No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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One or two people have written to me recently, unsure how to
format a disk. They seem to have bought there ST second hand and
didn't get the ST manual and are unsure how to go about this
So, for anyone else out there without a manual. You should do the
following things.
1 Firstly go to the DESKTOP screen.
2 Put a BLANK disk into DRIVE A, making sure the disk is WRITE
ENABLED, if it isn't you will get an error message and will
be unable to format the disk.
To make the disk WRITE ENABLED, look at the back of the disk,
at the top left hand corner of the disk you will see a small
black plastic square.
Plastic Black square > # *
If you can see through the small hole here > H *
then the disk is WRITE PROTECTED. To make * *
the disk WRITE ENABLED move the plastic square * *
down ( # ) so you can't see through the hole * *
anymore. ****************
Back of disk
If the plastic square is already covering the hole then you are
ready to continue formatting your disk.
3 Insert the disk into DRIVE A if you haven't already.
4 Move the ARROW on the screen over to the DRIVE A Icon/Symbol
using the mouse. Then 'CLICK' ie press the LEFT MOUSE
button once. The DRIVE A Icon/Symbol should now be inverse in
colour. ie BLACK is now WHITE and WHITE is BLACK.
If it isn't, move the arrow towards the middle of the DRIVE A Icon
and try 'CLICKing again.
5 Now move the ARROW to the 'FILE' menu at the top of the
screen. Select the 'Format..." option at the bottom.
6 You will now get a Menu in the middle of the screen.
Select EITHER the 'SINGLE' or 'DOUBLE' sided disk option.
7 Once your selection is highlighted select the 'OK' box.
The disk will now start to be formatted. The bar graph shows your
disk being formatted. When it reaches the other end of the box the
computer will inform you it has finished formatting your new disk.
You can now simply format another disk or exit back to the
desktop screen by selecting the 'CANCEL' box.
Single Sided disks and Double Sided disks.
The only difference is the Amount of information which can be
stored on the disk.
On a Single sided disk you can store 357,376kb or 349k
(357376/1024= 349K).
On a Double sided disk you can store 726,016kb or 709K
(726016/1024= 709K).
So 1 D/S disk is the equivalent of 2 S/S disks.
Most Branded disks (the expensive ones) state on the back what
FORMAT they are. If you have some disks which don't tell you which
type you have try FORMATTING the disk 'DOUBLE' Sided.
If you try to format a 'SINGLE' sided disk 'DOUBLE' sided, the
computer won't be able to and you will get an error message.
A 'SINGLE' sided disk can be formatted 'SINGLE' sided ONLY.
A 'DOUBLE' sided disk can be formatted EITHER 'SINGLE' or 'DOUBLE'
I hope this explanation clears up any problems you may have.