No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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Thank you for getting Composer Two program. If you like the package
and use it please register with the author.
What you get when you register:
* More sample sequences
* Large memory version of Composer 2
for use with 1 meg ST's
* An exporting version of Composer 1
How you register:
Send £5 to:
David Dickens
7 Granary Close
I would also be grateful for any suggestions you may have for improving
the program.
If you have produced any music using either Composer 1 or Composer 2 I
would love to hear it.
I have speeded up the screen repainting routines so that you can switch
between editing notes and sequences much quicker.
I have included more sample music on the disk and added a display which
shows you how many segments being loaded or saved. The merge function
is now easier to use as it will only display sequences in the song to be
merged - so you can decide to take a whole sequence into your new song
very easily. This means that you can keep your own libraries of bass
riff/drum beats etc.
A new key has been added to switch off all MIDI notes - just press O or o.
Sometimes after you have been playing a numbered of sequences in the
sequence editing screen Composer decides not to let you play the sequence
again. If you press P it starts to count up the beats but no music is
played. I don't know why this happens but the work round is easy.
Just go into the song editing screen and press play. It doesn't matter
if you song has not got any sequences in it. When the Ready to Play
box is displayed click okay then press S to stop. If this leaves notes
sounding press O to stop them. Now you can go back to your sequence and
this will play fine.
Composer Two quick reference guide
To play the sample file on the disk:
1) Select LOAD MUSIC DATA from the FILE menu
CLICK on one of the .C2 files
2) Select Edit Song from the Work on.. menu
The screen will change to display the SONG TABLE
4) Press P to play or select PLAY from the FUNCTIONS menu
Wait a few seconds while the music is compiled.
CLICK OKAY (make sure your keyboard is connected)
Note: All the music samples were produced using on a Yamaha PSS 795
keyboard and a Casio CZ101.
To start a new piece of music and clear out any existing data load the
Untitled.c2 file. This file has a series of X segments which can be used
to set up the voices on your keyboard. It is set up for a PSS 795 but
you could easily edit this file to your own requirements.
Note the Midi recording function on this version of the software has
voice change codes filtered out. This is because I find it easier to
add voice change data after the music has been recorded.
Keyboard short cuts
F Moves to next page of LIBRARY BOX or next BAR (if editing notes)
B Move to previous page of LIBRARY BOX or previous BAR
C Toggles sync between internal and external clock signals
T Toggles MIDI THRU on and off (MIDI thru works on channel 1 when you
are recording)
P Plays back either SEGMENT (if editing notes), SEQUENCE (if editing
a SEQUENCE) or a SONG (if in SONG editing screen)
R Records music - you can not record in the SONG editing screen
S Stops play back or recording
K To keep current recording - you will be asked to give your recording
a name
O Switches off all MIDI notes - useful if you stop your sequence early
Q Quantises current segment to nearest semi quaver
D Deletes all segs not used in current song (be careful)
SPACE BAR to display SEQUENCE editing screen (the main working screen)
ESC To leave Composer Two
1 to 0 Allow you to selectively record from channels 1 to 10
Shift + 1 to 6 Allow selective recording from channels 11 to 16
Z switches back to default mode where notes are recorded
from all channels
(Note: Composer always strips out channel information so although in
default mode all channels are recieved they are all lumped together in
Composer. The only way to record separate channels is to record each
one at a time using keys 1-0 and shift 1-6)
eg. On my PS795 the auto backing section is played on channels 5, 6, 7, 8
and 16. The drums are played on channel 16. If I want to record the
drums from the backing I press Shift 6, set the computer to read an
external clock, hit R to record and then press the play button on the
PSS 795 keyboard. I can repeat this procedure for all the backing section
channels to build up the backing in Composer where is can then be edited
and played back on various instruments. The piece Rain Dance was done
in this way. I wrote the piece using the song memory of the PSS 795 then
transferred it to Composer and did final editing and added the fine touches.
Editing notes in the NOTE TABLE
DRAG mouse to move whole notes
SHIFT & DRAG to copy whole notes (ie on and off)
SHIFT CONTROL & DRAG to move a single MIDI code (either on, off or
control codes)
ALT & DRAG to delete whole note
ALT CONTROL & CLICK to delete single MIDI code
* * * * Major update - chord editing * * * * *
Do any of the above in the NEW line and it will affect all notes in that
column (chords).
DOUBLE CLICK to edit an existing note or add a new note.
Editing the Sequence table
DRAG mouse to move *segment round in table
SHIFT & DRAG to copy segment
ALT & CLICK to delete segment
CONTROL SHIFT CLICK to fill track with segment under cursor
CONTROL ALT CLICK to delete segments from rest of track after
cursor position
* a segment is a recording made from the keyboard, it can be up to 32 bars
in length
Editing the Library box
All your recordings are kept in the Library box.
DRAG segments on to SEQUENCE TABLE or
DRAG sequences on to SONG TABLE
SHIFT DRAG to copy segments or sequences
ALT CLICK to delete segments, sequences or songs
Editing the Song table
DRAG sequence names to alter their position in the song table
SHIFT DRAG seguences to copy them within the table
ALT CLICK to delete sequence names from the song table
Last updated 22/10/1992