No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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E D I T O R I A L M A T T E R S ? S C H M A T T E R S !
KelAUG 10 : August - September '98
- in which jfw takes over the reins from John Thompson -
All Change at KelAUG - Alight at Platform 10!
As you've probably gathered, there's been a few changes at KelAUG HQ. I don't
want to say too much about this - it's already been covered in detail in the
letters that went out to all members - but the upshot is that I'll be the new
Editor from now on in.
The main reason for this is that John Thompson - our previous Editor - seems to
have vanished without trace, and Bob Kell - our Founding Father and all-round
Hibernian good guy - has had to take an extended holiday until his house
extension is finished. Bob reveals all in his 'Farewell' letter elsewhere in the
Editorial section.
A side effect of Bob having to stand back from the group for a while is that
there will only be one address for KelAUG over the next few months.
*Anything* to do with the group or discmag - membership enquiries, contributions
and letters, discmag requests, Q&A queries, PD Compilation discs, etc, etc -
should be sent to:
KelAUG, c/o John Weller, Flat 1, 28 Victoria Road, Bournemouth, BH1 4RR.
but where's the newsletter?
Apologies are long overdue to all club members for the non-appearance of the
KelAUG 9 Newsletter. There's a long discussion about this in the Letter Column,
but what happened was that Bob's free copying facilities came to an end and,
although John Thompson tried his best to get it copied at his training centre,
there was no way he could have covered the postage costs of it.
It's a shame, because it was due to appear in a 12-page booklet form that John
(Panda) Nicholls had put a lot of work into, but what other choice was there? It
would have cost JT approximately £25 to organise the copying and postage alone
and, being unemployed (like myself), there was no way that he could have been
expected to cover those costs.
So there it stands. I know that Bob and Panda are keen to see the Newsletter
continue - and there's been various suggestions in the Letter Column about how
the costs could be covered - so perhaps the best idea is to throw the discussion
open to all members and ask you to write in and let us know how you feel about
the Newsletter. Do you want it to continue, and would you be willing to pay for
it, if necessary? Let's hear your opinions on this topic for the next Letter
your super soaraway new-look KelAUG!
One of the aims of the new-look KelAUG is to win back some of the members'
support that we seem to have lost over the last few issues. So I've thrown in a
couple of new ideas in this issue to get members more involved.
First off is a Questionnaire - "o gawd, not another one!" - so that we can get
an idea of what machines and memory, etc, we use. This will help when it comes
to choosing PD for the mag, and it'd be a good idea to build up a list of which
machine each member uses and what they use it for.
The second idea is a 'reader's self-interview' in which you tell us all about
yourselves and see it printed in the next issue. It might not sound very
interesting but it's surprising how addictive these interviews become. After
all, doesn't *everyone* enjoy writing about themselves?
I've put copies of both of these (uncompressed) files onto the disc (in the root
directory, i.e. outside of any folders) and await your replies with bated
breath... C'mon, tell us all about yourself!
and where's the PC and Playstation reviews?
There aren't any. But that's not because of prejudice, it's for the simple
reason that I didn't receive any. And the moral of this story is... if you want
to read more about the PC and Playstation then *please* send in some articles.
it's not ST Format - it's a bigger format!
When I took over as Editor, I was doubtful whether I'd be able to fill an entire
issue within a few weeks. But I needn't have worried; I ended up with so many
contributions (including a much-needed Intro from Bill) that I ran out of space
just before the deadline. Oh dear, time for a rethink... I don't like extended
formats - they can slow down the loading times to a crawl - but there was no
other choice: it was either a 79/10 (808K) extended format or miss out some of
the articles. Guess what? The format won, so please excuse the slower than usual
loading times.
the Stafford computer show
Are any members going to the ACC '98 show and, if you are, would you be willing
to pass out some KelAUG leaflets while you're there? Atari people are difficult
to track down these days, and this strikes me as a good opportunity to recruit
some new members to the group. (See the News Service area for the full Show
the KelAUG info file
Would everyone please read this. It's only a short file, but there's lots of
helpful info in there about discmag requests, contributions, and how to avoid
getting your discs skrangled in the post.
