She tore across the galaxy like she owned it. This was quite acceptable behaviour however because she did indeed own the thing. "A quiet little back-water," the advertisement had said, "towards the empty end of 385 sector.". Some investigation revealed that the previous owner had left to be nearer his waste disposal business (something to do with black holes). It was perfect.
Years passed, as they do, but a couple of them hung around a while longer than they should have so they could watch the goings on. Having more than one year happening at a time gives some people a strange sense of overlapping but most just suffer a slight headache. Varcer had quite a few sore heads but was far too busy to stop and take an Aspirin.
She was far too busy to stop for anything except to admire her handy-work every now and again. The greatest amusement space in the Universe would be finished by the end of the century. Build, build, build. Nothing so big had ever been built so fast.
Opening day and the whole of creation seemed to be waiting at the entrance; they had seen the reports on the Interstellervision: the Temporal Twister Tube - "Lasts minus three minutes!", the Accelerated Planet - "Evolve your own species!", the Test Your Thrust machine - "Can YOU escape our dense matter ball? A prize every time!". The list was as long as it was varied.
"Females, Males, Asexuals! Before you is a lifetime of joy, a wonder to behold, an amazement of amusement and an entry point at which your 200 credits should be transferred. Should you be in need of refreshment we have something for everything, but remember do not consume other guests as they have paid too.
"At any time a RedShip will be available to help, advise and look after you. Prepare for the experience of a millennium!
Every scanner in the queue fixed on the countdown-to-opening hologram, except one, but it was a diffusing phenomena. Slowly over eleven million spacecraft tilted a little, spun a bit and despite being rigid metal, squinted. They were observing a misshapen white emergency-escape pod drifting gently away from a small planet just inside the amusement space boundary.
A faint, rather thin radio signal: "Houston, Houston. This is Mars Mission zero-one making an emergency report. You're not going to believe this...".