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Well I am STILL running behind in the documentation. This document covers
HDSCAN 1.4/2.4, plus has notes on the changes made in the 1.5/2.5 and the
1.6/2.6 versions. Overall, if you are using version 2.3 or earlier, then
you will need to read this document carefully. A lot has changed.
Please excuse any missed features in this documentation...I went ahead and wrote
DISKSCAN in between finishing up HDSCAN and doing these docs, so things may
have slipped by...have fun.
-Todd Burkey
BBS: 612-560-9254
HDSCAN Versions 1.x/2.x
(The ST Hard Disk Utility)
(c) 1987/1988
by Todd Burkey
Note: This documentation must be included with HDSCAN Version 1.x if you
wish to transmit the program to anyone by email, bbs, or any other means.
Any modification of the binaries or this document is expressly forbidden.
HDSCAN 1.4 is Shareware and copyrighted 1987 by Todd Burkey.
DISCLAIMER: I spend all my money on computers that outdate themselves within a
year, so I really don't need a disclaimer...although with all the
strange things TOS and GEM occasionally do, I should say, "LET THE
USER BEWARE". There. Safe.
1.0 INTRO:
HDSCAN was designed initially to satisfy a simple backup need. HDSCAN is first
and foremost a utility that lets you tag files throughout your hard disk and
then copy (or erase) them in one pass. Because I got carried away, HDSCAN also
lets you hexdump any file on the hard disk, view any file (even binary files
if you like), rename a file, perform daily backups to floppies, select for
display files matching a specific string (i.e. to just see all file names that
have .doc in them), select just files in one directory, select all the files on
all directories of a hard disk to scroll through, and more that will make
sense when you try out the program.
Other features support archiving files, compressing/uncompressing files,
invoking external programs, and most importantly, sorting files. You can sort
by date, name, and size in ascending or descending order. For example, you can
select all .c files (all directories), sort them by reverse date, then easily
tag all the new files for copying to floppies. Or maybe sort an entire drive
by name to help find duplicate files (this will make more sense if your drives
get as messy as mine do). The sort in HDSCAN is a recursive quicksort, so even
thousands of files will be sorted in a few seconds. I have even added a very
simple (but fast) file compare routine to allow quick checks to see if files
are duplicates. And you will find even more features embedded in the program
as you start using it.
This program has had a strange history. After working my way up from 8 bit
PC's (OSI, Atari 400/800, and CP/M), through the various fads (Mac, IBM PC,
and an Amiga), to my current 'addiction' of an ATARI ST and a Symmetrics 375
(BSD 4.2 Box), I was faced with an interesting dilemma. As my disk space got
larger, it took more and more time to 1) perform selective backups of files,
2) quickly find files, 3) determine what files were duplicates, and 4) in
general, just keep track of, and manipulate, all the files on my systems.
1.1.1 Ancient, boring stuff
Even on CP/M, a program called SWEEP was a boon back in the days when we
thought a 1 meg 8" diskette was a LOT of space. Basically, SWEEP would scan
your current directory and, at the touch of a key, you could view, hexdump,
and tag files for subsequent copy and/or deletion. Later I got hooked on XTREE
on my PC. Although it was quite slow scanning the disk, XTREE was able to
perform SWEEP-like operations across an entire partition (multiple
directories). The potential of a program like XTREE intrigued me so much
that about a year after I got my ST, I gave up waiting for someone else to
write one and decided to brave GEMDOS and write my own. What I ended up with
was a hard disk tool that had features of SWEEP, XTREE, and a bunch of new
capabilities that I had always wanted (one of which was the ability to scan
30 megs in 2 seconds...speed is always nice.)
1.1.2 Even Unix
HDSCAN turned out to be so useful on the ST that one day (after spending
hours 'browsing' through my somewhat cluttered directories on my Unix box)
I decided to port it to Unix. What is included in this release is code I have
folded back from the port. Although the code ported quite easily, there were a
lot of changes necessary to support the Unix file structure, program invokes,
and basic lack of graphics. Some of the user-friendliness of the program was
lost during the port (personal opinion)...possibly due to the loss of speed
(during scans, scrolling through files, and redraws of screens) and the key
remapping I was forced into. But this version is just as friendly or unfriendly
as you felt the original hdscan to be.
