No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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Since I last wrote to you nothing much has happened as BloodyAtariman has
not been to visit Ohyeah with any of the PeeDee I told you about last time.
However, he did pop in during the week as Ohyeah was ill, but didn't use me
like last time.
Anyway, let me tell you about my week.
Ohyeah woke and called his mum. He was thrashing about on his bed with his
face in the pillow. When his mum came in she said "Oh! you poor thing, not
again", and then went downstairs to fetch a bowl of warm water. Now this
was something new so I watched with interest. As you may remember, Ohyeah
is my owner and is a typical Amiga owner, he has an attention span of about
20 minutes (good for an Amiga owner), grunts every third breath and has the
usual runny nose which pumps out huge amounts of goo. It was this that was
causing all the fuss. Ohyeah had a cold. During the night his nose had been
working overtime and had soaked the pillow but as it dried his face had
stuck to the pillow. His mum was bathing his face with the warm water and
peeling the pillow off. "No school for you today", said his mum, "The last
time you went to school with a cold they made you walk around with a fire
bucket tied under your chin, those horrible teachers said you were making
the corridors too slippery". Ohyeah grunted and grinned.
Ohyeah was still in bed. He had asked his mum to buy a load of comics to
keep him occupied. His mum called out that she was home and started to
tramp up the stairs. She came in with a pile of comics which she dropped on
the bed and another magazine which she handed to Ohyeah. She said,"I've
bought you this computer magazine to read because I want you to do learn
how to use your computer properly instead of playing Streetfighter on it
all the time. I don't know if it's the right one for your Amiga, it's
called PC World". Ohyeah grunted and grabbed the Beano.
After Ohyeah had struggled through all the hard words in the comics he
picked up PC World, "Wots dis", he said,and looked at the cover, he had
already forgotten what his mother had told him. "PC World, why has the
soppy cow bought me a magazine about the police". He threw it down and went
to sleep.
Ohyeah must have felt better because he loaded up Sreetfighter. He tried
playing for a while but he seemed more vacant and slower than usual. After
a few minutes he gave up and went back to bed without turning me off. He
sat there looking at the sprites on my friend Monitor with the goo from his
nose making pretty patterns on his quilt. He reached over to his bedside
table and picked up an elastic band, then he grabbed one of the toilet
rolls his mum had left him to mop up with, tore of a sheet and stuffed it
into his mouth. After he had chewed it for a while he took it out rolled it
into a ball and fired it at Monitors screen which was still showing
Streetfighter. The soggy wad of tissue hit with a splat. "OHYEAH", he said
and both Monitor and I knew we were in for a very soggy time. When Monitor,
the wall and I were covered in globs of gooey toilet tissue he got fed up
and started reading yesterdays comics again.
This was the day BloodyAtariman came to visit. He came in with a couple of
disks and said,"I've brought you some PeeDee Software".
"Wot game is dat den", said Ohyeah.
"It's not a game it's just software. I'll show you", said BloodyAtariman.
He took one step towards me and then saw that both Monitor and I were
covered in crusty, soggy and yukky toilet paper. He went white dropped the
disks and said, "Perhaps you had better sort it out yourself", then he ran
out. Ohyeah picked up the disks and looked at them. They had no labels on
them and I heard him mumble, "How you s'posed ta know wot way ta put dem in
da machine if there's no writin on dem". He then bit the disk and said,"Dis
aint software it's as hard as me Fighter disk, dat BloodyAtariman is trying
ta make me look like a mug by givin me a disk wiv no writin on and telling
me it's soft". He threw it over his shoulder and loaded Streetfighter.
Two of Ohyeah's friend's came to visit, Ohshit and Miturn. They came in
just as a huge bubble was forming at Ohyeah's nose. They ran around
laughing, shouting "Gross" and making throwing up signs and noises. When
they calmed down they scraped the lumps of tissue off Monitor and loaded
Streetfighter. Ohshit and Miturn started fighting over the joystick pulling
and tugging at it. After a while Monitor started playing a little tune and
Ohshit and Miturn stopped tugging at the joystick. Without them realising
it they had completed the first level, something none of them had done
before. They all stood there looking at Monitor with their eyes glassy and
their mouths open. Just then Ohyeah sneezed and Monitor suddenly looked
like he had been covered in cling film. Ohshit and Miturn ran out making
throwing up noises but this time I don't think they were joking.
Ohyeah felt much better today and his mum made him clean up Monitor. He set
to work with a bucket of water and a wallpaper scraper and after half an
hour of swearing, scraping and washing Monitor looked better. Because he
had done such a good job his mum gave him a present, it was a disk box with
a capacity of 40 disks. Ohyeah proudly put his Streetfighter disk in it (it
was the only disk he had), and put it in the wardrobe. By this time Oyeah
was fed up with computers so he got out his trained spider (remember them).
Just then Ohshit came holding a matchbox, "Look at dis", he said,"Ive
trained a spider not to run away as well. Now we can play with our trained
spiders together".
"OHYEAH", said Ohyeah, "Let's ava look den".
Ohshit proudly and carefully opened the matchbox and they both looked
inside. There inside the matchbox were eight spiders legs. "OHSHIT", said
Ohshit, "I've chucked the wrong bit away".
Ohyeah laughed and said,"It takes practise to train a spider mate, it takes
loadsa practise".
Ohyeah turned me on and reached for Streetfighter, but it wasn't where he
normally kept it. He looked everywhere but could'nt find it, he had
forgotten about the diskbox his mother had given him. He came across the
disks BloobyAtariman had given him a few days earlier. Somehow he managed
to get it in the drive the right way even though there were no labels on
it. It was a word processing package, I knew this from the time
BloodyAtariman tried out that stuff called PeeDee on me. Ohyeah sat there
looking at Monitor in a daze but he fiddled about and more through luck
than judgement managed to get into it. He sat there for an hour, I was
quite proud of him as I didn't realise Amiga owners could concentrate that
long, while he typed out his name and address. When he finished his name
and address was clearly shown on the screen. "Dat's it", he said, "If
anyone nicks me Amiga der coppers have only got ta turn it on and me name
and address is on da screen. Well I aint gonna need dis disk anymore, its
too much like hard work anyway".
The poor slob then turned me off and threw the disk in the bin thinking
his address was safe forever.
The end of another usual week in the life of an Amiga.