Harlekin (the ultimate DA) and you have
the macros enabled, pressing SHIFT-ALT-E will bring up the
editor..! To get round this you can either (i) disable
Harlekin macros, or (ii) select 'End Block' from the pop-up
menu while holding down the SHIFT key.
Alternate H - Hide Block.
Kills (un-marks) any previously marked block.
Alternate M - Bookmark Menu.
Allows you to set, goto and erase bookmarks using to mouse.
Control S - Save Bookmarks.
Saves the current bookmarks that are set to disk. These
will then be automatically loaded in next time that you view
this document.
Control G - Change text size.
This option allows users of hi-res monitors to display 42
lines of text instead of the normal 21. This function is
disabled when you are using a colour monitor.
Alternate C - Set Printer Configuration.
Allows you to configure the displayer to output the correct
data to your printer.
Alternate P - Print whole document.
Prints the whole of the document using the current
configuration. Don't forget to set the config before you
start printing. You can stop printing by holding down both
shift keys.
Alternate W - Print block.
Prints a previously marked block using the current
Alternate L - Load Document.
Displays the file selector and asks you to pick a file to
Alternate X - Execute Another Program.
Displays the file selector and asks you to pick a program to
execute. You may run any program that exits cleanly and
doesn't do to many nasty things (see the note on
compatibility below). You are then asked if you want to
delete the current document. If you delete the document
then the space taken up by it is released to the operating
system. When the program finishes you will be returned to
the displayer.
Zero (colour) - Toggle Hz
Switches between the screen scan rates of 50 and 60 Hertz.
Zero (mono) - Toggle Colours
Reverses the screen colours.
Tab - Display Pop-up Menu.
Displays a pop-up menu so that you can execute various
functions. Select an item by highlighting it and hitting
Alternate A - Autoscroll Mode.
Allows you to scroll the document without holding down a
key. You are asked to enter a speed, this is the amount of
time (in 200/ths of a second) before the screen is scrolled.
You must now tell the scroller which way to scroll up or
down, and what to do when the start/end of the document is
reached, press 'b' to bounce the document up and down, press
'w' to wrap the document, press 'S', (or anything else) to
stop scrolling. If you want to stop the scrolling then hold
down both Shift keys.
Alternate Q / Undo - Exit the Doc Displayer.
Mouse Control...
At any time you may use the mouse instead of the keyboard.
Moving up / down is the same as pressing the up / down arrow
keys. The left button can be used to select items or to call up
the main selection menu. The right button is used to either
cancel a pop-up or to call-up the file selector.
Pop-up Menu...
To activate the pop-up menu then either hit TAB or press the Left
mouse button. This allows you to select various functions
without using the keyboard combinations (ALT+key). Use the
Up/Down keys or the mouse to highlight the required function and
hit Space, Return or Left mouse button to select. Press Escape
or the Right mouse button to cancel the menu without selecting.
Printer Configuration...
The printer config menu can be accessed by pressing Alternate C
or selecting it from the pop-up.
Page length can be set to either 12 (A4) or 11 (normal
listing) inches.
Page width can be set to anything from 10 to 255 characters.
So if you want to print out a program listing on wide
listing paper, set this to 132. The displayer will handle
any line / page conversions that are necessary.
You may set the Left Margin for a print out. This is the
amount of spaces that are printed on the left hand side of
the text. This may vary from 0 to 99. If you enter * then
the displayer will select a value that is suitable for the
current document.
If you specify 'page numbers' then the page number will be
printed at the bottom of each page.
'Pause between pages' forces the displayer to pause after
every page is printed. This allows you to print on single
sheets, or produce double sided output.
If you select 'Print Quality = NLQ' then the displayer will
send codes to change the printer to NLQ mode. Note: this
will only work with Epson compatible printers.
If you select 'Bold Printing' then the displayer will send
codes to change the printer to emphasized mode. Note: this
will only work with Epson compatible printers.
The 'Send codes to printer' option allows you to send
various codes to the printer. If you enter '27' then the
ascii code 27 will be sent to the printer. Entering 'A'
will send the character 'A' (ascii 65).
You may also select which printer that any output will be
sent to. If 'serial' is selected then the current RS232
port settings will apply.