2.1.0 First things first: HDSCAN.KEY
Before you run HDSCAN for the first time, you should probably create a
file called HDSCAN.KEY and place it in C:\HDSCAN.KEY. HDSCAN will search
for HDSCAN.KEY in your current directory when you first invoke HDSCAN, and
if it can't find it there, it will automatically check C:\HDSCAN.KEY. If it
doesn't find the file, HDSCAN will come up with the defaults of its own.
HDSCAN.KEY is a control file that defines system and user specific things.
This includes 'things' like telling HDSCAN where your favorite editor is
located, where to find you copy of you arc program, or even what commands
to 'attach' to the auto-invoke keys (Function Keys 1-10) for macros. While
HDSCAN will work fine without HDSCAN.KEY, proper setup of this file will
be well worth the time it takes to learn its somewhat cryptic structure.
2.1.1 HDSCAN.KEY Syntax
The format of HDSCAN.KEY is actually very simple. Each line in the HDSCAN.KEY
file acts as either a key definition (keys F1-F10), a parameter assignment, or
a comment. If a line does not have an equal sign ('=') or colon (':') in the
second character position, it is taken as a comment line. HDSCAN.KEY Key Bindings
If the line begins with one number followed by an '=' sign, then the text that
follows the equal sign will be taken as a command (or commands) to be executed
when you press the appropriate number key. These commands can consist of
pretty much anything you would normally type from a shell. A nice feature is
that the commands can be parameterized by embedding @F, @P, @f, @p, ?, and <
in the command line. This will make more sense once you start using the HDSCAN,
but @F will expand into the full pathname of the file you are 'ON' when you
select the command, @P will be the full file name without the extender (i.e.
if C:\trb\test.c is the FULL pathname, then @P will expand to C:\trb\test).
Likewise, @f will give you the full file name (test.c) and @p will give just
the prefix of the name (test). Finally, if the first character of the command
line is a ? the user will be prompted before the command is invoked, and if
it is a < then the user will be prompted to type in the full command. HDSCAN.KEY Parameters
If the line begins with a letter, dash ('-'), or plus ('+') followed by a ':',
then the information following the ':' will be passed (kind of like parameters)
into HDSCAN at startup. I know, I could have used environment variables, but
this was easier and simpler for people to set up. For now, the 'parameters'
that are recognized by HDSCAN are:
'A' (arc path)
'B' (backup device) <--Currently not implemented in 1.4/2.4
'D' (diff path) <--Currently not implemented in 1.4/2.4
'E' (editor path)
'U'/'M' (unmount/mount info) <--Currently not implemented in 1.4/2.4
'u'/'c' (uncompress/compress) <--Currently not implemented in 1.4/2.4
'+' Added the following floppy drive to scan list (only one + is used)
'-' ignore these hard disk partitions.
2.1.2 HDSCAN.KEY Example
For example, let's say your favorite editor is in C:\bin\emacs.tos, you
have arc in your local directory, you always want drive A scanned,
and you want to be able to perform a variety of commands on files at the
press of the key. The following HDSCAN.KEY file would accomplish this.
-------sample HDSCAN.KEY file--------
/* Key 1 & F1 definition: do a word count of the current file */
1=wc @F
/* compile the current file after prompting the user to do so */
2=?cc -O @F -o @P
/* do a less of the current file */
3=less @F
/* drop into a shell...somewhat unnecessary on BSD systems */
/* copy the current file into my catchall directory */
6=C:\bin\cp.prg @F G:\packrat
/* key 0 & F10 definition: dynamically prompt user for the command to issue */
-----end of sample HDSCAN.KEY file--------
Very simple. Just click on the hdscan.prg icon. Or you can run it from a
shell with command line options by typing:
hdscan -i C -i D A <--assuming you wanted to scan all hard drive partions
except C and D and also wanted to scan drive A.
