No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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Welcome to this months letters page, if you have something you
want to say to the rest of the stos using world. Then send it to STOSSER.
It seems as if STOSSER is starting to travel a bit, the main reason for us
thinking this is because of our first letter. Its from one of our German
freinds. I'm a bit unsure of some of it, but below is what i think he was
trying to say.
Dear Tony,
Please excuse my bad english,(no problem(STOSSER)).I found your
disk magazine "STOSSER ISSUE 2 MAY 1993" on a P.D. collection and i think
it is a good mag made in STOS. I am a STOS user from Germany and make
games with my friend Thomas (ROLL-IT for example).
I have a 1040ST with SM 1224,SM 124, STAR LC-24 printer, 44MB Hard
drive, STOS. STOS MAESTRO, STOS 3D and many extensions.
STOS in Germany is dying more and more and we need help from England. I
have a question. I am looking for pd disks from England, with STOS
games, demos, listings etc..., also i am looking for newspapers with STOS
reports in etc...Does anyone out there want to swap STOS stuff with me?. I
have a big collection of Fonts, Listings, programs, sprites, samples,
tracker modules, and colour and mono pictures. Please put my address in
your contacts section so people can write to me. I am in a STOS user
group with 30 members and we are very enthusiastic about STOSSER.
STOSSER REPLIES: Glad you like the 'zine Wilfied, also glad to hear
you've managed to get a copy of it in Germany. Your request for your
address being placed in the contacts section has been carried out ( in
fact it was put into last months at the last minute). Sorry to hear that
STOS is fading over there, however, it seems that this is probably more
due to the fading ST interest than STOS itself. It seems that everywhere
has the same problem. You mentioned you had quite a big list of fonts,
listings etc...Well, how about sending a few to Tony so they can be put on
the diskzine for others to enjoy. You will be fully credited of course.
With a bit of luck, by now you may have received later issues of STOSSER,
if you are finding it hard to get hold of it, then let us know. To
everyone else out there who is interested in writing to Wilfired, you can
find his address in the contacts section. Sending stuff abroad is quite
cheap ( contrary to popular belief ), and i can certainly say that writing
to foreign contacts is very rewarding as some countries seem to get things
before we do. Serious programs are particulary prolific in Germany.
If there are any other STOS users out there from other countries besides
England then get in touch. We want to make STOSSER an international zine.
JIMBO from London writes:
Dear Ed,
Can i ask you to explain a little about the copyright of STOSSER. When
you say that anything written in the 'zine is copyright does this include
the routines and shell?.
I find that i get a very good learning situation from disecting the
listing of the previous issue ans trying to adapt it for my own use. I
use parts of your listings in my own programs but these are for my own use
and not for any commercial gain.
Incidentally, what happened to the source for issue 4 in issue 5's
Anyway, keep up the good work.
Right, first off, only the actual text articles are copyright. The source
and all that can be played with till your hearts content. BUT, if you use
it in your own programs and release it in any way, i.e. p.d. shareware,
whatever, then please credit the person whose code you used. There would
be little point us putting the listings on the 'zine if we told you you
couldn't use them. Some of the listings on the disk may have certain
conditions specified by the author though. It seems you are a man after
my own heart, i too like to mess about with the listings and see what i
can come up with.
As for the source for issue 4, did you see the welcome article?. Anyway,
for one reason or another, Tony didn't include the source to the last
issue but he did put tons of other nice little routines. So there should
have been more than enough to keep you occupied for a week or two. Sorry
about that anyway.
Glad you like the 'zine, you ain't seen nothing yet!.