A printer driver facility allows your printer to print
almost all of the ST's character set. To edit a printer driver,
select 'Edit Printer Driver' from the Printer Config Menu. The
way that printer drivers have been implemented is as follows:
For each of the ST's characters there exists a translation table
for your printer. For example the ST character Ç (ascii 128) may
not be supported on your printer but you could simulate it by
printing a 'C' with a ',' printed over the top, so the
translation would be '67 8 44'. You can allocate up to 9 printer
codes for each of the ST's characters. This allows you to do
strange things like double height text on some characters. If
the ST's character is the same as your printer's character then
just enter the ST's ascii code.
You may save your printer driver to disk once you have built
it, and load it back in each time that you want to print. The
driver file will be saved to the same directory that the Doc
Displayer was loaded from. All you have to do is enter an 8
character filename, the extender '.RDD' will be added by the Doc
Displayer. NOTE: if the doc displayer is loaded automatically by
using 'Install Application' then the driver files will be saved
to the same directory as the document.
I've built a couple of drivers for a the printers listed below,
these should be on the same disk as the displayer.
Standard Printer (no translation, works with SMM804)
Star LC24 (should also work with LC10)
Epson FX series
Panasonic KX-P1081 (not tested)
The original version of the displayer (v1.xx) had a few
compatibility problems with some versions of TOS, but with
version 2 these have been eliminated (I hope). The Doc displayer
should work on any version of TOS, even the TT (TOS 3) in an ST
compatible screen mode.
The displayer will work in all of the ST's standard screen
modes but NOT on large screen displays such as Hyperscreen or
Moniterm, at best the screen will become corrupt or the machine
may even crash.
If your printer does not support Epson control codes, then
don't use the NLQ or BOLD options on the printer configuration
There is a problem if you run the displayer in low rez with
Turbo ST (1.8x) installed. The 'bug' shows itself when you exit
the displayer. You will see that the screen colour planes have
become offset. This must be a problem with TurboST because the
Doc displayer only uses legal BIOS calls to change screen
resolution. This bug only happens occasionally.
The ability to launch another program from within the
displayer can reveal a great many incompatibilities. You can
only safely launch a 100% legal program. If you run a 'naughty'
program then the Doc displayer may crash or produce unpredictable
results. I have successfully used programs such as:
HiSoft Basic v2.02
Lattice C5.51
Devpac 2.25
KnifeST v1.1
First Word +
Script 2
Fastcopy Pro
ProFlight (v1.2)
DC Utils
Michtron Hard Disk Utils
any many more...
If the document displayer is ran from the AUTO folder (yes it
can be..!), or if you call it .TOS or .TTP you may not be able to
execute programs that use GEM (VDI or AES). This is a TOS
Note for Techies: The Doc displayer uses the GEMDOS 'Pexec' call
to run programs. The default Gemdos path is set to the directory
that the program is in. If you choose to unload the current
document before executing a program then the memory that is taken
up by that document will be returned to the pool, this may result
in the free memory space being fragmented, therefore the executed
program may not be able to use it. If memory space gets too
fragged then the ST seems to get a little upset... Talk to Atari
about this one NOT me...!
About the Doc Displayer...
The original version of the displayer was written in HiSoft
Basic, but from version 2.00 onwards it is written in Lattice C5.
Small pieces of assembler have also been written to speed things
up a little bit.
Thanks go to:
Teddystacker - Beta Testing, Ego Boosting, Distribution.
Tempest - Fast memory moving routine (v2.01).
Thor - Title screen graphics
Axe of Delight - Depack Routine.
HiSoft - Lattice C5.5.
The Alien - Inspiration.
Mark Matts - The Official Hitchhiker Support BBS
(System ST - 0533 413443 22:00-06:00)
(FidoNet: 2:255/375.3)
(NeST: 90:1004/106.3)
The following PD libraries always stock the latest version
of The Revenge Doc Displayer:
Goodman Enterprises, 16 Conrad Close, Meir Hay Estate,
Longton, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 1SW
Atari User Group (Scotland), 9/3 North Hillhousefield,
Edinburgh EH6 4MU.
Warpzone PDL, 53 Ropewalk, River Street, St Judes,
Bristol BS2 9EG
The ST Club, 2 Broadway, Nottingham NG1 1PS
TRuST PD, 18 The Park, Southowram, Halifax HX3 9QY
The South West Software Library, PO Box 562, Wimborne,
Dorset BH21 2YD
MT Software, Greensward House, The Broadway, Totland,
I.O.W. PO39 0BX
PD.ST, 95 Elton Road, Sandbach, Cheshire CW11 9NF
Floppyshop, 45 Provost Graham Avenue, Hazlehead,
Aberdeen AB1 8HB
L.A.P.D. 80 Lee Lane, Langley, Heanor, Derbyshire DE7 7HN
SOFTViLLE Computer Supplies, Unit 5, Stratfield Park,
Elettra Avenue, Waterlooville, Hants PO7 7XN
Public Dominator, PO Box 801, Bishop's Stortford,
Hertfordshire CM23 3TZ
Freaks Public Domain Library, 29 Leap Valley Crescent,
Downend, Bristol BS16 6TQ
B-Soft Public Domain, 33 Corsham Road, Calcot, Reading,
Berkshire RG3 5ZH.
