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by Mike Schuetz, Contributing Editor
CALAMUS SL - First impressions of the new DTP Giant
(C) Atari PD Journal 1991
Original article by Christian Strasheim
translated for Z*NET by Michael Schuetz
Two weeks before the CeBIT, we had the chance to visit DMC, developers
of the DTP program Calamus, at their office in Walluf, Germany, to get
some first hand information about the status of the long awaited Calamus
SL. We became the first to see how intensively DMC is working on the
completion of this product when we saw a sign at the office entrance
showing in form of a countdown, the days left until CeBIT 1991. The
following report is based on a Beta-Version of Calamus SL, that was
given to us by DMC for a first hand test in our editorial office.
Needless to say that we were especially curious about the new program,
since our whole magazine is done with Calamus ever since we started
doing PD Journal in the summer of 1989.
Up front it has to be said that Calamus SL internally almost doesn't
have anything to do anymore with the old Calamus program versions. Due
to the multiple conceptional changes and new features like color
separation, the adaptation of the old Calamus would have been enormous.
DMC has also learned from the many complaints from customers about the
program crashs, occuring with the old versions. So at the development
of the new version the avoiding of crashes and the interception of
errors had high priority. The program crashes that occured during our
tests - after all it still was the Beta version - never led to a
complete system crash, but where intercepted with elegance, so that it
was possible to keep going without the need of rebooting.
The structure of the new Calamus SL is based completely on the principal
of modules: The new Calamus is just the frame program for all the other
modules, that give you the necessary functions to create and edit a
document. Even some of the functions, that were already integrated
within the old Calamus are now called upon as modules (naturally these
essential modules are still included within the whole salespackage). If
for example you have to prepare a series of documents, where you won't
be needing any lines, you do not need to load the line module at all, or
you can specifically remove it from the system memory, to make room for
more working space and save loading time. The concept of modules also
brings other advantages: Additional functions that not everybody will
need, can be offered as modules and in this way they don't eat up memory
and money of the 'normal' user. DMC plans to release several modules
that can raise the value of Calamus SL and with this concept the user
has the chance to 'build' himself a version of Calamus that fits his own
needs in the best way. Also, third party software developers will be
offered the chance to receive the necessary information from DMC to
produce their own modules for Calamus SL.
Import & Export
The modular concept has also been transformed in the matter of drivers
for the import- and export-functions. In the old versions the routines
for import and export of pictures and text files were integrated
directly within the main program. Now the equivalent conversion-
routines are offered as external modules, too. This is a very big
advantage when a new format - be it text or picture - will be
introduced. It can be expected that either DMC or another developer
will release new drivers for this format for usage with Calamus SL.
This conecpt will proof to be very useful especially in the field of
raster graphics, where already at the moment an almost chaotic variety
of picture file formats exists. When this article was written, DMC
could not yet say, which drivers will be included within the basic
Calamus SL version. But it can be expected with certainty that the
number of supported formats will be much higher than the one with
Calamus 1.09, especially when it comes to the support of color graphics.
View from the top
So much to the internal structure of Calamus SL. After you load the
program you will be greeted by an almost familiar looking screen. On
the first view not too much seems to have changed. The user interface
looks a lot like the old Calamus 1.09, but a closer look will soon
reveal some changes: Many functions, that could be found in GEM drop
down menus, have now been included in the icon orientated control panels
(this way becoming external modules). To save time that would be wasted
by having to jump through several modules and function groups, you now
have the possibility to place various function panels anywhere on the
screen. This feature is extremely useful when working with big screen
monitors like the TTM194 or the Moniterm.
Another new feature is the possibility to have seven different documents
loaded at the same time. In conjunction with the new file select box,
that allows you to select multiple files, it now is even possible to
load all needed documents at once. The same naturally also goes for the
loading of fonts.
