No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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I was pleased to get this disk through the post (I thought they'd stopped at
number 118 !). It was worthy of telling all you POWER readers, so here's a
review of it.
When you stick the disk in the drive you are greeted with the usual POV boot-
sector and then the menu appears.
At the top of the screen is a scroller with loads of chit chat and at the
bottom is a groovy clock and all the members of POV's logo's. In the centre
is a title screen with brilliant raster colours which fades to a credits
screen and then to the contents list.
This disk contains 9 demos, including the latest version of the POV disk
ABC 16 DEMO : A definite for Thunderbird and Stingray fans! Excellent
graphics , including pictures of the Thunderbirds puppets at the bottom,
a scroller in the centre in a class font and ABC 16 and Swizzle 1990
logo at the top. Not a bad effort but gets dull after a while.
MAD VISION : This is a demo that was taken from an old issue of a disk mag
called Amazine which was made by Mad Vision. It's more of a slideshow
really but the graphics are all excellent and most of them are done by DEF
KLF of Mad Vision. All the pictures are on just about every subject there
is - Tin Tin, Women, Judge Dreed etc. with a few adverts for other ST demo
and cracking crews. Not bad , excellent graphics.
MAD VISION OVERSCAN : Another demo taken from the Amazine disk magaine.
This one features a four screen by one screen overscanned picture of a
gorgeous blond in a bikini, you scroll with the arrow keys. Bloody
brilliant ! (The feminists won't like it though !)
NLC MATHS SHOW : This a very weird demo. It plays some slow music in the
back ground, but instead of unlimited bobs and rasters like you would
expect, it's all about maths. It tells you about loads of complicated
mathematical routines and the like. A bit boring but it'd be good if you're
into maths.
ELITE INTRO : An intro to a cracked game with a scroller at the top, a 3D
starfield in the background and various 3D line objects morphing into each
other with some average music playing through it all. Average.
IMPACT 71 MENU : The menu for a cracked menu by Elite, which could be
classed as a demo itself. Excellent scrolling colour lines,
six scrollers, with the IMPACT logo bouncing around at the
top. There's plenty to read with all the scrollers going in different
directions with brilliant music in the background. Pure might !
INSOMNIA INTRO : This was taken from the Insomnia module disk 41 and not
it's not bad! The title bounces around with two scrollers at the top and
bottom and a good module playing in the background. Worth a look.
JMP 5 DEMO : Crap crap crap crap crap!! A waste of disk space if you ask me.
It shows a small rectangle in the centre with a few words repeatadly
scrolling throught it in an unreadable font with no sound or music. CRAP !
POV Copier V1.2 : This is the latest version of their own copier. On disks
1 to 99 the copier just displayed some text and copied your original POV
master disk. On disk 100 onwards they put on V1.1 which shows a melting
POV logo at the top with flashing raster sat in the background. V1.2 shows
a new POV logo and a picture of an orange disk, same rasters and new
music. This version is a lot faster than V1.1 and it looks a lot like a
demo so its entertaining while copying disks. A very good effort.
On the whole, this disk is excellent ( with a few exceptions !) and the
copier is excellent. I recomend it to any demo fan.
RATING : 81%
Comment: They should have left out the JMP 5 Demo !
If you want a copy of POV 140 then send me a disk (with some software on
it if you can - there's nothing worse than getting a blank disk in the
post!) and an S.S.A.E. and I'll send you a copy in the return post.
Ryan Simpson
26 Oak Grange
Co Armagh
BT66 7SU