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ChromaStudio 24 - A Warning.
Warning! This review contains little or no negative criticism. This is not becau
se it has been written by a flag-waving pro-Atari sycophant. It is simply a refl
ection on the sheer quality of the product under scrutiny. Now read on ...
Before you fall off your seat with excitement, I should point out that the follo
wing review covers the 'Beta Test' version of ChromaStudio 24. The full version
has still not been released, due to some undisclosed legal difficulties. However
, the Beta Test version has many of the features of the final product, and serve
s as a good demo. So sit back, and prepare to have your appetite whetted!
ChromaStudio 24, from the semi-legendary Black Scorpion development team, is a F
alcon-specific (hooray) digital animation package, similar to products such as A
utodesk Animator Pro (written for MS-DOS PC systems) and Cyber Paint (written fo
r the Atari ST). Basically, Chroma is a very full featured paint package which a
dds the dimension of time to static pictures, allowing a series of frames to be
created and played in sequence to produce an animated effect. In operation, it's
a bit like a video recorder, allowing you to move quickly between a sequence of
'stills' which comprise the overall 'film'.
Booting Up
Chroma is a very well behaved program, booting up properly from any desktop reso
lution, although this version didn't like the screen expander BlowUp030. The fir
st thing you notice about the software is its very professional interface. If an
yone has used Autodesk Animator or Animator Pro on a PC-contemptible, the menus
and dialogs will look very familiar. Indeed, the whole design of the interface a
ppears to have been based on AA, though such a comparison is a little unfair to
Chroma, which has improved the design to such a point that it is far superior to
its rival. Good use is made of both mouse buttons, allowing activation and conf
iguration of icons with a single click, and the 'feel' of the whole system is ve
ry consistent and responsive.
Frightening Features
The range of tools available for image manipulation is quite daunting. Chroma is
subdivided into a number of different 'studios', each of which contains a numbe
r of iconised 'tools'. Each of these tools controls a specific graphical or anim
ation effect, and most of them have adjustable parameters. Even on the Beta vers
ion (which has a lot of empty space on the toolbars), there are around 40 contro
ls available. But the simplicity of the interface means that a lot can be learne
d after just a few minutes experimentation. Here's a brief summary of each studi
o and what's in it.
Edit Studio
This studio contains most of the traditional image editing tools you would expec
t to find.
Pen - freehand drawing tool with Brush facility and differen
t pen types
Line - draws straight lines
Curve - offers Bezier curves, B-Curve, B-Spline and BetaGon (B
-Spline Polygon)
Box - draws squares & rectangles with optional flood and gra
dient fill options
Circle - draws outline, solid and gradient-fill circles
Polygon - draws multi-sided shapes with outline and filled varia
Fill - flood-fills shapes with solid, gradient or textures (p
Airbrush - A variable-speed, user-definable airbrush tool
Gridlock - sets the mouse pointer grid size
Manual Block Cut - cuts a screen area and creates a 'brush' block
Intelligent Block Cut - cuts an area selectively
Position Block - real time positioning of a block
Paste Block Above - pastes in solid or transparent modes
Paste Block Below - pastes beneath other screen objects
Flip Block Along X/Y - flips block horizontally or vertically
Stretch / Squash Block - stretches block independently in X/Y directions
2D Block Rotate - real-time rotation of a selected block
3D Block Distort - distorts in a weird 3D mode
Remap Block Cols - remaps block/screen colours
Replace Old Colour - swaps an existing colour value for a new one
Specialised Tools Studio
This studio is empty on the Beta Test version, but presumably contains .. err ..
specialised tools.
Morphing Studio
This studio allows 'field warping' effects such as distortion and morphing of on
e image into another. The tools available are as follows:
Add Control Line - Adds a line which controls the warp effect at a speci
fic point on the image
Drag Control Line - Fine tunes the lines which control the warp directions
Kill Control Line - A selective delete facility for control lines
Kill All Lines - Removes all control lines from the work area
Redefine Render Area - Respecify the area used for rendering
Morphing Options - Specifies distort or morph operation with optional pre
Render Frames - Begins the rendering process
This is one of the most powerful of the Chroma studios and makes extensive use o
f the DSP for fast rendering times.
Image Processing Studio
Although currently empty, this studio will probably contain a range of filters w
hich can be applied to an image to produce different photographic effects.
RGB Colour Control Studio
This studio contains a number of tools which I will name, but since none of them
do anything on this version, your guess as to their purpose is as good as mine.
Cut Colours
Paste Colours
Exchange Colours
Spread Colours
Flip Range
Luminosity Sort
Chrominosity Sort
Make Greys
Adjust Colours
Although the Beta Test version has many features disabled, even those which are
present have so many adjustable settings that there isn't space here to describe
them all. This suggests that the finished item will have features to suit users
at all levels of expertise, from novice to professional.
Frame Controller
Sitting below the studio toolbars is the frame controller, which provides contro
ls for moving between frames (screens). This is a very slick item which offers t
he kind of control you get on modern digital video recorders, including jog and
shuttle functions! This panel is available regardless of which studio you are in
. Also available in all modes is the incredible zoom facility, which zips in and
out of an image at lightning speed. Even more impressive is the fact that all o
f Chroma's image editing commands are available during zoom operations, somethin
g that few other packages can boast.
Of course, Chroma's speed is partially due to its extensive use of the DSP chip
for compression/decompression, morphing and goodness knows what else. But it is
also because, unlike most other animation packages, all frames of an animation a
re held, Delta-compressed, in memory. This means that movement between frames is
fast, and playing entire sequences is smooth and seamless. The only limit on th
e number of frames is therefore the amount of available memory on your system.
Other useful controls include a complete macro recording system, a screen & canv
as setup option and there is even a control for accessing MultiTOS.
Display Modes & File Formats
Although Chroma only supports screen sizes of 320 x 200 and 640 x 400 in both Tr
ueColour and 256 colour modes, this can be a window onto a larger virtual screen
. This means that it is possible to create frames of up to 1024 x 786 pixels in
size, assuming that you have the memory to display them. The virtual screen faci
lity must be used in some cases to preserve the aspect ratio of the original pic
ture, as Chroma will shrink pictures to fit the canvas if they are too large.
Pictures (still frames) and animation sequences can be loaded and saved in a var
iety of popular formats. The following list describes all of the available file
types for loading/saving, though most of these were disabled in the Beta Test ve
Pictures Animations Internal Formats
Neochrome .NEO Amiga .IFF Block .BLK
Degas .PI? Cyber Paint .SEQ plane .PLN
Degas Elite .PC? Cyber Studio .DLT umm .DAC
Tiny .TN? Animator .FL?
Amiga .IFF
CompuServe .GIF
MTV Raytrace .MTV
Targa .TGA
Spectrum .SP?
search me .PCS
The Bottom Line
Although the projected release date, supplier and price of ChromaStudio 24 have
yet to be announced, it is clear that this is a package worth saving up for. If
you have any interest at all in still or animated computer graphics, and you hav
e a Falcon, it is almost certain that you will like it. From the moment Chroma s
tarts up, it screams power and professionalism from every pore. If the finished
version fills in the gaps in the test release, Chroma will undoubtedly become on
e of the 'killer applications' the Falcon so desperately needs, and will do for
artists & designers what Cubase Audio is doing for musicians. Watch this space .
ChromaStudio 24, Black Scorpion Software, ú189.99 (provisional price), Supplier
END OF REVIEW (1436 words)