The screen will be somewhat confusing to the beginner, so I will explain
here what you are looking at.
2.2.2 The Main Display:
Right after invoking HDSCAN, you will hear the floppy go active (if you had
asked for the floppy to be scanned as well, and then you will see the hard
disk light go on for a few seconds. This is just HDSCAN going out and gathering
up all the file information it needs. HDSCAN performs only READS of the disk
during this process, so don't worry about anything getting screwed up (I'm
paranoid too...) Note that if HDSCAN takes more than a few seconds to scan
20-30 megabytes, then your disk is probably getting pretty fractured and it
would be a good time to clean up the partitions...
Most noticeable on the screen will be a tall box near the right of the screen
filled with file names. That is the 'selected file' window and you can scroll
up and down through all selected files with the h, j, k, and l keys (more on
this later) to quickly get to a file. The file you are currently 'ON'
will be highlighted (both reverse fielded and with a > sign next to it).
As you scroll through the file names, notice that the directory the file is
in, it's size, and it's dates (modify/access/change), are automatically
updated in windows near the top left of the screen.
Next to the file size window is a window that will make more sense later. It
displays the total size of all Tagged files. This proves useful when you are
moving around the hard disk, deciding which files will fit on which floppies.
Below these two windows is a long window used for prompts. Look in this
window if you aren't sure why something isn't happening...it might be asking
you a question.
Below the prompt window is a big free space which I am sure will eventually get
filled up. Right now it is mostly a billboard.
Below that is a status line that basically tells you 1) what you have selected
(i.e. ALL will appear if all partitions are chosen, DIR will appear if you have
selected a single directory to work in, and a string of 1-8 characters will
appear if the selection was made using a wildcard string search), 2) the sort
order (initially RANDOM to give you an idea of how fractured your file space
is), 3) the number of selected files, and 4) the total size in bytes of all
selected files.
3.0 File Selection Mode: Commands
You can skip this section and just use it for reference if you are familiar
with the 1.3/2.3 version of HDSCAN. Everyone else would be wise to at least do
a quick scan of the commands.
3.1 Moving About:
One important thing to learn before we get into the various commands is
that to scroll through the files in the file window, you can use the h,
j, k, and l keys. The j/k keys will scroll down/up in the file window
respectively. Likewise, the h/l keys will page up/down in the list. If
you want to go all the way up or down in the list of files displayed in
the window, then use the H and L keys. If you have really slow terminals
and still want to use HDSCAN for some reason, use the J/K keys instead of
the j/k keys. This will cause scrolling without updating the current file
info on the screen.
For those of you who prefer the use of the arrow keys, then make the following
substitutions to the above:
Up Arrow---->k key-->scroll up
Down Arrow-->j key-->scroll down
Left Arrow-->h key-->page up
Right Arrow->l key-->page down
Shift Up Arrow---->K key-->scroll up (faster)
Shift Down Arrow-->J key-->scroll down (faster)
Clr/Home---->H key-->Goto first file in selected list
Shift Clr/Home---->L key-->Goto last file in selected list
Why did I do this? I just like keeping my fingers in the normal key range
and hate searching around for the arrow keys.
3.2 TAGGING STuff:
Tagged files are a fundamental feature of hdscan and its usage. To tag a file,
simply scroll to the file you want and press the 't' key. You will see a '*'
appear in a little scrolling region next to the file name and the file window
will scroll to the next file (so you can keep pressing 't' to select a bunch
of files.) As each file is Tagged, you will see the total Tagged size increase
in the TOTAL TAGGED window. To untag a file, just use the 'u' key. To untag
all files, type 'ALT-U'. Note that directories will also appear in the file
selection window (they have a 'D' next to them). I don't allow tagging of
directories so you can't delete them, but they are useful for reference to
see what all is in a directory (and when you are checking out protections,
modify dates, etc).
