No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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Chitchat 1
Hello fellow ST`ers.I thought that I would give this Chit Chat
malarkey a bit of a go.Well it`s only fair,I`ve sat and read all the
bollocks that everybody else writes so why shouldn`t you read the bollocks
that I write.Never mind that space bar,read on.
In the area of Scotland where I live,there is not a lot to occupy
yourself with.This of course makes it a good area to use a computer
in,especially in the winter,(that`s from September to June).In the summer
there are a lot of holiday makers about the place,mostly Glaswiegians.The
town has a population of about 3-4 thousand,and the Holiday Camp has a
capacity of 4 thousand.This makes for some interesting cultural clashes and
some not so interesting violent clashes between local youths and visitors
in the summer months.Given that I live about 100 yards from the camp
gates,this results in some interesting summer sports,such as."Spot the
Riot","Resuscitate the Policeman","Identify the Bottle(while in flight)"and
one of my personal favourites,"Collect the Loose Change",this of course
takes place after the main event.Mind you it`s not all bad,letting the dog
out for half an hour gives him some great exercise,and we don`t need to
feed him for a couple of days if he`s lucky enough to find a couple of ears
or a finger or something.
The area is known as the East Neuk,and consists of half a dozen
sea-side villages along about 10 miles of coast.I`m not sure what Neuk
means in German,but visitors from that particular country take great
delight in being photographed under any kind of sign that has Neuk written
on it.Apparently Neuk is mentioned loads of times in dodgy German films of
a decidedly blue nature.Of course never having seen any of these films in
my life,I wouldn`t know,ah-hem.
As I`ve mentioned,there`s about 3,500 people in the town.We`ve got
about 20 hotels,pubs and clubs and drinking places,so on any given weekend
night,assuming roughly 100 people per pub,about three quarters of the town
must be drunk.Except me of course.
Apart from boozing,the only other thing to do is fishing.I don`t
mean that namby pamby,"look I`ve caught a 3 oz Roach",type of fishing.I
mean the "get me a wheelbarrow,I`ve caught a cod",type fishing.Without
being deliberately insulting to any English readers,(not `arf),why is it
that you lot have such namby pamby sports.As I`ve said even the fishing`s a
bit duff.I`ve seen on the telly all that coarse fishing,bags of 100 fish
weighing in at 2lb 2oz.Fishing for big fat carp in a pool about 10 feet
across,come on guys get serious.We`ve got a little fish up here known as a
Snotchy,every holiday maker is terrified of it.It`s got horns on its
head,spikes on it`s sides and gills,and teeth like Ken Dodd.They run a mile
when they catch one.This is of course due to the fact that being speared by
a horn results in instant swelling up of the area,followed by a nasty
injection of something in the bahooky by the doc.A pal of mine dropped one
on his lap when taking it off the hook,cue a shout of,"Quick get home to
the Missus before the swelling goes away",yuk,yuk....Oh yeah,sports.What
the hell is that cricket supposed to be.I once heard somebody saying that
they didn`t like cricket because they didn`t understand the rules.Pardon my
ignorance,but as far as I see,one guy chucks a ball at the other guys
stumps,and he attempts to hit the ball with a lump of wood.Very
complicated.This continues for 5 days.Except in England`s case of course,I
notice that they tend to get it over with much more quickly,sometimes they
even let the opposition have only one go at the batting bit,yuk,yuk.Ice
skating or ice dancing is another.Torville and Dean.Enough said.
Mind you,sporting differences aside,I guess that most people are
extremely alike really.I`ve noticed that there is a definate theme of
conducting certain experiments throughout life,inherent in all males,I`ll
give you an example.How many people have sat at a table,probably at
school,and dropped a ball point pen onto the bit that you push to get the
writing bit out,to see how high it will bounce.Everybody.This however does
not satisfy the teenagers desire to measure the power of the spring.The
next step requires one of those pens that has a wee button on the side to
return the nib to the pen.What you have to do now,is make sure the nib is
out,hold the top of the pen about 2mm from your front teeth,and push the
wee button.Result,absolute agony,a hollow clonk,an involuntary "ooyah",and
the whole class looking at you.Doesn`t stop you doing it again at a later
date though.A similar result is obtained when leaning over a book,resting
the weight of your head,via your front teeth,on the end of a pencil.Result,
the pencil skites off and zooms up the bit between your gums and your top
lip.excruciatingly painful.Come on,admit it,you`ve all done it.Another one
that nobody can resist is seeing how hard a staple comes out of a
stapler.You open the stapler,place your finger below it and push
slowly,waiting to feel a gradual increase in pressure.Of course what
happens is the staple suddenly pings out and impales itself in your
finger,again,absolute agony.Clasping a spring loaded clothes peg on your
beak is another.This is not so painful,but then the idea evolves into
seeing how long you can suffer this thing fastened to your nose,the pain
increases and the fact that you look a total dork doesn`t seem to
matter.Resisting the pain overcomes the embarrassment.
