No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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As you sit quietly at the workbench in your research laboratory, you're
startled into action by the sound of the videophone alarm bell. You'd
better act quickly, because your buddy Tip Randall is raising the roof.
The first thing to do is turn on the videophone. As soon as you do that,
though, you realize that the picture is fuzzy. That's easy to correct;
simply adjust the videophone. There is Commander Zoe Bly, looking
worried, and telling you about an urgent problem at the undersea
Aquadome. You'd better pick up the microphone, then turn it on.
After asking Bly about the problem, question her about the monster
she's seen. Bly is sounding ever more desperate, so tell her goodbye.
Suddenly, however, something's wrong with the videophone, and your
score drops by 3 points!
Now is the time to go to the Computestor for a clue. First, turn off
the microphone and drop the microphone onto the workbench. Then, head
for the Computestor and turn it on. Since the machine is now ready for
questions, ask it about the videophone. Hmmmm...the problem could be one
of many, but you suspect that something may be wrong with the electrical
panel. The panel is just down the hallway, so go to the panel, and
examine it. Well, well, apparently the circuit breaker is open. By
fixing the circuit breaker, you regain your 3 points. However, you are
starting to wonder whether treachery is afoot here in the lab. It's time
to have a chat with your assistant, Sharon Kemp.
Go to the office and confront Sharon with your suspicions. Her answers
are evasive, and she seems very nervous. Since time is growing short,
you decide to leave Sharon and head for your sub, the "Scimitar."
Realizing that the sub won't start unless you have the atomic catalyst
capsule, you first examine the work counter. There is the capsule, so
you grab it and head for the Scimitar.
Once settled in the pilot's seat, with Tip nearby, you decide to check
the sub for any problems. Pushing the test button gives you a positive
readout, but you're still apprehensive. You will need to open the
access panel in order to enter the sub's crawl space, but you don't
have a tool. Maybe Tip has such an item? Tip comes through, handing
you a Universal Tool. Open the access panel, and carefully crawl into
the space. A check of the voltage regulator reveals that it is damaged.
Use the tool to fix the regulator. Now all is A-OK, and you won't have
any problems going full throttle to the Aquadome.
You're ready to get underway, so crawl out of the space, close the
access panel, close the sub's hatch, and put the catalyst capsule into
the reactor. After closing the reactor, you'll need to turn on the
reactor and fill the docking tank with seawater. Once the tank is
filled, turn on the engine, open the tank gate, then open the throttle.
Push the joystick to the east, and you're off!
The surface of Frobton Bay isn't the safest spot around, so the first
thing you need to do is set your depth to 5 meters and set the throttle
to slow. You'll want to check the sonar occasionally to make sure
you're not heading toward any obstacles. Your sequence of moves must
be accurate to avoid destruction.
One quick way to reach the seawall opening is to follow these moves:
Northeast, then three Norths, then Northeast again, then wait. The
alarm bells may be ringing, but you'll safely avoid a submerged
obstacle. Then, suddenly, an approaching ship is detected by the sonar.
You'll have to stop waiting and set your depth to 15 meters to dive
below the ship. Wait again, and you'll chug right on through the
seawall opening into the ocean.
Be sure to save the game here, since you won't want to cross Frobton
Bay again! You can turn on the autopilot now, since the sub will head
straight for the Aquadome. Because you fixed the voltage regulator, you
can set the throttle to fast without overheating. Wait now, as you
continue diving deeper and deeper. To check out an enormous whale, aim
your searchlight to starboard. The trip will take a little while longer
so you might want to ask Tip about that magazine he's reading. A close
study of a particular article in the magazine reveals that Dr. Jerome
Thorpe (an Aquadome staff member) has succeeded in creating mutant sea
creatures. Further, Thorpe announces in the article that he plans to
marry your lab assistant, Sharon Kemp! You're beginning to understand
who's behind the attack on the Aquadome, and you're even more anxious
to arrive.
Wait a while longer, and then, as you near the structure, your
sonarphone rings. It's Commander Bly, asking to speak privately with
you when you arrive. You wait a few more turns, and the sub slows to
a stop in the docking tank. Open the throttle to slide into the cradle.
You wait while the water in the tank empties, and you save the game
Before opening the hatch and exiting the sub, you pick up the
emergency oxgyen gear...just in case. Leave the Scimitar and head
straight for the Aquadome's Reception Area where Bly and her crew await
you. Greet them, and then take a quick look around. Your explorations
are interrupted by a sudden realization that something is wrong with
the air supply. Quickly using the oxygen gear you so intelligently
brought with you, head for the Dome Center. Commander Bly and several
crew members are gasping for breath, so time is short. Use the
universal tool to open the access door to the air supply assembly.