3.3.1 Searching for files
Most of the time, you will probably just want to search out a few files for
tagging and won't want to scroll over all 5000 or so files on the hard disk. To
save some time, if you press the 's' key, you will be prompted for a <13
character string to search for (you can enter stuff like .doc, .c, junk, etc
but no * or ? wildcards are supported...to be truthful, I never even had any
requests for wildcards.) The 's' key option will make its selection from all
available files. If you just want to perform a selection from the currently
selected subset of files, the 'S' key should be used instead. This will
allow you to easily narrow in on a set of file names. Both options will
allow you to enter just an asterisk (*) if you want to just see Tagged files,
and entering only a carriage return will reselect everything.
3.3.2 Selecting/Searching for a directory
There are also times when you might only want to select the files in one
directory. To do so, pressing the TAB key will turn the PATH: window into a
little scrolling region, allowing you to use the j & k keys to quickly scroll
to the appropriate directory. If you have a lot of directories to scroll past,
you can just type '/' or '\' followed by a few characters that are in the
directory name to search forwards or backwards respectively in the directory
tree. When you have the directory you want in the PATH: window, you can either
press the TAB key again (to select all the files in the currently selected
directory) or the 'A' key (to select files in all directories below and
including the currently selected directory.) If there are no files in the
directory you are trying to select, then HDSCAN will inform you so and let
you select another directory.
There is also another method that allows directory selection. If you press
the N or P keys, the directory in the tree that is Next/Previous to the
one in the PATH: window will be selected. If you have a fast terminal, this
is a useful way of swinging through directories. Note that in both selection
methods, my definition of the next directory in a tree is based on the next
alphabetically sorted path for that directory. This will be more apparent
once you use the program.
3.3.3 Regenerating the file list
Every once in awhile, you may want to regenerate the list of files (i.e. you
have been doing some heavy deletes and don't care to see the 'X'ed out deleted
files on the file list any more). To do so, just press the ! key. Note that
this command is useful if you have been performing commands that have modified
your directory structure via 'outside' programs as well (more on that later).
Also, note that this command automatically reselects everything.
3.4 DANGEROUS STuff (Copy/Erase all Tagged files...and more):
Once you have everything that you need Tagged, pressing the 'm' or 'M' keys
will invoke the mass file copy routine. Selecting 'M' will copy files while
preserving the original file dates and attributes, whereas the 'm' key will
create a file with the current date. This option will prompt you for the
destination path and allow you to copy all Tagged files (with or without an
interactive query on each file). Once copied, the '*' next to a file name will
become a '#' to show that the copy was successful. If you later want to re-tag
the '#' files, possibly for mass erase ('E' key), you can do so by pressing
the 'ALT-T' keys.
Note: to erase just one file, place the scroll bar over the file and press
the D key.
3.5 VISUAL STuff (Viewing and Dumping files):
One nice feature of HDSCAN is that by pressing the 'v' key, you can view the
file that you are currently 'ON' in the file window. The view option does
a character by character analysis of the file, just displaying the ASCII
printable characters on the screen, so it can be used for looking for strings
in a binary file. Note that because I chose to allow looking at binary files,
I also turned off highlighting, tabbing, and formfeeds that sometimes appear
in files. If you want to get a HEX dump, press the 'V' key and you will get
a page by page listing of your file in both HEX and ASCII. You can edit
the file you are currently pointing at in the scroll window by pressing the
'*' key (shift 8). 'vi', or whatever you designated as your favorite editor
in the HDSCAN.KEY file, will be loaded, read in the file, allow you to edit
and save the file, and then return you to HDSCAN when you are done.
3.6 ARC STuff:
To get a verbose listing of the contents of an ARC file, move to the file you
want to look at and then press the = key. While the verbose listing is being
displayed, you can press the CTRL-S key to pause the listing and the CTRL-Q
key to continue the listing.
