No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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GramSlam for Better Writing (ST, TT)
GramSlam is a Grammar and Style Checker by Phil Comeau Software. The
new GramSlam Version 3.01 checks for over 1200 common grammar and
writing-style problems. As the manual states, GramSlam "...examines
documents for wordy phrases, common grammatical errors, and misused
words. Each suspect word or phrase is displayed in the context in which
it appears, along with a description of the problem and a suggestion of
how you might correct it." GramSlam has a built-in problem phrase
editor and also gives you writing style and readability statistics. It
can be run as a desk accessory or from the desktop. Although GramSlam
works with any word processor documents, it delivers most accurate
results (word count, etc.) if checking an ASCII text file with no
imbedded control codes.
GramSlam also offers different reporting levels. For example, Level 4
adds checking for archaic words, while level 3 checks for contractions
and Double Negatives. You'd want to omit contractions when you're
writing a formal document.
Unlike more sophisticated (and expensive!) grammar checkers available on
other platforms, GramSlam doesn't check your context to see if your word
usage is already correct. It locates typical trouble words and phrases,
like "their", or "it's", or a preposition ending a sentence, and reports
that there is a potential for a usage problem. You have to decide,
although the program supplies examples of correct alternative usages.
If you figure you don't need help on the matter reported, you can select
"Don't report this problem again", but then you risk missing a later
actual error.
I find that GramSlam is a little more picky than I am... but then, why
else use it? But then again, I tend to write a little casually, so this
program is a must for me. I suggest that students buy it for use in
writing term papers. Also, budding authors might find GramSlam might
make the difference between getting an article accepted or being
rejected. $39.95 from Phil Comeau Software, 43 Rueter St. Nepean,
Ontario Canada K2J 3Z9, (613) 825-6271. - John King Tarpinian