Let there be Color
Before going further into details about some of the new functions -
which there are a lot - we will focus our attention on the most
important new feature: the color managment of Calamus SL. Internally
all functions are designed in a way, so that up to 16.7 Million colors
will be managed - this is more than even the human eye is able to
distinguish. Each object, be it text, a line, a fill pattern, or a
picture can take on one of these many colors. To determine the colors,
you either use the simple RGB-mixing-method, or one of the additional
modules that offer the adjustment of HKS-, Pantone- or Palette-141-
colors. When the output is done on a Linotype (as in all those German
Atari DTP centers) then Calamus SL will take care of the necessary color
separation itself, producing four films per color-page, that can be
worked with at the printing company in the next step. Calamus SL even
supports the usage of so called adornment colors. These are colors that
are not made up as a mixture of the basic colors and therefore Calamus
will print one addtional film for the adornment color, if one is used.
Colors on the screen
Before the test we were a little sceptical about the display of color
documents on the screen. Naturally there exist many graphic cards for
the Atari ST (and in the meantime also for the TT) that are able to
display 256 or more colors out of the 16.7 Million possible ones; since
those expansions (and especially the then needed monitors!) are still
very expensive, the semi-professional user will at first have to be
satisfied with what he's got. During our test we used Calamus SL on our
32 MHz TT with the regular TT color monitor in TT-medium-resolution
(640x480 pixels - 16 colors).
We were suprised by the good quality of the color display even with only
16 colors! Through mixing and rastering Calamus SL is able to produce
a very good approximation of the selected color tones, that will be
sufficient for most applications. Even on a monochrome monitor - we
used a SM124 on the ST and the new 19" TTM194 on the TT - the
transformation into shades of grey is done so well, that one already
gets a pretty good picture of how the document will look in final print.
Apropos TT: Naturally Calamus SL runs flawless under all resolutions
with at least 640 x 400 pixels on the TT. The FastRAM is used in the
process completetly, so that on our 8 MB TT, 6.5 MB of RAM where
available for documents!
New functions
Even those who can do without the color separation features of Calamus
SL will find a variety of new features. Some we will list in the
following paragraphs: The clipboard is now capable of accepting as many
frames as you want, the number is only limited by the RAM available.
The doublepage feature has been improved enourmosly, so that fast
changes between single- and double pages are now possible. The
necessary conversion, where especially the frames situated at the border
of both pages are very critical, is done by Calamus SL itself. Certain
components of a page, that belong not to the page itself - fitting
marks, that are extremely important for color separation - can be placed
on one of the master pages, where they do not distract one during work
on the page, and if requested they can be shown during output.
In the old version only text within a frame could be rotated, now the
rotation function works with all kinds of objects, that can now be
freely rotated and mirrored vertically or horizontally. Only raster
graphics can be rotated in 90 degree steps only; but that might be even
a good limitation, any other availability of rotation for raster
graphics could cause the creation of Moire-patterns.
Additional to the old method where there were only virtual and physical
copies, one can now even create multiple copies at once. Even the
horizontal and vertikal distance between the copies and the original can
be entered. This makes it possible to create certain constellations
such as grids without big efforts.
The zoom-value for the display on screen can still be selected freely,
instead of one user defined display resolution it is now possible to
create three different ones. Additionally a zoom function has been
added, that allows the enlargment of screen-parts.
Besides the possibiltiy of coloring text, the font size can now be
selected much more exact in steps of 1/1000. An exactness not to be
seen by the human eye, but for some printing products a necessity.
Additionally the user got two more font-attributes, skewed and
compressed, to play with. Each font can now be italicised and expanded
or compressed. The degree of the italicisation can be entered again
with upmost exactness.
Even a simple attribut as underline can now be used as decoration tool,
since color, thickness and position of the underline can be selected.
The text shadow, as expected, can be colored too.
In style
An important function of Calamus SL ist the managment of text styles,
which allows, to save the style-features with a macro-like feature. If
you use headlines in 30 points Avant Garde Medium, bold, italicised by
20% with a grey underline (no matter how bad it looks <g>), you can
define this combination as text style and call it up later again via
mouse click.
Future features
Not included in the beta version was the spell-checker and the
separation-function, that is supposed to work online now, too. Another
feature we could not test yet, allows formatting of text around any kind
of objects, that are made up of Bezier-curves. Another problem, that we
noticed during layouts of our magazine are constantly confronted with,
is the placing of graphics within text frames. Once you change the
text, you had to rearrange most of the time the graphics too. A new
method that will allow automatic embodiment of the graphic at a certain
text-position is supposed to solve this problem.