To add all Tagged files to an ARC file, just move the scroll bar over the ARC
file you want to add the Tagged stuff to and hit the + key. You will be asked
for a path name (in case you want to add to an ARC file that doesn't exist)
and you can either hit return (to select the file you were scrolling over, or
type in the full pathname of the file you want to create or add to (i.e.
C:\trb\pict1.arc is a full pathname). The Tagged files will then be ARC'ed
together. Please note that the current implementation of 'add to ARC' is
horribly inefficient...but it works.
3.7.1 Sorting files (Only in the Professional version)
HDSCAN allows you to sort all selected files (don't confuse Tagged with
selected...selected files are simply everything you can currently scroll past
in the file name window, whereas Tagged files are those you have Tagged with
the T key for some future purpose.) By pressing the 'o' key, you will tell
HDSCAN that you wish to sort the selected files. HDSCAN will prompt you for
the sort key (i.e. file size, name, date, protections, etc) and then ask
whether you want to see them in ascending or descending order). Since you can
sort files over a whole file system, a sort by descending date is a useful way
to tag what has changed since your last backup. A sort by ascending name is
useful to find all those duplicate files. One note on sorting: I always fall
back to RANDOM order upon a new selection by either search (S) or directory
select (TAB). This provides the fastest response assuming you aren't always
wanting to see the stuff sorted. If you really want files to be maintained in
a particular order for viewing purposes, use the 'O' key to initiate your
sort option. This will tell HDSCAN to maintain that sort order throughout all
subsequent file reselects...until another sort option is selected.
3.7.2 Comparing files (Only in the Professional Version)
Another important feature in HDSCAN is the ability to quickly compare files.
You can use either the 'c' key or the 'C' key to perform this function. The
'c' key will use an internal routine to quickly ascertain that the files are
the same or not, while the 'C' key will use C:\bin\diff.prg to perform
a more extensive compare (or whatever command you have used in the HDSCAN.KEY
'D:' override option. To perform a compare, move the cursor to one of the files
you want to compare and press the 'c' or 'C' key. When you do so, a C will
appear next to the file name and you will be prompted to go find another file
to compare it against. When you have the scroll bar over the other file, press
c or C again and the two files will be compared. For sanity's sake, my routine
just shows the first 15 differences (byte locations and values) that the program
finds. Note that you can do any number of file searches and directory matches
in between selecting the first and second compare files.
3.8.1 Doing things to a file
Because I got tired adding features to the program and it was getting big, I
decided to add one more feature. This is probably the most powerful feature
(and the most confusing) as well. I decided to make the 0-9 keys into
user definable keys. I have mentioned already how to create the HDSCAN.KEY
file, so will only mention here that to use the program you have assigned to
the key, just press the appropriate key. If you forget what the user defined
key assignments are, just press the 'I' key and you will be given a listing of
the keys (along with a summary of disk space). This programmable key option
uses the system() call, so you can even invoke commands that do redirection.
Note: I know it is confusing, but I decided to map the Function keys into the
number keys (i.e. key 1=F1, 2=F2, ... , 0=F10) to keep things familiar for
people using both the ST and Unix versions of HDSCAN.
3.8.2 Doing things to all Tagged files
Guess what you can also do with Tagged files? If you press the 'G' key after
tagging a bunch of files, you will be prompted to press a command key (0-9).
Yep, you guessed it. You can invoke any command upon all of the files that
you have Tagged, one at a time. You can optionally have HDSCAN pause after
each file is 'processed' in this fashion or just let it run through all the
3.9 FINAL STuff:
Now, what have I missed? There are quite a few little options that I rarely
use, but that people requested for some reason or other on the ST.
3.9.1 Renaming files
To rename a file, just hit the 'R' key and type in the new name. The file name
you are currently selecting in the file window will be renamed. You will also
be prompted for the files' status fields (i.e. if you want to hide/unhide it,
make it a system file, write-protect the file, etc). Just pressing return in
response to these questions will retain the old values.
