No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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/ LETTERS / | \ / |
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/ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ / | FROM YOU |
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Dear James,
How about writing an article all about what goes into
making an issue of POWER? I think that it would be very
interesting for all your readers because we all read POWER and to
know what actually goes into making it and how you and the other
contributors all put it together would be a great read I think.
How about it?
From Collin Bukem
At the point in time of writing this reply, I have NOT written an
article as the one you suggest but I will keep it in mind and you
may even see it in this issue. Who knows?
Dear James,
Excellent disk mag, keep up the good work. Although
the content is pretty good, have you ever considered a Step-By-
Step programming feature where non-programmers could actually
create something? As far as I am concerned, it would have to be
simple and almost idiot proof but I feel sure if I (and people
like me) were led through the creation of a program, it would
give us the confidence to go at it alone.
Perhaps you could ask your readers to ring or write in with their
thoughts on this subject but I am sure (or rather, I hope) you
will get a positive response.
POWER to the people!
From Gary Simmons
Yep, I fully agree with what you are saying but I think that your
troubles are over. Chris Sharp from SUPREME SOFTWARE is now
writing for POWER and if you read about this issue you will see
that not only is there some stuff to help you along with STOS
programming but a new feature which will hopefully be continued
next month which teaches the complete beginner assembler.
Meanwhile, if anyone else out there feels that they could
contribute anything, especially for programming for beginners
then please get in touch.
Dear James,
Just a short note because I was wondering where you get
all your ideas from. Everything in POWER is so original, what
with Diary Of An ST User, Diskmania Disease, Bits And Bobs and so
much more. Where does it all come from?!
From H. Farrel
Basically, it all just comes from my head. I can just be sitting
down watching T.V or lying in bed or whatever and I suddenly get
an idea so I jump up and write it down in a little note pad
otherwise I forget it. Then, when I next have a chance, I will
work on the idea and see how it turns out.
I would like you to consider an idea I have about how
you may increase circulation of your excellent disk mag. As I
only stumbled across POWER by reading a letter you sent to ST
REVIEW, it occured to me that many potential POWER readers will
never know about POWER unless they spot it in a few selected
P.D.L's and it is certainly out of read of many new ATARI owners
(what about the estimated 150,000 new 520STFM owners?!). The
question is; How can you reach them?
How about offering some of the big ATARI suppliers and repair
centres free advertising space in POWER if they put on a sticker
on every new machine they supply, or every old machine they
upgrade or repair. The sticker would obviously tell people about
POWER and you could send every new reader an intro or 'best of'
type issue.
It wouldn't cost a lot to set up and I'm sure that if exisiting
readers chipped in by sending some labels or a cash donation (50p
or a pound should do it) then we would all benefit with an influx
of new writers and talent. I'm probably good for 200/300 labels
to start with.
As your mag is the only one I've ever seen, I may have missed the
point of the mag totally and its attraction may be that big is not
beautiful. I would be very interested to hear both your comments
and comments from Keefy, Donald Duck (what is your name?), Peter
and anyone else.
From Gary
A very good idea there and I must admit that lately, I too, have
been trying to think of ways to spread POWER further. What you
suggest could work very well, however, getting companies to do
this may be harder than you may think. Firstly, I will try a few
P.D.L's and see what they say as it is a very good idea indeed and
well worth looking into. However, I don't want POWER to get so
big that I don't have time to write to new readers properly etc, I
would like to maintain a good friendly atmosphere, then again,
more readers brings more talent as you say which helps to make
POWER even better.
I will get Peter Shilling's opinion along with Donald Duck's and
maybe Keefy's as well and if anyone else would like to comment
then please send them in to the normal address. (Maybe I should
make this into a talking point!). The thoughts of Peter Shilling
and so on will be published next month in issue 11 so be there!
If YOU have any ideas of your own then please get in touch also.
I personally was thinking about a mail shot idea. This would
mean, picking ST user addresses at random from contact lists in
other disk mags etc. and simply sending them a free issue of
POWER. However, for this to work, I will need external support
with postage and disks. Who knows....Let's wait and see the
opinion of YOU!
I am a little embarrassed to admit it but I don't really
understand how to pack or archeive (are they the same?) a game or
program. I have some P.D software on about 60/70 disks and I
know that if it was condensed it would make sense and give me
more blank disks. I'm sure I even have the software to do it but
all the mentions in various disk magazines I have seen plus the
README files on the programs assume you know what you are doing.
Can you answer a couple of dumb questions?
1. Why can I run POWER straight from the disk but when I get a
cover disk from a magazine I have to transfer a program to a
blank disk before it will run?
2. If I put some condensed programs on a disk do I have to leave
enough disk space free so it can unpack to its normal size before
it will run?
3. What is a good (but simple) P.D program to use?
If anyone out there is feeling smug because they know and are
thinking what a dummy I am, this is what POWER is all about -
Isn't it?!
From Gary Simmons
This is EXACTLY what POWER is about and I am glad that I might be
of some service. Firstly, in answer to your first question, the
reason why you have to copy some stuff of cover disks to a blank
disk is because they have been archeived. This is a form of
compression which greatly reduces the size of the file, however,
you need to copy it to a disk which will have enough spare disk
space for it to extract in to, it cannot be run any other way.
POWER does not use this method because I find it a pain in the
neck copying stuff all over the place, therefore it can be run
The answer to your second question is that putting condensed
programs on disk, DON'T have to have spare disk space for them to
extract it they have been PACKED. PACKED files is what POWER
uses and this is a form of compression which isn't quite as
efficient as ARCHEIVING but allows normal running of the program.
If your program s are archeived, then you WILL need spare disk
Thirdly, a good but simple P.D program for PACKING is PACK ICE
and I have sent you the latest version of this. Any problems
with it, don't hesitate to ask me. As for anyone else, if they
have problems like this, please get in touch.
By the way, there have been about three letters from Gary in this
column. Gary is a new reader to POWER who has very generously
made a cash donation and a donation of sticky labels and disks.
He is now also writing loads of great stuff for POWER, loads of
which is in this issue so a big welcome and thankyou to Gary!