No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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By Tony Greenwood : 01/10/93 : 1.56 a.m.
Some of the following bits will probably be standard practise to
a lot of you, Some of the information may allready be known, But
then again you moght find something of use to you,
Allways View your Basic Listings in medium rez for readability
When viewing a listing for the first time , Such as the Source
given away in STOSSER, Allways check that there isnt a BREAK OFF
Command in the program, Because if there is then you will have to
reboot to get STOS running again as the BREAK OFF stops you using
the CONTROL+C method of breaking into a Basic program,
Some programs are massive and if a devious Programmer has put the
BREAK OFF in a subroutine down at the bottom of his/hers listing
that he calls early on in the program, Then you could have
difficulty finding it, Therefore use the SEARCH command ie:
SEARCH "break off" and if theres one in the program then it
will find it for you,
Personaly when making a program i use very simple Variables such
as X=2 etc or A$="tony" etc, Well if your program starts getting
a bit on the large size as my code for the diskzine tends to do
sometimes, Then you start to use things like X2=2 or XX22=9 etc
etc same goes for the string variables, I tend to use really
obscure variables when i am at the end of a program, That way i
can be pretty sure that i havent allready used it earlier on and
therefore cause some sort of crash, So you could find things like
WXFTDF3$="hello" Or something stupid like that, Well all these
are of course valid, And we can remember what they are for at the
time of writing them and testing out the routine, But it is a
problem when you come back to them a month or two later, Crickey!
its bad when i cannot follow my own code!, So the tip here is
when you have finished your program, Simply use the change
command to change them into something more readable, I mean you
must have seen listings with really neat variables such as
And its all through the program listing along with lots of
others like that, well believe me they havent typed that lot in
every time while programming, well they would have to have the
patience of a saint, no what they do when the program has been
completed they change what used to be the variable for player
one, ie P1
STOS will then go straight through the program changing all the
P1 Variables to the new one, Something important though, and i
dont think the manual points this out, notice i put a space
before and after, well if i dident then any other variable with
P1 in it would be changed, PP1 would become PTHIS VARIABLE etc
Another thing it can do is change commands, example, When i
installed the missing link extension i used change in a program ,
it went all the way through my massive listing changing all my
CLS's to the much faster WIPE : CHANGE " CLS " TO "WIPE"
Did you know that the Address for ST USER & ST REVIEW are the
same as that for MANDARIN SOFTWARE
Now i have the missing link extension i find i am no longer
using the misty extension, the only thing i found i needed misty
for was to completely dissable the mouse ( much needed when
screen handeling , such as scrollers ), well you can disable the
mouse without misty
DOKE $FFFCO2,$12 REM turns mouse completly off
DOKE $FFFCO2,$8 REM guess what!
If you make a program that uses the file selector then you will
have to make sure you alocate some window space when compiling
because, fileselectors use windows, Also you will notice that
they work in low rez in basic, but if you are wondering why your
compiled version crashes, then you need to change the mode to
medium for compiled proggys,
The SHIFT Command only shifts the 16 colours that are defined
in your pallete and not 512 like the soppy manual tells you
If all of a sudden you try to load your STOS disk only to find
there is a problem , example the STOS LOGO screen that opens up
while STOS is loading has suddenly become a bit of a mess, and
STOS just wont load, Well the chances are that you are suffering
the same problems i had a few months ago, Every now and then my
Language disk became ruined and i had to make another copy from
the original, Well if this is happening to you then STOP USING
THE SYSTEM COMMAND, and i think the problem of corrupt language
disks will go away, Mine did!
If you name your basic file that you are currently working on as
AUTOEXEC.BAS then next time you boot up stos it will
automaticlally load this as well,
Well thats all for this Article, Get writing in to KEEFY with
all your little hints and tips,
Keep on STOSSING all you STOSSERS!