3.9.2 Creating directories
To create a directory, just press the ~ key. You will be prompted for a
directory name. You can type in the complete path of the directory you want
created (i.e. C:\trb\PICTURES) or if you are already inside the directory
you want to create the new dir in, just prefix the name of the new directory
with a ~ character (i.e. if you see C:\trb up in the PATH window, just type:
to achieve the same thing as typing C:\trb\PICTURES). This was originally
intended for creating directories on the output media, so creating a directory
will not cause that directory to be visible in the file selector window unless
you do a rescan ('!' key).
3.9.3 Cleaning up the directory order
To beautify ('B' key) the order that files are presented, I added an option
that goes through and groups all files into disk order, rather than the RANDOM
order that you will see files in upon running HDSCAN. The RANDOM order is
actually the same tree order the files appear in your tables, so they are
already clustered together within their respective subdirectories. It is just
that as your hard disk gets more fractured due to erasing and moving files
around, your tables will get messier and messier. After you get used to
viewing files via using the match, directory select, and sort options, you
will probably never even bother using the 'B' key.
3.9.6 WARNING!
Some words of caution before you continue. First, while copying,
HDSCAN does not check to see if the destination file already exists...it will
just overwrite the destination file. Second, I don't do any bounds checking on
input, so if you feel you must have long directory names that require you to
type in over the scroll window graphics, go ahead. You can't hurt anything
that pressing the ? key twice won't solve. I know that I should really go
in and prevent that from happening, but this program was designed not to be
restrictive and should allow you to use it in ways I haven't planned for yet
(planning for the unplanned?) Finally, be careful about using the 'e' key.
If you tag some files in one directory, then do a search for some other files
and tag some of them, be aware that the previously Tagged files will also get
erased (unless you un-tagged them of course). Just because you can't see the
file any more in your currently selected subset of the disk does not mean it
isn't Tagged (that will be obvious, actually, if you look at the total Tagged
window). If you are at all unsure, just use the select option to select all
Tagged files prior to deleting them ('s' and then search for '*'). Happy
Sure, now that I have told you about all the commands I condense everything
into one paragraph:
(~) key: Create a directory
! key: Rescan all directories or just the directory in the PATH: window
# key: Invoke selected program (i.e. the file under the cursor)
+ key: Add Tagged files to an existing .arc file (or create a new one)
0-9 keys: Run external programs (defined in HDSCAN.KEY)
= key: Verbose Arc listing (peek at the names/sizes of ARC files)
?/I keys: HELP (basically this info)/keymap info (i.e. command key bindings)
TAB key: Select files by directory (or by subtree)
c/C keys: Compare/Diff two files. The diff option is user programmable.
d key: Delete current file (verification will be requested.)
e key: Erase all Tagged files (verification will be requested.)
G key: Globally run external programs on all tagged files.
h/l keys: Page up/down in the file selection window
H/L keys: Go to the Top/Bottom of the selected list of files
k/j keys: Scroll up/down in the file selection window
m/M keys: Mass copy all tagged files with new/preserved dates.
N/P keys: Move to the next/previous directory and select all files in it
o/O keys: Order (sort) the selected files (o=just for now, O=Always)
R key: Change name and/or attributes of file
s/S keys: Select match on all/Subset
t key: Tag a file
ALT u key: Retag all Copied files
u key: Untag a file
ALT u key: Untag all Tagged files
v key: View a file/strings-like
V key: View a file in HEX/ASCII
5.0 Currently known bugs/limitations:
1) Occasionally a file will show up in a directory on a floppy, but you
won't be able to access it from within HDSCAN. This is a GEM/TOS bug
that I haven't gotten around to working out a safe fix for. I kept
hoping the new TOS would solve the problem. There is a workaround.
Open up the floppy from the desktop into a window and then run HDSCAN.
2) You can run some GEM programs from within HDSCAN, but TOS seems to
get flaky if you do this too much...all I am doing is pexecs, so...