Pat Wells retires due to lack of time
Pat Wells (member 017) has unfortunately had to leave the group because of lack
of time and "not being able to get involved as I only really use my ST as a word
processor". I'll be sad to see Pat go, and I'm sure that we all wish him the
best for the future. 'Bye Pat, and thanks for those extra stamps!
A new shell? (Damn the expense, etc)
I've used an old shell and menu pic for this issue - thanks John - but there's a
chance, possibly, perhaps, perchance, that we might be getting a new shell for
future issues! Gary Pinkett (a lapsed member revived by the recent mail shot)
has volunteered to write a shiny new shell for us. See his letter in the Letter
Column (part 2) for more info. It would help if you could tell us what you'd
want from a shell, and answer the relevant bits in the Questionnaire. Thanks in
PD Compilations
Well, this is another one (like the Newsletter) that seems to be up in the air
at the moment... I only had three requests for this issue's compilation, and it
hardly seems worth continuing if there's so little demand for it.
Is there any reason for this? Is it the wrong type of software - too simple, too
advanced, or whatever? Any there any particular types of programme that you'd
like to see on the disc? Or have you just forgotten that it's available? Come on
- write in and tell us!
Just to remind you, anyone who sends in an extra disc and stamp with their
discmag request will receive a lovingly hand-selected compilation of some of the
finest PD that's ever dropped through the KelAUG letterbox. And all for a disc
and a stamp - what have you got to lose?
PD for free
Talking of which, I've had several letters from members who are nostalgic for
the "good old ST swapping days", so let's try and revive the better side of it
by offering our own PD collections to any new members who want to build up their
collections and find out what their machines are capable of.
I know we've tried this before, in earlier KelAUGs, but let's put it onto a
proper footing this time and offer contact, help and discs to *any* new member
who asks for them.
Bob suggested something similar a couple of issues ago - along with a gentle
reminder of all the good people who helped us when *we* were new to the ST - and
I think he's got a good point there. The ST scene is very isolated these days,
and we should do everything we can to encourage the newcomers who will be the
Atari enthusiasts of the future. C'mon, it'll only take you an hour or so a week
to help keep the ST flames SToked.
To start the ball rolling, I've included a list of my own PD in this issue. Any
new members who want any of the discs can ask for them - along with the
essential disc/s and postage - and receive their requests within the next week
or so.
The 'PD for Free' article elsewhere in the Editorial section fills in all the
details, and there's also an offer of an instant TOS upgrade (to TOS 3.1) in the
'Tweaking the Desktop' article.
in this issue
Right, that's all the serious stuff dealt with, so let's put all those hassles
behind us now and concentrate on the future!
KelAUG 10 is our first double-figure issue, and we've gone all-out to make it
the best one yet. KelAUG belongs to its members and this is reflected in this
issue's two-part Letter Column, the re-born Messages section, and all the files
in the Editorial area.
You'll also find a step by step tutorial on how to connect your ST to the Net
(via the ZetNet service provider); how to get computer equipment for almost
nothing; 'Multi-tasking for free on a bog-standard ST'; PD, disczine and
software reviews; how to replace your ST's internal drive with a PC drive (at a
cost of £10 - £15, cheep, cheep!); how to add extra options to your Desktop by
fine-tuning your Desktop.inf / Newdesk.inf files; a history of Atari
Corporation; and a Time magazine article about how the Web's commercial hype
ended in tears for almost everyone except Playboy.
There's Bob's inimitable real-life funnies, plus general interest articles about
earning money through medical tests, a sad-but-true story of a first car, and an
excellent article about Cinemas then and now.
New features include the start of a DTP series by our very own Panda, the Atari
Yellow Pages with full listings of all things Atari, a members' interview form
(to be included in every issue from now on in), plus a 'For Sale/ Swap/ Wanted'
column where you can pass on all those Atari bits and pieces that are currently
cluttering up your cupboards.
Why am I whittering about it - go read it! You know it makes scents...
jfw : 09/08/10
~~~ eof ~~~