No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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1 When you have a goal to aim for in life,make sure the posts are up.
2 A happy marriage is agreeing with your wife to only use the Computer
when not in bed with her.
3 When you have completed a program that took several months,then
compressed it,only to find a Bug appears in it.
4 All things in life are free,at a cost (Usually to you).
5 Finding a good program to use on a Cover Disk,but the Save has been
6 Children threatening to wipe out your disks if they can't play
Lemmings II on your Computer.
7 Not making a Back-up of your favourite Cover Disk Program.
8 Lending out your commercial disks to a friend and finding that he
thoughtfully installed a Virus Killer onto your Boot Sectors.
9 Seeing your own designed game on a Magazine Cover disk,with the
name changed.
10 Playing a game for three hours and not being able to complete the
last level.
11 Designing a picture with an Art package and finding that you only
needed just one more Colour to complete it.
12 Trying to convert a great picture that's in an unknown Format.
13 Trying out a very complicated program without Documents.
14 Removing very sticky Disk Labels and splitting your disk.
15 Saving valuable data,just when the Mains plug falls out.
16 Using a Word Processor and the Space Bar Breaks.
17 Wiping out a program that is needed 6 months later.
18 Trying every shop for some replacement disks,knowing that just 5
minutes earlier and you would have got them.
19 Having a Brilliant but difficult game,spending 2 hours sussing it out
then seeing it Crash right at the crucial moment of going to the
Second Level!!.
20 Wondering what all those little Bombs mean,and asking why does it
only happen to you.
21 Running a Ray-tracing Program for 10 Hours,only to find that you
have got one of the parameters WRONG!!.
22 Secretly Tip-toeing down stairs for a game because you cant sleep
only to find the volume is stuck at MAXIMUM on your Monitor Set.
23 Switching on your ST and finding it dead,because your wife decided to
give your Atari a treat and polish it with Spray Pledge.
24 Purchasing an ATARI mag packed with the Programs that you have always
wanted on the Cover Disk,only to find that they:
(A) Require at least 1 Meg to run.
(B) They don't work.
(C) A CNC Error comes up when you are extracting the ZIP Files.
(D) Vital Data is missing or corrupted.
(E) They tell you that it should have been put in an AUTO FOLDER to
make it run in the next Issue.
25 Finding your mouse ball has been used by the kids for thier crazy
golf game or as a play ball for the hampster.
26 Waiting a whole 4 weeks for your other Atari Magazines,only to find
that you have at least 32 versions of the same programs that are on
the Cover Disk.
27 Down-loading some important data from a Bulletin Board,when your next
door neighbour is using his 1000 watt C.B.Radio.
28 Using a Head Cleaning Disk that you can't remove from the Disk Drive
29 Running out of Ink halfway through printing out the Maastricht Treaty.
30 Using a Program that's written in German or French.
31 Choosing between your Upgrade and Divorce,or a new dress for the wife.
32 Getting an all new Hi-score and not being able to Save it.
33 Learning that your best mate had a Falcon for his Birthday.
34 Sending away for a Hardware Package with the Software Missing.
35 (You guessed it) Sending away for a Software Package and the Manual
is missing.
36 Ordering a Package that's on Special Offer from a Magazine to late.
37 Fitting an Upgrade yourself and wondering where that extra Red wire
38 Stopping the wife using your Disks to prop up her Kitchen Table with.
39 Buying some Disks from the Local Market and finding out they won't
40 Finding a bargain in a Car Boot Sale for an AMIGA.
41 If there is a possibility of several things going wrong,the one that
will cause the most damage will be the first one to go wrong.
42 If a program is useful,it will have to be changed.
43 If a program is useless, it will have to be documented (in German).
44 In some STOS programs,the machine will always misinterpret,
miscontrue or not evaluate any maths or subroutines on at least the
first run through.
45 When the STOS compiler accepts a program without error on the first
run,the program will not yield the desired output.
46 If the input editor has been designed to reject all bad input,an
ingenious idiot will discover a method to get bad data past it.
47 Just when you see the light at the end of the tunnel,the roof caves
48 In using STOS,nothing is ever right.Therefore,if everything is going
right...something is wrong.
49 If a test installation functions perfectly,all subsequent systems
will malfunction.
50 If builders built buildings the way some STOS Programmers wrote
programs,then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy
* Compiled,Written and all Laws Tested *
* at the cost of Disks,Marriage & Time *
* by Colin Pratt *
* Gosport Fun Factory ™ *
* 31,Mantle Close, *
* Rowner, *
* Gosport.PO13-9QS *