6.0 Version 1.4/2.4: What's New
This section is for those ST owners out there who already know all about
the old ST version of HDSCAN and thought they could skip over the docs this
time around. I couldn't fold many features back into this version from the
Unix version, simply because they were very Unix specific. The following
features are new for 1.4/2.4:
1) More use of colors to move the eyes to the right spots on the screen. I
suppose everyone is going to bug me about picking the colors I did, but
I can always add that as a configurable option in a later release.
2) I got kind of hooked on the key configuration I set up for the Unix
version of HDSCAN, so I brought those definitions back into this version.
In most cases, the old keys you are used to will work, but things like the
h,j,k and l keys can be used in place of the Arrow key options, for
example. The only key that actually changed definition was the H)ex dump
key...it is now V)ex dump :-) and to view a file, you can still press v.
3) Would you believe Mass command key invokes? If you tag a bunch of files,
then press the M key you will be prompted for a command key (0-9). Yep,
you can now perform a user-definable command operation on all the tagged
files. I have come up with a lot of strange uses for this option.
4) Parameterized macros attached to the 0-9 keys...
5) Enhanced directory features. This includes searching while in the
directory selection mode and the ability to cycle through the directories
one at a time with the N and P keys while in file selection mode.
6.1 Version 1.5/2.5: What's New
1) Mouse control. Now you can use the mouse to move around in your list
of selected files. Moving the mouse forwards and backwards moves your
cursor up and down, and moving side to side pages your selection up
and down. The left button is attached to the view file command, so
clicking on it will let you view the currently selected file. The
right button is assigned to the directory selection command, so clicking
it is the same as hitting the TAB key. If you are in a view file mode,
pressing the left button will page you ahead and pressing the right
button will return you to the main file selection window. If you are in
the directory selection mode, moving the mouse forwards and backwards
will scroll you through the directories, pressing the left button will
select just the files in a directory, and pressing the right button will
select the whole tree below the directory. You can turn the mouse mode
off by including the line - M:No in your HDSCAN.KEY file.
2) Minor screen cleanup.
6.2 Version 1.6/2.6: What's New
1) Popup help. Press help and see for yourself.
2) More capable program execution (gave you back the mouse for GEM progs).
3) Sort by name for the Shareware version.
Again, have fun with the program. It is meant to be a utility that is used
from time to time. It was never intended to be used as a shell as so many
people seem to like to use similar tools on the PC for. Someday, maybe, but
it has a long way to go first. I should also remind everyone again that this
is NOT a public domain program. I am distributing it Shareware. What this
means is that you can use the program to your heart's content, modify it as
much as you want for your own PERSONAL use, but when you pass it on to other
people (friends, enemies, whatever), it must be passed on in it's original,
unmodified state. This applies to the documentation as well as the binary
executables. If there really is a change you feel that the world must
have, send me a note and I will try to integrate it into a future version.
Of course, Shareware also means that if you like the program, really use it,
and want to help fund further development, please don't be shy. I am asking
for a Shareware contribution of $10, or if you want to order the production
version, just send in $20 (U.S. dollars). If you don't think it is worth that,
even a letter is appreciated if you find the program useful (or if it would be
useful if it had a certain feature, for that matter). The update policy for
those of you who already purchased earlier versions is $6 (just enough to
cover the disk, postage, packaging, and bribing my wife to swing by the post
office on the way to work).
Todd Burkey
3546 Pilgrim Ln
Plymouth, MN 55441
or ..ihnp4!meccts!stag!trb
2/1/1987 - HDSCAN ver 1.0 (Shareware) and 2.0 (professional)
5/15/1987 - HDSCAN ver 1.3 (Shareware) and 2.3 (professional)
12/25/1987 - HDSCAN ver 3.0 (Unix Shareware)
2/15/1988 - HDSCAN ver 1.4 (Shareware) and 2.4 (professional)
4/15/1988 - HDSCAN ver 1.5 (Shareware) and 2.5 (professional)
7/9/1988 - HDSCAN ver 1.6 (Shareware) and 2.6 (professional)