No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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ץץץץץץץץץץץץץ ץץץ ץץץץ
ץףףףףףףףף∞ף∞∞∞∞∞ףףץ ץץ∞∞∞∞ץץץץ ץףץ ץףףףףףףףףץץץץץף∞∞ ∞ףף
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∞∞∞ףףףףףףףףףףץ ∧§ ףףףףףףףףףףף∞∞ףץ∧ףףף ףףףףףץ ∞∞ףףף∧∞
Mo.iMP ץףףץ ∞ףףףףףףף§ף ∧ףףףףףףףףף ∧ףףףף ∧ףףףףף§ ∞ף∞
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Grade Level: Type of Work Subject/Topic is on:
[ ]6-8 [ ]Class Notes [Report on the end of ]
[ ]9-10 [ ]Cliff Notes [time. ]
[x]11-12 [x]Essay/Report [ ]
[ ]College [ ]Misc [ ]
Dizzed: 07/94 # of Words:373 School:Public State:NY
Viewpoint on End Times!!
Well to start off I would like to say what the three different views that
there are. The first view is "Already Fulfilled" is basically saying that all
of the signs of the end have all happened before the years 70 A.D.. The second
view is "Partially Fulfilled" which says that some of these events already
happened in 70 A.D. and some of them will still happen in the future. The last
belief is the "Not Yet Fulfilled" view, which says that all of these things will
happen in the end of times. The belief that I believe in is the "Not Yet
Fulfilled" view.
Here are some reasons in which I hold this view. As it is stated in
Matthew 24:34, it says that "...all these things will not happen until this
generation passes away...". I feel that this passage had to have been talking
about the people of that time. That is one base on which I hold this belief,
because that, possibly, some of the "end of times events" have happened, but NOT
ALL. If they would have all occurred at that time I would probably hold a
different view. I really don't ever recall reading in the Bible about any
natural disasters, other than the Flood. That is one point that really sticks
out to me that really makes me believe this view, especially in the increase
lately in all of the natural disasters happening.
When Jesus comes down in the second coming, I feel that all nations will
mourn, just like others have done when they learn of their wrongs. It is then
in which all Christians will go up Heaven and begin to reign up there, at which
at the same time down on Earth will be the great war, Armageddon. I do not know
if this will be the time in which the Sun, Moon, and Stars will all fall and
turn to darkness.
Well, we really will not know what the true belief is until the end of the
world. There has been many intense discussions between scholars, but if they
are Christians they will find out in the end, in which it really does not matter
what view is correct.