S or SL?
A lot of confusion was caused in the past by the mentioning of the two
different versions S and SL. By now it is definite that Calamus S, as
predecessor to Calamus 1.09/1.09N will be distributed by Atari
(Germany). This version will also be situated in the same price range
as the old Calamus (DM 700-800 which equals approx.$500-600). Opposite
to former specualtions Calamus S will be modular and expandable, too!!
The features that will be missing in the S version are the functions for
color display on the screen and the module Paint & Draw. Also 10
Linotype Fonts, that are included together with the standard fonts in
the SL version will be missing in the S version. Nevertheless it is
possible to produce color-documents, but on screen you will just see
shades of grey with the S version. Calamus SL will retail for DM 1.498
(~US$ 1.000).
Upgraders from the old Calamus version 1.09 to SL will be charged DM
898, and from 1.09N, DM 798 in Germany. The price for updates from
1.09/1.09N to Calamus S will be set by Atari and will be announced
possibly at CeBIT. A document-converter (the old CDK-format is not
compatible to the new one) is included within the program package.
About the usage of old fonts with the new versions the following can be
said: Legally obtained and from DMC licensed fonts, that work flawlessly
with 1.09N, will also work OK on Calamus SL.
A look ahead
This article only shows a smallpart of the new possibilities and
capabilities of Calamus SL. Functions such as the free generation of
patterns and the possibility to work with raster- and vectorgraphics
were left out and will be picked up at the review of the final version.
Also the concept of virtual memory managment, the new macro option and
many other small goodies were not mentioned here yet.
A beta version never allows one to draw a final conclusion about a
product. But it can be stated in any case, that Calamus SL has already
very much advanced in its development process. Even the completely new
designed 600 page long (German) manual is already running through the
printing presses as you read this. The version we were able to review
makes us confident that the wait for the final version of Calamus SL
will be over very likely in the nearest future.
Modules for Calamus:
Here a quick overview of some of the modules that will be available for
Calamus SL:
Job Manager
Expanded module for Linotype DTP centres for automatic exposure of
Calamus documents.
Mount & Print
Module that allows splitting up large documents into smaller pieces,
thus allowing printout of large documents on small printers, so that for
example, a DINA3 document can be printed out as two DINA4 pages.
4 Color HKS, Pantone and Palette-141
Three modules to define colors based on standard color palettes.
Paint & Draw
Raster- and vectorgraphic module (belongs to Calamus SL package) can be
bought additionally to Calamus S.
Curve & Line
An auto-tracer module. We got a brief look at the beta version, that
looked already very promising especially speed-wise.
Logo Art
Special vector-editor for company logos etc.
Data Former
A collection of export-modules for certain fileformats especially in
the field of vector graphics.
Type Art
A new font-editor with several new features, possibly with integrated
More modules are already being worked on.
Note: In the US and Canada Calamus 1.09(N) and Calamus S(L) are being
distributed, of course, by ISD Marketing.
=========================== Press Release
Page Design is proud to announce the release of the latest version of
This latest version features font samples of every font currently
available in North America for use with Calamus or Outline Art (over 500
fonts). All currently available Calamus fonts from Cherry Fonts,
Compugraphic, DMC (Calamus Designer Fonts), FontAbility, Fonts By Guber,
Ideal West, Mainstream Fonts, Mirthful Fonts!, MS Design, Dennis
Palumbo, Safari Fonts, and pd/shareware fonts are displayed. The Guide
also contains information about all Calamus products distributed by ISD,
GENUS (formerly TypeCad), FontVerter, Font Designer, The Calamus Font
Utility, and WP to GEM.
Whether you use Calamus, Outline Art, or FontVerter (to convert to the
PageStream format), the Calamus Font Resource Guide is an indispensible
The Calamus Font Resource Guide is distributed by:
PDC (Public Domain Corp.)
4320-196th SW
Suite B-140
Lynnwood, WA 98036-6721
The Guide is available directly from PDC or from your local Atari
dealer for $19.95.
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