No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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Due to the changes in involvement with STOSSER last month STOS 3-D didn't
make last months issue in time. But fret no more, because this month we
have combined both part two and three into one, so you'll be back up to
date again. WON'T YOU!!!!.
STOS 3-D PART 2 By Matthew Green.
This month we start using the Object Modeller that comes with STOS 3-D
Once you have loaded the program you are faced with a screen which has
a menu at the bottom and at the top yuo have the basic shapes that you
can work with.
If you click the left mouse button while you are on the black
background a white window should appear. If you click around the screen
you should find 7 windows. Two main ones which are used for
editing and 5 small ones which you use for storing objects in.
Well to begin select the one of the cube that you can see at the top,
a square should apear around it. Then if you select a editing window
to tell it where to copy to. Nothing happen... well you still have to
select 'copy' fuction, this is select by the button which has two
squares on it joind by an arrow.(second one from the left at the top
of the controll panel)
There you should now have a cube infront of you. if not start again...
Now you can rotate and move this by using the buttons that are above
the word 'STOS 3D'...See it.. good... The arrows move the object and
the botton with two circles on it rotates it round it's axes. try it..
Don't foget to move the mouse to controll the rotation
You have to keep clicking on the arrows to move the object unless you
use the right mouse botton which then mouse the object when you move
the mouse.
Some of the buttons have a different function when the right button is
used so watch out...
To change the shape of the object there are a number of ways you can
do this. If you want to change just one part of a block you use the
buttons left of the panel.(next to the long arrow go up and down)
If you want to change all the object at once you use the buttons on
the right of the panel. Before you can use these functions you must
click on the + button that is there. This should make small dots
appear on the object. You can now enlarge or decrease the object size.
Some of these functions need either a face selected or other parts of
the object. You select a face by click on one of the buttons which are
to the left of the large '!'. The top button selects a block, next
selects a face, next selects a line and the last one selects a point.
When you have any of these selected you can move what you have
selected by using the long arrow next to these buttons. You need to
hold the mouse button down and then move the mouse, you should now see
something moving on the object.
The buttons along the top of the panel are just some basic functions.
If you just click a bit if soon find out.
Remember to keep saving every so often in case you loose you work!!!
I won't go into the surface detail because it would take to long.
We won't need it any way for what we will do...
This has not been a very detailed lesson on how to use O.M but
maybe it has helped someone...
Next month we will start programming something is STOS. Which will
show you how to use STOS 3D to it's limits...( well nearly)
Well until next time...
Keep Trying!!!
STOS 3D Part 3 Matthew Green.
In the last lesson I just went over the basics of using the
Object Modeller and hopfully you may have learnt somthing
You must rember that when you save an object you must have
the front of it pointing away so it knows which is the front...
This time we will be looking at how to display the objects on
the screen. If you allready know how to go read somthing else!!
I have included a small program which lets you display objects
on the screen. This is the program that I start with when i
write a program.
Here is the list of it to see now....
20 rem
30 key off : curs off : hide on : mode 0
40 td init 50000
50 td load "disc"
60 td object 1,"disc",0,0,1000,0,5000,-4000
70 palette 0,$777,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$777,$7,$777
80 logic=back
90 repeat
100 rem - Move your objects here
130 td cls logic
140 td redraw logic
150 rem - You can draw on top of the 3D objects here
160 screen swap : wait vbl
170 until false
When you run the program make sure you have the Installtion
Disc in..
You can load differnet objects by changing the name in the program
to an objects name in the object dierctory.
In the program you will see that It uses the screen swap to make all
the objects smoother when they are all moving. The command you
must rember to put in is TD REDRAW logic,, this will redraw all the
bojects in there new postions. So you have to have this after you
have used all the move commands.
You should now have a picture of a disc infront of you.......
If you add these next lines it will make the object rotate.
110 TD ANGLE 1,A,B,C
120 A=A+1000
There that is how easy it is....
You can rotate in other directions by adding on B or C.....
Try replacing the TD ANGLE with TD MOVE ,,,, but don't add so much
to A.!!
As you can see it is very easy to move objects around just like moving
sprites around. But remeber that it is much easyer to lose objects in such
a large area so you could try using the TD FACE command...
Well that should leave you with somthing to do any way....
Next time I will go through some more commands and what they do
THE END......