No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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Firstly, may I point out that the name of the contributors is in
the name.doc file, (for all the ego-trippers who want to say
that they are the best.)
Thank you for sending your tips and disk. I hope that the disk
met with the month deadline. If it didn't I'm truly sorry, but
don't let that put you off sending for the next issue (send
contributions by the tenth of September, please.)
The reason that this disk may be late reaching you, is beacuse I
have been on holiday. Once again, sorry.
I am writing this text file before I have recieved any
contributions, so the actual contents will be in the 'docs'
folder, under the heading of
Just a few requests. Does anyone know whether or not it is
possible to sector edit a frontier save game so that you can
improve elite rating, change ship, wipe criminal record
If you have a cracked version, for god's sake get rid of it!
Buy the origional. It won't break the bank, and you get a glossy
hundred page manual, Gazetteer, and stories of life on the
Frontier - all vital.
After all, when the data disks come out, you won't be able to use
(This is how David Braben intends to support Frontier.)
This isn't going to be a one-shot thing. I want some sort of
forum, where people with Questions and answers write in. Please,
send me questions, tips, cheats, hints, and absolutely anything
Frontier - related.
Send all text either on paper or (preferably) in: ASCII, FIRST
I will try to put them all on the disk. If push comes to shove, I
will have to make them into a LZH archive.
This software is not PD or Shareware, but please, don't
distribute it.
Just give your friend my adress. I promise that I will let no-one
If you're scared that I might not get the disk, send it recorded
delivery with £1 and I'll send it back recorded delivery as
Issue two will be a mix 'n' match, but I would hope for some
military saves preferably Imperial (NB: to get far, you mustn't
have an Imperial criminal record), so send me those military saves,
by the 10th of September and I'll see how good they are. Expect
the disk back around the end of September/ beginning of October.
What do you want from a frontier group? Do you want me to include
saves from the original Elite? I want feedback. (If I'm
not carefull, I'll need two disks for next issue!)
Has anyone got an address where I can contact David Braben?
I would like to arange an interview of some sort.
Thanks for buying the mag.
Michael Gray, Editor.
Send all contributions and feedback (and constructive criticism)
Panther Owners Group,
56, Whitley Crescent
PS: Anyone got any Frontier related digital art?
Any submissions in PI?, PC?, NEO, GIF, HAM, or TNY format.
PPS: Everyone got a personal letter from me. The problem is, I made
one mistake several times, the letter should read ' End Of September /
Beginning of October' not 'End Of September / Beginning of November'
Sorry for any confusion.
selected the Galactic view F10 and zoom out untill you can see
the whole of the galaxy if this distorted in any way then you
have one or more incompatible programmes, accessories to find.
6:Once the Frontier is running don't press the Tab key, or the
entire thing crashes.
7:Federal Navy Recommended Vessel
Viper Defence Craft
Class 3 military drive
2 shield generators
Navy E.C.M. jammer
Radar mapper
Auto pilot
Atomospheric Shielding
5mw pulse laser
No missiles
Variation possible:
Hyperspace cloud analyser
30mw mining laser and laser cooling booster and for taking
on heavily armed vessels
8:Federal Navy Combat Procedure
On being attacked by another craft switch off your auto pilot and
locate the attacking craft in your scanner. turn to face it IE:
go head to head but let it fly pass, it will fire at you but your
combined speeds will mean it will have little chance of hitting
you. Now switch to the rear view and adjust your direction so
that you can see the craft in your rear view screen and now lock
the auto pilot on to it while still flying away from it. When you
reach 10km from the target switch on the auto pilot and change to
forward view. Fire when at 8.5km. If the target is not destroyed
by 3km then switch off the auto pilot and fly by again. The size
of you laser and type of craft could mean you will have to take
evasivie manoeuvers to avoid hitting the target.
9:Federal Navy Assassination Procedure
Before accepting a hit check on the craft's maximum hyperspace
range using my supplied chart 'SHIP_ID.DOC/.TXT' IE: a Lion
maximum range is 16.66ly and work out how much fuel you need to
match this in your ship or if you need to change your ship/drive
to match it and then any extra space can be used for more weapons
shields etc. When at the target sight launch at lest five minutes
before and hover if at a space station or land rough out side the
city limits. When the target launches radar map it to find its
strength and let it hyperspace, Use your hyperspace cloud unit to
get it destination and arival time.
Now you have to work out how long it will take you to make the
same jump in your craft and here's how using this formula: 7 days
the time of maximum travel in any craft / the maximum distance
for you class of drive * the distance you have to travel.
So for a Viper with a class 3 drive travelling 5.25ly this would
be: 7days / 27.69ly * 5.25ly =1.3271937 Now take the number to
two decimal places 1.32 and this work out to be 1 day the fist
decimal is 3 tenth of a day one tenth is 6 minutes, now take the
second decimal if 5 or less add 3 minutes, if greater add 6
minutes so it will take you 1 day 21 minutes to make the jump.
Now if your following someone take your time to make the jump
plus an extra 10 minutes so you get there early away from there
arrival time and this will give you the time you need to enter
Following this you will now arrive ten minutes before your target
and won't get attacked by pirates.
10:Federal Navy Spying and Bombing Mission
The hardest part of these two is getting to the planet with out
crashing or being detected by the enemy, and getting away
safely. So always make sure you have enough fuel to get to at
least another star system where you can refuel. When you jump to
the system find the planet the base is on and fly there on auto
pilot, when the auto pilot cut out change your course to fly past
the planet and set your speed to slow down to 10,000km-h while
looking out for the base using the third time accelerator. when
you have found the base and your speed has slowed down then and
only then head straight to planet not to the base slowing to
2000km-h using time accelerator two not any faster or you won't
be able to reacted fast enough, at about 15,000 meters level out
and adjust course to head towards the base but continue to lose
height to about 1000-5000 meters. When you get to about 600km
from the base it will start launching fighters at you but the
curve of the planet will work for you. At 300km from the base you
want to be at a height of 1000 meters or less and moving in real
time, Now accelerate to fly pass the base making your self a
harder target to hit. Take your pictures from 30km untill you fly
over, or launch you nuclear missile at 60 km. Now all thats left
is to hyperspace away or stick around and take out any ships that
are following you.
11:When running away from a base you've attacked odds of 10to1
should be no problems if they are your in the wrong business.
12:The independent star system of Ollaex sector: 2,-3 has a
secret weapon on the planet Ollaex 6. KEEP AWAY do not go there,
on no account try to land there. Don't say I didn't warned you.
13:When undertaking military missions into enemy space always try
to take on as many as possible as the save on fuel and helps
towards quicker promotions.
14:Don't waste your time working for both military at the same
time because at high ranks the missions need a full commitment to
one navy or other as in a base of operations and the time needed
to get promotions.
Commander Colonel P Augustin