Atari ST User Group Norway PD Library, c/o S.A.Jensen,
N-3630 Rødberg, NORWAY.
New World PD, 43 Ingleby Way, Wallington, Surrer SM6 9LP.
Arrow PD, 6 Kents Orchards, Perry Street, South Chard,
Somerset TA20 2QB.
Tumblevane PDL, 6 West Road, Emsworth, Hampshire PO10 7JT.
If you have any problems getting the latest version then
send me £2.00 (or £1.00 if you supply your own disk), and
I'll send you the latest version. The Revenge Document
Displayer is also distributed on "The Hitchhiker's
PD/Shareware Disk V2.00" - highly acclaimed by most PD
libraries. This disk is available from the above libraries.
The Revenge Document Displayer is Shareware (some 'custom
versions' are not) and may only be distributed for profit by
registered organisations. Public Domain / Shareware Libraries
may become registered by sending a fee of £10.00 to me at the
address below. Any groups/packers/crackers etc may use the
displayer on their menus as long as they greet me, read on if
you'd like your own version.
The HiSoft Basic source code for version 1.93 of The Revenge
Document Displayer has now been released, and is available from
any of the PD libraries mentioned above. The actual code is a
bit of a mess as it has undergone a lot of 'bolt-on' upgrades and
bug fixes. I have also released the bits of machine code that
the Basic version uses (XTRAS.BIN & DOC.BIN). These will need to
be added to your HBASIC.LIB file before you can compile the main
program. This can be achieved by using the BUILDLIB.TTP program
that is included with HiSoft Basic (not Power Basic). Consult
your HiSoft manual for more information.
Custom Versions...
If you would like a custom version of the Document Displayer for
your own use, then send £10.00, your name, address, telephone
number, a black and white medium resolution picture (Degas PI2
please), and a name for the displayer, to me at the following
Stuart Coates
9 Links Road
Kibworth Beauchamp
Leicester LE8 0LD
England UK
CIS: 100010,2106
BIX: scoates
FidoNet: 2:255/375.3
NeST: 90:1004/106.3
All correspondence will be handled in strict confidence. If you
would like regular updates of your displayer and technical
support then the cost is £30.
History of The Revenge Document Displayer...
Version 1.0 15th April 1990
The very first version was very primitive, and very slow.
All it did was load a text file, scroll it up / down, and
then let you dump it to the printer.
Version 1.1 16th April 1990
A little bit faster, although it is still slow...!
Version 1.2 14th May 1990
Goto Top / Bottom keys, Help screen, Search option,
Version 1.3 15th May 1990
Printer output improved, it now handles page breaks
Version 1.4 26th June 1990
Handle TABs correctly, Scrolling speed increased (66%),
Faster DOC loading time, Funky Title Screen, Changes to
medium rez if you load in low rez.
Version 1.41 1st July 1990
Better Help screen, program structure(?) improved.
Version 1.50 10th July 1990
Almost a complete re-write of the text handling routines.
This resulted in a great speed improvement, and the ability
to handle larger documents.
Version 1.51 11th July 1990
Repeat Search feature, 50/60Hz feature for colour monitors,
Faster TAB handling.
Version 1.52 16th July 1990
Doesn't now crash when you load a document with < 20 lines.
Version 1.53 19th July 1990
Keystroke compatibility with the desktop text viewer.
Faster DOC loading.
Version 1.60 20th July 1990
Support for document encription.
Version 1.70 23rd July 1990
File selector added, loading another document without
quitting feature. The first Teddystacker version.
Version 1.71 10th August 1990
Small bug in the file selector fixed.
Version 1.72 17th August 1990
Very crude packing algorithm supported (this was one of my
Version 1.73 21st August 1990
My packing routine removed. Now supports the ICE packer
v2.11. I think I'll leaving packer writing to the guys who
Version 1.74 22nd August 1990
Automation packer supported.
Version 1.80 24th August 1990
Now you can use pictures in your documents.
