No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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237 lines
;Compiled by Stew.
;This requires a full working version of Devpac to run
;the following code is aimed at new comers to the 68000.
;all the routines below may be freely used and we hope that
;you find the comments very useful.
;This months stampede is a routine which allows you to load up
;a standard degas PI1 file in medium resolution and display it. The
;program, when run prompts you for a file name. Enter the name of you
;picture and press return. The disk drive should start up and the
;picture will be loaded in. All going well, the picture will be
;displayed and the program will way for you to press a key. Control
;will then be passed to GEM.
;As a example, try entering GUABTITL.PI1 and see the picture load up.
;Don't forget to specify the drive "A:GUABTITL.PI1".
;If you don't fully understand the code but are trying to learn, I
;would suggest purchasing books like the ATARI ST INTERNALS published
;by Abacus Software, and/or SYBEX Programming The 68000.
;first lets assign some variables using the EQUate function.
lowres equ 0
medres equ 1
hires equ 2
;now the code begins. the entire program has been split up
;into routines which are called using BSR (branch to subroutine)
;and the routine is finished using RTS (return from subroutine)
codego dc.w $a00a ;turn off mouse
bsr mypalette ;set screen colors
bsr savemode ;save current screen mode
bsr setmode ;low res screen
bsr inputname ;get the filename
bsr loadfile ;get the data into a file
bsr displayfile ;show what has been loaded
bsr waitkey ;wait for user response
bsr restorepalette ;restore gem palette
bsr restoremode ;back to old screen mode
exittogem clr.w -(sp) ;function 0-terminate program
trap #1 ;now go back to gem
;now that the main routines have been executed we tell the
;program to halt and wait for the user to press a key. this
;is done via the trap #1 call.
waitkey move.w #$0001,-(sp) ;function 1-conin
trap #1 ;wait for a key
addq.l #2,sp
;the following routines simply set the st's screen
;colours using trap #14, function 6. the colours are
;actually placed into the hardware locations $ffff8240.
restorepalette move.l #gempal,-(sp) ;address of palette in memory
move.w #$0006,-(sp) ;function 6-setpalette
trap #14 ;set the palette
addq.l #6,sp
;as the st has more than 1 mode and we wish to use mode 0, low res,
;we must save the current screen mode (a number between 0 and 2)
;in a variable for resetting later. Trap 14, function 4, gets the
;mode number and returns it in d0
savemode move.w #4,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.w #2,sp
move.w d0,oldrez
;now we set the screen mode using function 5-trap 14. this also
;allows us to set where the st fetches the data for the screen.
setmode move.w #lowres,-(sp) ;place mode required on stack
move.l #-1,-(sp) ;dont effect screen address
move.l #-1,-(sp) ;dont effect screen address
move.w #$0005,-(sp) ;function 5-setscreen
trap #14 ;set the screen resolution
add.l #12,sp
;now that the program has finished we must restore the screenmode
;to its original mode using trap 14, function 5, setscreen.
;the mode is pulled from the variable oldscreenmode.
restoremode move.w oldrez,-(sp)
pea -1
pea -1
move.w #5,-(sp)
trap #14
add.w #12,sp
;firstly we prompt the user to enter a filename
inputname pea introtext
move.w #$09,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.w #6,sp
pea filename
move.w #$0a,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.w #6,sp
;now we load the file specified in introtext into picturebuffer
;we know where the file is, what it is called and that it is 32066
;bytes long.
;to load a file into memory we must first open the file, then read
;all the data and finally close the file. because gem can handle
;more than 1 file being open at once it must be able to recognise
;the individual files. this is done using the file handle. when
;a file is open or created it is given a unique filehandle and to
;access the file for read/write/close the filehandle must be given.
loadfile move.w #0,-(sp) ;read file only
pea filestart ;name of file
move.w #$3d,-(sp) ;function
trap #1 ;open the file
addq.w #8,sp
tst.l d0 ;error occured ?
bmi errorreturn ;yes, quit load
move.w d0,filehandle
pea loadingmessage ;start of text
move.w #9,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.w #6,sp
pea picturebuffer ;start of where to load
pea 32066 ;size of file
move.w filehandle,-(sp)
move.w #$3f,-(sp)
trap #1
add.w #12,sp
tst.l d0 ;error occured in load?
bmi errorreturn ;yes, quit load
move.w filehandle,-(sp)
move.w #$3e,-(sp) ;close file
trap #1
addq.w #4,sp
errorreturn rts
;now we display the file. this is done through 3 routines, getscreenbase,
;setpalette and drawpicture.
displayfile bsr getscreenbase
bsr setpalette
bsr drawpicture
;now that the file has been loaded, we can display the data on the
;screen. the first thing to do is to get the address in memory
;of the screen. this is not fixed. 520 st's have a different
;screen location to 1040 st's. trap #14 function 2 returns the
;screen address in d0
getscreenbase move.w #2,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.w #2,sp
move.l d0,screenbase
;the palette for a degas screen is stored 2 bytes into the picture
;and is 32 bytes long.
setpalette move.l #picturebuffer+2,-(sp) ;address of palette in memory
move.w #$0006,-(sp) ;function 6-setpalette
trap #14 ;set the palette
addq.l #6,sp
;degas stores the actual screen data 34 bytes into the file. to display
;this we must copy the data up to the screen location.
drawpicture lea picturebuffer+34,a0 ;get the data from here
move.l screenbase,a1 ;put the data here
move.w #32000-1,d7 ;loop counter
copyiton move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ ;copy data up
dbra d7,copyiton ;do all screen data
;change the palette to out own colours
mypalette pea mypal ;palette address
move.w #6,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.w #6,sp
;reserved space for variables
loadingmessage dc.b 13,10,10,"Loading file....",0
introtext dc.b "Screen displayer",13,10,10
dc.b "Please enter a filename",13,10
dc.b "Maximum of 40 characters",13,10,10
dc.b 0
filename dc.b 40 ;40 characters long
dc.b 0 ;length of string input
filestart ds.b 40 ;the data starts here
oldrez dc.w 0
screenbase dc.l 0
filehandle dc.w 0
gempal dc.w $777,$700,$070,$000,$111,$222,$333,$444
dc.w $555,$000,$001,$010,$100,$200,$020,$002
mypal dc.w $777,$007,$007,$007,$007,$007,$007,$007
dc.w $007,$007,$007,$007,$007,$007,$007,$007
;the following buffer is used to store the picture before it is
;drawn onto the screen. the section bss is a special command
;used on devpac which tells the program to reserve the memory
;allocated in the ds. sections on loading the assembled program.
;this simply saves disk space.
section bss
picturebuffer ds.b 32066 ;save for piccy