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By Leon O'Reilly of Disk-Maggie
Eddie asked me to write a guest article for his new disk
magazine, so here it is!
Back in the good 'ol days of the ST, Mandarin were one of
the leading software houses pioneering the realm of quality 16-
Bit products. There race game, Lombard RAC Rally stayed in the
chart for years (It's now top of the ST budget charts!), and
they made a wide range of applications including the mini office
series. But perhaps their most successful venture was carried
out in the programming field when Francois Lionet and Constantin
Sotiropoulos created STOS basic. This was a high-level language
which allowed users to easily access sprites, music, scrolling
and more without an indepth knowledge of the ST. Hardened
programmers criticised its simplicity and speed. The general
public lapped it up and it sold in massive quantities. Mandarin
claim that it has shifted 150,000 units and now that it is
bundled with the ST, this is a figure that can but increase.
The language's popularity makes Mandarin's current attitude
a mystery. Originally Francios Lionet was going to completely
rewrite STOS, removing bugs and improving its speed as well as
adding a series of extra commands. But Franny had to do his
national service, and Mandarin lost interest in the idea. With
the release of the STE, many thought that Mandarin would be
forced to release a completely upgraded version of STOS, but
they simply released a patch to get round the bugs that the
STE's TOS caused.
STOS users, disappointed that their language wasn't going to
be fully upgraded, were appeased with the news that Mandarin
were releasing a series of STOS programs that could be used in
conjunction with the language; STOS-Vidi and STOS musician were
just two of the programs heavily featured in the STOS newsletter
which Mandarin has now scrapped. The release of STOS musician
was delayed because of the STE's introduction with its two
channel stereo sound. STOS musician is being re-written, but it
is doubtful that it will see the light of day.
Mandarin's only new release in the STOS field is STOS 3D.
This contains 31 extra commands, but do STOS coders really want a
3D extension? Anyone who wants a simple yet effective way of
creating 3D games will buy Incentive's 3D construction kit and
those who want to make Overlander beating 3D demos will resort to
machine code. This program really falls between two definite
market groups and I doubt it'll be that much of a success. A
person heavily involved in the STOS field has described this
module as no more than 'a joke'.
Mandarin have now turned their eyes to the Amiga and their
new products are being designed for this virus ridden console
with keys. When asked if they were going to upgrade STOS, they
retorted that a language that had sold 150,000 copies was
obviously good enough and didn't need to be upgraded. This is
absolute rubbish, STOS is in dire need of a replacement language.
Too many people are abandoning it and moving over to other
languages whether it's basics like GFA, Hisoft or onto 6800
programming with Devpac.
Mandarin's casual attitude is going to be their downfall.
Even though some excellent results can be achieved with STOS, it
isn't a very well respected language amongst the ST community,
many sneer at it and the similarity between STOSSERS and another
word in the English vocabulary has provoked untold mirth amongst
some people.
Mandarin have to start taking both the ST and STOS seriously
if they want their program to continue in the success it has had
over the last two and a half years. They have to give it a
complete overhaul or release some good new modules for it. If
they continue in the way that they are going, STOS has the life
expectancy of the Sinclair C5.
lO 1991