Instantly noticing that something has been unscrewed from an important
cylinder, you pick up the object. It is an electrolyte relay. Put the
relay into the cylinder, and close the access door. Your efforts are
successful, and the air supply is now functioning properly.
As you return to the Reception Area, you observe Doc Horvak with Bly's
oxygen gear. You're suspicious, so when Bly ask you to accompany her to
the office, you go with her. She volunteers some interesting
information: She suspects sabotage in the Aquadome and shows you certain
evidence. The evidence consists of a black box which you open and
examine. This device could be used to interfere with the Aquadome's
sonar, and Tip has an idea about how to trap the saboteur.
Go to the Storage Room with Tip and discuss his idea. Before you reach
the storage area, you notice the special Fram Bolt Wrench lying under
Bly's desk. Realizing that the wrench must have been used to tamper
with the air supply, you show it to Doc Horvak. His reaction proves
most interesting.
Now you need to do some serious thinking. Conversations with various
crew members will assist you in your search for the traitor. Ask
everyone about everyone else, check the locker in the men's dorm, set
the black box onto the sonar, and observe everyone's behavior.
Commander Bly will offer to supply you with a bazooka so that you can
hunt the monster (the "Snark"). Get that from her and have Tip install
it on the sub's extensor claw. Find Doc Horvak and show him the magazine
article about Thorpe. Doc will come up with some interesting
conclusions, and will offer to prepare a special tranquilizer gun for
you. Get the dart gun and have Tip install that as well.
During your explorations and conversations, Mick Antrim will check out
the Scimitar then return and ask you whether you'd like to have an
Emergency Survival Unit installed in the sub. You agree, then poke
around a while longer until the unit is in place. It's time to think
about improving your navigation and sonar -- the Snark will be
difficult to capture or kill. You ask Tip about installing a fine grid
and a fine throttle control in the sub, and he agrees to do so.
You're about ready to head out into the ocean again, but you still
haven't come to a firm conclusion about who the Aquadome traitor is.
Once in your pilot's seat, however, you notice that the survival unit
installed by Amy and Bill is equipped with a nasty looking syringe.
Grabbing the syringe, you head for Doc Horvak and ask him to analyze
it. His analysis reveals that the hypo is filled with arsenic! You'd
better confront Amy and Bill with this evidence before you do anything
The instant you show the syringe to Bill, he turns and runs away. He's
heading for the sub, and you race to the office to view his actions on
the station monitor. As you watch Bill climb down the inside ladder of
the docking tank, you realize you have only seconds to trap him. You
quickly turn off the docking tank electricity so Bill can't open the
gate. He knows he can't get out now, so he surrenders. You turn the
electricity back on, and leave the office.
Cheers follow you as you head back to the Scimitar. After filling the
docking tank with water, you turn on the engine and open the gate.
Turning the joystick to the South, you open the throttle. Save the game,
and head out into the ocean.
You're finally ready to confront the Snark and, perhaps, the evil Dr.
Thorpe. Exit the Aquadome's docking tank by going South, then set the
throttle to medium. Turn Southeast and wait until you reach the Snark
and the Sea Cat (piloted by Dr. Thorpe). Thorpe will taunt you with his
power, and admit his plan to wreck the Aquadome.
Suddenly, Thorpe's transmission breaks off, and Sharon Kemp begins to
speak to you. She explains how she only went along with Thorpe to try
to trap him, and she's ready to help you capture the Snark. Sharon has
a lot of interesting things to tell you, but you don't have time to
talk to her right now. The Snark is moving quickly toward the
Aquadome, 9-ady to batter it to bits.
Here is one method you can use to put the Sea Cat out of commission
before Thorpe has a chance to attack you: East twice, then check your
sonar to make sure you're in position. Set throttle to slow, then turn
South. Head Northwest four times. Oh oh! Dr. Thorpe has recovered
consciousness and his voice is crackling over the sonarphone. Ignore
him, and head Northwest twice more. The sub will be just to the East
of the Sea Cat, so, all on one line, enter the following command: West
then aim bazooka at power pod then shoot power pod with bazooka.
There! You've done it! The Sea Cat is out of commission and Thorpe's
out cold again. Sharon guides the Snark to its hidden cavern so that
you can safely study it later. You've completed your mission and saved
the Aquadome!