Version 1.81 2nd September 1990
Picture dump routine, Printer Configuration screen.
Version 1.82 7th September 1990
Faster text output even though it's still using the BIOS.
Version 1.90 12th October 1990
Very fast text output routines used. These routines out-run
programs like Turbo ST and Quick ST2.
Version 1.91 19th October 1990
Nice font added.
Version 1.92 26th October 1990
Faster text formatting (507%).
Faster scrolling (9%).
Version 1.93 28th October 1990
New file selector that allows you to switch drives.
Mouse scrolling added.
Version 2.00 3rd February 1991
Complete re-write in C (Lattice C version 5).
(The old version was written in HiSoft BASIC).
Better mouse support.
Pop-up menus / interactive windows.
Brilliant file selector.
Now supports only ICE Packer v2.20.
Picture ability removed (nobody used it anyway).
Scrolling speed improved (20%).
Search speed improved (350-800%).
Ability to launch another program from within.
Block marking/printing.
Number of Pages display.
Size of program reduced (about 50%).
Overall Speed of displayer increased.
Loads of new features.
Version 2.01 17th February 1991
Scrolling routines speeded up by 50%.
Text output routines 11-14% faster.
Fileselector bug fixed.
Search from current position feature.
Version 2.02 19th February 1991
Enhanced box drawing.
Help screen cleaned up.
Max lines bug fixed - now doesn't crash.
Version 2.03 26th February 1991
Picture is now displayed properly in medium rez when a
document is auto loaded.
Version 2.04 6th March 1991
Grey-Text implemented for block marking.
Bookmark menu (set bookmarks using the mouse).
Enhanced File Selector (inc scrolling by page).
Printer Drivers Implemented (build your own...!)
Probably the fastest text scrolling on the ST.
Version 2.05 11th March 1991
Compatibility with programs that change the screen position.
Problem with the moving busy-bee has been fixed.
Slightly faster text output ...!
Version 2.06 16th March 1991
Wide carriage printers supported, up to 255 characters.
Left margin printing available.
Version 2.07 18th March 1991
Small font (42 lines) available on hi-res monitors.
Version 2.08 20/26th March 1991
Save bookmarks feature (autoload when you load doc).
File selector enhanced.
Almost all spelling mistakes eliminated.
Version 2.09 20th April 1991
Minor code enhancements
Version 2.10 5th May 1991
Autoscroll feature added.
Version 2.11 18th May 1991
Autoscroll feature enhanced.
Block marking by specifying line numbers.
Initialises and exits 100% legally (probably).
Scrolls text at 49 lines per second...!
Searching speed is over 1900 lines per second...!
Version 2.20 25th May 1991 (never released)
Text formatting is now a lot faster.
Version 2.21 2nd June 1991
Several bugs fixed in the new formatting routines.
Handles VERY LARGE documents better.
Version 2.22 25th June 1991
Text output and scrolling speed increased by about 5%.
Many new 'Custom versions' released.
Version 2.23 1st July 1991
Few minor bug fixes / optimizations.
Version 2.24 22nd February 1992
Handles files that contain lines terminated with just a
line feed (just like UNiX).
Version 2.25 5th May 1992
Fixed problem with programs that use the conterm ($484)
system variable. The shift and alternate keys didn't work
Ice-Packer Depack routines updated to version 2.40.
Version 2.26 7th May 1992
All C code is now ANSI compliant.
Re-compiled using Lattice C v5.51
Minor TT bug fixed.
Version 2.27 21st June 1992
Progress bar added to top of the screen.
Few minor bug fixes.
Version 3.00 Coming Soon...!
Version 3.00 will be a complete re-write not just a minor
upgrade. All coding will be done with the very latest
version of Lattice C v5 (used by Atari Corp) and DevpacST
(version 3 - hopefully, come on HiSoft...!) and will be
written with expandability in mind - no more strange patches
for new features. The specifications for version 3.00 of
The Revenge Document Displayer are currently be worked on,
and coding should start mid 1992. Features that are likely
to make it into this version are:
Multiple documents in memory.
Global searches.
Reverse searches.
Colour support - configurable.
Faster scrolling (maybe VBL sync'd for smoothness).
Save preferences ability.
External RDD modules -
Disk formatting
Disk copying
File manipulation tools
Hex dump utility - view binary files.
If you have any suggestions for this release then please
contact me. All registered users will receive version 3.00
automatically upon release. Applications for beta testers
are welcome.