No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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© 1995 MAD! P.D.
I wrote this little program to solve a problem I had encountered. Many of you
know what it's like to have a game or a demo stop working. In just about every
case the boot-sector contains a special program that auto starts the game or
demo. If this program get's corrupted the game or demo fails to work any more.
What this program does is copy the bootsector of a game or demo and saves it
as a file. If the unthinkable ever happens then all you have to do is load a
saved boot-sector and re-install it onto the original disk.
The program does not contain any boot-sectors. In order to build up a Library
of boot-sectors you have to copy the original undamaged boot-sector. All that
this program does is allow you to copy that boot-sector and save it as a file
on a 'LIBRARY' disk. It also allows you to re-install a boot-sector that you
have got saved on your Library disk.
On running the program you will be confronted by a control panel. There are
6 buttons to play with and a message screen in the top left hand corner of the
SAVE BOOT Clicking on this button brings up a message asking you to put the
disk in the drive that you want the boot-sector from. You can
either continue or exit. If you continue the program will copy
the boot-sector and store it in memory. Another message will
appear asking you to put a disk in the drive onto which you want
to store the bootsector. You can either exit or continue. If you
continue a file selector will appear, this is where you type in
a name for the boot-sector you've just captured. You can type in
upto 11 characters for the name. After you've entered a name and
pressed return the computer will save the bootsector as a file
with the name you've entered. The program will then return to the
main menu.
LOAD BOOT Clicking on this button brings up a message asking you to put the
'LIBRARY' disk in the drive. You can either continue or exit. If
you continue a file selector will appear, this is where you get
the boot-sector that you want to install onto the corrupted disk.
Having selected a boot-sector another screen appears asking you
to put the disk with the damaged boot-sector in the drive. You
must make sure that the disk is write enabled. You can either
exit or continue, if you continue the computer will write the
boot-sector to the disk. A message will appear saying 'OPERATION
COMPLETED'. The program will then return to the main menu.
INFO Clicking on this button will bring up a message telling you that
this program is postcardware. So send me a postcard, on it say if
you liked the program or not and what kind of improvements or
extra features you'd like to see in a future version.
QUIT Clicking on this button will bring up a message asking if you
really want to go. Clicking on 'OK' exits the program. Clicking
on 'NO' will return you to the main menu.
OK At every message screen clicking on this button will continue.
This button only works when the message screen shows a tick.
NO At every message screen clicking on this button will exit you
back to the main menu. This button only works when the message
screen shows a cross.
Format a disk and make sure that the folder 'BOOTSAVE', which contains the
program and docs are the only thing on it. This will be your 'LIBRARY' disk.
If you only have a single disk drive then you've got a lot of disk swapping
to do. If you're fortunate enough to have an external disk drive then run the
program from the external disk drive. The program always reads and writes the
boot-sectors to drive 'A' but loads and saves files from the drive that the
program was executed from. The program will also run from hard drive.
That's all there is to it really. There is an error trap screen, but hopefully
you'll never see it. If you do note down the error number and the line number
and send them to me.
This program was written in STOS with a little help from the MISTY extension.
All code and graphics are by myself, the graphics taking the longest to do.
This is my first attempt at programming for the public domain. Hopefully not
my last. If you are a programmer who if looking for someone to do graphics for
a game then get in touch. I would be more than happy to share my artistic
ability for a mention in the credits of a game.
If you want to get in touch either for graphic work or to send me a postcard
then please do so, my address is :-
DA12 1LD