I`ve always been envious of people who don`t seem to get
embarrassed.If I feel that people are looking at me for whatever reason,my
face goes beetroot in seconds.My mother is terrible for embarrassing
people,(then again she is 75 bless her).Without fail when we take her
shopping,we`ll be walking along the street,she stops to look in a shop
window,and nearly sticks her head through the glass,"It`s these bi-sexual
glasses",she complains.Of course everybody who is in the shop are all
looking to see where the thump came from.She`s rubbing her head now,"I`m
sure the glass used to be further back you know",talk about giving you a
red face.She nearly knocked herself out once at Safeway.She was with my
sister,and they were leaving the shop.Mum goes sailing ahead and walks
right into the plate glass window and bounces off into a heap on the
floor,apples and fairy liquid rolling everywhere.My sister runs over and
Mum claims that she thought that she was walking towards the automatic
doors.Better luck next time mum.
On a more serious note for anyone who is interested in weather
changes,a funny thing happened this winter in the town where I lived before
I was married,(Pittenweem,about a mile along the road).As I`ve said a lot
of people fish to pass the time around here.There`s a patch of sand in
Pittenweem,about 100 yards by 20 yards,and about 2-3 feet deep,where you go
to dig your lug-worm bait for fishing.Now over the years there have been
some huge storms around here,but the sand has never changed.This year over
the space of one rough week`s weather on the sea,the entire stretch of sand
totally disappeared.Now,my dad is 75 and he has no memory of any changes to
this sand,ever.All of the old pictures from 18 oatcake of the shore also
have this patch of sand shown,but now it`s gone.Strange.
I was unlucky enough to be paid off from my job in January,and not
having been unemployed for about 10 years,I was totally taken aback by the
changes in the system for claiming your dole.Nowadays you only get allowed
£45 odd for yourself and £28 for your wife.If you have kids,which I do,you
have to trot over to the DHSS to claim income support for the children.The
town where you have to sign on,Leven,is about 12 miles along the road from
where I live.They have this dopey system in the DHSS there,where you are
given a ticket when you go in,and then take a seat until your number`s
called.My ticket number was 114,and the wee red sign said."Now serving
number 78".One hour and ten minutes later I was called,ridiculous.Mind you
the cabaret was pretty good.The first turn was a family affair.They have a
kind of plastic Wendy House type thing for the young kids.One kid,about 5
or so,decides to play at roofers,he pulls up this wee table thing and goes
to climb on the roof.Dad sitting nearby says,"come on now be a good
boy,don`t do that".The kid gives him a sideways glance,and climbs up
anyway.Dad replies at 200 decibels,"GET DOWN AFF THAT F***ING ROOF YOU
LITTLE B***ARD OR I`LL F***ING LEATHER YE".The kid doesn`t,so the dad does.
Cue everybody in the place attempting to read the notices about help with
surgical supports,ignoring this dipstick ladling into his sceaming child.
Next up was the typical 20 year old swaggering skinhead,who walks
right up to the desk,which looks like it`s come right out of the American
prison systems visiting room,bullet proof glass and a wee amplifier thing
built into it for talking through,sits down on it,and lights up a fag right
under the no smoking sign.This prompts the security guard,(5 foot not a
lot,7 and a half stone,black belt in origami,with the obligatory bumfluffy
moustache) to walk up to him,knees audibly knocking,and point to the
sign,"Ye canny smoke in here son".Bad move.Everybody is now deeply studying
the "Are you looking after someone with a disability",posters.The guy lays
his fag down on the desk,and delivers the severe malky,right to the bridge
of the nose,(that`s a head butt for our English readers),picks up his
fag,and walks out.The security guy picks himself up and staggers out
leaving a trail of blood.Take me home.
The one thing that I`ve noticed about these chit chats is that
everybody seems to apologise for running out of stuff to talk about.As you
may have already guessed,I do not seem to suffer from this problem.Given
that Power comes only on one disk,I better clear off and let somebody else
use up a bit of disk space,I`ll leave with a joke.
On the morning after the convent Christmas party,there is a queue
of nuns outside the confessional.The priest beckons the first one in.
NUN. "Forgive me father,at the party last night,I touched a man`s willy
with my left hand".
PRIEST. "Oh dear,in that case go outside and wash that hand in the holy
The nun goes out and washes her hand in the holy water,the second nun goes
2nd NUN "Forgive me father,at the party last night,I touched a man`s willy
with my right hand".
PRIEST. "Oh dear,in that case go outside and wash that hand in the holy
The second nun goes out and washes her hand in the holy water.
The priest is then disturbed by a commotion.He pops his head out of the
cubicle and sees a nun at the back trying to push herself to the front of
the queue."What are you doing",he asks her.The nun pushing forward,points
to the one at the front and says to the priest."If you think I`m going to
swill my mouth out with that water after her arse has been in it,you`re not
Bob Kell