No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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START, The ST Quarterly
Fall 1986: Volume 1, #2
To compile any of the programs included on this disk, you will
need the following program files from the Developer's Toolkit:
cp68.prg C preprocessor
c068.prg C parser
c168.prg C code generator
as68.prg MC68000 assembler
link68.prg ST linker program
relmod.prg ST relocation program
To use the batch files included in each folder, you will need
these programs as well:
batch.prg ST batch processing program
rm.prg ST delete (ReMove) file program
wait.prg ST wait to return to Desktop
In each START folder you will find one or more .BAT files. If
every necessary file is on the default drive, each program can be
compiled and linked by running batch.prg with this .BAT file as the
Although not every program requires these header files to
compile, following is an exhaustive list of every system header file
used by every program included on this disk. By "system header file"
we mean header files provided with the developer's toolkit, and not
any header files a programmer may have created for the specific
portab.h - definitions intended to assist in writing
portable code (from IBM to ST)
machine.h - intended to assist in porting between 8086
and 68000
gembind.h - GEM procedure bindings and other GEM
gemdefs.h - common GEM definitions from AES manual
obdefs.h - GEM object definitions
osbind.h - definitions useful for using osbind.o
vdibind.h - extern declarations for GEM VDI procedure
taddr.h - another way to get to the GEM object
Look for the #INCLUDE instructions in a particular program's
listing to determine what specific system header files will be needed
on the compile disk.
Although not every program requires link files (by which we mean
object and library files necessary to link) following is a list of
every link file necessary to produce any program included on this
accstart.o - accessory program startup
apstart.o - application program startup
gems.o - standard C lib. routines (printf, etc.)
gemstart.o - non-gem program startup
osbind.o - calls for Atari TOS and bios traps
libf - floating point library
vdibind - GEM VDI call bindings
aesbind - GEM AES call bindings
See the associated batch files for a list of the specific link
files necessary for a particular program.
Note that some may use separate resource files. In some cases,
the resource file C sources are included. In all cases, at least the
.RSC file itself is included.
Creating a .RSC file from the sources is a difficult thing to do.
We suggest you use DRI's resource editor (on the sources, of course)
if you want to change any of these separate resources.
All of these programs work with Alcyon C, the compiler provided
with the Developer's Toolkit. Note that Atari officially recognizes
only two versions of the Developer's Kit. Atari released Alcyon
version 4.14 as the magazine went to press. Some programs may need
modification to run on this most recent version. However, all run on
the current, and most popular version. Many of the programs will also
compile immediately with Megamax C.
All programs, object code, source code, and text files contained on
this disk are (C) Copyright 1986 by Antic Publishing and, unless
otherwise noted, are NOT to be considered as part of the public
START, The ST Quarterly is a magazine with disk that is published four
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