No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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M E S S A G E S, M E S S A G E S, M E S S A G E S
Messages from Brian Shepherd:
There seems to be a lack of contact between members recently. Some of you I
haven't heard from for ages and I miss all the letters that I used to get. I
have put together a few messages as I feel it is an excellent way of telling
everyone out there that I am still in the land of the living and hopefully in
the coming issues we can get a good message section going again!
To anyone wanting Atari PD: contact me and I'll send you my list. I've got loads
of DD blank disks so all I want is enough postage to send it back to you.
Obviously this is aimed more at the "New Users" in the club but I would still
like to swap with other members so why not drop me a line. Dont't be shy, ask
away and as they say, "If you don't ask you don't get".
To Stuart Bev..Hope you got to grips with 1st Word Plus ok mate! Nice to hear
from you again.
To Dave Till...Gone but not forgotten!
To Edmund......To be a Wrinkly or not to be a wrinkly, that is the Question!
To Paul P......I would e-mail you but your e-mail address as it is in the
Members list won't work!
To Chris.......Where have you gone mate it's ages since you last got in touch.
Dumped your Atari or what!
To Bob.........Hurry up and get the Atari out again mate.
To Steve T.....Where are you mate, haven't heard from you for ages.
To Oliver......Sorry about the strange phone call the other week!
To The Panda...Should have e-mailed you by the time you read this, It's been
ages since we've spoken.
To Bill Clinton...You're in the Shit Mate!
To Anyone I've missed...Keep in touch, you know it makes sernse.
Messages from jfw [021]:
To Dave Till: Thanks for the letter - good to hear from you again! Jeez... it
hasn't been the best of times for you, has it?
To JT: "There is a land, far, far away, where all my discs have gone to
To Pat: Sorry to see you go, Pat. Corrupt VIPs should always be
protected, eh?
To Barbara: Sorry about the lack of letters: normal service will be resumed
after August 10th.
To Brian: I thought penny post went out with Rowland Hill...
To Panda: OK, agreed, next stop Rupert Murdoch.
To Bob Good to hear from you! Like your architect - a real professional
eh? You might get more sense out of him with a 20oz claw
hammer... And Rebecca's definitely going to be the business this
Autumn - the best litle poley we've ever had, and as cute as a
button with it!
Bill Ellis
Sell that f****g PC and buy a bigger hardrive for the ST
Paul Davis
Stop encouraging him with that f*****g PC
Hope your holiday went okay. We must have that unfinished chat some time.
We`ll have to put our heads together for the newsletter. It`s gotta survive.
I`m coming around to your way of thinking.
Phil Shales
Glowing reports from PD on his hard drive/CD combo. I`m saving up.
Phil McF.
Sorry your issue 9 took so long. Hopefully all is explained now.
Stan Gibbs
Hope you`re making progress mate, haven`t heard from you for a while.
~~~ eof ~~~