No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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T H E K E L A U G Q U E S T I O N N A I R E R I D E S A G A I N !
Please take the time to complete this short questionnaire so that we know
what machines you've got, what you're interested in, and what you'd like
to see in KelAUG in future. After all, the more info we have the better the mag
will be. Just fill in this form and copy it onto your request disc when you send
for the next KelAUG.
The Data Protection Act requires us to state categorically that any information
received will *not* be sold to Double Glazing Companies, Multi-National Slave
Traders, Snake Oil & Patent Medicine Manufacturers, Little Grey Men in Rhomboid
Spacecraft, or New Labour Focus Groups.
> Name:
> Address:
> Membership number (if applicable):
> Atari/s: [STFM?] [STe?] [Falcon?]
> TOS version/s (if known): [TOS 1? 1.09? 1.2? 1.4? 1.6? 1.62? 2.06? 3? 4?]
> Add-ons to your Atari: [Joystick?]
[External floppy drive?] [hard drive?]
[printer? Dot matrix, inkjet or Laser?]
[TV?] [Colour monitor?] [ Mono monitor?] [Multi-sync monitor?]
[Scanner?] [CD-Rom?] [Others? Please say which:]
> Other machine/s owned:
> How many years have you been using computers?
> How would you describe your computer abilities?
Beginner? Average? Advanced? Expert?
> What do you use your Atari for? (Check as many as necessary)
[Games?] [Word Processing / writing?] [Desktop Publishing?]
[Music?] [Graphics?] [Programming?] [Other? - please tell!]
> What do think of KelAUG?
[Abysmal?] [Poor?] [Average?] [Enjoyable?] [Excellent?]
[Should be nominated for Nobel Prize?]
> Are you happy with the content of the mag as it stands?
[No] [Not sure] [Yes]
> What would you like to see in KelAUG in future?
[More humour?] [Less Humour?]
[More Atari news and reviews?] [Less?]
[More beginners' articles and tutorials?] [Less?]
[More advanced articles?] [Less advanced articles?]
[More 'how to' articles?] [Less?]
[More general interest (ie non-computing) articles?]
[Less general interest articles?]
[More of the same?]
> Are there any ways in which you think KelAUG could be improved? It's YOUR mag,
so please go into as much detail as you want.
The look of the mag
We're going to have a new shell for KelAUG (the 'front end' that displays the
menu, and then displays the articles), and that means making a few choices.
> Are you happy with the current shell? [Yes] [Don't care] [No]
> Would you like to see a more complex shell? [Yes] [Don't care] [No]
All other things being equal, would you be interested in options such as:
> Being able to run the mag on a mono set-up as well as a colour one?
> Being able to save articles out as straight ASCII files (all ready to be
loaded and printed in a WP, or read from the Desktop)?
> What else would you like to see in the shell?
Thanks for taking the time to fill this in - we'll cherish
each and every reply and print the results in a future issue!